Black republicans...who are they really?

Most white independents vote Republican and always will.

Since so-called "independents" make up almost half of the electorate, and, ergo, the vast majority of them are white....and your ilk keeps on losing national elections, how the fuck did you pull that statistic out of your backside?
There are more white democrats and Independents than there are white republicans.

As I AM one...PROUDLY !!!
You are outnumbered by quite a lot.

Not really. It's why we win when voter turnout is high.
no that isn't why you win. dead voters give them wins.
Another lie. It has been proven that voter fraud is virtually non existent. It certainly isn't changing the outcome of any elections. Liar.
yeah, go with that one. Dude i live in Chicago, and when the number of votes is more than the census, dude you got dead people voting.
Most white independents vote Republican and always will.

Since so-called "independents" make up almost half of the electorate, and, ergo, the vast majority of them are white....and your ilk keeps on losing national elections, how the fuck did you pull that statistic out of your backside?
so what happened in 2000 and 2004?
You're a typical ignorant, uneducated, socialist. You fear competition (because you're so damn lazy), you don't want children to get a good education (which a voucher system will do - and then they will reject your idiot socialism), and you see nothing but the color of a person's skin everywhere you look.

I'll wear your slurs as "badges of honor"......BTW, moron, vouchers are NOT enough money to place a kid in private (and by the way, progressive schools where they learn the real history of right wing politics)....And since the vouchers are not enough, only wealthier families can avail themselves of the vouchers.

Blacks families are poorer and their kids would be subjected to a segregated public school system, setting this country back 60 years.....
Vouchers aren't about PRIVATE schools you ignorant, uneducated, lazy socialist with atrocious grammar. No wonder you vote Dumbocrat - you don't even understand the issues. :eusa_doh:

By the way - even if they were about PRIVATE schools (and they aren't) what kind of stupid ass, ignorant, libtard logic is to say "if black people can't afford a better education, we'll make sure ALL of society gets an atrocious education"?!?! Idiot.
Most white independents vote Republican and always will.

Since so-called "independents" make up almost half of the electorate, and, ergo, the vast majority of them are white....and your ilk keeps on losing national elections, how the fuck did you pull that statistic out of your backside?
You're so freaking ignorant that you just attributed a quote to me that I didn't even say. Would you please learn how to use a website. Maybe ask a child for help? :lol:
so what happened in 2000 and 2004? 2000, the WH was handed to you by the right wing Supreme Court, and in 2004, GWB (and Cheney, really) scared the shit out of voters into "keeping the course" if you don't want another 9-11......
Most white independents vote Republican and always will.

Since so-called "independents" make up almost half of the electorate, and, ergo, the vast majority of them are white....and your ilk keeps on losing national elections, how the fuck did you pull that statistic out of your backside?
Romney won 60% of the white vote, dipshit.

How did he win 20% more of the white vote than Obama if there are more white independents who lean Democrat?
Most white independents vote Republican and always will.

Since so-called "independents" make up almost half of the electorate, and, ergo, the vast majority of them are white....and your ilk keeps on losing national elections, how the fuck did you pull that statistic out of your backside?
Romney won 60% of the white vote, dipshit.

How did he win 20% more of the white vote than Obama if there are more white independents who lean Democrat?
dead guys
Most white independents vote Republican and always will.

Since so-called "independents" make up almost half of the electorate, and, ergo, the vast majority of them are white....and your ilk keeps on losing national elections, how the fuck did you pull that statistic out of your backside?
You're so freaking ignorant that you just attributed a quote to me that I didn't even say. Would you please learn how to use a website. Maybe ask a child for help? :lol:
But he is a Princeton graduate, he doesn't make mistakes like that.
Most white independents vote Republican and always will.

Since so-called "independents" make up almost half of the electorate, and, ergo, the vast majority of them are white....and your ilk keeps on losing national elections, how the fuck did you pull that statistic out of your backside?
Romney won 60% of the white vote, dipshit.

How did he win 20% more of the white vote than Obama if there are more white independents who lean Democrat?
dead guys
Nobody knows how to do voter fraud quite like the Dumbocrats. Still LOVE how a district in (Wisconsin was it?) had a voter turn out of 107%.

If you're going to might want to make sure the total voter turn out does not exceed 100%. And even that would be pretty absurd considering that the U.S. tends to have a pitiful voting turnout somewhere around the 30% range.
Romney won 60% of the white vote, dipshit.

How did he win 20% more of the white vote than Obama if there are more white independents who lean Democrat?

here is how the so-called "independent" voters break down in ideology......(helpful hint: Keep in mind that 29 is a larger number than 24)....LOL

Which shitty public college did you enslave yourself to debt to go to?

Princeton.....that "shitty public college"......
Let me tell you something - if you attended Princeton and your grammar and sentence structure is that fucking atrocious - than a mentally retarded person could get into Princeton.

There is no way in hell you attended Princeton. No way. And if you did - then Princeton should not only be ashamed, they should revoke your degree.
Romney won 60% of the white vote, dipshit.

How did he win 20% more of the white vote than Obama if there are more white independents who lean Democrat?

here is how the so-called "independent" voters break down in ideology......(helpful hint: Keep in mind that 29 is a larger number than 24)....LOL

so moderate is independent I guess? cause 29 was liberal. and 47 is greater than 29.
Most white independents vote Republican and always will.

Since so-called "independents" make up almost half of the electorate, and, ergo, the vast majority of them are white....and your ilk keeps on losing national elections, how the fuck did you pull that statistic out of your backside?
You're so freaking ignorant that you just attributed a quote to me that I didn't even say. Would you please learn how to use a website. Maybe ask a child for help? :lol:

So, it was NOT you who posted "Most white independents vote Republican and always will." ????

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