Black History Month! “Financial Independence Was Rising, Until LBJ Intervened”


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The leftists never intended to actually help the poor elevate themselves. They intended to keep them dependent and voting Democrat because people don't usually bite the hand that feeds them.

Poverty was already decreasing before the left rushed in to "solve" the problem. What they solved was the "problem" of people doing better on their own.

Leftist policies destroyed families over the last 6 decades. It was never about helping people. It was nothing more than a plan to create an underclass of uneducated useful idiots.

"John F. Kennedy stated the purpose of the "war on poverty" to be "to help our less fortunate citizens to help themselves."[2] He said: "We must find ways of returning far more of our dependent people to independence."[3] The whole point of currently increased federal spending on this effort was "to strengthen and broaden the rehabilitative and preventative services" offered to "persons who are dependent or who would otherwise become dependent," so that long-run savings in government spending were expected from a subsequent decline in dependency. As President Kennedy put it:

Public welfare, in short, must be more than a salvage operation, picking up the debris from the wreckage of human lives. Its emphasis must be directed increasingly toward prevention and rehabilition--on reducing not only the long-range cost in budgetary terms but the long-range cost in human terms as well.[4]"

Black History Month! “Financial Independence Was Rising, Until LBJ Intervened” by Thomas Sowell
I was just a baby at the time when we saw the rise of LBJ's war on poverty that created ghettos. Horrible horrible no escape from ghettos. Many of you know I'm dual. I spent my summers in Florida and every year in the 60's we saw the rise of these huge apartment city sized ghettos that entrapped blacks in inner cities. In a world of hurt. You could see them from the highways at the time going thru Detroit to Atlanta and all the cities.

LBJ's war on poverty was to round up all inner city blacks and put them in his "projects". You could not get out.
Civil rights now is defined by money
The gop can vote civil rights till they’re blue in the face, but if no money is involved it don’t mean squat
I was just a baby at the time when we saw the rise of LBJ's war on poverty that created ghettos. Horrible horrible no escape from ghettos. Many of you know I'm dual. I spent my summers in Florida and every year in the 60's we saw the rise of these huge apartment city sized ghettos that entrapped blacks in inner cities. In a world of hurt. You could see them from the highways at the time going thru Detroit to Atlanta and all the cities.

LBJ's war on poverty was to round up all inner city blacks and put them in his "projects". You could not get out.

You nailed it. Everything the leftists have done in the last 60 years was all designed to keep as many people as possible dependent on government and loyal to those who promise to take care of them.

Even the idea of government setting the minimum wage was started because they wanted blacks to lose their jobs and turn to government. Yes, racism was alive and well and much more prevalent then than it is now. 60 years ago, blacks were financially independent and that vast majority of families had two parents. In other words, functional families with parents who did their jobs. Blacks were willing to work cheaper just to ensure that they could support their families. The government knew that if they forced companies to pay a minimum wage then they would opt to hire whites over blacks. Sucks, but that was our history.

Once the blacks started loosing jobs, they were lured onto the liberal plantation where generations have lived now. When welfare recipients raise children, they do not pass along values, such as being hard workers or valuing an education. The drop out rate, teen pregnancy rate, crime rate, and unemployment rate has escalated over the years. It's all by design. Now we are at a point where generations have become less educated and have no understanding of history or how they are being used. They only know turning to government to survive and too many believe that it's their only choice because they have been convinced that their poverty is the fault of racism or greed, etc... Sad that so many don't see that they have the power to elevate themselves in ways that no politician ever could. But, so many are too far behind in education and may don't have a mature mindset that allows critical thinking. Lacking basic education and being filled with false rhetoric their entire lives makes it extremely difficult to help them do more for themselves.

Leftists don't push education and independence. They push reparations and more welfare without insisting that people complete an education or work program. All we hear is the lies about how they'll take from the wealthy and give to the poor. Leftists preach as if there is a finite amount of wealth which must be divided equally. No wonder so many have zero understanding of wealth creation and the path to true independence.

It's all about permanent votes for the leftists so they can achieve their radical dream.

In the leftists perfect world, they are the ones with power and wealth and all others are sheep that exist to obey their wishes.

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