Biden will have his first Presser

My questions for Joe.
1 How long will it take the Taxpayers to payoff the $1.9 trillion covid bill?
2 Why did only 9% of the "covid" relief bill actually go towards covid?
3 Is is fair that Taxpayers are bailing out the Blue states?
4 Why do the Democrats want to undermine Election Integrity with their HR1 bill?
5 Is it fair to people who have legally immigrated to have open borders?

What questions would you ask Joe if you could?

Biden prepares to give his first press conference since taking office 65 days ago | Daily Mail Online
I bet they ask him how he is going dismantle the second amendment.
Those who actually want the truth will look for the truth. Those who are looking for information that confirms their bias will look for information that confirm their bias.
Those who want the truth, will look for the Mexican border to be called a crisis. They will look for massive unemployment and skyrocketing gas prices, from shutting down the Keystone Pipeline, to be discussed. They will look for the destruction of womens' sports by transex men to be discussed. They will look for gun grabbing against law-abiding Americans, facilitating mass shootings, to be discussed. hey will look for the waste of taxpayers' money for reparations for blacks who never experience slavery or Jim Crow, but instead have been beneficiaries of Affirmative Action, to be discussed.
It will be hard to watch this badly aging, rapidily degerating tool of the far left, making a complete fool of himself, before the press and American people. I'm sure the majority of press representitives questioning him will be liberals tossing him softball "questions", designed to elicit Democrat-favorable responses.

Will he be wearing an earphone, and be fed answers ? Quite possibly.
Will he call on conservative press people ? Probably not.
Will we hear any criticism of his crazy, destructive policies that are wrecking the country, such as the disaster he created at the southern border ? Maybe, maybe not.

I wouldn't bet on any of this to be anything more than a staged photo-op, rigged to benefit Biden and the Democrat agenda.

Get ready for the gaffe count.
You say all this despite all the public appearances and debates he had with Trump. You people are so desperate for this narrative lol
You need to die. Really!
Well even if I did, Biden is still president and Trump’s fatass still managed only one term. What losers you people are lol

Sure because the last election was stolen.

Hope that stuttering fuck gets bombarded with questions about his OPEN BORDER.

Hope he also gets bombarded with questions about allowing illegals into our country, many with the Chinese virus. His answers, if he has any, should be interesting.
It's not going to happen----all questions have to be submitted in writing before hand and asked by fellow communists in the media.....
It will be hard to watch this badly aging, rapidily degerating tool of the far left, making a complete fool of himself, before the press and American people. I'm sure the majority of press representitives questioning him will be liberals tossing him softball "questions", designed to elicit Democrat-favorable responses.

Will he be wearing an earphone, and be fed answers ? Quite possibly.
Will he call on conservative press people ? Probably not.
Will we hear any criticism of his crazy, destructive policies that are wrecking the country, such as the disaster he created at the southern border ? Maybe, maybe not.

I wouldn't bet on any of this to be anything more than a staged photo-op, rigged to benefit Biden and the Democrat agenda.

Get ready for the gaffe count.
You say all this despite all the public appearances and debates he had with Trump. You people are so desperate for this narrative lol
You need to die. Really!
Well even if I did, Biden is still president and Trump’s fatass still managed only one term. What losers you people are lol

Sure because the last election was stolen.

Hope that stuttering fuck gets bombarded with questions about his OPEN BORDER.

Hope he also gets bombarded with questions about allowing illegals into our country, many with the Chinese virus. His answers, if he has any, should be interesting.
It's not going to happen----all questions have to be submitted in writing before hand and asked by fellow communists in the media.....

I'm not surprised. That stuttering fuck doesn't want any tough questions like about his actions with his open border. Mans a fucking lunatic.
Well, I believe that you believe that.
You don't know what to believe - that's why you need to watch Newsmax. :biggrin:
Out of curiosity: Do you watch NewsMax because it covers the stories you want covered in the way you want them covered, or do you watch it because you believe it gives you the whole story without embellishment, representing both sides of a story accurately and fully?

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