Bigots In Mississippi Were Just OWNED! With This Perfect Billboard

So Liberals don't believe in God... until they need God to make an argument for them. smh
What a moron. Milliions upon millions of progressive, liberal thinkers are religious. I lived in Austria, which is a very religious Catholic country. Also very liberal. I think the problem for your type is that they are also well educated, so they don't think like the imbecilic fundamentalist Christians we have in 'merica.
Regardless of whether they're homosexuals, they just can't live without ganging up on people who have different opinions....remember Sassy, ganging up on people is them illustrating their "tolerance" or something :rolleyes-41:

We don't have to tolerate intolerance, idiot.

LOL, spoken by a liberal, the most intolerant group of people on planet earth.
That's hilarious. Religious people are indeed THE MOST INTOLERANT GROUP OF PEOPLE ON THE PLANET EARTH. Religious people have caused far, far, far more misery, destruction and suffering than non-religious people have. History is a record of what violence and cruelty, death and destruction religious people have perpetuated on others. Intolerant? Look toward religion and you find nothing but.

You are correct to a point, it is true that more people have been killed in the name of religion than any other cause.

But you not correct that Christians are intolerant. A lifestyle can be tolerated without being accepted as normal. That's the fine line that you libs try to ignore.
Oh, no. I grew up within the Christian way of thinking. I KNOW for a fact that Christians are intolerant.....the more conservative and fundamentalist they are in their Christianity, the more intolerant they are. Oh, yes indeed....extremely so.
So Liberals don't believe in God... until they need God to make an argument for them. smh
What a moron. Milliions upon millions of progressive, liberal thinkers are religious. I lived in Austria, which is a very religious Catholic country. Also very liberal. I think the problem for your type is that they are also well educated, so they don't think like the imbecilic fundamentalist Christians we have in 'merica.

That's great. But we're talking about Liberals in 'merica who are far from educated and "progressive".
Regardless of whether they're homosexuals, they just can't live without ganging up on people who have different opinions....remember Sassy, ganging up on people is them illustrating their "tolerance" or something :rolleyes-41:

We don't have to tolerate intolerance, idiot.

LOL, spoken by a liberal, the most intolerant group of people on planet earth.
That's hilarious. Religious people are indeed THE MOST INTOLERANT GROUP OF PEOPLE ON THE PLANET EARTH. Religious people have caused far, far, far more misery, destruction and suffering than non-religious people have. History is a record of what violence and cruelty, death and destruction religious people have perpetuated on others. Intolerant? Look toward religion and you find nothing but.

You are correct to a point, it is true that more people have been killed in the name of religion than any other cause.

But you not correct that Christians are intolerant. A lifestyle can be tolerated without being accepted as normal. That's the fine line that you libs try to ignore.
Oh, no. I grew up within the Christian way of thinking. I KNOW for a fact that Christians intolerant.....the more conservative and fundamentalist they are in their Christianity, the more intolerant they are. Oh, yes indeed....extremely so.
I used to think this, and about 10-15 years ago found that to be true.

Now I find decent, church going people who keep their sin catalog to themselves and relate in an open hearted way to all people in the greater community.
So Liberals don't believe in God... until they need God to make an argument for them. smh
What a moron. Milliions upon millions of progressive, liberal thinkers are religious. I lived in Austria, which is a very religious Catholic country. Also very liberal. I think the problem for your type is that they are also well educated, so they don't think like the imbecilic fundamentalist Christians we have in 'merica.

That's great. But we're talking about Liberals in 'merica who are far from educated and "progressive".
No we aren't. You may think you are, but I'm not. I can compare the Austrians with liberal Americans, and they are both equally well educated. It's the damn dumb conservatives who tend to be poorly educated. Hence why the Bible Belt 'red' states are also the least educated states with Mississippi at the bottom.
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We don't have to tolerate intolerance, idiot.

LOL, spoken by a liberal, the most intolerant group of people on planet earth.
That's hilarious. Religious people are indeed THE MOST INTOLERANT GROUP OF PEOPLE ON THE PLANET EARTH. Religious people have caused far, far, far more misery, destruction and suffering than non-religious people have. History is a record of what violence and cruelty, death and destruction religious people have perpetuated on others. Intolerant? Look toward religion and you find nothing but.

You are correct to a point, it is true that more people have been killed in the name of religion than any other cause.

But you not correct that Christians are intolerant. A lifestyle can be tolerated without being accepted as normal. That's the fine line that you libs try to ignore.
Oh, no. I grew up within the Christian way of thinking. I KNOW for a fact that Christians intolerant.....the more conservative and fundamentalist they are in their Christianity, the more intolerant they are. Oh, yes indeed....extremely so.
I used to think this, and about 10-15 years ago found that to be true.

