Biden's War On The Middle Class The Only War He Has A Chance Of Winning - Growing Inflation Is His Hidden Tax


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The sharpest tax President Biden is levying upon Americans is one that was never passed by Congress, promised from the White House, or voted on by citizens at the ballot box. The invisible tax of rising inflation will do far more to harm working and middle-class Americans than Biden’s proposed tax hikes. The trillions of dollars in congressional spending and money printing from the Federal Reserve is already having a dramatic effect on the price of ordinary goods. Inflation has reached its highest point in years, and will likely reach the highest in two generations.

Over the past year, food prices are up 3.5 percent, with eggs and meat up by over 5 percent; gas is up 22 percent and is expected to get even higher by this summer; lumber is up 250 percent; new home prices are up $36,000, with overall housing up 11 percent; and new cars are up 9 percent, the highest in 68 years. In April, 13 percent of new car buyers paid more than the sticker price. Other goods — from household items, baby care and general merchandise — are already up between 5.2 and 7.2 percent from this time last year. The cost of eating out shot up by 3.7 percent over the past year, and some takeout specials such as chicken wings have nearly doubled. Coffee futures are up 24 percent since October. Even growing your own food has surged in price, with the cost of seeds and potted plants jumping by 10.5 percent.

Feeding the problem is the sharp price increase in commodities vital to our basic needs. Microchip prices are up by 25 percent over the last year, hiking the price of items from phones to televisions to car parts. Meanwhile, increased corn prices will further impact a variety of food products. Corn prices have nearly doubled since the start of the pandemic and reached a 13-year high. Along with corn, food prices are buoyed by a 59 percent increase in pork, 23 percent spike in soybean costs, and 21 percent increase in wheat prices. Whatever increase we’ve seen in grocery and restaurant bills will only accelerate as the trend continues.

Put it all together, and consumer prices are the highest they’ve been in eight and a half years. Economists now not only see the risk of inflation “higher than in the last two decades,” but the distinct risk of the Federal Reserve having to increase interest rates by the end of 2022.

The primary driver of the current inflation comes through money printing by the Federal Reserve. The Fed nearly doubled its bond purchases since the beginning of the pandemic, pumping almost $4 trillion into the economy. This is about as much as the Fed purchased between 2008 and 2014, during the worst of the Great Recession. From February 2020 to March 2021, the total of circulating cash, mutual funds and banking deposit money supply increased from $15.473 trillion to $19,896 trillion. The Fed effectively monetizes the federal government’s debt, creating both a cover for higher deficits and increasing the money supply further. From 2019 to now, the national debt jumped from just under 80 percent of gross domestic product to over 100 percent.

The second means of inflation comes through massive government spending.

Inflation is hitting the entire world but you think it's just one guy doing it...Hey, you claimed you like capitalism well enjoy the inflation that comes with it.

By the vie, the Feds should have already increased the prime lending rate to cool inflation.

“Under President Biden, we’re seeing more government, more taxes, more spending and as a result, the American people are suffering, they are seeing higher prices and disappointing job creation.”​

“The experts in the White House actually thought that we were going to add 1 million workers in America last month. In reality, only about 266,000 went back to work.

“The so-called experts in the White House were wrong. They were wrong by three-quarters of a million workers.

“40,000 of those people who went back to work went to government jobs, which means the cost of government continues to grow.

“So the private sector was only able to hire 220,000 people, rather than 1 million.

“This was the most disappointing jobs report in more than 20 years. It’s also a sudden slowdown in the middle of a recovery, which is surprising to many.

“Before Joe Biden took office we saw the fastest economic recovery in American history. We were bouncing back from the coronavirus shutdowns.

“It’s a very different story now. It no coincidence this is a direct result of President Biden’s policies.

There is nothing about any of Biden's policies and massive debt-adding self-enriching Democrat spending bills that cost ZERO. His promise that no one making less than $400,000 (or even $200,000) would not pay higher taxes was / is a LIE.

Gas prices are higher than they have been in YEARS.
- Welcome to the consequences of surrendering out energy independence.

Gas, food, clothes, etc.... - all of it a result of failed Biden policies.

Biden talked about Americans losing sleep at night, sitting at the kitchen table wondering how to make ends meat, to put food on the table, and make their salary stretch to take care of their families. Well, his policies and their result are what has caused them to lose sleep and have to worry about these things.

You mean paying 50% more for gas and groceries hurts the poor disproportionately to the wealthy?

