Biden won in 2020 because of the absentee vote

First of all... Grasp your ears firmly and remove your head from your ass.

Second... the term "snowflake" is reserved specifically for leftists whiners, such as yourself. Only leftists have inflated sense of uniqueness, and unwarranted sense of entitlement, and is unable to deal with opposing opinions. Just read your own posts, and you'll recognize it. Nice try, but you failed...
Yup definitely cranky.

Itā€™s going to be ok, snowflake. Biden is your president now. :)
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Yup definitely cranky.

Itā€™s going to be ok, snowflake. Biden is your president now. :)

What, shrink don't give you more than two hours of internet a day?

Haha, you're using snowflake again. Too bad stupidity isn't painful. Don't forget your meds.

By the way, I always wanted to know, and I would appreciate if you can tell me what color is the sky in your world?
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What, shrink don't give you more than two hours of internet a day?

Haha, you're using snowflake again. Too bad stupidity isn't painful. Don't forget your meds.

By the way, I always wanted to know, and I would appreciate if you can tell me what color is the sky in your world?
Apparently snowflakes donā€™t like being called snowflake. Isnā€˜t that right, snowflake? ;)

The sky here is the same color you see when you need air and have to momentarily dislodge your head from Trumpā€™s ass.
Apparently snowflakes donā€™t like being called snowflake. Isnā€˜t that right, snowflake? ;)

The sky here is the same color you see when you need air and have to dislodge your head from Trumpā€™s ass.
How original... right after I told you "Grasp your ears firmly and remove your head from your ass."

You can call me however you want. It doesn't bother me since I am not leftist.

Now, don't cry and answer, what color is that, precisely?

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How did it flip by ten points if the fraud is so easy to commit, particularly when the party you falsely continue to accuse of all this magical fraud controlled the entire state government when they lost?

Comparing a gubernatorial election to a presidential election is a flawed analysis. The red state / blue state model typically doesn't hold when it comes to electing governors. People have a different set of issues they are voting on, which is why most of my life Massachusetts has had Republican governors despite being overwhelmingly Democratic.

How? I would say that 2016 was as polarizing as 2020. Now compare the 2020 with 2016 and say this is normal.

My argument is that optics are bad and hence 40% or more believe the election was stolen. If you canā€™t see that the optics are bad, I cannot help you. Go back to South America.
You can't do shit with optics. It's like fishing with no bait, or beating a dead horse.

You don't need to help me. You're the one going down the empty rabbit hole.
How? I would say that 2016 was as polarizing as 2020. Now compare the 2020 with 2016 and say this is normal.

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You, like the OP, are the gift that keeps on giving. You just made my case for me. See what happens when minorities are able to use mail-in and absentee after the Right closed down 1688 polling places in minority areas? It tells us, if that were possible back in 2016, Trump would have lost then.
How? I would say that 2016 was as polarizing as 2020. Now compare the 2020 with 2016 and say this is normal.

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2020 was more polarizing. That was after four years of chaos with Trump in office. Everyone, for or against him, had very strong opinions about Trump.

I had been telling you guys for months that many apolitical people I know were not apolitical anymore. All because of Trump.

Of course thatā€™s just anecdotal. Now add that to the fact that we saw a YUGE increase in voter turnout in the 2018 midterms. Clearly also Trump-inspired.

The point of your crybaby temper tantrum is to point at the high number of votes and high number of votes by mail. Anyone who isnā€™t retarded (not your fault) was able to see that coming. You Trumpster retards canā€™t grasp the reality that the demagogue you worship was and still is absolutely despised by much of the country. Not complicated.

You throw your hissy fit and make ridiculous conspiracy theories because you canā€™t accept that reality. And thatā€™s your problem. Cry for me you little bitch. :)

Biden won in 2020 because of the absentee vote​

Mail-in ballots had become the preferable method of voting for Americans due to Covid.

The pandemic helped popularize early voting and mail-in ballots. Americans cast 101,453,111 early votes. That is 64.1% of the total votes cast in 2020. The total number of mail-in ballots was 65,642,049.
Convenient polling places, drop boxes, and early and by-mail voting enhance participatory democracy, but partisan attempts to suppress the vote are eliminating convenience: restricting hours, locations, and imposing bureaucratic red tape.

Too many American exercising their constitutional franchise - in some cases, achieved only after a long, bloody struggle - is vehemently resisted by those with a vested interest in imposing constraints.