Now I find decent, church going people who keep their sin catalog to themselves and relate in an open hearted way to all people in the greater community.
do you find those people in mississippi?
Bigots In Mississippi Were Just Surprised With This Perfect Billboard


Earlier today, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed a bill into law that may be the most intense anti-queer legislation to pass in America to date. According to Reuters, “the far-reaching law allows people with religious objections to deny wedding services to same-sex couples. It also clears the way for employers to cite religion in determining workplace policies on dress code, grooming and bathroom and locker access.”

In response, the non-profit organization Planting Peace purchased space on a giant electronic billboard in the Southern state to remind so-called Christians about the “golden rule” in a hilarious way.

The American Taliban (fringe-right Christian Evangelicals) need to be put down and shut down.

Absolutely, that's the American way. Shut down the voices of people you disagree with. Nobody in this country is entitled to an opinion that is different than yours. They are only entitled to have their healthcare, education, and retirement payed for by somebody else.
God also said homosexuality is an abomination. Don't be using God to suit your agenda

What kind of an creator would create something he hated?

He gave man free will, the homos take it to the wrong level

How do you know you have free will?

We do NOT have free will - we are captivated by the socialists, communists, fascists, berners. We do as they direct.

.Our first amendment right to freely associate has been abolished.

God also said homosexuality is an abomination. Don't be using God to suit your agenda

What kind of an creator would create something he hated?

He gave man free will, the homos take it to the wrong level

How do you know you have free will?

We do NOT have free will - we are captivated by the socialists, communists, fascists, berners. We do as they direct.

.Our first amendment right to freely associate has been abolished.

Awwww, poor baby. Someone said you can't freely and openly discriminate against people you don't like? So sad for you.
God also said homosexuality is an abomination. Don't be using God to suit your agenda
I always love the "the bible doesn't say gay or homosexuality" excuse LMAO :spinner:

Ah but the Bible does say it's a sin...over and over again
But the Bible is a work of fiction. Some of you are stupid enough to believe it.

you are free to believe and say that. try going to Saudi Arabia and saying that about the Koran. or better yet, say that publicly in this country about the Koran----then watch your back.
No one was talking about the Koran.

we are talking about freedom of speech and freedom of religion, fool. my comments were on point, you just cant deal with reality.
For those of you who dislike the Mississippi law, I suggest that you not venture into that state. I don't like California law and do not go there. Its really simple.
the poorest least educated state in the union???and I shouldn't venture in ??? Oh yeah I'm dying to go lol

Miss also passed a no permit concealed carry law. another reason for you to stay away.
what about you staying away too? don't you value your life or would you put it in the hands of some slope headed red neck moron ??

I would trust a Mississippi redneck before I would trust a flaming liberal.
God also said homosexuality is an abomination. Don't be using God to suit your agenda

What kind of an creator would create something he hated?

He gave man free will, the homos take it to the wrong level

How do you know you have free will?

We do NOT have free will - we are captivated by the socialists, communists, fascists, berners. We do as they direct.

.Our first amendment right to freely associate has been abolished.

Awwww, poor baby. Someone said you can't freely and openly discriminate against people you don't like? So sad for you.

but you want to discriminate against Christians, what does that make you?
Regardless of whether they're homosexuals, they just can't live without ganging up on people who have different opinions....remember Sassy, ganging up on people is them illustrating their "tolerance" or something :rolleyes-41:

We don't have to tolerate intolerance, idiot.

LOL, spoken by a liberal, the most intolerant group of people on planet earth.
That's hilarious. Religious people are indeed THE MOST INTOLERANT GROUP OF PEOPLE ON THE PLANET EARTH. Religious people have caused far, far, far more misery, destruction and suffering than non-religious people have. History is a record of what violence and cruelty, death and destruction religious people have perpetuated on others. Intolerant? Look toward religion and you find nothing but.

You are correct to a point, it is true that more people have been killed in the name of religion than any other cause.

But you not correct that Christians are intolerant. A lifestyle can be tolerated without being accepted as normal. That's the fine line that you libs try to ignore.
Oh, no. I grew up within the Christian way of thinking. I KNOW for a fact that Christians are intolerant.....the more conservative and fundamentalist they are in their Christianity, the more intolerant they are. Oh, yes indeed....extremely so.

If someone disagrees with you they are intolerant. Tolerance is in the eye of the beholder.
We don't have to tolerate intolerance, idiot.

LOL, spoken by a liberal, the most intolerant group of people on planet earth.
That's hilarious. Religious people are indeed THE MOST INTOLERANT GROUP OF PEOPLE ON THE PLANET EARTH. Religious people have caused far, far, far more misery, destruction and suffering than non-religious people have. History is a record of what violence and cruelty, death and destruction religious people have perpetuated on others. Intolerant? Look toward religion and you find nothing but.

You are correct to a point, it is true that more people have been killed in the name of religion than any other cause.

But you not correct that Christians are intolerant. A lifestyle can be tolerated without being accepted as normal. That's the fine line that you libs try to ignore.
Oh, no. I grew up within the Christian way of thinking. I KNOW for a fact that Christians are intolerant.....the more conservative and fundamentalist they are in their Christianity, the more intolerant they are. Oh, yes indeed....extremely so.

