Black republicans...who are they really?

I'm not changing anything, I am asking you what policies have the Democrats put into place to help inter-cities and you simply won't answer and try to deflect.

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Affirmative Action

You are at least addressing the question and now how has Affirmative Action that began during reconstruction helped with the cities of Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, Baltimore and Washington DC. Because as I see it, these inter-cities are worse today than they have been 40 plus years ago.
I'm not going to play your game. I keep telling you why things haven't worked out for poor people the last half century papadumbdumb. But you keep trying to control the conversation. You asked, I told you. Affirmative Action IS a way us liberals have TRIED to help black people. You want to know how it has worked out now that Republicans have ended affirmative action?


YOu mean liberals like Nixon?

Affirmative action in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Nixon administration[edit]
For more details on this topic, see Richard Nixon.
The strides that the Johnson presidency made in ensuring equal opportunity in the workforce were further picked up by his successor Nixon. In 1969 the Nixon administration initiated the "Philadelphia Order". It was regarded as the most forceful plan thus far to guarantee fair hiring practices in construction jobs. Philadelphia was selected as the test case because, as Assistant Secretary of Labor Arthur Fletcher explained, "The craft unions and the construction industry are among the most egregious offenders against equal opportunity laws . . . openly hostile toward letting blacks into their closed circle." The order included definite "goals and timetables." As President Nixon asserted, "We would not impose quotas, but would require federal contractors to show 'affirmative action' to meet the goals of increasing minority employment."[32]

It was through the Philadelphia Plan that the Nixon administration formed their adapted definition of affirmative action and became the official policy of the US government. The plan was defined as "racial goals and timetables, not quotas"[25]:124"

Was this more of how he pandered to Racists?

Let us not forget how different Republicans were back then. Oh and Nixon is the PERFECT example of a Republican racist. He said abortion was justified SOMETIMES. For example, when a white woman has sex with a black man and gets pregnant, that is a good justification for abortion.

Tapes recently released by the Nixon Presidential Library reveal that President Richard M. Nixon, who had been considered generally opposed to abortion, told aides on January 23, 1973 (the day after the decision was handed down) that abortion was justified in certain cases, such as interracial pregnancies.

“There are times when abortion is necessary. I know that. When you have a black and a white,” said Nixon. President Nixon’s words, chilling as they are, are also a general reflection of the moral logic shared by millions of Americans in that day.

Like LBJ was the perfect Democratic Racist, you know signing the Civil Rights Act so that the ******* would vote Democratic?
there wasn't any large text in my post, you misrepresent my post you asshole.

I think all that spinach have made you seriously constipated.....and it shows....LOL
you are just a racist. Your OP stated so. you can't move on. you will always treat people with color differently than Caucasians
Until black people are treated equally we will point out the differences.

Until everyone is treated equally, you're going to keep singling out black conservatives, how does that make sense?
Whatever .. you keep missing the point .. and I don't care that you do. :0)
I can't miss a point that hasn't been made. Make a point. We're all ears. You're so frustrated because you can't make a point. And you can't make a point because you know we are right.
Your all-white party is doomed .. can't win a national election .. and the Supreme Court will become the proprietary property of the Democratic Party.
Now that is a remarkable position considering that since 2010, conservatives have kicked the living shit out of Dumbocrats from coast-to-coast. Dumbocrats went from a super-majority in the House to a minority. They went from a majority in the Sentate to a minority. They lost the most cities and states across the nation than any party in over 100 years.
Anything else? :0)
Yes....tell us again how this thread is about "white people crying that blacks won't support the Republican Party" :lmao:

My last post to a racist dummy.

1. The point is that I don't give a fuck who you vote for .. and the ONLY reason you're crying about who black people vote for is because we elect presidents and seriously damage republican prospects of winning the White House.

2. Republicans have lost virtually every social issue they care about .. AND, when Trump loses as he inevitably will, the Republican Party becomes the Whigs.

Of course this thread is about republicans crying about who blacks vote for.

