Biden Vows To Shutdown Border If Congress OK's Deal

Senate Republicans are willing to pass it.
Some are and others are not

Many swamp rats in both parties dont care what happens to America in the long term

They only care about getting reelected

And ss the public becomes more informed about the migrant invasion the senate bill is sure to be less popular
Biden and democrats have had 3 years to address ... and have done little to nothing. The only reason Biden is discussing this is because it's an election year. Democrats in sanctuary cities are struggling financially and have negative constituent feedback as the presence of illegals continues to grow.
You forgot congress
Cool. So why does a little piece of smoked salmon cost me $10 when it was $5 when Trump was President.
Ask, your grocer if he is wanting the same percentage return on investment, generated by Gross Profit Margin after paying more to get employees in a tightening labor market and where all other employers were facing the same pressures. Then, remember, it started with that huge pile of cash, literally dumped in to the economy at the end of Donny's term, and all that free money, looking like a good time to reclaim losses from the Covid shutdown, to get 5 year business plans back on track. Sounds like econ 101 to me.
Post it or STFU
As I said, the folks who the people elected to congress, who are telling us what's in the work in progress.

You should listen to them. They know what's in there, and what's not.
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Then, remember, it started with that huge pile of cash, literally dumped in to the economy at the end of Donny's term,
When Nazi Piglosi held the purse strings?

Oh, and we are sill spending more than then under Tater.
As I said, the folks who the people elected to congress, who are telling us what it's the work in progress.

You should listen to them. They know what's in there, and what's not.
And yet here you Liars are telling us whats in the bill not disclosed. Same BS as always. Released in the middle of the in morning....never shown to public to examine...and the FATE OF THE WORLD HANGS IN THE BALANCE BS.

Same BS as always
Why won't they put the bill on the senate web site for everyone to read? Hell they aren't letting senators read it.. I wonder why that is, what's so super duper secret?

Seems to be the method of the two parties over the last 15 years. They don't seem to show up, until the vote and often so long, they cannot be digested. If I was working, it might not bother me, as I was always very busy, but I have time, now. A lot of time, it is just not available to us. Hmmmm.

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