Bill Kristol - a true conservative

Who gave Putin a relationship reset button? YES the Democrats that's who. Should we post all the photos of Obama and Hillary french kissing Putin, that will make the Dems squeal like stuck pigs.
We get that the Ukraine leadership isn't exactly somebody worth rooting for right?
We get that the Ukraine leadership isn't exactly somebody worth rooting for right?
The world is rooting for the Ukrainian leadership and people.
Except for Putin supporters. The Trump minions are Putin minion wannabes. A bunch of sorry ass, cowards who are an embarrassment to the USA.
Left wingers presume to define "true conservatives". Didn't I see that in one of Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals"?
The world is rooting for the Ukrainian leadership and people.
Except for Putin supporters. The Trump minions are Putin minion wannabes. A bunch of sorry ass, cowards who are an embarrassment to the USA.
A lot of us are smarter than that...We see that there are no good guys worth rooting for, and we see warmonger gasbags like you and neocon scum like Kristol as the real enemies.
The world is rooting for the Ukrainian leadership and people.
Except for Putin supporters. The Trump minions are Putin minion wannabes. A bunch of sorry ass, cowards who are an embarrassment to the USA.

How can you identify a 'global citizen'?

They're already a refugee or soon to be one.

Pack your bags, Elmer. :smoke:
Bill Kristol is one of the few leftist medias token “conservatives” they allow to penetrate their circles. They pretend to respect him but he’s just a prop they use to scam the useful idiots into believing they’re not biased. Charles Krauthammer is another.
Trump and Trump minions continue to hold the Republican party hostage. The association with Putin is pulling Trumpism down further.
It will take time but Putin and Putinism will be defeated. It will take time but Trump and Trumpism will be defeated.

When they both go down, the world will be a better place.
Trump and Trump minions continue to hold the Republican party hostage. The association with Putin is pulling Trumpism down further.
It will take time but Putin and Putinism will be defeated. It will take time but Trump and Trumpism will be defeated.

When they both go down, the world will be a better place.

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