3. :0) I don't need to tell a racist asshole a goddamn thing. I'm having fun playing with stupid motherfuckers while I work. I'm happy with the enormous divide between blacks and republicans .. hope it grows even wider. :0)

Time for this again.

You are doing a wonderful job convincing this black man to vote GOP. Is this the tactic you use to convince dumb white voters to vote for you?

You lefties have literally convinced them that the GOP are effectively Nazies.

NOthing I say or do matters.

They aren't listening to what I say.

And if they do try to "listen" they can't hear me over the lies you have put in their heads.
That's simply more RW bullshit .. and he said nothing of the sort.

You're a fucking racist dude .. why in the fuck are you even talking to me? I don't give a shit about what you think. I'd MUCH rather prefer the company and thoughts of Sealybobo any day then the thoughts of 10,000 like you.
Well of course...she panders to your victim mentality and I don't. Her position is that African-American's are so incompetent, so helpless, so stupid, so inept, that they can't even figure out how to get a proper state ID or drivers license. Rather than be offended by that, you embrace her coddling of your perceived "helplessness". :eusa_doh:

Whatever .. you keep missing the point .. and I don't care that you do. :0)

Your all-white party is doomed .. can't win a national election .. and the Supreme Court will become the proprietary property of the Democratic Party.

Anything else? :0)

And you think that is going to work out well for you because of what?
The Supreme Court when Scalia was still alive sided against the American people and FOR Corporations 100% of the time after Alito and Roberts were appointed. If poor and middle class Americans want to stand a chance we need another liberal on the high court.

It was the CONS that passed Citizens United. You do know what that is, right? That isn't just bad for black Americans, that's bad for all Americans, except for rich Americans. So overturning Citizens United will help 90% of the black population in America.

And the next time Texas passes a racist voter restriction law aimed at disenfranchising blacks and it goes up to the Supreme Court, it will be struct down as unconstitutional.

For people who claim to love the constitution you are a bunch of cherry pickers.
A Hillary controlled Supreme Court would be against white people all the time. Every time a discrimination case involving white victims appears before the court they will vote the same way the 4 Democrat justices voted against the white firefighters in New Haven.
Oh yea the one case you love to hold up as an example of how whites aren't treated fairly.

I'm glad blackascoal joined the conversation because it clearly changed your guys arguments from dumb to dumber.

I asked you to convince a black person that the GOP is the party they should be voting for and so far you are doing a really shitty job.
so then why is there still inner city struggles today with all of these elites? Were they actually bought and paid for?

That would be a sane and rational discussion .. but I have never met a republican who could discuss it sane and rationally.

Just go with whatever you think it is.
because the left doesn't wish to discuss. Sort of difficult to discuss something when questions are asked and never answered. No new discussions can be created after that. I'm always open for a discussion. I want honest discussion. When a democrat can't critique their own, then the chance of a discussion is lost. I know Bush had issues, I can honestly say that. He should not have gone to Iraq. he won a second term even though he did. your turn.

Dude :0)

I've answered questions all day long .. even bolded them and increased the size so the morons can't pretend they didn't see them .. yet, like the mental midget Papawhatever, it still claims I didn't answer its question.

If you're a republican looking for honest discussion, you'd be the anomaly on this board.
so, why is it the inner cities have so much violence?
Lets not go into that. We all know black society has fallen apart. But it isn't liberal policies. Liberals tried to help blacks get out of poverty but conservative policies kept holding them back. Why is black culture so screwed up? Half the reason is the racism they have endured for hundreds of years and the other half is their fault. It's not affirmative action and it's not welfare. Fact is black people would rather make a fair wage than be on welfare, just like their white counterparts. Problem is there is almost no way out of poverty for a lot of blacks in the ghettos. So they settle on welfare. So would you.
many of successful black people came from ghettos. some give back, the problem is no one is holding them accountable. They give them welfare and you're right, they love it. No accountability. they don't have to do anything accept exist to get it. They now feel they deserve it. and they feel they deserve more. And more. Now they want crime without consequence. That's just a big WOW for me. Now that takes some balls. How successful you think that's going to be?
Says the moron that OBVIOUSLY can't support or defend a single idiotic thing he posts.

