Big mouth Natalie Maines is back at it again !

When did it become inappropriate for citizens to criticize a President leading up to or even during a war?

You mean since when did it become inappropriate to give aid and comfort propaganda to our enemies in a time of war?

Libtards are so freaking stupid, it hurts the brain to try and conceive the scale of it.

Do citizen rights get suspended when a President decide to lead the nation into a war?

Never said they should be, dude.

Next red herring. :lame2:
When did it become inappropriate for citizens to criticize a President leading up to or even during a war?

You mean since when did it become inappropriate to give aid and comfort propaganda to our enemies in a time of war?

Libtards are so freaking stupid, it hurts the brain to try and conceive the scale of it.

Do citizen rights get suspended when a President decide to lead the nation into a war?

Never said they should be, dude.

Next red herring. :lame2:
Criticizing a politician, even the President, is not giving aid and comfort. Freedom to criticize a political leader is the foundation of our democracy. It is not coincidence that it is contained in our 1rst Amendment to our Constitution.

Maines, btw, is sitting on 40 million in wealth, which continues to grow from her royalties from both her singing and songwriting in addition to her concert performances. The Dixie Chicks usually sell out seats at their venues before the tour even begins. Some of the upcoming venues are sold out already, and the tour doesn't begin until June.
Unable to find a tour date or appearance for Nugent.
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Criticizing a politician, even the President, is not giving aid and comfort.

Yes it is. You cant be that stupid to fail to grasp it. Why the hell do you think that nations spend millions in scarce resources on propaganda if it is of no aid to them?

And when ideological nitwits like Maines says she is ashamed of our President for fighting our enemies, then yes, she is giving them free propaganda resources.

Freedom to criticize a political leader is the foundation of our democracy. It is not coincidence that it is contained in our 1rst Amendment to our Constitution.

The temporary cropping of many of our liberties during a time of war is also a foundation of our REPUBLIC, dude.

Try reading some history for once.
Criticizing a politician, even the President, is not giving aid and comfort.

Yes it is. You cant be that stupid to fail to grasp it. Why the hell do you think that nations spend millions in scarce resources on propaganda if it is of no aid to them?

And when ideological nitwits like Maines says she is ashamed of our President for fighting our enemies, then yes, she is giving them free propaganda resources.

Freedom to criticize a political leader is the foundation of our democracy. It is not coincidence that it is contained in our 1rst Amendment to our Constitution.

The temporary cropping of many of our liberties during a time of war is also a foundation of our REPUBLIC, dude.

Try reading some history for once.
Another clear example of labeling people as unpatriotic and/or traitors for speaking out against a war. Incredibly hypocritical given the rhetoric used by those that disagree with the current president. Thankfully, this way of thinking has been relegated to the dust bin of history for the most part.
Another clear example of labeling people as unpatriotic and/or traitors for speaking out against a war. Incredibly hypocritical given the rhetoric used by those that disagree with the current president. Thankfully, this way of thinking has been relegated to the dust bin of history for the most part.

lol, you cant make this shit up!

You really think you can avoid the plain and obvious truth of this matter; that Maines gave aid and comfort to our enemies in a time of war?

And Obama has not been leading us in a similar manner to what Bush did at all, except to lead the retreat.
Another clear example of labeling people as unpatriotic and/or traitors for speaking out against a war. Incredibly hypocritical given the rhetoric used by those that disagree with the current president. Thankfully, this way of thinking has been relegated to the dust bin of history for the most part.

lol, you cant make this shit up!

You really think you can avoid the plain and obvious truth of this matter; that Maines gave aid and comfort to our enemies in a time of war?

And Obama has not been leading us in a similar manner to what Bush did at all, except to lead the retreat.
It is clear you really want to believe that. Giving "aid and comfort to the enemy" when it's something you disagree with and patriotism if you support it. That is text book hypocrisy.
It is clear you really want to believe that. Giving "aid and comfort to the enemy" when it's something you disagree with and patriotism if you support it. That is text book hypocrisy.
But then I didnt say anything of the sort.

