Biden will have his first Presser

It will be hard to watch this badly aging, rapidily degerating tool of the far left, making a complete fool of himself, before the press and American people. I'm sure the majority of press representitives questioning him will be liberals tossing him softball "questions", designed to elicit Democrat-favorable responses.

Will he be wearing an earphone, and be fed answers ? Quite possibly.
Will he call on conservative press people ? Probably not.
Will we hear any criticism of his crazy, destructive policies that are wrecking the country, such as the disaster he created at the southern border ? Maybe, maybe not.

I wouldn't bet on any of this to be anything more than a staged photo-op, rigged to benefit Biden and the Democrat agenda.

Get ready for the gaffe count.
You say all this despite all the public appearances and debates he had with Trump. You people are so desperate for this narrative lol
You need to die. Really!
Well even if I did, Biden is still president and Trump’s fatass still managed only one term. What losers you people are lol
I would have preferred the orange buffoon had done ZERO is his four years. An hour-plus of a spoiled eight year old boy bullshitting and patting himself on the back, all just to soothe his damaged ego. Good gawd, the relief STILL washes over me like a cool ocean wave on a hot summer day.
I know. It’s like a drug. It gives you a high knowing a mature, intelligent adult is now president.
It will be hard to watch this badly aging, rapidily degerating tool of the far left, making a complete fool of himself, before the press and American people. I'm sure the majority of press representitives questioning him will be liberals tossing him softball "questions", designed to elicit Democrat-favorable responses.

Will he be wearing an earphone, and be fed answers ? Quite possibly.
Will he call on conservative press people ? Probably not.
Will we hear any criticism of his crazy, destructive policies that are wrecking the country, such as the disaster he created at the southern border ? Maybe, maybe not.

I wouldn't bet on any of this to be anything more than a staged photo-op, rigged to benefit Biden and the Democrat agenda.

Get ready for the gaffe count.
You say all this despite all the public appearances and debates he had with Trump. You people are so desperate for this narrative lol
You need to die. Really!
Well even if I did, Biden is still president and Trump’s fatass still managed only one term. What losers you people are lol

Sure because the last election was stolen.

Hope that stuttering fuck gets bombarded with questions about his OPEN BORDER.

Hope he also gets bombarded with questions about allowing illegals into our country, many with the Chinese virus. His answers, if he has any, should be interesting.
Tell me, what is your solution to this border crisis. What SHOULD he do about it?
Repeal his ridiculous EOs and finish the wall.
me, what is your solution to this border crisis. What SHOULD he do about it?
First we stop the bleeding - aka BUILD THE WALL

then reenforce the structure with electronic survielence and human patrols

that will stop 95% of the illegal traffic into this country

since libs hate employers so much they can have improved E-Verify

that way if an employer does not use the system and is caught with an illegal alien employee they will be punished

and seize all the assets of the employee and deport them and their entire family

there is more that we can do but that would be a great start
You say all this despite all the public appearances and debates he had with Trump. You people are so desperate for this narrative lol
What do you mean "despite" ? Trump shredded him. Everyone knows that. As for public appearances, Biden hid in his basement for months, while Trump had millions of people attending his jam-packed rallies, all over the country.

Then when Biden came out of his basement and decided to have an important rally (with Kamala Harris), in Arizona, NOBODY showed up.

Tell me, what is your solution to this border crisis. What SHOULD he do about it ?
He should cancel all his pro-migration policies, complete the work on the wall, and reinstate the Trump policies, which had the border more secure than any time since the late 1950's, after Eisenhower's Operation Wetback.

He could also build moats alongside the wall, and stock it with alligators. We have plenty here in Florida, we'll be happy to get rid of.

I would have preferred the orange buffoon had done ZERO is his four years. An hour-plus of a spoiled eight year old boy bullshitting and patting himself on the back, all just to soothe his damaged ego. Good gawd, the relief STILL washes over me like a cool ocean wave on a hot summer day.

Yes, but you fucking HATE America, deeply and bitterly.

Obama's Biden regime shares your hate!
I would have preferred the orange buffoon had done ZERO is his four years. An hour-plus of a spoiled eight year old boy bullshitting and patting himself on the back, all just to soothe his damaged ego. Good gawd, the relief STILL washes over me like a cool ocean wave on a hot summer day.
Maybe that's because your liberal OMISSION media has done such a good job of keeping you ignorant of all the good things Trump did. More accomplishments than president in US history. Start watching Newsmax, airhead.
Tell me, what is your solution to this border crisis. What SHOULD he do about it?