If someone disagrees with you they are intolerant. Tolerance is in the eye of the beholder.

we get it Carla, click funny when you have no response, or when you have been defeated by logic and reason.
Since Jesus said that we should drown child predators, can we start doing that?
You have any real proof that Jesus said any such thing?
He said pretty much the exact same thing in 3 of the Gospels. So, yeah, i'll consider that proof.

But, if you don't want to drown child predators, could I ask, WHY? They do deserve to die horribly. Drowning seems to good for them, to me.

Tying them to a tree infested with ants and letting a combination of honey, molasses, and brown sugar drip on them for a few days, seems so much better.

But, i'll accept Jesus at his word, that they should just be drowned.
Regardless of whether they're homosexuals, they just can't live without ganging up on people who have different opinions....remember Sassy, ganging up on people is them illustrating their "tolerance" or something :rolleyes-41:

We don't have to tolerate intolerance, idiot.

LOL, spoken by a liberal, the most intolerant group of people on planet earth.
That's hilarious. Religious people are indeed THE MOST INTOLERANT GROUP OF PEOPLE ON THE PLANET EARTH. Religious people have caused far, far, far more misery, destruction and suffering than non-religious people have. History is a record of what violence and cruelty, death and destruction religious people have perpetuated on others. Intolerant? Look toward religion and you find nothing but.
If you think I'm intolerant, wait till you meet God!
Regardless of whether they're homosexuals, they just can't live without ganging up on people who have different opinions....remember Sassy, ganging up on people is them illustrating their "tolerance" or something :rolleyes-41:

We don't have to tolerate intolerance, idiot.

LOL, spoken by a liberal, the most intolerant group of people on planet earth.
That's hilarious. Religious people are indeed THE MOST INTOLERANT GROUP OF PEOPLE ON THE PLANET EARTH. Religious people have caused far, far, far more misery, destruction and suffering than non-religious people have. History is a record of what violence and cruelty, death and destruction religious people have perpetuated on others. Intolerant? Look toward religion and you find nothing but.
If you think I'm intolerant, wait till you meet God!
LMAO You know him personally of course......LOL What a fool.
Jesus on hypocrites: "But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them. Everything they do is done for people to see."
I like this one better

Revelation 21:8But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

I got bad news for you g5000 I know the Bible, I live the Bible, and I can pound out the Bible verse for verse, ALL DAY LONG!
I believe that lake of fire is in Hell, which is where God puts sinners. Judgment is mine, saeth the Lord. In other words, leave the judgment to God; he'll take care of it. His Son taught us Whoever is without sin, cast the first stone. Not our place to judge.
Wrong! If people would actually read the Bible, then they would see that we are meant to judge others. But be prepared to be judged by God. Jesus commands us to judge with righteous judgment, not by mere appearances but by what a person is like as a whole person.

I can show you verse for verse what Jesus said about judging someone. I have done it on these boards.

When Jesus spoke of 'let those without sin cast the first stone,' He was saying, that everyone makes mistakes, all of us. We will all get angry, and upset, and we will all commit sin.

When He spoke of loving your neighbor, he also spoke of wolves hiding among the sheep. He said to turn the other cheek, so forgive your neighbor for a transgression or 2 or several against you, but He did not say to continually forgive your neighbor if your neighbor is going to walk all over you time and again. He commanded us to stand up for God.

He spoke on a lot of things, but, to many people want to take a verse here and there and twist them around to fit their own personal agenda of what they think Jesus said.

The most important thing He said was "I am the way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father, except thru me" Christians have forgotten that the only way to God, is thru Jesus, there is absolutely no other way. And those who teach and preach that there is, are lying to people, and are inhabited by the spirit of the anti-Christ.
Regardless of whether they're homosexuals, they just can't live without ganging up on people who have different opinions....remember Sassy, ganging up on people is them illustrating their "tolerance" or something :rolleyes-41:

We don't have to tolerate intolerance, idiot.

LOL, spoken by a liberal, the most intolerant group of people on planet earth.
That's hilarious. Religious people are indeed THE MOST INTOLERANT GROUP OF PEOPLE ON THE PLANET EARTH. Religious people have caused far, far, far more misery, destruction and suffering than non-religious people have. History is a record of what violence and cruelty, death and destruction religious people have perpetuated on others. Intolerant? Look toward religion and you find nothing but.
If you think I'm intolerant, wait till you meet God!
LMAO You know him personally of course......LOL What a fool.
Thank you, the more you run me down, the bigger my reward.

Matthew 5:
11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

I know Him, i'm ready to die for Him.
Mark 13:
9 But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them.

10 And the gospel must first be published among all nations.

11 But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost.

The Holy Ghost is in me, and with my mustard seed, given to me by God, thru God and with the blessing of God, I can perform miracles, but it's not me doing the miracles, it's given to me by God the Father, thru the Holy Spirit. (Now, read the Bible, and find out what I just said I can do.)

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