Black, Hispanic, Women, Gays, Jews, Muslim, Native American..........why would you vote GOP?

WATCHā€“Black Voter to Justin Amash: Trump Is ā€˜Doing Such a Good Job for Minorities and Black Peopleā€™

KYLE MORRIS29 May 2019289

While taking questions at a town hall event Tuesday in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) was confronted by a black voter who criticized his ā€œdemonizingā€ calls to impeach President Trump.

WATCH: Black Voter Calls Out Justin Amash: 'Trump Is Good for America'

ā€œFrom what Iā€™m seeing, for the black community and minorities, is that Trump is good for America,ā€ the voter stated. ā€œAnd Iā€™m wondering why the Republicans and Democrats are fighting him so much when heā€™s doing such a good job?ā€

ā€œYouā€™re demonizing him on something that you know is not true,ā€ he added. ā€œItā€™s just bewildering to me that you can treat the president of the United States in this way, especially when heā€™s doing such a good job for minorities and black people.ā€

In the video, captured by 13 On Your Side ABC, Amash responded to the unidentified man and said that he believes there are a lot of people that ā€œdisagreeā€ with his point and claimed ā€œnobodyā€™s demonizingā€ President Trump.

ā€œThe person who demonizes people every day is Donald Trump,ā€ Amash claimed. ā€œHe goes on Twitter and calls people names and says the most egregious things about people.ā€

Amash added, ā€œSomehow if anyone challenges any policy position he has, or says thereā€™s something in the Mueller report we should look at, that is somehow attacking him or demonizing him and thatā€™s totally ridiculous of course.ā€

ā€œHeā€™s the one demonizing people. He is the one attacking people day after day,ā€ Amash said. ā€œItā€™s not healthy for our country for our people to have hatred towards each other.ā€

It's not Healthy for the Country when people like Justin Amashā€¦.. are Bought and Paid for by the Chinese Government!
By now, Republicans must realize they are a nearly all white party.

African American
Native Americans

If you belong to one of these groups, why would you ever vote GOP?

Would you feel welcome in the GOP knowing they are nearly all white?

So if you would vote GOP, what GOP policy or policies do you agree with?

I know, for some reason, pointing out to the GOP that they are a nearly all white party, they become very agitated. I'm not sure why.

Do Republicans even want to attract any of those minorities to their party? Being nearly all white, won't minority voices get lost being such a tiny minority within a nearly all white party?

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." -- MLK

"Nah, I'll stick with gender and race identity" Rderp

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