Biden's Adolph Hitler Moment: Despite 'Unity Pledge', Biden Dragging America Into A Very Dangerous Place

Despite his campaign pledge to bring UNITY to the nation, President Biden has driven the country to the brink of a civil war by attacking and vilifying parents, Conservatives, Trump supporters, and anyone who does not remain silent, anyone who opposes the radical, Un-Constitutional, criminal, tyranical agenda, failed policies, and rule of the Democratic party.

After participating in a failed coup attempt, after working with his treasonous DOJ & FBI to brand parents 'Domestic Terrorists', after his 'Gestapo' perpetrate a 1st-ever, historic, unprecedented, unwarranted, heavily-armed raid of the home of a US President - his top political opponent, Biden just crossed into 'A VERY DANGEROUS PLACE', dragging the cou try down with him.

Im a speech reminiscent of Hitler, Biden declared half of the American people to be extremely dangerous enemies of the state.

The only thing missing was the mustache.

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Carlson noted the irony of Biden accusing his opponents of being dangerous extremists while flanked by members of the military and bathed in a blood-red light:

“Yeah, they’re (Conservatives / Trump supporters) a threat, says the guy with the blood-red Nazi background and Marines standing behind him,” the FNC host said. “It’s a complete outrage this is being sanctioned as a White House event."

If you point out Democrats (Hillary, Obama, Biden, and their administration attempted a failed coup and perpetrated the largest criminal political scandal in US history, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

If you opposed an Impeachment based on zero crime, sero evidence, zero witnesses, and zero bi-partisanship, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

If you even QUESTION / want to discuss an election in which problems and issues with machines, voting, etc... existed, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

If GOP Reps oppose certifying an election - lime the Democrat leader of the J6 Committee has done in the past - YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

If you oppose liberal racist, divisionist CRT, Transgender indoctrination, and liberal 'Nazi Youth' training (telling kids to lie / hide things from / turn in their parents) YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation...a 'Domestic Terrorist'..

If you oppose failed policies that have resulted in Inflation, almost doubled gas prices, loss of near energy independence, Un-Constitutional / illegal Open Borders and 2 million illegals (to include Cartel members, mules, human / child / sex traffickers, terrorists, murderers, rapists, pedophiles, violent gangs members, thieves, etc...) into the US with tax payers paying for the cost of their medical, food, housing, education, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

If you oppose US govt agencies being transformed into partisan Gestapo to protect and defend criminal, tyranical Democrats and their continued rule, being used to take down the political enemies of our President, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

If you support and defend the US Constitution, the Rule of Law, and demand EQUAL JUSTICE to be applied to everyone, including our self-appointed rulers, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

If you are against censorship, oppose this tyrannical govt disarming American citizens, and oppose Un-Constitutional criminal mandates not based on science but on the will to control the people - mandates that have put millions of Americans out of work, shut down businesses, destroyed & lives, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

If you dare embrace any other personal or political philosophy, opinions, policies other than those of the Democrat Party, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

In Biden's speech, the most dangerous speech ever given by a US President to the American people, Der Fuhrer vilainized, vilified, and labeled over half the American people as threats to this nation.

The man who only has the support of 38% (less than 4 out of 10) of Americans declared 'If you do not support me / the Democrat Party, if you oppose what I, Democrats, and my administration' are doing, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation, YOU are the e emy of the state, YOU are 'domestic terrorists'.

Hitler would have been proud of Joe Biden.

This is how it looked to me. Biden hit every point much as Hitler did, creating a part of the populace to demonize and create an enemy of. It didn't work out so well for the Jews.. So, we should not allow him to continue unchecked...


H/T MikeTX...
It is Republicans who are acting a-+s fascists and bringing this country into a civil war in their zeal to seize control of this country. You are the enemy of this country.

Anyone who threatens school boards are criminals and they should be held accountable. The fact is that Trump had no business with those documents. They belong to the American people not Donald Trump. The FBI and DOJ acted within the law by obtaining a search warrant after it6 was clear that Donald Trump was not complying with lawful subpoenas. You are the treasonous dog who attacks this country.

Biden is telling the truth about you Nazis. If anyone resembles Hitler, it is Trump. Trump and his acolytes attack voting rights. They will throw out any election results that they do not like. They are making voting harder. In Michigan, Republicans are ignoring the law in their quest to prevent voters from voting on amendments to make voting easier and to protect abortion rights. We also have a corrupt Arizona Supreme Court which refused to allow a vote on a amendment to undo the changes Republicans made to election laws. Republicans attack free speech rights. Republicans attack women's rights.