You realize you aren't fooling anyone, not even seely.

He is just pretending.
I tried to go back to see if you said anything of substance that I could agree or disagree with and so far you haven't said jack shit. Come on. Convince me and blackascoal that your party is good for them. What advice from the GOP should black people take?

See you won't answer because then like me, you'll come across as being a racist. So what? I call it like I see it. I agree that black people need to do better for themselves. I'll agree. But you/us whites need to stop shitting on blacks. One way to fix things would be if white American business owners made an effort to hire more blacks.

But then blacks need to be better employees. This is where I will switch sides and start arguing with blacks because a lot of poor blacks make the absolute worst employees.

But still blacks should not vote GOP. I tell blacks all the time that they shouldn't vote for Ben Carson but they should take some of his advice.
that after fifty years, your inner cities still don't attract business so people can find jobs.So the left has done absolutely blank for you all in fifty years. That is my only reason why you shouldn't vote democrat. They use you all just for that reason, a vote.

Can you name a promise that they kept that would help inner cities?

Instead of moving jobs to Detroit Corporations moved their jobs to Mexico and China. Mexicans are cheaper than blacks.

But I'll agree it is the crime in black cities that stop business' from going there.

I'll say it again. Blacks are half to blame for the mess they are in. White liberals can do all we want for the black community until they clean up their act things aint going to change. We can only do so much. If black people don't stop having kids they won't raise and can't afford, we can throw all the money at them we want. In 30 years the place will still be a shit hole.

But this is typical of Republicans. Republicans are never 100% wrong. They are always half right. But there is so much that Republicans have done that have hurt black people and that is why they don't vote GOP.

But saying Affirmative Action didn't work so lets not do it is like saying Obama didn't do good enough because Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell obstructed him so lets vote out the Democrats and replace her with a Republican. That's a joke.

Well technically it didn't work. yes it did get jobs for blacks, but it was perceived as giving them preferential treatment. And that was the failure. The reverse discrimination factor made it very unpopular to the populace.
Poor poor white people.

Oh, yeah, just keep laughing at the people you are discriminating against.

Good plan.

That will move things along nicely.
Says the moron that OBVIOUSLY can't support or defend a single idiotic thing he posts.

You realize you aren't fooling anyone, not even seely.

He is just pretending.
I tried to go back to see if you said anything of substance that I could agree or disagree with and so far you haven't said jack shit. Come on. Convince me and blackascoal that your party is good for them. What advice from the GOP should black people take?

See you won't answer because then like me, you'll come across as being a racist. So what? I call it like I see it. I agree that black people need to do better for themselves. I'll agree. But you/us whites need to stop shitting on blacks. One way to fix things would be if white American business owners made an effort to hire more blacks.

But then blacks need to be better employees. This is where I will switch sides and start arguing with blacks because a lot of poor blacks make the absolute worst employees.

But still blacks should not vote GOP. I tell blacks all the time that they shouldn't vote for Ben Carson but they should take some of his advice.
that after fifty years, your inner cities still don't attract business so people can find jobs.So the left has done absolutely blank for you all in fifty years. That is my only reason why you shouldn't vote democrat. They use you all just for that reason, a vote.

Can you name a promise that they kept that would help inner cities?

Instead of moving jobs to Detroit Corporations moved their jobs to Mexico and China. Mexicans are cheaper than blacks.

But I'll agree it is the crime in black cities that stop business' from going there.

I'll say it again. Blacks are half to blame for the mess they are in. White liberals can do all we want for the black community until they clean up their act things aint going to change. We can only do so much. If black people don't stop having kids they won't raise and can't afford, we can throw all the money at them we want. In 30 years the place will still be a shit hole.

But this is typical of Republicans. Republicans are never 100% wrong. They are always half right. But there is so much that Republicans have done that have hurt black people and that is why they don't vote GOP.

