Black republicans...who are they really?

Democrats aren't as racist or as stupid as republicans .. and both are why republicans find themselves in the dire and desperate shape they're in today.

Dire and desperate shape? We have a huge majority in Congress. We have a majority in the Senate. We have the majority of governorships in the country.

If that's dire and desperate, then what is successful?

Yet another example of your inability to engage in adult conversation.

You're running a loud-mouth reality show host for president .. a PT Barnum clown who even his own party can't stand. :lol: Republicans can't win a national election.

The republican base is shrinking and America is getting browner .. and brown people don't vote republican .. and when Trump gets stomped in November, republicans have no road back into the White House .. can't impact the Supreme Court.

If you have an older brother, send him to talk to me.
Yet another example of your inability to engage in adult conversation.

You're running a loud-mouth reality show host for president .. a PT Barnum clown who even his own party can't stand. :lol: Republicans can't win a national election.

The republican base is shrinking and America is getting browner .. and brown people don't vote republican .. and when Trump gets stomped in November, republicans have no road back into the White House .. can't impact the Supreme Court.

If you have an older brother, send him to talk to me.

Yep, Republicans are shrinking. I started to hear about that oh..............maybe 35 years ago.

Yes, those brown people. Those are the same brown people Democrats threw blacks under the bus for, and that will be tenfold in the coming years.

Be careful for what you wish for, because it may just come true.
:0) You're a prime example why conversations with republicans are useless. There isn't an ounce of truth in what you've said.

Start here .. look at this board .. full of republicans just like you. The 'N' word flows freely here. Childish insults about black people are in virtually every thread .. including this one .. including in the stupid shit you write. Both you and the Republican Party are racist .. but neither of you have the balls to admit what planet earth already knows. The Republican Party is virtually all white because the Republican Party is racist. You won't find your racist ignorance on democratic sites unless a republican chimes in to stink it up.

Here's the good news .. nobody cares about you nor the Republican Party being racist. :0) You have no power.

Personally, I've gotten quite comfortable with republicans just the way they are. I'm not asking republicans to support anything. Not asking them to suddenly grow a brain and support humanity. I don't care who you vote for .. I don't give a fuck. Not asking republicans to be friends or friendly .. not even human.

On the other hand, I get great joy from reading you dumb motherfuckers whining about who black people vote for every fucking day. :0) Sorry ass racist clowns whining about your own lack of intelligence. :0) Black republicans .. don't fucking count .. and the only time republicans trot these morons out is during the Minstrel show. There aren't enough of them to even matter.

You and your party are racist .. stand up and be counted .. be proud of that stupid shit .. grow some balls. :0)

The Southern Strategy .. a one way ticket to the bottom. :0)

The "Southern Strategy" is all in your head. And there is not one thing I wrote that was incorrect. Again, the Republican party welcomes all that are willing to join a party that believes in no freebies for votes, treating everybody equally, and not rewarding failure while penalizing success as the Democrats do.

Your "Republican party is racist" is a perfect example of the brainwashing I was talking about. Weak minds that can be molded like a pile of putty. You can't come up with any examples of how the party is racist, but you've been brainwashed into believing it so you repeat what you are told to repeat.
Now, now....wait a minute here......I thought that we democrats only win elections with dead people voting....How the fuck did you manage to "win" so much....Did we run out of dead people......(what an :ahole-1:)

(this guy is desperate...and he has guns.......btw, you don't happen to work at a post office, I hope...LOL)

Well since you want to go back to that again, I'll reiterate: just because you cheat elections doesn't mean you're going to win them. But because you lost doesn't mean cheating doesn't go on.

Who is desperate? We're not. Again, we hold the majority of Congress and many state seats across the country.
Ouch...actually the above sure "smells" of right wing DESPERATION.......What you're really stating (and everyone can see through your thinly veiled racism) is that blacks are too stupid and are easily brainwashed by us devious democrats......

And then you MORONS wonder why minorities avoid your party as the plague? Who would want to join a party with the likes of you in it?

That's exactly what I'm saying. Democrats brainwash people into their BS. Your response here is a perfect example of that. WTF did I say only black people were brainwashed? See, you are programmed to think that way. You can't help yourself. When you see words that don't meet your expectation, you insert words that were never there in the first place.

But don't feel bad. You're not alone. In fact there are many that can't think for themselves.
That was gay on to many levels to go point by point, but the unemployment insurance is just that, INSURANCE, not an income.

Exactly. It's to keep the engineer from taking a job at WalMart. It's to preserve the skills that they have acquired. So, yes, it is insurance.

Your adjunct professors should have made themselves more valuble. No one really cares if they are unemployed. Matter of fact, we may be better off without them.