As a practical matter in the 2020 election, some foolish candidates - including even some who voted by mail themselves - irrationally discouraged their supporters from participating in the election by this conducive manner.

If Trump supporters had not been indoctrinated into the delusional distrust of mail-in ballots, it is entirely reasonable to speculate that the Loser might have lost by fewer than the 7,052,770 votes that were the President's margin of victory.

Of course, some pleasure themselves with airy-fairy paranoid delusions when empirical reality does not accommodate them. (Recall when Trump blithely conjured up 3-5 million invisible bogus balloters in 2016, not one of whom could ever be found or identified.)

An Associated Press investigation into the 2020 election found fewer than 475 cases of voter fraud in six battleground states...
Reporters conducted a months-long examination of the election, which the AP called one of the most comprehensive to date, at more than 300 local election offices where ballots were submitted in swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. President Biden won those states by a combined 311,257 votes.
The AP concluded there was no collusion to steal the election and found fewer than 473 cases of individual voter fraud, with 80 percent of the counties in the battleground states reporting no suspicious activity.
"The cases could not throw the outcome into question even if all the potentially fraudulent votes were for Biden, which they were not, and even if those ballots were actually counted, which in most cases they were not," reporters wrote...

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Mail-in ballots had become the preferable method of voting for Americans due to Covid.

The pandemic helped popularize early voting and mail-in ballots. Americans cast 101,453,111 early votes. That is 64.1% of the total votes cast in 2020. The total number of mail-in ballots was 65,642,049.
Convenient polling places, drop boxes, and early and by-mail voting enhance participatory democracy, but partisan attempts to suppress the vote are eliminating convenience: restricting hours, locations, and imposing bureaucratic red tape.

Too many American exercising their constitutional franchise - in some cases, achieved only after a long, bloody struggle - is vehemently resisted by those with a vested interest in imposing constraints.

As a practical matter in the 2020 election, some foolish candidates - including even some who voted by mail - irrationally discouraged their supporters from participating in the election by this conducive manner.

If Trump supporters had not been indoctrinated into the delusional distrust of mail-in ballots, it is entirely reasonable to speculate that the Loser might have lost by fewer than the 7,052,770 votes that was the President's margin of victory.

Of course, some pleasure themselves with airy-fairy paranoid delusions when empirical reality does not accommodate them. (Recall when Trump blithely conjured up 3-5 million invisible bogus balloters in 2016, not one of whom could ever be found or identified.)

An Associated Press investigation into the 2020 election found fewer than 475 cases of voter fraud in six battleground states...
Reporters conducted a months-long examination of the election, which the AP called one of the most comprehensive to date, at more than 300 local election offices where ballots were submitted in swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. President Biden won those states by a combined 311,257 votes.
The AP concluded there was no collusion to steal the election and found fewer than 473 cases of individual voter fraud, with 80 percent of the counties in the battleground states reporting no suspicious activity.
"The cases could not throw the outcome into question even if all the potentially fraudulent votes were for Biden, which they were not, and even if those ballots were actually counted, which in most cases they were not," reporters wrote...

Your over explaining is delicious. I did not waste my time reading your idiot post but the length shows you put a lot of work into it for no one to care.
Your over explaining is delicious. I did not waste my time reading your idiot post but the length shows you put a lot of work into it for no one to care.
If my documented, fact-filled explication is something you need to avoid because you can't deny it, you should probably just ignore it.
How? I would say that 2016 was as polarizing as 2020. Now compare the 2020 with 2016 and say this is normal.

View attachment 603762
Part of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) was to create a database for States to verify new voters. The system is tied into the State's DMV databases. When a new voter registration is processed, if there is no DMV record for that person (no driver's license or State ID), the voter's identity is checked in the HAVV database to verify that there is social security number or a medicare record for that person.

So the only submissions to HAVV are people who have registered to vote, but have no State issued ID. HAVV is public data, and it's out of reach of local actors. It's all automated.

Here are the HAVV numbers for Georgia for the weeks ending July 20 and 27 of 2019.

edit to add: sorry, the forum messes up my formatting.

The columns are: State,Total Transactions, unprocessed transactions, Total Non-Matches, Total Matches, Single Match Alive, and Single Match Deceased.

GEORGIA 92793 0 89548 3245 3170 75
GEORGIA 85085 0 84262 823 749 74

There were 177K+ registrations submitted to HAVV in a 2 week period, only 4K of them had verifiable identities, and 149 of them were deceased.