But saying Affirmative Action didn't work so lets not do it is like saying Obama didn't do good enough because Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell obstructed him so lets vote out the Democrats and replace her with a Republican. That's a joke.

Well technically it didn't work. yes it did get jobs for blacks, but it was perceived as giving them preferential treatment. And that was the failure. The reverse discrimination factor made it very unpopular to the populace.
Poor poor white people.
why'd you go there? I merely told you why it failed. Now you're going to act like an ass?
A Hillary controlled Supreme Court would be against white people all the time. Every time a discrimination case involving white victims appears before the court they will vote the same way the 4 Democrat justices voted against the white firefighters in New Haven.

You have the same "knowledge" of the law as my dog.....the dissent by liberal SCOTUS judges was based on the tests used which were skewed against blacks and that same series of tests are NOT used in most other cities and now changed even within New haven
so then why is there still inner city struggles today with all of these elites? Were they actually bought and paid for?

That would be a sane and rational discussion .. but I have never met a republican who could discuss it sane and rationally.

Just go with whatever you think it is.
because the left doesn't wish to discuss. Sort of difficult to discuss something when questions are asked and never answered. No new discussions can be created after that. I'm always open for a discussion. I want honest discussion. When a democrat can't critique their own, then the chance of a discussion is lost. I know Bush had issues, I can honestly say that. He should not have gone to Iraq. he won a second term even though he did. your turn.

Dude :0)

I've answered questions all day long .. even bolded them and increased the size so the morons can't pretend they didn't see them .. yet, like the mental midget Papawhatever, it still claims I didn't answer its question.

If you're a republican looking for honest discussion, you'd be the anomaly on this board.
so, why is it the inner cities have so much violence?
Lets not go into that. We all know black society has fallen apart. But it isn't liberal policies. Liberals tried to help blacks get out of poverty but conservative policies kept holding them back. Why is black culture so screwed up? Half the reason is the racism they have endured for hundreds of years and the other half is their fault. It's not affirmative action and it's not welfare. Fact is black people would rather make a fair wage than be on welfare, just like their white counterparts. Problem is there is almost no way out of poverty for a lot of blacks in the ghettos. So they settle on welfare. So would you.

Again, how have liberals tried to help blacks get out of poverty?
Well of course...she panders to your victim mentality and I don't. Her position is that African-American's are so incompetent, so helpless, so stupid, so inept, that they can't even figure out how to get a proper state ID or drivers license. Rather than be offended by that, you embrace her coddling of your perceived "helplessness". :eusa_doh:

Whatever .. you keep missing the point .. and I don't care that you do. :0)

Your all-white party is doomed .. can't win a national election .. and the Supreme Court will become the proprietary property of the Democratic Party.

Anything else? :0)

And you think that is going to work out well for you because of what?
The Supreme Court when Scalia was still alive sided against the American people and FOR Corporations 100% of the time after Alito and Roberts were appointed. If poor and middle class Americans want to stand a chance we need another liberal on the high court.

It was the CONS that passed Citizens United. You do know what that is, right? That isn't just bad for black Americans, that's bad for all Americans, except for rich Americans. So overturning Citizens United will help 90% of the black population in America.

And the next time Texas passes a racist voter restriction law aimed at disenfranchising blacks and it goes up to the Supreme Court, it will be struct down as unconstitutional.

For people who claim to love the constitution you are a bunch of cherry pickers.
A Hillary controlled Supreme Court would be against white people all the time. Every time a discrimination case involving white victims appears before the court they will vote the same way the 4 Democrat justices voted against the white firefighters in New Haven.
Oh yea the one case you love to hold up as an example of how whites aren't treated fairly.

I'm glad blackascoal joined the conversation because it clearly changed your guys arguments from dumb to dumber.

I asked you to convince a black person that the GOP is the party they should be voting for and so far you are doing a really shitty job.

