Biden Vows To Shutdown Border If Congress OK's Deal

Not so simple without congress, research.
Numbnuts the funds for the border was passed into law in December 2020.
Every year since Fiscal Year 2018, Congress had provided funds for barriers and fencing along the southwest border, clearly signaling Congress’s intent to secure the border with a physical barrier. However, President Biden halted the construction of the border wall the day he was inaugurated. This occurred despite a December 2020 law. Instead of endeavoring to enhance border security, reports indicate that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has been working with the Defense Logistics Agency to sell off hundreds of millions of dollars in border wall materials.

Biden said he would use a new emergency authority to handle the border if lawmakers could come together to pass the compromise bill.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden on Friday pressed Congress to embrace a bipartisan Senate deal to pair border enforcement measures with Ukraine aid, but House Speaker Mike Johnson suggested the compromise on border and immigration policy could be “dead on arrival” in his chamber.

The Democratic president said in a statement late Friday that the policies proposed would “be the toughest and fairest set of reforms to secure the border we’ve ever had in our country.” He also pledged to use a new emergency authority to “shut down the border” as soon as he could sign it into law.

Biden’s embrace of the deal — and Republican resistance — could become an election-year shift on the politics of immigration. Yet the diminishing prospects for its passage in Congress may have far-reaching consequences for U.S. allies around the globe, especially Ukraine.

Much more at the link below...


What more does Congress want from President Biden on the border? What do you think?

He's just a flat out liar. He will NOT shut down the border. The so called deal itself lets thousands of illegals cross over daily. That is NOT shutting down the border. It's just another big fat lie from Biden.
Numbnuts the funds for the border was passed into law in December 2020.
Every year since Fiscal Year 2018, Congress had provided funds for barriers and fencing along the southwest border, clearly signaling Congress’s intent to secure the border with a physical barrier. However, President Biden halted the construction of the border wall the day he was inaugurated. This occurred despite a December 2020 law. Instead of endeavoring to enhance border security, reports indicate that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has been working with the Defense Logistics Agency to sell off hundreds of millions of dollars in border wall materials.
Texas bought a bunch of it.
So your answer to xidens shit economy is, it could be worse? REALLY??????????????

You really have to look at thing through the lenses of history, other wise, making short term evaluations, without understanding what normal and abnormal really are, plus the pressure of politicians that do not want you to look, as real understanding in the populous is harder to manipulate either way.
Let the European countries fund Ukraine, why is it our responsibility?

Might be cheaper in men and treasure now, than waiting for a 3rd world war to come out of the same region, after waiting too long twice before.
And yet here you Liars are telling us whats in the bill not disclosed. Same BS as always. Released in the middle of the in morning....never shown to public to examine...and the FATE OF THE WORLD HANGS IN THE BALANCE BS.
Curious that you think the public would know more about what's in the bill by reading it, than the people who wrote it.
Remember courts interpret a laws ambiguity according to "legislative intent", which may go against a simple reading of the text.
Curious that you think the public would know more about what's in the bill by reading it, than the people who wrote it.
Remember courts interpret a laws ambiguity according to "legislative intent", which may go against a simple reading of the text.
Post the Senate Bill.
Like I said Biden doesn't need to get anything from Congress he has everything he needs. He should explain why he needs more
Hes a LIAR. He has been for 50 years. Ill take the HR 2 if it can kill the Asylum loop hole.

They will never agree. The money Biden got. The politicians stole it. They have been thieves selling a shell game forever
And that does nothing to erase the 25% inflation since xiden took office.

Did you get any covid relief money, free? Did you spend it? Were you willing to pay a little more, with the free money, while not even paying rent? Nothing is ever free. Sooner or later you pay for it. That is why spending should be watched, with an eye for money dumped without a material return on investment. Many people got free money or thought it was free. Free money is always inflationary.
We can thank the much maligned FED for it not being worse, and abating for the last year and a half.
Hes done exactly what his masters have told him to do. Allow open borders and then LIE ABOUT IT.
I don't know about any conspiracy theory masters behind curtains, but nobody can complain about your second sentence, as we all saw it.
Did you get any covid relief money, free? Did you spend it? Were you willing to pay a little more, with the free money, while not even paying rent? Nothing is ever free. Sooner or later you pay for it. That is why spending should be watched, with an eye for money dumped without a material return on investment. Many people got free money or thought it was free. Free money is always inflationary.
We can thank the much maligned FED for it not being worse, and abating for the last year and a half.
It was a shit sandwich forced on the people. But sitting in ass types loved the free..lmao money.

I went back to work 5 weeks and never stopped working after.

They understood the human mindset of being lazy. Getting money for no work.

Dumbest thing we ever did was shut down at all.
When Nazi Piglosi held the purse strings?

Oh, and we are sill spending more than then under Tater.
Yes, and Democrats and Republicans, and Donny took credit for sending the huge piles of free relief money to millions of voters, as if free money would only have an upside. Sooner or later, all that money takes the same paths back to the top, with each level getting a piece, and each business wanting to recoup losses from business plans, stalled for a year.
When it comes to border security, the commiecrats always lies.


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