Because you don't need you no learning, Cleetus! You've done fine without them.

Reality- if the universities are charging kids $60,000 for a piece of paper, then you really should pay the people who provide that a living wage.

And with the poor people of color you say you love, they would make much more money if they got a job and worked, but you libs keep them on the plantation by threatoning to pull their meal ticket.

Again- 40% of families on food stamps have at least one family member who holds a job. McDonald's and WalMart show their employees how to apply for food stamps. The idea if they just work a few more hours (which employers won't give them because they might have to provide health insurance) at their minimum wage jobs will make all the difference is just foolish.

Then you pretend you care about their wellbeing. Enlighten us there joederp, how many folks of color did you libs let shoot eachother last weekend ?

We aren't the ones who flooded the streets with guns. That would be you guys.

Thing is, democrats can't exist without hoodrats and white guilt. They will never encourage the hoodrats to better them selves because once they see what their paycheck k looks like after one 50 hour work week their beloved hoodrats all of a sudden will e republicans.

Right. A paycheck at minimum wage with 50 hours. Let's do the math on that.

50 hours at 7.25 minimum wage comes out to $398.75. After you take out taxes, it comes out to $319.00.

Yeah, that wouldn't get me to vote GOP any time soon. It might make we want to key the boss' Lexus.
. LOL... OK, so we flooded America with guns you say, but you all flooded America with Idiots who when get their hands on them somehow (shoot themselves in the foot or shoot each other). Now trying to keep guns away from you idiots is quite the chore for sure. One thing about it, and that is that the idiots are not going to rule America, and they sure ain't gonna cause us to lay down our guns or give up our rights to them.
Yet another example of your inability to engage in adult conversation.

You're running a loud-mouth reality show host for president .. a PT Barnum clown who even his own party can't stand. :lol: Republicans can't win a national election.

The republican base is shrinking and America is getting browner .. and brown people don't vote republican .. and when Trump gets stomped in November, republicans have no road back into the White House .. can't impact the Supreme Court.

If you have an older brother, send him to talk to me.

Yep, Republicans are shrinking. I started to hear about that oh..............maybe 35 years ago.

Yes, those brown people. Those are the same brown people Democrats threw blacks under the bus for, and that will be tenfold in the coming years.

Be careful for what you wish for, because it may just come true.

Sorry, I don't have your bullshit fears.

I prefer them as fellow citizens as opposed to something like you.
:0) You're a prime example why conversations with republicans are useless. There isn't an ounce of truth in what you've said.

Start here .. look at this board .. full of republicans just like you. The 'N' word flows freely here. Childish insults about black people are in virtually every thread .. including this one .. including in the stupid shit you write. Both you and the Republican Party are racist .. but neither of you have the balls to admit what planet earth already knows. The Republican Party is virtually all white because the Republican Party is racist. You won't find your racist ignorance on democratic sites unless a republican chimes in to stink it up.

Here's the good news .. nobody cares about you nor the Republican Party being racist. :0) You have no power.

Personally, I've gotten quite comfortable with republicans just the way they are. I'm not asking republicans to support anything. Not asking them to suddenly grow a brain and support humanity. I don't care who you vote for .. I don't give a fuck. Not asking republicans to be friends or friendly .. not even human.

On the other hand, I get great joy from reading you dumb motherfuckers whining about who black people vote for every fucking day. :0) Sorry ass racist clowns whining about your own lack of intelligence. :0) Black republicans .. don't fucking count .. and the only time republicans trot these morons out is during the Minstrel show. There aren't enough of them to even matter.

You and your party are racist .. stand up and be counted .. be proud of that stupid shit .. grow some balls. :0)

The Southern Strategy .. a one way ticket to the bottom. :0)

The "Southern Strategy" is all in your head. And there is not one thing I wrote that was incorrect. Again, the Republican party welcomes all that are willing to join a party that believes in no freebies for votes, treating everybody equally, and not rewarding failure while penalizing success as the Democrats do.

Your "Republican party is racist" is a perfect example of the brainwashing I was talking about. Weak minds that can be molded like a pile of putty. You can't come up with any examples of how the party is racist, but you've been brainwashed into believing it so you repeat what you are told to repeat.

'Brain washing' :0) demonstrates how mindlessly ignorant you are. Your fading party is virtually all white you fucking moron. But you believe someone has to be brainwashed to know that republicans are racists.

"Freebies for votes" like what? What fucking freebies would you be talking about you fucking dimwit?

Your dumb ass doesn't even know what the Southern Strategy is :lol::lol::lol:

Talk about brainwashed :lol:
That was gay on to many levels to go point by point, but the unemployment insurance is just that, INSURANCE, not an income.

