Bigots In Mississippi Were Just OWNED! With This Perfect Billboard

God also said homosexuality is an abomination. Don't be using God to suit your agenda

What kind of an creator would create something he hated?

He gave man free will, the homos take it to the wrong level

How do you know you have free will?

We do NOT have free will - we are captivated by the socialists, communists, fascists, berners. We do as they direct.

.Our first amendment right to freely associate has been abolished.

Awwww, poor baby. Someone said you can't freely and openly discriminate against people you don't like? So sad for you.


poor baby

if the government can dictate to me about with whom I am required to associate where will they stop?

Scene: The Heavenly Real Estate Office)
The Landlord is cheerily rounding up a covey of blazing comets that have skittered under Queen Cassiopeia’s chair. His business agent, Mr. Gabriel, enters, his Golden Trumpet in one hand and more reports from the tiny planet Earth in the other.

The Landlord: (to the comets) Come out from under there, you little scamps, before you set that whole galaxy on fire.

Gabriel: Excuse me, Sir, another batch of Prayergrams from your most devout Christians.

The Landlord: (waving a hand) Whatever they want, Gabriel. Now where did those frisky little devils get to?

Gabriel: Yes, sir, they want you to evict 10 percent of your tenants down there. (raising the Golden Trumpet) I’ve never attempted a partial eviction. Shall I try?

Landlord: (looking up) What 10 percent, Gabriel?

Gabriel: The Gays, sir. Your devout Christians say they’ve done their utmost to keep them out of their schools, their offices, their churches and their lives, but without success. So their Prayergrams ask you to remove them from the face of the Earth.

The Landlord: By Me, Gabriel? That doesn’t sound very Christian. I thought they were supposed to love their neighbors.

Gabriel: Oh, they do, sir, if their neighbors are of the same color, economic bracket and sexual orientation.

The Landlord: But what harm do these gay people do?

Gabriel: I’m afraid you’re not seeing the big picture, sir. Gays simply don’t fit into your grand design. You know, two by two, male and female? Generation after generation? The fact of the matter is that gays simply don’t procreate.

The Landlord: I thought there was enough procreation down there already.

Gabriel: And they commit unspeakable acts.

The Landlord: Murder? Torture? Paving over my mountain meadows?

Gabriel: Unspeakable sexual acts, sir.

The Landlord: Ah, you mean they express their love for each other in different ways.

Gabriel: (annoyed) Really, sir, if these people were automobiles, they’d be recalled in a nonce. They’re clearly defective.

The Landlord: (frowning) Defective, Gabriel?

Gabriel: Exactly, sir. Some essential part is missing, some vital drive is malfunctioning. Bungled wiring, a loose screw… Who knows?

The Landlord: But clearly they are examples of shoddy workmanship?

Gabriel: Oh definitely, sir. And they certainly don’t deserve to clutter up your little blue-green jewel of a planet a minute longer. (raising his trumpet again) Shall I evict them now?

The Landlord: (slowly) And who made these imperfect products, Gabriel?

Gabriel: Why, You did, of course – but… (he lowers the trumpet in sudden consternation) Good You, sir, I didn’t mean to blaspheme. You will forgive them then?

The Landlord: (smiling) A wise philosopher said long ago, Gabriel, that if I made these sinners, it is not I who should forgive them… but they who should forgive me.

Gabriel: Well, I’m sure the gays will be glad to hear of your tolerance and generosity, sir.

The Landlord: The gays? I was talking about my most devout Christians.

The landlord and the gays - Angels on Your Shoulder
Matthew 19:12 For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.
Please show me, in the Bible where Jesus said any of that, in that context.

Go ahead, i'll wait. You can't spend forever.
If you think I'm intolerant, wait till you meet God!

Do you worship your intolerant god or simply fear him?
I don't fear Him as you insinuate, but I do fear Him, for you can't spend forever.

I worship Him and praise Him, and I'm very thankful to Him, for He has blessed me much more than I deserve.

I have a wonderful wife, 4 great healthy kids, 3 going on 4 grand kids, pets, a good job, a house, a couple of paid off fords, no credit card debt, all kinds of personal items, and money in the bank...That is God's blessings, I trust in Him, and He takes care of me.

Does your father take care of you?

And yet you call him "intolerant." That makes no sense.

Maybe you can answer the shellfish question, since Sassy can't.
Romans 14:14 I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean.

Acts 10:
13 And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat.

14 But Peter said, Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean.

15 And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common.

So essentially evil is in the eye of the beholder. If Sassy believes homosexuality is "unclean," she's forbidden to act upon her homosexual impulses. However, that does not give her the right to dictate to others.

That's workable. Thank you!
The Mississippi law says nothing more than no one can be forced to participate, officiate, or attend a gay marriage and that no one can be forced to approve of the gay lifestyle.

All it does is allow freedom of religious belief, or for the non-religious, freedom to make your own interpretation of what is biologically acceptable behavior.

What's biologically unacceptable about oral sex between two women?
I always love the "the bible doesn't say gay or homosexuality" excuse LMAO :spinner:

Ah but the Bible does say it's a sin...over and over again
But the Bible is a work of fiction. Some of you are stupid enough to believe it.

you are free to believe and say that. try going to Saudi Arabia and saying that about the Koran. or better yet, say that publicly in this country about the Koran----then watch your back.
No one was talking about the Koran.

we are talking about freedom of speech and freedom of religion, fool. my comments were on point, you just cant deal with reality.
You are getting so ruffled at not knowing what to say that you are relying on insults.
Bigots In Mississippi Were Just Surprised With This Perfect Billboard


Earlier today, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed a bill into law that may be the most intense anti-queer legislation to pass in America to date. According to Reuters, “the far-reaching law allows people with religious objections to deny wedding services to same-sex couples. It also clears the way for employers to cite religion in determining workplace policies on dress code, grooming and bathroom and locker access.”

In response, the non-profit organization Planting Peace purchased space on a giant electronic billboard in the Southern state to remind so-called Christians about the “golden rule” in a hilarious way.

The American Taliban (fringe-right Christian Evangelicals) need to be put down and shut down.
Christians are now comparable to the Taliban? You're a complete moron.

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God also said homosexuality is an abomination. Don't be using God to suit your agenda
That's not strictly true. It's been mistranslated. Toevah means taboo or foreign, something not done in our tradition. Like eating shellfish. Is that an abomination?

An abomination is something like a calf born with two heads. The harsh and hateful judging you have toward LGBT isn't "Godly" at all.

You're quoting Mosaic Law, dumbass, never applied to Gentiles and done away with by the New Covenant
Ahh I see. So you are using the parts you want and disregarding others to suit your agenda.
God also said homosexuality is an abomination. Don't be using God to suit your agenda
That's not strictly true. It's been mistranslated. Toevah means taboo or foreign, something not done in our tradition. Like eating shellfish. Is that an abomination?

An abomination is something like a calf born with two heads. The harsh and hateful judging you have toward LGBT isn't "Godly" at all.

You're quoting Mosaic Law, dumbass, never applied to Gentiles and done away with by the New Covenant
Ahh I see. So you are using the parts you want and disregarding others to suit your agenda.

Yes, the Cafeteria Christian brigade rides again!

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