It is because the left care about the poor so much. :hyper:
Did you enjoy seeing prices inflate during the Trump era because of trade wars and tariffs? Did you wax or wane for the poor then? Did you enjoy seeing oil at zero dollars a barrel thinking it was a capitalist's utopia?
Make ends meet. Reagan told us to tighten our belts another notch and that it was gonna get rough. You know all those things the old timers would tell us....
I have a secret to cheap fresh food, grow yer own, I do and I am still getting almost free veggies....I think they cost me in the hundredths of cents.

“Under President Biden, we’re seeing more government, more taxes, more spending and as a result, the American people are suffering, they are seeing higher prices and disappointing job creation.”​

“The experts in the White House actually thought that we were going to add 1 million workers in America last month. In reality, only about 266,000 went back to work.

“The so-called experts in the White House were wrong. They were wrong by three-quarters of a million workers.

“40,000 of those people who went back to work went to government jobs, which means the cost of government continues to grow.

“So the private sector was only able to hire 220,000 people, rather than 1 million.

“This was the most disappointing jobs report in more than 20 years. It’s also a sudden slowdown in the middle of a recovery, which is surprising to many.

“Before Joe Biden took office we saw the fastest economic recovery in American history. We were bouncing back from the coronavirus shutdowns.

“It’s a very different story now. It no coincidence this is a direct result of President Biden’s policies.

There is nothing about any of Biden's policies and massive debt-adding self-enriching Democrat spending bills that cost ZERO. His promise that no one making less than $400,000 (or even $200,000) would not pay higher taxes was / is a LIE.

Gas prices are higher than they have been in YEARS.
- Welcome to the consequences of surrendering out energy independence.

Gas, food, clothes, etc.... - all of it a result of failed Biden policies.

Biden talked about Americans losing sleep at night, sitting at the kitchen table wondering how to make ends meat, to put food on the table, and make their salary stretch to take care of their families. Well, his policies and their result are what has caused them to lose sleep and have to worry about these things.

Taxation, the price we pay for civilization. I know that Tucker Carlson and Larry Elder don't teach you guys this stuff so I will try to help from time to time.
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Inflation is hitting the entire world but you think it's just one guy doing it...Hey, you claimed you like capitalism well enjoy the inflation that comes with it.

By the vie, the Feds should have already increased the prime lending rate to cool inflation.
We know what caused it. We know what caused it. We know what caused it. Trump gave us borders the best he could. It kept the prices down and we slowly started to come back from what globalism did. The swamp cares more for people outside our artificial boundaries to them then they care of citizens. China does not have that concern. But they have many of their own to care about.
The sharpest tax President Biden is levying upon Americans is one that was never passed by Congress, promised from the White House, or voted on by citizens at the ballot box. The invisible tax of rising inflation will do far more to harm working and middle-class Americans than Biden’s proposed tax hikes. The trillions of dollars in congressional spending and money printing from the Federal Reserve is already having a dramatic effect on the price of ordinary goods. Inflation has reached its highest point in years, and will likely reach the highest in two generations.

Over the past year, food prices are up 3.5 percent, with eggs and meat up by over 5 percent; gas is up 22 percent and is expected to get even higher by this summer; lumber is up 250 percent; new home prices are up $36,000, with overall housing up 11 percent; and new cars are up 9 percent, the highest in 68 years. In April, 13 percent of new car buyers paid more than the sticker price. Other goods — from household items, baby care and general merchandise — are already up between 5.2 and 7.2 percent from this time last year. The cost of eating out shot up by 3.7 percent over the past year, and some takeout specials such as chicken wings have nearly doubled. Coffee futures are up 24 percent since October. Even growing your own food has surged in price, with the cost of seeds and potted plants jumping by 10.5 percent.

Feeding the problem is the sharp price increase in commodities vital to our basic needs. Microchip prices are up by 25 percent over the last year, hiking the price of items from phones to televisions to car parts. Meanwhile, increased corn prices will further impact a variety of food products. Corn prices have nearly doubled since the start of the pandemic and reached a 13-year high. Along with corn, food prices are buoyed by a 59 percent increase in pork, 23 percent spike in soybean costs, and 21 percent increase in wheat prices. Whatever increase we’ve seen in grocery and restaurant bills will only accelerate as the trend continues.

Put it all together, and consumer prices are the highest they’ve been in eight and a half years. Economists now not only see the risk of inflation “higher than in the last two decades,” but the distinct risk of the Federal Reserve having to increase interest rates by the end of 2022.

