Bill Clinton shanking and macking the GOP

Hey stupid, the 2009 budget is BOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH's

2009 the recession was suppose too be over anything after 2009 is all obama.

I bet you wore one of these shirts

Obama was not a friend of the poor or middle class. He has bailed out the banks and big business as George Bush did. Obama has worked to fuck the middle class and turn everyone into a victim!

The policies of dump tons money into welfare is going to hurt the economy as people aren't going to want to work. Instead we should invest some money into education to increase people's ability to compete. If anything.
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Hey stupid, the 2009 budget is BOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH's

2009 the recession was suppose too be over anything after 2009 is all obama.

I bet you wore one of these shirts


The recession did end at the end of 2009 and the economy has been gaining jobs and growing GDP ever since, you semi literate trailer stain.
July 2009 is not the end of 2009 try again
43 straight months of unemployment 8% or higher.
Short bus if you can support failure a rock would be smarter than you.
2009 the recession was suppose too be over anything after 2009 is all obama.

I bet you wore one of these shirts


The recession did end at the end of 2009 and the economy has been gaining jobs and growing GDP ever since, you semi literate trailer stain.
July 2009 is not the end of 2009 try again
43 straight months of unemployment 8% or higher.
Short bus if you can support failure a rock would be smarter than you.

Socialism kills. Remember that!
No wonder this Government believe they are our masters

good grief the swooning over a impeached President
That speech was for peaching to the choir, not convincing undecideds. None of the millions of unemployed became employed by the end of that speech, and that is the problem neither Clinton, obama, nor any other democrat can talk their way around.
man that title show's the type of people that vote for the Democrat party

this country is doomed
Guess it hasn't dawned on many Dimocrats how desperate it is to have Barry's predecessor try to drag his worthless ass out of the fire it's in.

No problemo though. In 60+ days the community agitator can start packing up for the flight back to the political cesspool of Chicago.
Hey stupid, the 2009 budget is BOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH's

2009 the recession was suppose too be over anything after 2009 is all obama.

I bet you wore one of these shirts


The recession did end at the end of 2009 and the economy has been gaining jobs and growing GDP ever since, you semi literate trailer stain.

Dude, we've had the slowest recovery from a recession in 60 YEARS...GDP growth is a little over 1% and we're not even close to creating enough jobs to keep up with population growth. How you can view THAT as a plus for this Administration baffles me. What's even more amusing is that the only reason Barry's jobs numbers are as good as they are is that Republican governors are turning around some States and have them creating jobs and getting themselves out of the red. Take them out of the mix and our jobs numbers would be REALLY bad. It's the same way with Obama's energy plan...we've cut back production substantially on lands controlled by the Federal Government but land controlled by States or held privately have increased who claims that production has increased during "his" watch? Barry does! It's the most absurd thing ever. You want another four years of THIS...then vote the idiot back into office. You won't be getting a pragmatic Bill Clinton...or a competent Mitt'll be getting Barry Obama, the Stoner who flim flammed his way into the Oval Office.
Bill Clinton just provided a template for every Democratic candidate in America.

I think the Koch brothers may be wasting their millions on Romney.

They should have given them to charity.

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