Why do libtards engage in so much Straw Man bullshit?
Doesn't matter, they just do. She risked her career and spoke out. Paid a big financial price. She and her business partners have decided it is worth the cost for the privilege and right to speak out about what they believe in. Their integrity is more important to them than making more millions to add to the millions they have already made and the profits they continue to make from sales of their music and royalties. Some folks respect their honesty and courage to speak out dispite potential financial cost.

So her sacrifice of her career by slamming on an American president during a time of war is a good thing in your view?

Your self destructive view of this woman's idiocy is a prime example of the insanity of libtards.
When did it become inappropriate for citizens to criticize a President leading up to or even during a war? Do citizen rights get suspended when a President decide to lead the nation into a war?

Hey dummy, no one put a gag around her mouth. As you even pointed out, she was willing to pay the price, so she spoke out, and it pissed off a lot of people and many of those decided to stop being fans of her and her group.
She wasn't silenced, she had her say, and fans then got the opportunity to judge.
When did it become inappropriate for citizens to criticize a President leading up to or even during a war?

You mean since when did it become inappropriate to give aid and comfort propaganda to our enemies in a time of war?

Libtards are so freaking stupid, it hurts the brain to try and conceive the scale of it.

Do citizen rights get suspended when a President decide to lead the nation into a war?

Never said they should be, dude.

Next red herring. :lame2:
Criticizing a politician, even the President, is not giving aid and comfort. Freedom to criticize a political leader is the foundation of our democracy. It is not coincidence that it is contained in our 1rst Amendment to our Constitution.

Maines, btw, is sitting on 40 million in wealth, which continues to grow from her royalties from both her singing and songwriting in addition to her concert performances. The Dixie Chicks usually sell out seats at their venues before the tour even begins. Some of the upcoming venues are sold out already, and the tour doesn't begin until June.
Unable to find a tour date or appearance for Nugent.

She had the freedom, she spoke out, many thought it was inappropriate, and the marketplace passed the final judgement.
Story over.
Criticizing a politician, even the President, is not giving aid and comfort.
s it is. You cant be that stupid to fail to grasp it. Why the hell do you think that nations spend millions in scarce resources on propaganda if it is of no aid to them?

No, it is not. That's the same old tired voice-stifling crapola that always gets trotted out by those who can't defend their actions. It's never worked in the past and it's not working now. You're completely full of delusional corporate apologist shit, and the whole world knows it.

And when ideological nitwits like Maines says she is ashamed of our President for fighting our enemies, then yes, she is giving them free propaganda resources.

Again, she said she's ashamed that the POTUS is from Texas. Because when they're standing on a stage in London, they're in part representing Texas. Texas is where they're actually from --- they're more Texan than George Connecticut Bush is. She made no reference to any "enemies" at all. In point of fact the US had no enemy in Iraq until it self-appointed one. Again, you're completely full of shit. Try reading the background for once.
inappropriate to give aid and comfort propaganda to our enemies in a time of war?

she is giving them free propaganda resources.

Maines gave aid and comfort to our enemies in a time of war

But then I didnt say anything of the sort.

Maybe someone hacked your account then.
No, Maines did not merely say something I disagreed with as you asserted in post 206.

How does you pretending to be a complete moron and fool somehow prove me in error?
inappropriate to give aid and comfort propaganda to our enemies in a time of war?

she is giving them free propaganda resources.

Maines gave aid and comfort to our enemies in a time of war

But then I didnt say anything of the sort.

Maybe someone hacked your account then.
No, Maines did not merely say something I disagreed with as you asserted in post 206.

How does you pretending to be a complete moron and fool somehow prove me in error?
Then you agree with her 2003 comment?

edit: I should add ...or the political stance she was taking. Sorry
Criticizing a politician, even the President, is not giving aid and comfort.
s it is. You cant be that stupid to fail to grasp it. Why the hell do you think that nations spend millions in scarce resources on propaganda if it is of no aid to them?

No, it is not. That's the same old tired voice-stifling crapola that always gets trotted out by those who can't defend their actions. It's never worked in the past and it's not working now. You're completely full of delusional corporate apologist shit, and the whole world knows it.

And when ideological nitwits like Maines says she is ashamed of our President for fighting our enemies, then yes, she is giving them free propaganda resources.

