Black republicans...who are they really?

One does not have to work at McD's or any other minimum wage job. Out of highschool in 1992 I was getting paied $15.00 an hourly at a job I took a few years off to have adventures. That job STILL hires like mad now, and if your worth a damn you will make around 18 to 20 bucks an hour in your first six months. My hope is that all these hoodrats the democrats keep on the plantation see the opportunity beyond snap bennifets. Hell, you did in your way.

White privilege is never pretty...

You would know eh derp?
You forgot to add time and a half to the amount after 40 hours

No, I didn't. Do the math.

McDonald's employee working 40 hours + overtime, and then going to school too ? I worked 40 hours a week (10 hours a day), then when I got off on Thursday afternoon, I was climbing into a gasoline tanker Friday, Saturday & Sunday. I was in my 20's, and I actually saved up enough money to buy the land I'm living on today, once upon a time or way back then.

I'm very happy for you. When was this? my guess is you couldn't do this today.

I'm sure they weren't paying you minimum wage to drive a truck, either.
. I started these jobs just above minimum wage back then, but didn't stay at the rate I was hired at for long. Thank goodness there was advancement, and not stale wages back then.
You said that she would go into her classroom thinking they are all going to fail, and deserve to ? Where did you interpret that from in her post ? Are you a professional bull crapper Joe or is it that you really hope that you are not found out that you are ?

Go back, read what she said, and then have someone help you with the big words.
You forgot to add time and a half to the amount after 40 hours

No, I didn't. Do the math.

McDonald's employee working 40 hours + overtime, and then going to school too ? I worked 40 hours a week (10 hours a day), then when I got off on Thursday afternoon, I was climbing into a gasoline tanker Friday, Saturday & Sunday. I was in my 20's, and I actually saved up enough money to buy the land I'm living on today, once upon a time or way back then.

I'm very happy for you. When was this? my guess is you couldn't do this today.

I'm sure they weren't paying you minimum wage to drive a truck, either.
. I started these jobs just above minimum wage back then, but didn't stay at the rate I was hired at for long. Thank goodness there was advancement, and not stale wages back then.

Ya and one advanced because they were good at what they did, not because they were cheap.
You would know eh derp?

Hey, if I believed in a God, I would be on my knees every day giving thanks that I was born white, male and straight in this society.

I just don't look at my privilege and pretend it doesn't exist.

More bull shit and in with the God hate. My job is not an easy one. My boss's last name ain't Johnson. He started three years ago and is a superviser. Not because he is cheap, not because he is "Latino" but because he knows his shit and doesn't sit on his ass bitching about how good everyone else has it. White privilege is a myth. It's nothing more then an excuse grown ass adults use for being losers.
Third world labor whom you whole heartedly support. Until it's your job they do cheaper. It's odd, your ma was a teacher who was super duper, you are a war vet of the great alien invasion of 99, yet you trash American soldiers all the time, you allegedly had the best of all of everything in every thread you post I , yet you turn around and bitch about it. I'm thinking your full of shit derp.

Where did i say I was a war vet? Or trashed American Soldiers? Or said I had the best of everything?

Maybe you are arguing with an imaginary man in your head, but they have medications for that now. I suggest you avail yourself of some.
More bull shit and in with the God hate. My job is not an easy one. My boss's last name ain't Johnson. He started three years ago and is a superviser. Not because he is cheap, not because he is "Latino" but because he knows his shit and doesn't sit on his ass bitching about how good everyone else has it. White privilege is a myth. It's nothing more then an excuse grown ass adults use for being losers.

Well, I'm betting he can spell the word Supervisor, unlike yourself, Derp.

And I can't hate something that doesn't exist.
Who is desperate? We're not. Again, we hold the majority of Congress and many state seats across the country.

After this Nov. when the seante has a Dem majority,,,,will you apologize?

.....and if you need some salt to your upcoming wounds.........Take a good look at the Supreme Court once Hillary finishes her first 100 days.
Third world labor whom you whole heartedly support. Until it's your job they do cheaper. It's odd, your ma was a teacher who was super duper, you are a war vet of the great alien invasion of 99, yet you trash American soldiers all the time, you allegedly had the best of all of everything in every thread you post I , yet you turn around and bitch about it. I'm thinking your full of shit derp.

Where did i say I was a war vet? Or trashed American Soldiers? Or said I had the best of everything?

Maybe you are arguing with an imaginary man in your head, but they have medications for that now. I suggest you avail yourself of some.