Exactly. It's to keep the engineer from taking a job at WalMart. It's to preserve the skills that they have acquired. So, yes, it is insurance.

Your adjunct professors should have made themselves more valuble. No one really cares if they are unemployed. Matter of fact, we may be better off without them.

Because you don't need you no learning, Cleetus! You've done fine without them.

Reality- if the universities are charging kids $60,000 for a piece of paper, then you really should pay the people who provide that a living wage.

And with the poor people of color you say you love, they would make much more money if they got a job and worked, but you libs keep them on the plantation by threatoning to pull their meal ticket.

Again- 40% of families on food stamps have at least one family member who holds a job. McDonald's and WalMart show their employees how to apply for food stamps. The idea if they just work a few more hours (which employers won't give them because they might have to provide health insurance) at their minimum wage jobs will make all the difference is just foolish.

Then you pretend you care about their wellbeing. Enlighten us there joederp, how many folks of color did you libs let shoot eachother last weekend ?

We aren't the ones who flooded the streets with guns. That would be you guys.

Thing is, democrats can't exist without hoodrats and white guilt. They will never encourage the hoodrats to better them selves because once they see what their paycheck k looks like after one 50 hour work week their beloved hoodrats all of a sudden will e republicans.

Right. A paycheck at minimum wage with 50 hours. Let's do the math on that.

50 hours at 7.25 minimum wage comes out to $398.75. After you take out taxes, it comes out to $319.00.

Yeah, that wouldn't get me to vote GOP any time soon. It might make we want to key the boss' Lexus.
. You forgot to add time and a half to the amount after 40 hours. Now what is the job title your talking about here ? McDonald's employee working 40 hours + overtime, and then going to school too ? I worked 40 hours a week (10 hours a day), then when I got off on Thursday afternoon, I was climbing into a gasoline tanker Friday, Saturday & Sunday. I was in my 20's, and I actually saved up enough money to buy the land I'm living on today, once upon a time or way back then. I paid $6,000 for the land straight out, and then we built a house on it ourselves. I did it all working as a contract lineman during the week, and a truck driver on the weekend.
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Those might be true...but the truth is their still excuses at the end of the day, and any student in America has the opportunity to live successful lives.

Uh, guy, let's fucking get real here... today, mos americans regardless of race are just lucky to get by. This is what 40 years of Republican war on the middle class has given you.

What exactly are you doing about it? I'm in the trenches at a lower-income public school every single day I go to work, in order to help society.

What I posted is 100% true based on my own experience. Of course I've taught poor students who have managed to get themselves out of poverty, but let's be real: the majority (yes majority) of my students are respectful enough-but they stare at the wall the entire class period and perform no work. They have no motivation or ambition to perform their work. They're just another spoke in their family's wheel of poverty.

This is the 21st century EVERY single one of my students has the opportunity to get themselves out of poverty...I can't force them to do so, I can't force them to study, I can't force them to do well in school, I can't force them not to join street gangs, I can't force them to show up to school instead of skipping, I can't force them to understand the value of skills and/or an education. All I can do is provide them with the opportunity, and if they don't take it (the majority of them don't)-they're still going to live in poverty..and THAT is 100% their fault. Sad, but true.
. You say it's their fault which is true, but there are motivating factors involved in their will to lose. Outside influences working against your wishes to help these children of society, are going to strip you of your ability to save some or alot of them, but if you and others as adults get active in the politics of a nation, and start fighting the destruction of this nation through becoming not only teachers, but activist who make a difference in it all, then maybe the job of teaching will become a joy again for teachers of the future. How about fighting against all the destructive policies and idiocy the Democrats have fostered in this nation for starters. Male Transgenders are now going into the female student restrooms ? Really!! There is much work to be done, but if you are part of the problem & not part of the solution then so be it.
Democrats aren't as racist or as stupid as republicans .. and both are why republicans find themselves in the dire and desperate shape they're in today.

Dire and desperate shape? We have a huge majority in Congress. We have a majority in the Senate. We have the majority of governorships in the country.

If that's dire and desperate, then what is successful?

Yet another example of your inability to engage in adult conversation.

You're running a loud-mouth reality show host for president .. a PT Barnum clown who even his own party can't stand. :lol: Republicans can't win a national election.

The republican base is shrinking and America is getting browner .. and brown people don't vote republican .. and when Trump gets stomped in November, republicans have no road back into the White House .. can't impact the Supreme Court.

