Bill Kristol - a true conservative

You watch FOX and Carlson and drool over his praise of Putin. trump comes right out and calls Putin a genius. pompeo "admires" putin. Trumpism is nothing more than Putism wrapped in red, white, and blue.

If trump was re-elected or if he is ever elected again to the WH...he will deliver his promise to Putin....the US will leave NATO. Nothing will stop Putin from taking all of the old Soviet satellite countries back. That is Putin and trump's plan.
Trump respects putin’s power

And unlike the way he treats lib domestic enemies chooses not to hurl personal insults at putin
trump licks putin's ars...

Hmmm? Trump halted Nord Stream 2. Joe Biden lifted that action, only to have to backtrack to look good.

Trump favored the building of an NG pipeline from the Mideast to Europe to help relieve Europe's dependency on Russian NG. Biden put the kibosh on that further helping Putin.

Under Biden, we have record imports of Russian oil. And now this.

And so many more things that Biden has done to help Putin and Russia.
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