Again, she said she's ashamed that the POTUS is from Texas. Because when they're standing on a stage in London, they're in part representing Texas. Texas is where they're actually from --- they're more Texan than George Connecticut Bush is. She made no reference to any "enemies" at all. In point of fact the US had no enemy in Iraq until it self-appointed one. Again, you're completely full of shit. Try reading the background for once.
Lol, Pogo were you not such a bald faced liar, hypocrit and complete moron I would try to convince you, so I wont bother.

But any informed person lurking can decide for themselves if attacking a US President on the eve of an invasion of a nation that had been attacking our aircraft for years was giving aid and comfort to an enemy or not. Libtards have been suffering from the Jane Fonda Syndrome for the last 60 years now.
You really think you can avoid the plain and obvious truth of this matter; that Maines gave aid and comfort to our enemies in a time of war?


And what "enemy" did she even refer to?
Wet dream?
Lol, now you pretend to be stupid. How does that win your argument?

One does not have to refer to an enemy to give them material to be used for their war propaganda.

It is incredible that you think forcing me to assplain this to you is somehow convincing for your delusions.
Then you agree with her 2003 comment?
edit: I should add ...or the political stance she was taking. Sorry
I said,
"No, Maines did not merely say something I disagreed with as you asserted in post 206."

I guess you missed the word 'merely', is this correct?
Why is anyone complaining about her exercising her right to free speech?
If anything give a rebuttal to what she said not just complain that she said it.

It's not the 'right', it's the content !

Why do some of you have such a problem getting this ?

What about the content?

Let's review it again for the Illiterati. Roll tape.

"Just so you know, we're on the good side with y'all. We do not want this war, this violence, and we're ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas."
"On the good side with y'all" refers to the massive world-record demonstrations that took place around the world three weeks prior, London being one of the biggest with an attendance estimated between one and three million attending, in London alone. An event that could not be ignored, protesting an unnecessary war pushed by a US President who goes out of his way to splash "Texas" in his personality.

And here's a music group on stage who go out of their way to splash their Texas personality.

The association is obvious and begs a response. And she delivered it. And the audience heartily approved.

Mostly it's a statement about Texas.
Still not seeing any reference to an "enemy" though.
Are native born-and-bred Texans not permitted to opine about Texas?

Exactly who the fuck are you to decide native Texans, standing in London, which is in England, which is in Europe---- can't defend their own home? Are you fucking nuts? Do you eavesdrop on other people's phone conversations too? Hack people's e-mails? Dig through trash cans? Wtf dood?
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Why is anyone complaining about her exercising her right to free speech?
If anything give a rebuttal to what she said not just complain that she said it.

It's not the 'right', it's the content !

Why do some of you have such a problem getting this ?

What about the content?

Let's review it again for the Illiterati. Roll tape.

"Just so you know, we're on the good side with y'all. We do not want this war, this violence, and we're ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas."
"On the good side with y'all" refers to the massive world-record demonstrations that took place around the world three weeks prior, London being one of the biggest with an attendance estimated between one and three million attending, in London alone. An event that could not be ignored, protesting an unnecessary war pushed by a US President who goes out of his way to splash "Texas" in his personality. And here's a music group on stage who go out of their way to splash their Texas personality. The association begs a response. And she delivered it. And the audience heartily approved.

Mostly it's a statement about Texas. Are native born-and-bred Texans not permitted to opine about Texas?Still not seeing any reference to an "enemy" though.
Maines was giving aid and comfort to another leftwing dictator on the eve of our war with him and so hate-America-first libtards have to rush to her defense, as always.
Why is anyone complaining about her exercising her right to free speech?
If anything give a rebuttal to what she said not just complain that she said it.

It's not the 'right', it's the content !

Why do some of you have such a problem getting this ?
Everybody gets it. It is the most common excuse used by anti-free speech folks, from all sides of the political spectrum. "It isn't the free speech, it is the content of the speech" is the tyrants response and defense for disparaging free speech.

Indeed if speech didn't have content ----- it wouldn't be speech. :banghead:

Therefore a vapid desperation post like "It's not the speech, it's the content" is complete smokescreening bullshit.

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