This isn't people walking into the County Clerk's office and registering to vote- this is the work of an NGO or someone like that. Maybe Stacy Abram's people, I don't know. If you look at the weeks on either side of this 2 week window, there is nothing.

Who submitted all these new voter registrations in Georgia in 2019?
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Part of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) was to create a database for States to verify new voters. The system is tied into the State's DMV databases. When a new voter registration is processed, if there is no DMV record for that person (no driver's license or State ID), the voter's identity is checked in the HAVV database to verify that there is social security number or a medicare record for that person.

So the only submissions to HAVV are people who have registered to vote, but have no State issued ID. HAVV is public data, and it's out of reach of local actors. It's all automated.

Here are the HAVV numbers for Georgia for the weeks ending July 20 and 27 of 2019.

edit to add: sorry, the forum messes up my formatting.

The columns are: State,Total Transactions, unprocessed transactions, Total Non-Matches, Total Matches, Single Match Alive, and Single Match Deceased.

GEORGIA 92793 0 89548 3245 3170 75
GEORGIA 85085 0 84262 823 749 74

There were 177K registrations submitted to HAVV in a 2 week period, and only 4K of them had verifiable identities.

This isn't people walking into the County Clerk's office and registering to vote- this is the work of an NGO or someone like that. Maybe Stacy Abram's people, I don't know. If you look at the weeks on either side of this 2 week window, there is nothing.

Who submitted all these new voter registrations in Georgia in 2019?
Presumably, there is no shortage of zealous prosecutors in Georgia - as elsewhere - who are not disposed to ignore any suspicions of improprieties that derive from publicly-available voting information, and will conscientiously pursue any and all such matters if they can uncover any valid evidence for doing so.

Yet, actual documented instances of voter fraud (a woefully ineffectual way of attempting to alter the outcome of election) are precious few - and confirmed attempts to coordinate such schemes non-existent.

Why would so many election officials, vote computation monitors, governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, and political party operatives all be so lax and contemptuous of their responsibilities, even when pursuing any of them would fit their partisan agenda?
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Presumably, there is no shortage of zealous prosecutors in Georgia - as elsewhere - who are not disposed to ignore any suspicions of improprieties that derive from publicly-available voting information, and will conscientiously pursue any and all such matters if they can uncover any valid evidence for doing so.

Yet, actual documented instances of voter fraud (a woefully ineffectual way of attempting to alter the outcome of election) are precious few - and confirmed attempts to coordinate such schemes non-existent.

Why would so many election officials, vote computation monitors, governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, and political party operatives all be so lax and contemptuous of their responsibilities, even when pursuing any of them would fit their partisan agenda?
I honestly don't know if you're being facetious or not.

There are something like 242 separate individuals on video stuffing the drop boxes in Georgia. Ballot harvesting is illegal in Georgia, so when someone fans out a handful of ballots and snaps a picture with his phone, it's to document the ballots he dropped so he can get paid. They got $10 per ballot.

These people traveled the same routes every day, hitting multiple drop boxes. They were identified through cellular geotracking, just like the FBI did with the J6 protesters.

The information is in the hands of the GA AG's office, but I doubt anything will be pursued.
I honestly don't know if you're being facetious or not.

There are something like 242 separate individuals on video stuffing the drop boxes in Georgia. Ballot harvesting is illegal in Georgia, so when someone fans out a handful of ballots and snaps a picture with his phone, it's to document the ballots he dropped so he can get paid. They got $10 per ballot.

These people traveled the same routes every day, hitting multiple drop boxes. They were identified through cellular geotracking, just like the FBI did with the J6 protesters.

The information is in the hands of the GA AG's office, but I doubt anything will be pursued.
That's a lie. The 242 picking up absentee ballots from hospitals and nursing homes ARE ELECTION CLERK'S working for the state, under Georgia law. No one got paid per ballot, you lied and made that up.
There are something like 242 separate individuals on video stuffing the drop boxes in Georgia.
Again, without opining as to the merit of your claim, why would no zealous, partisan prosecutor be pursuing the matter in a legal venue if there were any valid pretext for doing so?

As with the dozens of court challenges to the election across the land that were found to have no merit, many continue to fester in hyper-partisan, propaganda outlets, and why, one wonders, are they not subjected to any of the legitimate venues of jurisprudence if there were any actual evidence that could establish illegality?

Are all prosecutors, even all the ostensibly Trumpy ones, woefully lax or surreptitiously complicit in some vast conspiracy?

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