Carlson himself is a right wing propagandist He is the Nazi so what he says doesn't mean jack shit. Trump tried to use the military to remain in power but they refused to obey illegal orders.

When you falsely claim there is a coup and are okay with falsely prosecuting your political enemies, YOU are a threat to this country.

When you are okay with pressuring a foreign government to investigate a political opponent, YOU are a threat to this country.

When you try to excuse what happened on Jan 6 and are offering pardons if you are elected, YOU are a menace to this country,

There is nothing divisive about CRT. There is systemic racism in this country and you want to indoctrinate people into believing it is not true. Attacking transgenders and gays is very Hitler-like. YOU are the enemy of this country.

There were NO problems with the elections. You have not produced one bit of evidence that there was. The Michigan REPUBLICAN legislature found no issues with voting.

People have opposed certification in the past. The reason for doing so is generally to make a point rather than overturning the election. Republicans wanted to actually overturn the election based on the results. Even Trump's AG said there was no fraud that affected the results of the election.

When you falsely claim that government agencies are being partisan and using violent rhetoric against them, YOU are a threat to this country.

The only failed policies are those of Republicans. That is why they cannot run on policy issues. Republicans have no qualms about big businesses gouging consumers and the rich getting richer. Yet they are apoplectic over the idea that ordinary people might get a helping hand with their student loans. In addition, you use stereotypes against people you don't like, YOU are a threat to this country.

Republicans are only concerned about the Constitution when they benefit from it. When it goes against something you don't believe in then it is suddenly unconstitutional. YOU are the threat to this country. Your concept of freedom is the same. You want freedom for yourself but you don't care about the fact that people's lives are in danger. You also refuse to extend that freedom to a woman's right to choose. YOU are the threat to this country.

If you are against reasonable gun control policies then YOU are a menace to this country.

It is Republicans who are trying to practice censorship. Several laws in Texas and Florida have been overruled by federal judges for violation of free speech rights. YOU are the threat to this country.

Joe Biden's speech was on the money but still pulled punches. Republicans are a threat to this country. Ronald Reagan would never have been a Trump Republican and neither am I. I never thought the day would come when Romney and McCain would have been a breath of fresh air. They are closer to Ronald Reagan Republicans. Trump is closer to Hitler Republicans. He is your fuerher not mine.
They're just engaging in more transparent projection.

They try shit like this, when they LOVE and ADORE and FOLLOW a flamboyant, pugilistic, white nationalist strongman. Gee, sound familiar?

And they think no one notices. They're like children, thinking they're getting away with the obvious.
Funny thing about all this is that those MAGA GOPers are a bunch of disorganised normies who are nowhere near extremist enough to be a threat to anything other than the Bidet agenda.
This is how it looked to me. Biden hit every point much as Hitler did, creating a part of the populace to demonize and create an enemy of. It didn't work out so well for the Jews.. So, we should not allow him to continue unchecked...

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H/T MikeTX...

So? That only proves you're a flamin' nut as there were no swastikas there. And this is how it actually looked when cameras were not zoomed in...


You're really offended by Independence Hall lit up in red, white & blue, huh?

Very telling.
Resident biden didn't mention the border.... fentanyl... food prices... gas prices... Ukraine... the stock market... covid... inflation... jobs... the national debt... floods... IRS agents... crime... student loans... power black outs... etc etc etc
it was an attack speech and it didn't do him any favor...

When a right wing fascist Trump supporters says that, the opposite is likely true.
Funny thing about all this is that those MAGA GOPers are a bunch of disorganised normies who are nowhere near extremist enough to be a threat to anything other than the Bidet agenda.

Now that our Country's division is complete, this too will change given enough time to marinate.
The most despicable thing about last night's speech was having those Marines stand behind him. On the heels of threatening Americans with being nuked and killed by high tech aircraft the sonofabitch felt it was necessary to to use the threat of troops against the American people if they don't toe the Democrat Socialist Party line.

Shame on the Marines that let themselves be used by a Joe Hitler like that. Shame on the Marine officer that ordered the Marines to stand behind Joe Hitler. Probably one of Joe Hitler's low IQ affirmative action Negro shitheads.

That never happened but if you want a civil war then all options should be on the table to be used against you right wing Nazis.

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