Blah, blah. I debate you by cutting and pasting from your own threads. Even here you calling me crazy and telling me to get meds. Extremely predictable. Like I said, "white privilege" is nothing more then an excuse for adults to be losers.
More bull shit and in with the God hate. My job is not an easy one. My boss's last name ain't Johnson. He started three years ago and is a superviser. Not because he is cheap, not because he is "Latino" but because he knows his shit and doesn't sit on his ass bitching about how good everyone else has it. White privilege is a myth. It's nothing more then an excuse grown ass adults use for being losers.

Well, I'm betting he can spell the word Supervisor, unlike yourself, Derp.

And I can't hate something that doesn't exist.

Meh, I speel good enough to make all the money I want and not have to invent super parents or invisible enemies who wreck my life like you do Derp.
They only mindset that could ever ask a question like this is one who thinks they have an entire race figured out based on the color of their skin. You must be a Lyndon Johnson fan?

I posed a hypothesis as to why SOME blacks opt to belong to the GOP.....You don't like the hypothesis...well, too fucking bad. LOL
They only mindset that could ever ask a question like this is one who thinks they have an entire race figured out based on the color of their skin. You must be a Lyndon Johnson fan?

I posed a hypothesis as to why SOME blacks opt to belong to the GOP.....You don't like the hypothesis...well, too fucking bad. LOL

You are a race baiter
I think it was (black as coal) who said that I didn't have any right to judge anyone on welfare or food stamps. A little secret for black as coal... My mom was locked up when we were kids for food stamp fraud. She was so addicted, that it was like gambling where the stakes kept getting higher and higher for her, and she became more & more dependent in ways that were unhealthy for us as a family. Even with the cheating, she still couldn't climb out of poverty, so her lesson was learned. She married my step dad to be, and got a job finally. The rest was the past in which she would rather not remember or talk about. She got away from the government taking care of us, and it was the best thing that ever happened to us. I wouldn't think that welfare should be stopped for those who truly struggle in life, but the managers of it all needs to change. It doesn't need to be a corrupting, dependency breeding thing, but it needs to be a safety net for those who truly need it in life for that only. Free Cell phones ? How crazy is that ? How about adding debt counselors that work with clients in order to help get them free of these props in which they think they need in life ? How about random drug screenings for those who are on these programs, and if they test positive then get them help in a drug program, but don't cut there welfare off completely, because there might be children depending on the benefits as well. Like I said proper management needed, and not political gerrymandering needed. What has taken place is we have a party that has taken these poor, and now uses them for potential voters, and this is based upon the Democrat party making the poor think that they are receiving these benefits by the hands of the Democrats (the only ones who care).
Which policies? What legislation?

VOTING .. which republicans would cut off for black Americans if they could.

Health care, Social Security, Affirmative action, economic policy, guns, etc, etc

In fact, I can't think of a single thing republicans stand for that blacks should support.

Tell me about the economic policies, the Social Security policies and the health care policies.

Your turn ..

How about you telling me why you think anyone black should support the Republican Party of their policies.

Tell me why anyone should vote for people who hate them?

Why should anyone black support a virtually all-white political party?

So, just so we are don't know?

I'll be back. Take your time.

Let's be clear .. I'm not your fucking puppet, nor your school teacher.

If you can't answer any questions .. and obviously you can't .. then don't ask any.

You're a fucking puppet. That we know. You can't identify the policy or the legislation. You must have been shitting bricks when Obama proposed that chained CPI. Eh?

You took a look at the number of Dems that wanted to fast track the TPP. Right? Or the number of Dems begging for an increase in H1B visas? Right? You were all over screwing the US Post Office around, amiright? didn't give a fuck. You still don't.
Democratic policies are FAR more palatable for African-Americans then republican policies .. OBVIOUSLY.

AND, democrats elect African-Americans .. republicans do not.

Noy sure why anyone would expect blacks to vote for people who hate us .. and who we hate.

That hate-hate relationship is working just fine .. for us.

Which policies? What legislation?

VOTING .. which republicans would cut off for black Americans if they could.

Health care, Social Security, Affirmative action, economic policy, guns, etc, etc

In fact, I can't think of a single thing republicans stand for that blacks should support.

Tell me about the economic policies, the Social Security policies and the health care policies.

Your turn ..

How about you telling me why you think anyone black should support the Republican Party of their policies.

Tell me why anyone should vote for people who hate them?

Why should anyone black support a virtually all-white political party?

Can't think of any reasons why anyone black should vote republican, eh?

Don't worry .. I can't either.

I'm as close to a socialist as your gonna find on this forum.

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