Finish the fucking wall, you moron. Reinstate the "remain in Mexico policy."

The last LEGITIMATE president, Trump, had the border under control. Now this senile old rapist has created a MASSIVE humanitarian crisis by inviting all of the third world to bring their Covid to America.
You say all this despite all the public appearances and debates he had with Trump. You people are so desperate for this narrative lol
What do you mean "despite" ? Trump shredded him. Everyone knows that. As for public appearances, Biden hid in his basement for months, while Trump had millions of people attending his jam-packed rallies, all over the country.

Then when Biden came out of his basement and decided to have an important rally (with Kamala Harris), in Arizona, NOBODY showed up.

Lol Trump can’t shred shit. All that moron can do is interrupt and throw zingers like 14 year old child. He’s a pathetic excuse for a politician.

You keep saying this basement shit yet there is plenty of evidence he campaigned heavily.
It will be hard to watch this badly aging, rapidily degerating tool of the far left, making a complete fool of himself, before the press and American people. I'm sure the majority of press representitives questioning him will be liberals tossing him softball "questions", designed to elicit Democrat-favorable responses.

Will he be wearing an earphone, and be fed answers ? Quite possibly.
Will he call on conservative press people ? Probably not.
Will we hear any criticism of his crazy, destructive policies that are wrecking the country, such as the disaster he created at the southern border ? Maybe, maybe not.

I wouldn't bet on any of this to be anything more than a staged photo-op, rigged to benefit Biden and the Democrat agenda.

Get ready for the gaffe count.
We know it will be rigged in Beijing Biden's favor. There will be cheating, scamming, evasion, and deception- this is the only way lefties can do business.
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Sure because the last election was stolen.

Hope that stuttering fuck gets bombarded with questions about his OPEN BORDER.

Hope he also gets bombarded with questions about allowing illegals into our country, many with the Chinese virus. His answers, if he has any, should be interesting.
Democrats will set this up to allow him to DODGE all those issues. I'll be surprised if ANY conservatives will get a chance to ask a question, and I reckon this will be one of the shortest duration press conferences In US history.
Just like in his visit to a store in Pennsylvania a few days ago, his aides will be shouting "Let's go! Let's go"
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Yup. "Great" for China, illegal aliens, criminals, jihadist Muslims, black supremacists, pedophiles, Transupremacists, and other assorted, deranged misfits.
Great for Notth Korea.
It is the typical Democrat sham.

Reporters had to submit questions in advance.
Lefties rely upon corruption, deception, scams, cheating, lying, stealing, and evasion. Beijing Biden will not be held accountable to answer the questions that need answers.
I would have preferred the orange buffoon had done ZERO is his four years. An hour-plus of a spoiled eight year old boy bullshitting and patting himself on the back, all just to soothe his damaged ego. Good gawd, the relief STILL washes over me like a cool ocean wave on a hot summer day.
Maybe that's because your liberal OMISSION media has done such a good job of keeping you ignorant of all the good things Trump did. More accomplishments than president in US history. Start watching Newsmax, airhead.
So Newsmax is where I'll get da troof?

Lol Trump can’t shred shit. All that moron can do is interrupt and throw zingers like 14 year old child. He’s a pathetic excuse for a politician.

You keep saying this basement shit yet there is plenty of evidence he campaigned heavily.
HA HA HA HA. "campaigned heavily" Oh man, you DUPES are pathetic. Unbelievable the stuff your media feeds you, and you believe it. Here's the bridge I have for sale. Only $300. I need to know by tonight.

So Newsmax is where I'll get da troof?
Those who actually want the truth will look for the truth. Those who are looking for information that confirms their bias will look for information that confirm their bias.
I know. It’s like a drug. It gives you a high knowing a mature, intelligent adult is now president.
1. Biden is a bit TOO mature. (aka senile)
2. He's one of the LEAST intelligent people ever to be in the govt.
3. He's not "president". He is a HIGHJACKER, who has used a widespread fraud conspiracy to highjack the White House. he was in on it from the beginning, which is why he stayed in his basement for months, didn't campaign, and laughed a lot, figuring he already had the election sewed up, from his fraud setup.

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