Assuming we're only talking about the two major parties. If you are black and don't think you need the bar lowered or more handouts because of your skin color, vote Republican. If you like having your anger manipulated to enslave you to a political party, vote Democrat
These clowns have helped to convince me of doing something I said I would never do .. vote for Hillary Clinton. I typically do not vote for corporatists .. which is one reason why I did not vote for Obama. Voting for Obama was symbolism, but nothing was going to change beyond that.

Hillary Clinton is most certainly a corporatist .. but voting against Donald Trump is more important then any concern about her.

.. and frankly, black voters and communities may get more from Hillary than they did from Obama.

Today, I'm all in for Hillary Clinton .. dealing with the outrage of my decision from my Green Party friends .. which includes Jill Stein. sure are showing us. Voting for the party that completely silenced you, rigged your primaries, and made it clear that your will and your voice doesn't matter.

Keep it up stupid. Keep voting for the people destroying you.... :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Are you really dumb enough to believe I'd let a fucking racist determine who my enemies are? :lol:

YOU are my enemy .. not Mexicans, not Muslims, not democrats, not white people.

You and your RW ilk are my enemies .. and the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Clap that dummy. :clap:
there wasn't any large text in my post, you misrepresent my post you asshole.

I think all that spinach have made you seriously constipated.....and it shows....LOL
you are just a racist. Your OP stated so. you can't move on. you will always treat people with color differently than Caucasians
Until black people are treated equally we will point out the differences.
again, how do you figure they aren't treated equally? See, that's just a scapegoat response. defeatist attitude. Oh, no one treats me as equal. yeah yeah yeah. Like I stated earlier, why not give them school vouchers so they have a choice in schools like whites do? Why are you against that? See you won't take the olive branch when it's extended, you want to be on a piti-pot I guess.

BTW, the dems hate that idea, it takes away from the unions. So you're culture is kept down for unions. Wow and you accept it. And then blame republicans. that's low.

Edited: let's face it, you want preferential treatment. Not just being treated equal.
Last edited:
That would be a sane and rational discussion .. but I have never met a republican who could discuss it sane and rationally.

Just go with whatever you think it is.
because the left doesn't wish to discuss. Sort of difficult to discuss something when questions are asked and never answered. No new discussions can be created after that. I'm always open for a discussion. I want honest discussion. When a democrat can't critique their own, then the chance of a discussion is lost. I know Bush had issues, I can honestly say that. He should not have gone to Iraq. he won a second term even though he did. your turn.

Dude :0)

I've answered questions all day long .. even bolded them and increased the size so the morons can't pretend they didn't see them .. yet, like the mental midget Papawhatever, it still claims I didn't answer its question.

If you're a republican looking for honest discussion, you'd be the anomaly on this board.
so, why is it the inner cities have so much violence?
Lets not go into that. We all know black society has fallen apart. But it isn't liberal policies. Liberals tried to help blacks get out of poverty but conservative policies kept holding them back. Why is black culture so screwed up? Half the reason is the racism they have endured for hundreds of years and the other half is their fault. It's not affirmative action and it's not welfare. Fact is black people would rather make a fair wage than be on welfare, just like their white counterparts. Problem is there is almost no way out of poverty for a lot of blacks in the ghettos. So they settle on welfare. So would you.

Again, how have liberals tried to help blacks get out of poverty?

Democrats do everything they can to keep blacks poor. Blacks like all other major groups, except Jews, move politically to the right as they get more successful
A Hillary controlled Supreme Court would be against white people all the time. Every time a discrimination case involving white victims appears before the court they will vote the same way the 4 Democrat justices voted against the white firefighters in New Haven.

You have the same "knowledge" of the law as my dog.....the dissent by liberal SCOTUS judges was based on the tests used which were skewed against blacks and that same series of tests are NOT used in most other cities and now changed even within New haven

Is that why New Haven couldn't guarantee Justice Roberts that they would take the same actions if the races were reversed and caused him to rule against them to make it 5-4?
These clowns have helped to convince me of doing something I said I would never do .. vote for Hillary Clinton. I typically do not vote for corporatists .. which is one reason why I did not vote for Obama. Voting for Obama was symbolism, but nothing was going to change beyond that.