If you have an older brother, send him to talk to me.
. All your blabbering, but then you haven't a black candidate to vote for President this cycle. LOL.... What happened, Dems didn't have anymore blacks to run for the Presidency this cycle ? Must be killing you that your only choice is a white candidate for Prez no matter which way you turn.... ROTFLMBO.
What exactly are you doing about it? I'm in the trenches at a lower-income public school every single day I go to work, in order to help society.

Given your shitty superior attitudes towards poor people, maybe you'd be happier doing something else for a living?

What I posted is 100% true based on my own experience. Of course I've taught poor students who have managed to get themselves out of poverty, but let's be real: the majority (yes majority) of my students are respectful enough-but they stare at the wall the entire class period and perform no work. They have no motivation or ambition to perform their work. They're just another spoke in their family's wheel of poverty.

Has it occurred to you that you just suck as a teacher? My mom was a teacher, and I had people come up to me decades later and tell me they became professional artists because of what she taught them in art class. (Ironically, I can't draw a straight line.)

This is the 21st century EVERY single one of my students has the opportunity to get themselves out of poverty...I can't force them to do so, I can't force them to study, I can't force them to do well in school, I can't force them not to join street gangs, I can't force them to show up to school instead of skipping, I can't force them to understand the value of skills and/or an education. All I can do is provide them with the opportunity, and if they don't take it (the majority of them don't)-they're still going to live in poverty..and THAT is 100% their fault. Sad, but true.

Well, you have a point. This is the 21st century, where good honest labor is being done by machines and third world people now. Unlike the 20th century, where you could get a good union job with just a HS Diploma and still be able to feed a family.

But quite honestly, if you go into the classroom every day thinking they are all going to fail and deserve to, you are probably not helping the process.
The rich don't control that, the individuals control that.

Why work when government will give you free food, free suburban housing, free daycare, free cellphone, free medical care for you and your family?

There are plenty of jobs out there, but can't find takers. It has nothing to do with the rich and more to do with government and their goodies.

Again, if you offered ANY person on welfare a job that paid a living wage, they'd take it in a heartbeat.

The thing is, you let the rich screw the poor, and then you wonder why they turn around and screw you, too.

"Wahhh, my company cancelled my health insurance policy! Fucking Obama"

Who's looking at the finger again?
That was gay on to many levels to go point by point, but the unemployment insurance is just that, INSURANCE, not an income.

Exactly. It's to keep the engineer from taking a job at WalMart. It's to preserve the skills that they have acquired. So, yes, it is insurance.

Your adjunct professors should have made themselves more valuble. No one really cares if they are unemployed. Matter of fact, we may be better off without them.

Because you don't need you no learning, Cleetus! You've done fine without them.

Reality- if the universities are charging kids $60,000 for a piece of paper, then you really should pay the people who provide that a living wage.

And with the poor people of color you say you love, they would make much more money if they got a job and worked, but you libs keep them on the plantation by threatoning to pull their meal ticket.

Again- 40% of families on food stamps have at least one family member who holds a job. McDonald's and WalMart show their employees how to apply for food stamps. The idea if they just work a few more hours (which employers won't give them because they might have to provide health insurance) at their minimum wage jobs will make all the difference is just foolish.

Then you pretend you care about their wellbeing. Enlighten us there joederp, how many folks of color did you libs let shoot eachother last weekend ?

We aren't the ones who flooded the streets with guns. That would be you guys.

Thing is, democrats can't exist without hoodrats and white guilt. They will never encourage the hoodrats to better them selves because once they see what their paycheck k looks like after one 50 hour work week their beloved hoodrats all of a sudden will e republicans.

Right. A paycheck at minimum wage with 50 hours. Let's do the math on that.

50 hours at 7.25 minimum wage comes out to $398.75. After you take out taxes, it comes out to $319.00.

Yeah, that wouldn't get me to vote GOP any time soon. It might make we want to key the boss' Lexus.
. You forgot to add time and a half to the amount after 40 hours. Now what is the job title your talking about here ? McDonald's employee working 40 hours + overtime, and then going to school too ? I worked 40 hours a week (10 hours a day), then when I got off on Thursday afternoon, I was climbing into a gasoline tanker Friday, Saturday & Sunday. I was in my 20's, and I actually saved up enough money to buy the land I'm living on today, once upon a time or way back then. I paid $6,000 for the land straight out, and then we built a house on it ourselves. I did it all working as a contract lineman during the week, and a truck driver on the weekend.

One does not have to work at McD's or any other minimum wage job. Out of highschool in 1992 I was getting paied $15.00 an hourly at a job I took a few years off to have adventures. That job STILL hires like mad now, and if your worth a damn you will make around 18 to 20 bucks an hour in your first six months. My hope is that all these hoodrats the democrats keep on the plantation see the opportunity beyond snap bennifets. Hell, you did in your way.
You forgot to add time and a half to the amount after 40 hours

No, I didn't. Do the math.

