Biden was right; Putin is a Killer. a CRIMINAL

yeah none. it’s meaningless and unenforceable

My local PTA might as well do it
No. You said they had no authority. You are wrong so stop diverting. I never suggested they would obey it and they probably won't but don't lie by saying the can't do it. They just did you idiot.
at least he’s admitting xiden and the dems are in over their headsp
Hardly. Biden as POTUS is dealing with a foreign policy crisis, the worst since 9/11.

Go find someone else to soothe your hurt feelings, dry your tears & change your diaper.
No. You said they had no authority. You are wrong so stop diverting. I never suggested they would obey it and they probably won't but don't lie by saying the can't do it. They just did you idiot.
They don't....they have no authority....nothing will be done over this. They can't enforce it. They have no authority. Like I said, my PTA could do the same thing, it's meaningless
Hardly. Biden as POTUS is dealing with a foreign policy crisis, the worst since 9/11.

Go find someone else to soothe your hurt feelings, dry your tears & change your diaper.
Yep....and he's been wrong on every foreign policies position for 50's no wonder these crisis developed under his watch.
They are all cringing with shame. Trump led them to the edge then asked them to jump over while he watched.
They will eventually wake up he was wrong.
You suck as a liar. Obama-Clinton-Biden caused this when they were interfering in Ukraine through The Podesta Group, financing a COUP there. Remember Manafort? That is what Obama sent him to Ukraine for. Diaper Joe just continued the work.

Russia and Ukraine were at peace until Obama, Clinton and Biden got involved. They did the same thing in Egypt, Libya, and Syria destabilizing all three countries.
No Putin is not a war criminal, because he had no choice, and is not deliberately targeting civilians, like Bush did with "Shock and Awe".

The Ukraine violated the 1992 treaties, tried to join NATO, tried to put nukes on Russia's border, murdered thousands of ethnic Russians in the Donetsk and Crimea, stole billions in Russian oil, and finally broke off the negotiations.

There was then no other choice left.
The Ukraine was such a criminal that it had to be invaded.
Says Putin's Sock Puppet
Biden was also correct that Putin will invade Ukraine.
Does anyone actually believe what comes out of Putin’s mouth? “Russia will not invade Ukraine”. LOL!

The targeted civilian deaths & destruction in Ukraine OBVIOUSLY makes Putin a war criminal aka a KILLER.
There are haters of America's elected president whose mindless, knee-jerk response to his coordination of NATO and other democracies in severely disciplining blatant Russian aggression aligns with their inveterate bellywhinging about him in every respect. The American electorate decisively chose the President over their Cry Baby Loser who is still too self-obsessed and morally-feeble to handle the truth.

The chronic natterninnies spew their ideological claptrap, but they are of little consequence. The United States is, once again, assuming its role of global leadership, and the carping dung-flingers are of negligible consequence.
No. You said they had no authority. You are wrong so stop diverting. I never suggested they would obey it and they probably won't but don't lie by saying the can't do it. They just did you idiot.
They have as much "authority" as my local

If it's unenforceable it's not authority
Putin had every right to be concerned about the possibility of NATO on its border. There the defense of his actions ends. Just because our country+ most other nations have started or became involved in war conflicts in the past is no excuse for new wars.
Probably not but I'm Definately trying to help you understand you are wrong.
It would be easier to teach a snake to whistle than teach you anything.
Wrong about what, oh omniscient one??
Again, you are an obvious liar. For the record, I rarely call people liars on this board but you've made the cut.
This is what happens when you catch a Russian troll in a blatant contradiction. You get a complete meltdown.

Third person iggied
Woot! Another fascist loser surrenders! And I still get to mock "her" over and over!

Time to go carve another notch in my fascist-whacking stick. About to fall apart, that stick is, it's got so many notches in it.

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