Biden Vows To Shutdown Border If Congress OK's Deal

There is a years long backlog of court cases retard. Asylum seekers have the right under the law and the Constitution to have their day in Court.

That is a huge part of the problem

By limiting asylum criteria and beefing up the Court system those that have legitimate criteria to claim asylum can be processed in weeks rather than years

And MOST will not get favorable rulings because of the criteria changes enacted in this bill
Exactly right.

Asylum seekers are doing what Trump is doing with his court cases. Delay, delay, delay. Until they get their day in court they can't be convicted or deported.
U.S. Const, Art. IV, Sec. 4 ("The United States SHALL ... protect each [State] against invasion")
U.S. Const., Art. II, Sec. 3 (“[The President] SHALL take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”)
8 USC 1325 ("Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States . . . SHALL . . . be fined . . . or imprisoned . . . or both")
8 USC 1324 (”Any person who…(iv) encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States…; or (v)(I) . . . conspir[es]…or (II) aids or abets [these] acts, SHALL be punished…for each alien.”)
8 USC 1324 ("Any person who . . . conceals, harbors, or shields [an] alien . . . SHALL be imprisoned not more than 5 years.”)

Just for starters
You missed the part about asylum.

Which is why the asylum law needs to be changed.
Those who sneak across the border, or do not enter the country through one of our 28 ports are not assylum seekers, they are terrorists. Invaders, enemy combatants.

Kick them out.
Read the asylum law.

Which is why the asylum law needs to be changed.
In most cases that is what will happen under this bill
U.S. Const, Art. IV, Sec. 4 ("The United States SHALL ... protect each [State] against invasion")
U.S. Const., Art. II, Sec. 3 (“[The President] SHALL take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”)
8 USC 1325 ("Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States . . . SHALL . . . be fined . . . or imprisoned . . . or both")
8 USC 1324 (”Any person who…(iv) encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States…; or (v)(I) . . . conspir[es]…or (II) aids or abets [these] acts, SHALL be punished…for each alien.”)
8 USC 1324 ("Any person who . . . conceals, harbors, or shields [an] alien . . . SHALL be imprisoned not more than 5 years.”)

Just for starters
The only one of those that has any validity relating to this issue is 1325

And jailing millions kinda don’t work
Read the asylum law.
If your first act when entering the country is to break our laws that is not an asylum seeker, that is a criminal alien. They have no rights under the Constitution and should be treated as enemy combatants. Anyone harboring these enemy combatants should also be treated as such.

When you are being invaded you do not give aid and comfort to the invading force. Thats called treason.
If your first act when entering the country is to break our laws that is not an asylum seeker, that is a criminal alien.
As I said, read the asylum law. They're allowed to do that. To enter the country by whatever means, and once inside, apply for asylum.

That's why the asylum law needs to be changed.

Which the senate bill addresses.
Biden has had that power all along, and could have used it at any time during the past 3 years.

Now, with an election looming, the dullards in the White House are realizing how big a deal this is, and are scrambling.

Too little, too late... nobody trusts Sleepy Old Uncle Joe to actually follow-through with a border closure... so...

I suspect that it's going to have to wait now until January 20, 2025...
Maybe temporarily but it is up to congress to change the laws. I always thought the president could shut it down permanently too until I read below.

Exactly right.

Asylum seekers are doing what Trump is doing with his court cases. Delay, delay, delay. Until they get their day in court they can't be convicted or deported.
End Asylum loop hole then. Make stay in Mexico Perm.

Pass HR2

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