McDonald's employee working 40 hours + overtime, and then going to school too ? I worked 40 hours a week (10 hours a day), then when I got off on Thursday afternoon, I was climbing into a gasoline tanker Friday, Saturday & Sunday. I was in my 20's, and I actually saved up enough money to buy the land I'm living on today, once upon a time or way back then.

I'm very happy for you. When was this? my guess is you couldn't do this today.

I'm sure they weren't paying you minimum wage to drive a truck, either.
What exactly are you doing about it? I'm in the trenches at a lower-income public school every single day I go to work, in order to help society.

Given your shitty superior attitudes towards poor people, maybe you'd be happier doing something else for a living?

What I posted is 100% true based on my own experience. Of course I've taught poor students who have managed to get themselves out of poverty, but let's be real: the majority (yes majority) of my students are respectful enough-but they stare at the wall the entire class period and perform no work. They have no motivation or ambition to perform their work. They're just another spoke in their family's wheel of poverty.

Has it occurred to you that you just suck as a teacher? My mom was a teacher, and I had people come up to me decades later and tell me they became professional artists because of what she taught them in art class. (Ironically, I can't draw a straight line.)

This is the 21st century EVERY single one of my students has the opportunity to get themselves out of poverty...I can't force them to do so, I can't force them to study, I can't force them to do well in school, I can't force them not to join street gangs, I can't force them to show up to school instead of skipping, I can't force them to understand the value of skills and/or an education. All I can do is provide them with the opportunity, and if they don't take it (the majority of them don't)-they're still going to live in poverty..and THAT is 100% their fault. Sad, but true.

Well, you have a point. This is the 21st century, where good honest labor is being done by machines and third world people now. Unlike the 20th century, where you could get a good union job with just a HS Diploma and still be able to feed a family.

But quite honestly, if you go into the classroom every day thinking they are all going to fail and deserve to, you are probably not helping the process.
. You said that she would go into her classroom thinking they are all going to fail, and deserve to ? Where did you interpret that from in her post ? Are you a professional bull crapper Joe or is it that you really hope that you are not found out that you are ?
One does not have to work at McD's or any other minimum wage job. Out of highschool in 1992 I was getting paied $15.00 an hourly at a job I took a few years off to have adventures. That job STILL hires like mad now, and if your worth a damn you will make around 18 to 20 bucks an hour in your first six months. My hope is that all these hoodrats the democrats keep on the plantation see the opportunity beyond snap bennifets. Hell, you did in your way.

White privilege is never pretty...
What exactly are you doing about it? I'm in the trenches at a lower-income public school every single day I go to work, in order to help society.

Given your shitty superior attitudes towards poor people, maybe you'd be happier doing something else for a living?

What I posted is 100% true based on my own experience. Of course I've taught poor students who have managed to get themselves out of poverty, but let's be real: the majority (yes majority) of my students are respectful enough-but they stare at the wall the entire class period and perform no work. They have no motivation or ambition to perform their work. They're just another spoke in their family's wheel of poverty.

Has it occurred to you that you just suck as a teacher? My mom was a teacher, and I had people come up to me decades later and tell me they became professional artists because of what she taught them in art class. (Ironically, I can't draw a straight line.)

This is the 21st century EVERY single one of my students has the opportunity to get themselves out of poverty...I can't force them to do so, I can't force them to study, I can't force them to do well in school, I can't force them not to join street gangs, I can't force them to show up to school instead of skipping, I can't force them to understand the value of skills and/or an education. All I can do is provide them with the opportunity, and if they don't take it (the majority of them don't)-they're still going to live in poverty..and THAT is 100% their fault. Sad, but true.

Well, you have a point. This is the 21st century, where good honest labor is being done by machines and third world people now. Unlike the 20th century, where you could get a good union job with just a HS Diploma and still be able to feed a family.

But quite honestly, if you go into the classroom every day thinking they are all going to fail and deserve to, you are probably not helping the process.

Third world labor whom you whole heartedly support. Until it's your job they do cheaper. It's odd, your ma was a teacher who was super duper, you are a war vet of the great alien invasion of 99, yet you trash American soldiers all the time, you allegedly had the best of all of everything in every thread you post I , yet you turn around and bitch about it. I'm thinking your full of shit derp.
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.

They only mindset that could ever ask a question like this is one who thinks they have an entire race figured out based on the color of their skin. You must be a Lyndon Johnson fan?

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