The primary driver of the current inflation comes through money printing by the Federal Reserve. The Fed nearly doubled its bond purchases since the beginning of the pandemic, pumping almost $4 trillion into the economy. This is about as much as the Fed purchased between 2008 and 2014, during the worst of the Great Recession. From February 2020 to March 2021, the total of circulating cash, mutual funds and banking deposit money supply increased from $15.473 trillion to $19,896 trillion. The Fed effectively monetizes the federal government’s debt, creating both a cover for higher deficits and increasing the money supply further. From 2019 to now, the national debt jumped from just under 80 percent of gross domestic product to over 100 percent.

The second means of inflation comes through massive government spending.

Boy, you're really getting desperate to blame Joe Biden for everything. Trump destroyed the US economy and the fallout is Biden's fault.

Fastest pivot every!!!!
Inflation is hitting the entire world but you think it's just one guy doing it...Hey, you claimed you like capitalism well enjoy the inflation that comes with it.

By the vie, the Feds should have already increased the prime lending rate to cool inflation.
By the same token, we shouldn't even be thinking about the 3.5 trillion Democrat wet dream bill.
The sharpest tax President Biden is levying upon Americans is one that was never passed by Congress, promised from the White House, or voted on by citizens at the ballot box. The invisible tax of rising inflation will do far more to harm working and middle-class Americans than Biden’s proposed tax hikes. The trillions of dollars in congressional spending and money printing from the Federal Reserve is already having a dramatic effect on the price of ordinary goods. Inflation has reached its highest point in years, and will likely reach the highest in two generations.

Over the past year, food prices are up 3.5 percent, with eggs and meat up by over 5 percent; gas is up 22 percent and is expected to get even higher by this summer; lumber is up 250 percent; new home prices are up $36,000, with overall housing up 11 percent; and new cars are up 9 percent, the highest in 68 years. In April, 13 percent of new car buyers paid more than the sticker price. Other goods — from household items, baby care and general merchandise — are already up between 5.2 and 7.2 percent from this time last year. The cost of eating out shot up by 3.7 percent over the past year, and some takeout specials such as chicken wings have nearly doubled. Coffee futures are up 24 percent since October. Even growing your own food has surged in price, with the cost of seeds and potted plants jumping by 10.5 percent.

Feeding the problem is the sharp price increase in commodities vital to our basic needs. Microchip prices are up by 25 percent over the last year, hiking the price of items from phones to televisions to car parts. Meanwhile, increased corn prices will further impact a variety of food products. Corn prices have nearly doubled since the start of the pandemic and reached a 13-year high. Along with corn, food prices are buoyed by a 59 percent increase in pork, 23 percent spike in soybean costs, and 21 percent increase in wheat prices. Whatever increase we’ve seen in grocery and restaurant bills will only accelerate as the trend continues.

Put it all together, and consumer prices are the highest they’ve been in eight and a half years. Economists now not only see the risk of inflation “higher than in the last two decades,” but the distinct risk of the Federal Reserve having to increase interest rates by the end of 2022.

The primary driver of the current inflation comes through money printing by the Federal Reserve. The Fed nearly doubled its bond purchases since the beginning of the pandemic, pumping almost $4 trillion into the economy. This is about as much as the Fed purchased between 2008 and 2014, during the worst of the Great Recession. From February 2020 to March 2021, the total of circulating cash, mutual funds and banking deposit money supply increased from $15.473 trillion to $19,896 trillion. The Fed effectively monetizes the federal government’s debt, creating both a cover for higher deficits and increasing the money supply further. From 2019 to now, the national debt jumped from just under 80 percent of gross domestic product to over 100 percent.

The second means of inflation comes through massive government spending.

Money is going to do us in one way or the other. People are digging in the earth hoping to make money just like gold prospectors. One of these days people are going to look for whatever, not finding it, with nowhere to go. A gigantic ghost town.
People are getting pissed...I bet today when Joe pointed his smelly finger at us and said that the migrants had their kids taken from them so they deserve thousands of dollars that we don't have he lost another 10 points in job approval....
You mean paying 50% more for gas and groceries hurts the poor disproportionately to the wealthy?

It is because the left care about the poor so much. :hyper:

You don't want illegal immigration, well increased prices in the food industry is the result. Without all those illegals to plant your crops, harvest the crops, and process the food, at below minimum wage rates, the price of food goes up.

Food Inc. is now demanding that the government find a pathway to citizenship for the illegals so they'll have enough workers to provide your food.

Reality!!! What a concept!
The sharpest tax President Biden is levying upon Americans is one that was never passed by Congress, promised from the White House, or voted on by citizens at the ballot box. The invisible tax of rising inflation will do far more to harm working and middle-class Americans than Biden’s proposed tax hikes. The trillions of dollars in congressional spending and money printing from the Federal Reserve is already having a dramatic effect on the price of ordinary goods. Inflation has reached its highest point in years, and will likely reach the highest in two generations.

