Bill would give president emergency control of Internet

and no, the government doesn't "own" the frequencies, not to mention that is nothing about the internet. Only portions utilize sats, and then those are being dropped for the more stable and less expensive cable systems.

Uh YES they do, and how do you think it operates anyway? The internet is all about transmission of electrical is cable.......are you insane?

Cable operates off of satellites to get their content and then disseminates it through repeaters, fibre optic or's all about the hertz.
Let me guess, all of you supporting this thought Y2K was actually going to destroy the world to ...

Yep, I bet they fell for the everyone needs to purchase a Y2K kit with 1000 boxes of Top Ramen and matches in it. ~BH

Or worse, spent a fortune on software when all the OSes released patches a month before ... it was the world biggest cyber con to date.

They claimed missiles would launch on their own, planes would fall from the sky ... just about everything ... it was so funny when nothing happened.
and no, the government doesn't "own" the frequencies, not to mention that is nothing about the internet. Only portions utilize sats, and then those are being dropped for the more stable and less expensive cable systems.

Uh YES they do, and how do you think it operates anyway? The internet is all about transmission of electrical is cable.......are you insane?

Cable operates off of satellites to get their content and then disseminates it through repeaters, fibre optic or's all about the hertz.

Okay Obama Pod Person, explain it, in detail, how when you post something here it flies through the net to the server, then flies through the net to other computers. Explain it if you know it so much better than me, in detail.
and no, the government doesn't "own" the frequencies, not to mention that is nothing about the internet. Only portions utilize sats, and then those are being dropped for the more stable and less expensive cable systems.

Uh YES they do, and how do you think it operates anyway? The internet is all about transmission of electrical is cable.......are you insane?

Cable operates off of satellites to get their content and then disseminates it through repeaters, fibre optic or's all about the hertz.

Okay Obama Pod Person, explain it, in detail, how when you post something here it flies through the net to the server, then flies through the net to other computers. Explain it if you know it so much better than me, in detail.

Obama Pod Person? Now basic physics is being politicized? What's your fucking problem? I suppose miniature mice with miniature bikes, courier the posts through invisible treadways back and forth through a series of dark matter pathways?

How do you think it works?

>Cue twilight zone music<
Uh YES they do, and how do you think it operates anyway? The internet is all about transmission of electrical is cable.......are you insane?

Cable operates off of satellites to get their content and then disseminates it through repeaters, fibre optic or's all about the hertz.

Okay Obama Pod Person, explain it, in detail, how when you post something here it flies through the net to the server, then flies through the net to other computers. Explain it if you know it so much better than me, in detail.

Obama Pod Person? Now basic physics is being politicized? What's your fucking problem? I suppose miniature mice with miniature bikes, courier the posts through invisible treadways back and forth through a series of dark matter pathways?

How do you think it works?

>Cue twilight zone music<

No, explain what you are contending in detail, if you are actually more knowledgeable than me this should be easy for you, since explaining things is the one fault I admit fully and the only one I see in this matter. So explain oh great Pod Guru.
This is akin to someone knowing how to ride, but not knowing how to saddle the horse. When presented with said horse and no saddle, riding does not take place.

Do you honestly want to know how radio works? I suggest the full primer and a dose of wave theory. I'm not volunteering. Go google.
This is akin to someone knowing how to ride, but not knowing how to saddle the horse. When presented with said horse and no saddle, riding does not take place.

Do you honestly want to know how radio works? I suggest the full primer and a dose of wave theory. I'm not volunteering. Go google.

If you know so much more than I do, in spite of me growing up with computers, quite literally, working on computers before they were even "in", building IBMs from scratch, designing and building CPUs as class projects, working on the first public BBSs before the "internet" was fully established, so since you know more about how this technology works than me, you should be able to explain it, you said so yourself, so put up or shut up. ;)
This is akin to someone knowing how to ride, but not knowing how to saddle the horse. When presented with said horse and no saddle, riding does not take place.

Do you honestly want to know how radio works? I suggest the full primer and a dose of wave theory. I'm not volunteering. Go google.

If you know so much more than I do, in spite of me growing up with computers, quite literally, working on computers before they were even "in", building IBMs from scratch, designing and building CPUs as class projects, working on the first public BBSs before the "internet" was fully established, so since you know more about how this technology works than me, you should be able to explain it, you said so yourself, so put up or shut up. ;)

Radio goes back to Tesla and Marconi. I wasn't around then. My grandfather was a radio pioneer and electrical engineer. He was the first guy ever to put a baseball game on the radio. He did so many things it would be hard to enumerate them here. The facts is, no matter how fancy the computer is, it still runs on electricity and then to make it onto the internet some measure of BANDWIDTH is required to send electronic impulses back and forth. Think back to transistor radios. You had all those stations, but sitting on a tiny piece of bandwidth. Amplitude Modulation refers to the height/depth of the radio sine waves, FM is frequency Modulation for the width of these waves. All that on a certain amount of Hertz and a tuner knob to reel your particular signal in. You tune to the "address" and you're there, but if nobody is transmitting, you don't hear anything. So you are there and the capability and "location" are available but there's nothing. The road is empty. But I can block the road and jam it so neither transmission nor reception is possible. I can just fill that bandwidth up with noise and you're out of business.
CaféAuLait;1463968 said:
Internet companies and civil liberties groups were alarmed this spring when a U.S. Senate bill proposed handing the White House the power to disconnect private-sector computers from the Internet.

