Biden Vows To Shutdown Border If Congress OK's Deal

You really have to look at thing through the lenses of history, other wise, making short term evaluations, without understanding what normal and abnormal really are, plus the pressure of politicians that do not want you to look, as real understanding in the populous is harder to manipulate either way.

We already know what worse looks like, it was just two years ago. And just so you know, I survived the carter years, gas rationing and all that crap.

We already know what worse looks like, it was just two years ago. And just so you know, I survived the carter years, gas rationing and all that crap.

Been fun, ain't it?
Might be cheaper in men and treasure now, than waiting for a 3rd world war to come out of the same region, after waiting too long twice before.

And what is the southern border costing us in men and treasure right now? 112,000 dead last year from fentanyl. All the chemicals coming out of China, along with the 24,000 Chinese that have crossed our border. Almost all military aged males. Ukraine is taking our eye off the ball.

Yes, and Democrats and Republicans, and Donny took credit for sending the huge piles of free relief money to millions of voters, as if free money would only have an upside. Sooner or later, all that money takes the same paths back to the top, with each level getting a piece, and each business wanting to recoup losses from business plans, stalled for a year.
So explain why Biden needs anything from Congress? The law passed that would do what needs to be done. And what did Biden do with the money from the sell of the wall material that the government had already paid for?
Did you get any covid relief money, free? Did you spend it? Were you willing to pay a little more, with the free money, while not even paying rent? Nothing is ever free. Sooner or later you pay for it. That is why spending should be watched, with an eye for money dumped without a material return on investment. Many people got free money or thought it was free. Free money is always inflationary.
We can thank the much maligned FED for it not being worse, and abating for the last year and a half.

Actually I saved it, and I have a mortgage, so I got nothing from the illegal rent relief.

They're gonna keep coming as long as there is work for them.

Not if they know they will be going to jail and will be deported. I seriously doubt they can pay the cartels multiple times.

And what is the southern border costing us in men and treasure right now? 112,000 dead last year from fentanyl. All the chemicals coming out of China, along with the 24,000 Chinese that have crossed our border. Almost all military aged males. Ukraine is taking our eye off the ball.

BS. That is not the main problem with the border, just another big problem with the border. There has been illegal smuggling of booze, weapons, drugs, since the country began. A wall, won't stop that, and has not in any country on earth. The problem is inviting a migrating world population to have free access to settle in the US on the pretense they are in need of asylum from harsh government situations, when really they are just like everybody else, that applies to immigrate, to settle in this country, except, the want to start their time here, by jumping all lines, all controls, in mass, and without checks in place or control of their entry, while expecting and getting benefits from the US Government, on the dole of the American Taxpayer. Court dates for even hearing whether they should be in the country at all, not even schedule for same calendar year they arrived. They do not get work permits, so we support them from the start. Many end up in the underground economy, being illegally hired by US companies, with a wink and a nod. The whole idea is ludicrous and both the Dems and the Reps perpetuate the farce.
Well allow me to clarify:

If the bill dies, it's Trumps fault.

Now you know.
Numbnuts Joe has everything he needs to secure the border. The law was in place when he sold the material to build the wall. So what did he do with the money?
Actually I saved it, and I have a mortgage, so I got nothing from the illegal rent relief.

I didn't either, as my home has been paid for since I was 55, to all I got was the inflationary effects of people with free money to spend and businesses wanting recoup losses to business plan from covid disruption, both by the government giveaways and increasing price on increased money supply to the masses, even if they had no losses.
BS. That is not the main problem with the border, just another big problem with the border. There has been illegal smuggling of booze, weapons, drugs, since the country began. A wall, won't stop that, and has not in any country on earth. The problem is inviting a migrating world population to have free access to settle in the US on the pretense they are in need of asylum from harsh government situations, when really they are just like everybody else, that applies to immigrate, to settle in this country, except, the want to start their time here, by jumping all lines, all controls, in mass, and without checks in place or control of their entry, while expecting and getting benefits from the US Government, on the dole of the American Taxpayer. Court dates for even hearing whether they should be in the country at all, not even schedule for same calendar year they arrived. They do not get work permits, so we support them from the start. Many end up in the underground economy, being illegally hired by US companies, with a wink and a nod. The whole idea is ludicrous and both the Dems and the Reps perpetuate the farce.
Why does Biden need anything from Congress?
Where is the money Joe?
Every year since Fiscal Year 2018, Congress had provided funds for barriers and fencing along the southwest border, clearly signaling Congress’s intent to secure the border with a physical barrier. However, President Biden halted the construction of the border wall the day he was inaugurated. This occurred despite a December 2020 law. Instead of endeavoring to enhance border security, reports indicate that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has been working with the Defense Logistics Agency to sell off hundreds of millions of dollars in border wall materials.
1. We have full employment. We actually need those workers.


Straight up leftard LIE.

2. Votes are what really bothers you. In spite of the fact that it would be a decade before any of those people COULD vote and there no guarantee that they would vote either left or right.

WTF do you know about what bothers me, brainless leftard?

They are generally conservative Catholics

But you are told to fear that so you do.
Oh look, Kreskin is at it again.

Leftards are completely full of shit.
Why does Biden need anything from Congress?
He sure didn't need any for his Executive order the day after he was inaugurated that screwed up the border worse and worse as it went along. Gotta give ya, that one!

But the real answer is he now want to spend some money (probably a lot, who knows) to fix parts of it. Got to remember though, addition agents and facilities only necessary, because he invited come one, come all, and they did.
You mean the one you commies fought tooth and nail, xiden refused to finish and has ordered all the gates in it opened. All part of their MO.

Youre arguing about something that is meaningless the correct question is. Why does Biden need to ask Congress for anything. Since Congress has already approved money for the border. What did Biden do with the money?

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