Over the past year, food prices are up 3.5 percent, with eggs and meat up by over 5 percent; gas is up 22 percent and is expected to get even higher by this summer; lumber is up 250 percent; new home prices are up $36,000, with overall housing up 11 percent; and new cars are up 9 percent, the highest in 68 years. In April, 13 percent of new car buyers paid more than the sticker price. Other goods — from household items, baby care and general merchandise — are already up between 5.2 and 7.2 percent from this time last year. The cost of eating out shot up by 3.7 percent over the past year, and some takeout specials such as chicken wings have nearly doubled. Coffee futures are up 24 percent since October. Even growing your own food has surged in price, with the cost of seeds and potted plants jumping by 10.5 percent.

Feeding the problem is the sharp price increase in commodities vital to our basic needs. Microchip prices are up by 25 percent over the last year, hiking the price of items from phones to televisions to car parts. Meanwhile, increased corn prices will further impact a variety of food products. Corn prices have nearly doubled since the start of the pandemic and reached a 13-year high. Along with corn, food prices are buoyed by a 59 percent increase in pork, 23 percent spike in soybean costs, and 21 percent increase in wheat prices. Whatever increase we’ve seen in grocery and restaurant bills will only accelerate as the trend continues.

Put it all together, and consumer prices are the highest they’ve been in eight and a half years. Economists now not only see the risk of inflation “higher than in the last two decades,” but the distinct risk of the Federal Reserve having to increase interest rates by the end of 2022.

The primary driver of the current inflation comes through money printing by the Federal Reserve. The Fed nearly doubled its bond purchases since the beginning of the pandemic, pumping almost $4 trillion into the economy. This is about as much as the Fed purchased between 2008 and 2014, during the worst of the Great Recession. From February 2020 to March 2021, the total of circulating cash, mutual funds and banking deposit money supply increased from $15.473 trillion to $19,896 trillion. The Fed effectively monetizes the federal government’s debt, creating both a cover for higher deficits and increasing the money supply further. From 2019 to now, the national debt jumped from just under 80 percent of gross domestic product to over 100 percent.

The second means of inflation comes through massive government spending.

As usual this is full of bullshit. Giving trillions of dollars in tax cuts to millionaires is not inflationary but helping the working class is. Blame the working guy for getting too much. Want to soak up some money. Repeal the tax cuts for the rich. In addition to that, the rich are able to evade taxes with the help of Republicans.

The Federal Resewrve has nothing to do with this. Without the Federal Reserve, we would have had a depression. When the Stock Market crash happened, the Fed kept money tight which was one of the reasons for the Depression.

Pandemic related shortages have contributed to inflation. Also some of our trade policies have led to inflation. The chip shortage was caused by Trump's trade policies. Biden unfortunately has continued that policy. Intel recently offered to increase chip production in China until domestic production can make up for it. Biden turned them down.
Restrictive trade policies are a tax on Americans.
Welcome back an old friend......

Back already in some states. Generic groceries


Nobody really liked them but this time you're gonna LOVE them if you want eat and aren't a well-connected Democrat politician.
Exactly what did Trump do to destroy the economy?

MASSIVE tax cuts while running a MASSIVE deficit, in the midst of a boom economy.

You raise taxes and cut deficits in a boom economy. You cut taxes and increase spending in a recession, to boost the economy.
You mean paying 50% more for gas and groceries hurts the poor disproportionately to the wealthy?

It is because the left care about the poor so much. :hyper:
What Biden does is says he cares about the poor. In real life, he surrounds himself with multimilliondollar mansions in 5 different states for his use only in the few areas that are protected by the best police they skimmed off their little "defund the police" ball of assurance to the criminals who've ever been caught stealing luxury items from people who sacrificed to buy them for their family's one pleasure. Democrats chucked every law in the book for criminals who they can use without being ratted out on, so they can let off who they want when they want for their cooperation in plots of every nature. And the peaceful protesters of January 6 last year, they villified with every lie in the book, every false case scenario in the book, and confined three scores of people simply for being Republicans carrying signs that reveal Democrat crimes, lies, plaguarism, projection, and inventive retributative narratives that never took place but are being used in the garbage dump that smells of lies the Democrats use as propaganda against their rivals whom they consider enemies of the state when actually, the Republicans they incarcerated were the ones asking questions about their evildoings.

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