The new version would allow the president to "declare a cybersecurity emergency" relating to "non-governmental" computer networks and do what's necessary to respond to the threat. Other sections of the proposal include a federal certification program for "cybersecurity professionals," and a requirement that certain computer systems and networks in the private sector be managed by people who have been awarded that license.

Bill would give president emergency control of Internet | Politics and Law - CNET News

So I guess it's unimportant to you people, who are at this moment communicating via computer, that in the event of a cyber threat that had the potential to shut down the entire global network, causing banks/markets/life support systems/etc., to simultaneously crash, is a baaaaaaad thing. Interesting.

there is no amount of freedom you are unwilling to throw away, people like you are a danger to the rest of us.
CaféAuLait;1463968 said:
Internet companies and civil liberties groups were alarmed this spring when a U.S. Senate bill proposed handing the White House the power to disconnect private-sector computers from the Internet.

The new version would allow the president to "declare a cybersecurity emergency" relating to "non-governmental" computer networks and do what's necessary to respond to the threat. Other sections of the proposal include a federal certification program for "cybersecurity professionals," and a requirement that certain computer systems and networks in the private sector be managed by people who have been awarded that license.

Bill would give president emergency control of Internet | Politics and Law - CNET News

So I guess it's unimportant to you people, who are at this moment communicating via computer, that in the event of a cyber threat that had the potential to shut down the entire global network, causing banks/markets/life support systems/etc., to simultaneously crash, is a baaaaaaad thing. Interesting.

Giving the POTUS these kinds of powers for the purpose of National Security™ seemed to be so important when the last guy was in office.

I don't really support this either, btw.
So I guess it's unimportant to you people, who are at this moment communicating via computer, that in the event of a cyber threat that had the potential to shut down the entire global network, causing banks/markets/life support systems/etc., to simultaneously crash, is a baaaaaaad thing. Interesting.

^Would be Screaming Bloody MURDER if the GOP Congress and (43) were doing it...

Dishonesty Illustrated.


An all around bad idea if there ever was one. given how long it takes the government to fix the economy I'm not sure I want to wait a decade for the internet to come back up.
I think it's a good idea. It seems there is an effort to create systems redundancy and firewall gaps in case one segment has to be turned off to reroute or isolate a problem. If I had a large company that dealt with sensitive information, I wouldn't mind having the gov't vet my prospective high level employees. I also wouldn't mind standing down if it was deemed prudent to isolate my operations in order to assist in the prevention of a service attack. I'd roll with it.

Would you let the cops hop your fence and run through your backyard going after a bank robber?

Besides, they can already do it anyway.
CaféAuLait;1463968 said:

So I guess it's unimportant to you people, who are at this moment communicating via computer, that in the event of a cyber threat that had the potential to shut down the entire global network, causing banks/markets/life support systems/etc., to simultaneously crash, is a baaaaaaad thing. Interesting.

Giving the POTUS these kinds of powers for the purpose of National Security™ seemed to be so important when the last guy was in office.

I don't really support this either, btw.
As I recall, the cons were perfectly happy to allow BushCo to listen to their phone calls and read their email.
I'm not surprised at all that this Government is trying to take control of the Internet. I am surprised though that so many are surprised by this. When did Socialism/Communism ever lead to More Freedom & Liberty for the People? You wanted Socialism/Communism? Well you got it America. :(

You said that already.

You can never speak the truth too much..or enough.
I think it's a good idea. It seems there is an effort to create systems redundancy and firewall gaps in case one segment has to be turned off to reroute or isolate a problem. If I had a large company that dealt with sensitive information, I wouldn't mind having the gov't vet my prospective high level employees. I also wouldn't mind standing down if it was deemed prudent to isolate my operations in order to assist in the prevention of a service attack. I'd roll with it.

Would you let the cops hop your fence and run through your backyard going after a bank robber?

Besides, they can already do it anyway.

We also know you are an idiot in matters of technology.
So I guess it's unimportant to you people, who are at this moment communicating via computer, that in the event of a cyber threat that had the potential to shut down the entire global network, causing banks/markets/life support systems/etc., to simultaneously crash, is a baaaaaaad thing. Interesting.

Giving the POTUS these kinds of powers for the purpose of National Security™ seemed to be so important when the last guy was in office.

I don't really support this either, btw.
As I recall, the cons were perfectly happy to allow BushCo to listen to their phone calls and read their email.

You are an idiot in general now. Most the conservatives I knew during that time hated that idea as much as anyone else, the difference, they didn't hate the messenger, just the message.
Could anyone here specify any clause of the Constitution that specifically acknowledges any inalienable right to the use of the Internet? Is there mention of such in the Bill of Rights?

Albeit that the Internet has been privatized, the fact that the government licenses ISPs, and no doubt strictly regulates the switch providers, indicates that the Internet has alway been a a public rather than a private entity.

The government can take control of the airways during a national crisis. There is no difference.

Like public roadways, use of the internet is more of a priviledge than an right.

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