Bill Would Require Members of Congress to Fly Coach

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
If they want to fly First Class let them upgrade with their own money. They're all one percenters anyway so it's not like they can't afford it.

Members of Congress fly across the country continually for business, but a new bill would keep them from spending taxpayer money on first-class seats.

The "If Our Military Has to Fly Coach Then So Should Congress Act" was recently introduced by Rep. Paul A. Gosar (R-Ariz.), with his colleagues Reps. Raul Ruiz (D-Calif.), Walter Jones (R-N.C.) and John Barrow (D-Ga.).

The bill is aimed at cutting "waste, fraud and abuse," according to a statemnt by Rep. Gosar.

"Members of Congress should not be using taxpayers' hard-earned money to buy luxury airline seats. If members of our military can't fly first class using taxpayer funds, neither should members of Congress," Gosar said.
Seems like a reasonable way to save taxpayers some money. If you want to fly First Class then pay for the upgrade yourself.
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Frankly, they should be spending the majority of their time home in their own districts and less in Washington. We're in the Internet age now. There is no reason why we need to have a quorum in D.C. for every single vote. Let them vote online from their home districts and have fewer meeting in D.C.
fine with me but these govt people get the finest in everything , they are like the kings advisors and court jesters in medieval times . Like I say , make the law but its just a feel good joke IMO !! Heck , look at their pay rates , healthcare , retirement and expense accounts . When was the last time one of these govt types ate a big bolgna sandwich for lunch ??
Ya, calculate the hours they actually spend at the job of being representative as opposed to fund-raising ( etc.... ) and then consider them part-time with the appropriate reduction in benefits.
Nancy Pelosi tried to get her own Air Force 1 Comparable. Don't see her supporting this.
unfortunately CALIFORNIA is afflicted with its very own fossilized politicians who really need to simply retire and get out of the way for some younger and much more creative & open minded representation. PLEASE CALIFORNIA retire the fossils!
I have advocated for this for a very long time and have bent Hellers ear on this and other issues on more than one occasion.
Frankly, they should be spending the majority of their time home in their own districts and less in Washington. We're in the Internet age now. There is no reason why we need to have a quorum in D.C. for every single vote. Let them vote online from their home districts and have fewer meeting in D.C.

Are you crazy! What about the expensive hookers and the all-night cocaine binges supplied by a thousand and one lobbyists? You can't have those things if you're home with your family...or God forbid, your constituents.
Naw, they should ALL have their own personal VC-137 aircraft on call so they don't have to be inconvenienced by the TSA and have t o suffer the indignity of having to sit next to any of us "great unwashed peasants".

They are Gods you know! We should Bow Down before them all! They're better than us, they got elected.
Wasn't there a Senator or Congressperson who a few years back "forgot" a gun in his briefcase, and said gun was discovered by TSA and the politician got sentenced to a year of probation, what would happen if your Joe-random-citizen pulled that stunt?
The bill isn't going to save any money - congressmen will still receive the same travel allowance.

They'll just be prohibited from spending that money on first-class tickets.

It's a bullshit bill.
Wasn't there a Senator or Congressperson who a few years back "forgot" a gun in his briefcase, and said gun was discovered by TSA and the politician got sentenced to a year of probation, what would happen if your Joe-random-citizen pulled that stunt?

It happens every day, and no one goes to jail for it. It's a $3,000 fine.
Wasn't there a Senator or Congressperson who a few years back "forgot" a gun in his briefcase, and said gun was discovered by TSA and the politician got sentenced to a year of probation, what would happen if your Joe-random-citizen pulled that stunt?

It happens every day, and no one goes to jail for it. It's a $3,000 fine.

You understand of course that the entire excuse for having TSA in the first place is BOGUS, the "hijackings" on 9/11/2001 are a total FRAUD!
I would love to be on the same plane with harry reid sitting next to him for an 8 hour flight.
or Diane Frankenstein
I would love to be on the same plane with harry reid sitting next to him for an 8 hour flight.
or Diane Frankenstein

its aprox 5 hours from DC, to the Left Coast. anyhow, all any airline passenger needs to say is "I don't feel like being social right now" and that is the end of it, if you become a pest, you can be busted by the flight crew. oops!
I would love to be on the same plane with harry reid sitting next to him for an 8 hour flight.
or Diane Frankenstein

its aprox 5 hours from DC, to the Left Coast. anyhow, all any airline passenger needs to say is "I don't feel like being social right now" and that is the end of it, if you become a pest, you can be busted by the flight crew. oops!
All I would need is two minutes and jail time would be a pleasure.

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