Zone1 Black culture holds back black people.

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Call me crazy, but it sure looked like she was driving that car while recording. At least she was in the left seat and the right seat was vacant. I hope that she was in a Van or SUV and NOT driving while ranting.
I think she must be in a van or suv. She is filming with her left hand and the other hand is making gestures on camera. Alternatively, maybe she is steering with her knees?
el midgetron

You, and others, have posted some VERY negative facts (and videos) about blacks. I, otoh, have made rather innocuous (and true) observations that there is a very high out-of-wedlock rate among blacks, which is tied to high crime and poverty - and that correcting for this would solve much of blacks‘ problems.

For that, IM2 has chased me around the forum, interjecting himself into every thread, lambasting me as a racist and saying I’ve said “vile things” about blacks. (When I’ve asked him what vile things he’s said, he goes mute.)

So, a riddle: why is it that he skips by your comments, and those of others, while directing his ire most prominently to me? One guess (and he often refers to it when addressing me).
el midgetron

You, and others, have posted some VERY negative facts (and videos) about blacks. I, otoh, have made rather innocuous (and true) observations that there is a very high out-of-wedlock rate among blacks, which is tied to high crime and poverty - and that correcting for this would solve much of blacks‘ problems.

For that, IM2 has chased me around the forum, interjecting himself into every thread, lambasting me as a racist and saying I’ve said “vile things” about blacks. (When I’ve asked him what vile things he’s said, he goes mute.)

So, a riddle: why is it that he skips by your comments, and those of others, while directing his ire most prominently to me? One guess (and he often refers to it when addressing me).
I’m not sure I can answer your riddle. I have my suspicions and certainly IM2‘s bigotry is a factor. They also are not someone who wants to engage in a rational discussion and consider opposing views. Inconvenient facts are like holy water to these vampires.

I also think he dislikes his extremism being contrasted by a moderate position. Despite my many negative posts about black people, I really have nothing but love for all people. My posts are motivated by challenging the narrative and division of the CRT crowd as well as a sincere desire to see the black community reject the beliefs and behaviors that are at the root of their problems. Culturally, they are something like the tip of the spear for the social problems in our society. I don’t want there to be a higher rate of black people killing each other, or for incarceration, or the destruction of the black family unit. However, blaming each other for our problems does exactly what CRT is intended to do, create division. It’s a program of divide and conquer. I think we (all of us) are in real trouble if we can’t get back to recognizing a shared identity as a society. We need to reject the liberal tenets that got us here and embrace social unity and personal responsibility.

All men are brothers. Unfortunately, some of us have been convinced otherwise.
LOL! Whites are walking into schools and shooting up people and this diot posts something like this.
Perhaps if black people stayed in school, more of them would be responsible for school shootings? Its like every black drop-out in American lives in Chicago.
"Usually the black racist has been produced by the white racist. In most cases where you see it, it is the reaction to white racism, and if you analyze it closely, it's not really black racism... If we react to white racism with a violent reaction, to me that's not black racism. If you come to put a rope around my neck and I hang you for it, to me that's not racism. Yours is racism, but my reaction has nothing to do with racism..."
-- Malcolm X
If white supremacists are always persecuting blacks why do blacks then assault, rob and kill other blacks and minorities who haven't done anything to them? Hmmm? 🤷‍♀️
LOL! Whites are walking into schools and shooting up people and this diot posts something like this.
What’s more “black culture” than giving some random people a violent beat-down in front of their own terrified child?

Don’t blame white people. Black people do this to their own kids. It’s a big cycle, 100% black powered.
On a lighter note, I’m not entirely sure what this is about but I like his enthusiasm.

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