Biden's CDC Director: 75% of Covid deaths had at least 4 comorbidities

I’ve met a lot of people with 4 comorbidities who refuse to get vaccinated because some insane right wingers have convinced them the vaccine is useless or going to kill them.

Some lowlifes really are doing so much harm.
I’ve met a lot of people with 4 comorbidities who refuse to get vaccinated because some insane right wingers have convinced them the vaccine is useless or going to kill them.

Some lowlifes really are doing so much harm.
Sounds like you hang out with people who can't think for themselves. Makes sense.
Sounds like you hang out with people who can't think for themselves. Makes sense.
People who do think for themselves will discover that this was all planned.

The Plandemic was planned by The Obama Administration when Obama's "Operation Russian Collusion" failed to drag Hillary Rotten McCankles rotting corpse across the finish line.

Right before Trump was inaugurated Obama removed the ban on gain of function research, Fauci goes to Wuhan to teach The Chinese how to make Bioweapons, and The Pentagon funds gain of function research in Wuhan through a 3rd party.

Remember, The Left always accuses you of what they are doing, and what they are doing is attacking our Democracy and way of Life every day in every way, and they don't care if they have to hire Iran, Russia or China to help them.
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I’ve met a lot of people with 4 comorbidities who refuse to get vaccinated because some insane right wingers have convinced them the vaccine is useless or going to kill them.

Some lowlifes really are doing so much harm.

California is going to give free healthcare coverage to unvaccinated illegals. That's good, right?

What Big Left and the DemoKKKrats have done to our country over the past 2 years will go down as one of the worst wholesale violations of human rights in history.
from the same people who supported civil rights before hand. Now happy to say fk you to yours and mine.
Unvaccinated and indigent are different words. You know this, you’re just trolling.

As I'm sure you know, there's a lot of overlap between those two groups. Again, good on you for supporting government healthcare for those who choose to be unvaccinated.
As I'm sure you know, there's a lot of overlap between those two groups. Again, good on you for supporting government healthcare for those who choose to be unvaccinated.
Since you use them interchangeably, it would be logical to assume you believe everyone unvaccinated is indigent and everyone indigent is unvaccinated.

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