Hillary Clinton is most certainly a corporatist .. but voting against Donald Trump is more important then any concern about her.

.. and frankly, black voters and communities may get more from Hillary than they did from Obama.

Today, I'm all in for Hillary Clinton .. dealing with the outrage of my decision from my Green Party friends .. which includes Jill Stein. sure are showing us. Voting for the party that completely silenced you, rigged your primaries, and made it clear that your will and your voice doesn't matter.

Keep it up stupid. Keep voting for the people destroying you.... :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Are you really dumb enough to believe I'd let a fucking racist determine who my enemies are? :lol:

YOU are my enemy .. not Mexicans, not Muslims, not democrats, not white people.

You and your RW ilk are my enemies .. and the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Clap that dummy. :clap:
if you vote democrat, you are.
These clowns have helped to convince me of doing something I said I would never do .. vote for Hillary Clinton. I typically do not vote for corporatists .. which is one reason why I did not vote for Obama. Voting for Obama was symbolism, but nothing was going to change beyond that.

Hillary Clinton is most certainly a corporatist .. but voting against Donald Trump is more important then any concern about her.

.. and frankly, black voters and communities may get more from Hillary than they did from Obama.

Today, I'm all in for Hillary Clinton .. dealing with the outrage of my decision from my Green Party friends .. which includes Jill Stein. sure are showing us. Voting for the party that completely silenced you, rigged your primaries, and made it clear that your will and your voice doesn't matter.

Keep it up stupid. Keep voting for the people destroying you.... :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Are you really dumb enough to believe I'd let a fucking racist determine who my enemies are? :lol:

YOU are my enemy .. not Mexicans, not Muslims, not democrats, not white people.

You and your RW ilk are my enemies .. and the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Clap that dummy. :clap:
The clear majority of white people are Republicans, and many white Democrats are socially damaged, masochist freaks.

You do hate white people, and I don't why don't just admit it like many others on the regressive left have already done.
Blacks like all other major groups, except Jews, move politically to the right as they get more successful

Well, either blacks didn't get your memo about "moving to the right" when they become more successful, OR (most likely) you think that blacks are just dumb for not voting republican.....One percent of blacks label themselves "strong republican".......Let me repeat ONE PERCENT.

there wasn't any large text in my post, you misrepresent my post you asshole.

I think all that spinach have made you seriously constipated.....and it shows....LOL
you are just a racist. Your OP stated so. you can't move on. you will always treat people with color differently than Caucasians
Until black people are treated equally we will point out the differences.

Until everyone is treated equally, you're going to keep singling out black conservatives, how does that make sense?
Oh yea, the biggest problem our country is facing is how white liberals treat rich black conservatives.

I told you the other day. No one knows who you vote for when you vote. It's a secret. So black people don't have to be ashamed for voting Republican. No one will ever know. Yet when they get in there and pull the lever its almost always for Democrats. That's not because they are stupid. It's because the GOP offers them/us NOTHING.

The funny thing about 2008 and 2012 is that black people got it right. It was the dumb poor whites who wrongly voted for Republicans.

Great example. Poor and middle class union members voted for Rick Snyder then he made Michigan a right to work state. They didn't think he would do it. I told them he would but they didn't listen. Then he raised white people's taxes. They didn't think he'd do it. Then he sent their jobs overseas. They didn't think he'd do it.

They didn't think.
Blacks like all other major groups, except Jews, move politically to the right as they get more successful

Well, either blacks didn't get your memo about "moving to the right" when they become more successful, OR (most likely) you think that blacks are just dumb for not voting republican.....One percent of blacks label themselves "strong republican".......Let me repeat ONE PERCENT.

Republicans are much less partisan and more malleable than Democrats across the color spectrum.

You will find similar results for whites, but your party is so anti-white that many independents will never vote for you again.

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