Biden Vows To Shutdown Border If Congress OK's Deal

And you are absolutely full of shit.
Republicans across this country WANT secured borders! P-E-R-I-O-D!!!!
Nah, they just want something to be upset about. They demand something be done. When that measure is on the table, they still have tantrums and obstruct.

Pure theater.
My vote won‘t be for either major party, neither party’s nominee is worth voting for.

To be at this point in human history and running two 80 plus year old whites who have cognitive issues is an embarrassment to our great country.

You will get either Biden or Trump, but not with help from me, I’ll put in a third party candidate.
Politucians lose wars. They line their pockets from their arm sale buddies. Hell Libya was for arm sales to the Middle East.

We could secure the border in a month if we wanted to. And Europe could take Russia without us.
I think that is correct, but depends on the political will of the two parties, that presently hate each others guts, worshiping the quicksand the other walks on, country be damned
I think that is correct, but depends on the political will of the two parties, that presently hate each others guts, worshiping the quicksand the other walks on, country be damned
So im Maga and im tired of the BS on the border. They say a deal for 5000 a day. Refuse to even show the bill.

That is 1.8 million a year. Why would I ever agree to compromise like that?

You know how this game is played
Where has he been for the last three years? Did the doddering old fool just realize that we had a border crisis or is this all political theater? Lefties fall for it all the time.
Where has he been for the last three years? Did the doddering old fool just realize that we had a border crisis or is this all political theater? Lefties fall for it all the time.
Its election time. Time to pretend to care

Biden said he would use a new emergency authority to handle the border if lawmakers could come together to pass the compromise bill.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden on Friday pressed Congress to embrace a bipartisan Senate deal to pair border enforcement measures with Ukraine aid, but House Speaker Mike Johnson suggested the compromise on border and immigration policy could be “dead on arrival” in his chamber.

The Democratic president said in a statement late Friday that the policies proposed would “be the toughest and fairest set of reforms to secure the border we’ve ever had in our country.” He also pledged to use a new emergency authority to “shut down the border” as soon as he could sign it into law.

Biden’s embrace of the deal — and Republican resistance — could become an election-year shift on the politics of immigration. Yet the diminishing prospects for its passage in Congress may have far-reaching consequences for U.S. allies around the globe, especially Ukraine.

Much more at the link below...


What more does Congress want from President Biden on the border? What do you think?

So, he's been purposely ignoring the border up until now? Wonderful...What else has he been purposely doing to this country?
So im Maga and im tired of the BS on the border. They say a deal for 5000 a day. Refuse to even show the bill.

That is 1.8 million a year. Why would I ever agree to compromise like that?

You know how this game is played
I would like to know what the target total is. What extra measures being taken to get amnesty requests evaluated down to a 3 week basis and if not possible, borders closed and defended until it is possible, as, release to the interior of the country with a 1 year plus wait period for proceeding, while automatically supplementing their income is total BS. Yes, we need more border control agents and equipment. At the same time, easy to see why it would piss partisan legislators off, along with the rest of us, it was done in this way from the beginning, then waiting until election year to propose improvement, and then linked to other political hot potato. This is the same Washington two-step we have seen for the last 50 years.

I am totally not happy with the border. I do not like the direction of the disagreement between Texas and Washington, as it could be dangerous to the country. Part of last night, while I was not on the board, was occupied as an attempt to get me, to join a group of retirement military to go down there in a funded status, to assist. I was the coolest, "wait and see" in the discussion, tabled for the moment.
I would like to know what the target total is. What extra measures being taken to get amnesty requests evaluated down to a 3 week basis and if not possible, borders closed and defended until it is possible, as, release to the interior of the country with a 1 year plus wait period for proceeding, while automatically supplementing their income is total BS. Yes, we need more border control agents and equipment. At the same time, easy to see why it would piss partisan legislators off, along with the rest of us, it was done in this way from the beginning, then waiting until election year to propose improvement, and then linked to other political hot potato. This is the same Washington two-step we have seen for the last 50 years.

I am totally not happy with the border. I do not like the direction of the disagreement between Texas and Washington, as it could be dangerous to the country. Part of last night, while I was not on the board, was occupied as an attempt to get me, to join a group of retirement military to go down there in a funded status, to assist. I was the coolest, "wait and see" in the discussion, tabled for the moment.
Amnesty? No thanks
Amnesty? No thanks
I do not have a problem with all amnesty, but when it is just a dodge, to get around usual immigration for reasons of economic futures and opportunity, NO. I think, that is what 80% plus of this open borders BS has been about, and the stalemate on discussion of change, goals, economic impacts, involved in the whole immigration policy political fight over the years. Nobody wants to publicly address anything, but love to raise money and polish their partisan credentials, kind of like political cowardice for fun and profit.
Your post is pure projection. There is a border bill pending in Congress and MAGAs and the GOP are opposed to it. Just the facts.

And why is it you think quid pro joe is asking for more asylum officers than CBP agents? And telling TX to remove barriers will make the border less secure, that's just the facts as well, no projection involved..

Check your numbers.

The Bill limits the criteria for asylum and processes those eligible to TRY for asylum MUCH more quickly with the “surge” of money for doing so.

If the numbers threaten to overwhelm the system the border gets shut down.

And with the changes on asylum criteria , few of that “5,000” get to stay.

And oh by the way… let’s not forget that we WANT those workers to work in meat packing plants, fields, building our homes.

That last is a fact of life whether you like it or not.


Seems to be the method of the two parties over the last 15 years. They don't seem to show up, until the vote and often so long, they cannot be digested. If I was working, it might not bother me, as I was always very busy, but I have time, now. A lot of time, it is just not available to us. Hmmmm.

Yeah, they know the general public wouldn't buy their crap. But we can't continue to accept this "pass it so you can see what's in it" bullshit.


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