Biden's Adolph Hitler Moment: Despite 'Unity Pledge', Biden Dragging America Into A Very Dangerous Place

TDS only afflicts Trump supporters. It turns them stupid. You are proof of that.
Yep. And they're only getting more and more feral, while the man-child they adore does nothing but prod them on, and their enabling media does the same.

This is a cult, it's dangerous, and it has our democracy teetering because it's believing and following a blatant con man.

More right wing Nazis speaking out. The Republican Party is the most divisive and hate filled party in history. When they get called out, they have the nerve to attack others.
That fucker has a lot of nerve to mock the Founders that way. They'd be rolling over in their graves if they heard Biden's speech.

They are already rolling in their graves over what Trump and his Nazi supporters have done.
Having Marines standing in front of a blood-red background after he needlesdly sacrificed 13 US soldiers and abandoned thousands of Americans behind enemy lines as he fled the Taliban's approach was appropriate...Joe still has American blood on his hands after that disastrous failure.

Were those Marines armed?
So? That only proves you're a flamin' nut as there were no swastikas there. And this is how it actually looked when cameras were not zoomed in...


You're really offended by Independence Hall lit up in red, white & blue, huh?

Very telling.
poor Faun.... your so butt hurt we saw through the lies being told and don't buy Bidens bull shit... fuck off Nazi..
This is how it looked to me. Biden hit every point much as Hitler did, creating a part of the populace to demonize and create an enemy of. It didn't work out so well for the Jews.. So, we should not allow him to continue unchecked...

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H/T MikeTX...

Trump is der fuerher. A part of the populace has already declared war on America. They are enemies of this country. Republicans are attacking Americans the same way Hitler went after Jews.
The Nazi Trump supporters are crawling out of the woodwork to defend their fuerher.
Gee, that's funny, I don't hear anyone talking about Trump.

That dumbass fucktard Biden seems to have taken over as everyone's favorite whipping boy
This is a cult, it's dangerous, and it has our democracy teetering because it's believing and following a blatant con man.

I completely agree. The anti-Trump cult has violated Constitution, Rule of Law, and Oaths of office.

They have violated the Patriot Act, defrauded the FISA Court, illegally spied on Americans, the President, and his team.

They have committed Perjury withheld exculpatory information, criminally altered documents, manufactured false evidence against a President in an attempt to overthrow the govt by illegally removing the President from office.

They have initiated and conducted a failed coup attempt as part of rhe largest criminal political scandal in US history.

They attempted multiple failed coup Impeachment attempts based on zero crimes, zero evidence, zero witnesses, and 100% partisanship. Pelosi even argued crimes, witnesses, and evidence are not needed to Impeach a President.

They have weaponized government agencies into partisan political units to take down political threats / enemies.

They have been trying to set up / take down Trump for going on 7 years now.

....and the anti-Trump foot soldiers and apologists like you defend it.

Biden just gave the most divisive speech from a US President in US History in a theatrical scene from hell, black and blood red, with US Marines in the background as a prop.

The setting, scene, and ranting was dark, ominous, threatening, and straight out of some dark cult or cheesy movie about a tyrannical threat to freedom.

Definitely a twisted, dangerous cult.

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