Biden Vows To Shutdown Border If Congress OK's Deal

He sure didn't need any for his Executive order the day after he was inaugurated that screwed up the border worse and worse as it went along. Gotta give ya, that one!
Where is the money from the resale of all that wall material?
Where is the money from the resale of all that wall material?
That is a General Services Administration Question, that would probably require a freedom of information act request, if you even found out, at all.
That is a General Services Administration Question, that would probably require a freedom of information act request, if you even found out, at all.
It's biden's administration who has to give the approval. For the sell.
Nah, they just want something to be upset about. They demand something be done. When that measure is on the table, they still have tantrums and obstruct.

Pure theater.

Yeah, we're supposed to believe Joe Biden suddenly wants to secure the border!
I guess that's why he ran to the Supreme Court in order to be able to remove the border razor wire.
God you're gullible.
Yeah Biden wants to secure the border.

Lol! I guess that's why he ran to the Supreme Court to be able to remove the border razor wire.

Biden said he would use a new emergency authority to handle the border if lawmakers could come together to pass the compromise bill.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden on Friday pressed Congress to embrace a bipartisan Senate deal to pair border enforcement measures with Ukraine aid, but House Speaker Mike Johnson suggested the compromise on border and immigration policy could be “dead on arrival” in his chamber.

The Democratic president said in a statement late Friday that the policies proposed would “be the toughest and fairest set of reforms to secure the border we’ve ever had in our country.” He also pledged to use a new emergency authority to “shut down the border” as soon as he could sign it into law.

Biden’s embrace of the deal — and Republican resistance — could become an election-year shift on the politics of immigration. Yet the diminishing prospects for its passage in Congress may have far-reaching consequences for U.S. allies around the globe, especially Ukraine.

Much more at the link below...


What more does Congress want from President Biden on the border? What do you think?

He could shut it down now if he wanted to.
It's biden's administration who has to give the approval. For the sell.
If there is government material paid for sitting on a site and that project has been halted, the material is the property of the GSA and they are responsible for it's inventory, security, storage and disposition of the asset. In a perfect word (haven't found on yet) proceeds would go into the original account, but an account closed would not be reopened, so would undoubtedly go into general fund GSA for dispersal on open projects.
BS. That is not the main problem with the border, just another big problem with the border. There has been illegal smuggling of booze, weapons, drugs, since the country began. A wall, won't stop that, and has not in any country on earth. The problem is inviting a migrating world population to have free access to settle in the US on the pretense they are in need of asylum from harsh government situations, when really they are just like everybody else, that applies to immigrate, to settle in this country, except, the want to start their time here, by jumping all lines, all controls, in mass, and without checks in place or control of their entry, while expecting and getting benefits from the US Government, on the dole of the American Taxpayer. Court dates for even hearing whether they should be in the country at all, not even schedule for same calendar year they arrived. They do not get work permits, so we support them from the start. Many end up in the underground economy, being illegally hired by US companies, with a wink and a nod. The whole idea is ludicrous and both the Dems and the Reps perpetuate the farce.

Actually xiden is abusing the parole system and giving them work permits, so they can work anywhere they want. And they are requiring the CBP to allow them entry using known coached talking points. The CBP knows they are here for economic reasons but are required to let them in anyway. I say we just start shooting anyone bringing in illegals in on boats or jet skis, they are committing a felony. Hell, I wouldn't have a problem with shooting a shit load of them, that would put a stop to it.

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As I said, read the asylum law. They're allowed to do that. To enter the country by whatever means, and once inside, apply for asylum.

That's why the asylum law needs to be changed.

Which the senate bill addresses.
Under international law, your allowed to seek asylum in the first country you enter, not travel across that country to the more favorable country. That is illegal.

If they land on our shores, they may seek assylum. if their mexican they can seek assylum

In every other scenario its illegal and the law your quoting doe not apply. But keep trying.
Actually xiden is abusing the parole system and giving them work permits, so they can work anywhere they want. And they are requiring the CBP to allow them entry using known coached talking points. The CBP knows they are here for economic reasons but are required to let them in anyway. I say we just start shooting anyone bringing in illegals in on boats ore jet skis, they are committing a felony. Hell, I wouldn't have a problem with shooting a shit load of them, that would put a stop to it.

Nah. That is before they make it across the border, I think.
If there is government material paid for sitting on a site and that project has been halted, the material is the property of the GSA and they are responsible for it's inventory, security, storage and disposition of the asset. In a perfect word (haven't found on yet) proceeds would go into the original account, but an account closed would not be reopened, so would undoubtedly go into general fund GSA for dispersal on open projects.
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Biden should be denied the funds and impeached for misappropriation of funds marked for building the wall.
I didn't either, as my home has been paid for since I was 55, to all I got was the inflationary effects of people with free money to spend and businesses wanting recoup losses to business plan from covid disruption, both by the government giveaways and increasing price on increased money supply to the masses, even if they had no losses.

Yep, now we have the government returning money businesses paid in withholding taxes.

Biden should be denied the funds and impeached for misappropriation of funds marked for building the wall.
Won't happen. They didn't impeach Trump when he stole the money from the Military school construction, Military base hurricane damage repair, and fixing the water and sewage handling on the marine base, that was slotted, allotted by line and paragraph number, signed off by the House, the Senate and President trump, when he was bragging of the best budget passed in years, then reallocated by trump (even though only the House of Representatives controls the purse strings, by our constitution). It is not like presidents have line and paragraph veto or spending rights. So don't look for it.
Won't happen. They didn't impeach Trump when he stole the money from the Military school construction, Military base hurricane damage repair, and fixing the water and sewage handling on the marine base, that was slotted, allotted by line and paragraph number, signed off by the House, the Senate and President trump, when he was bragging of the best budget passed in years, then reallocated by trump (even though only the House of Representatives controls the purse strings, by our constitution). It is not like presidents have line and paragraph veto or spending rights. So don't look for it.
This should be bipartisan. Democrats are slowly acknowledging the border crisis. So why wouldn't democrats support impeachment?

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