Black republicans...who are they really?

In the last 9 presidential elections, republicans have averaged a whopping 8.2% of the black vote. :lol::lol::lol:

There are your 'black republicans' .. all 8% of them. :lol:

And that's ok. I don't give a damn who people vote for. But what can't happen is to continue to pretend the Democrats are not engaged in most of the same policies that are detrimental.

Democrats aren't as racist or as stupid as republicans .. and both are why republicans find themselves in the dire and desperate shape they're in today.

Care to name the last racist Republican policy?

Voter-Id laws.

Don't tell me you're trying to imply that republicans aren't racist. :0)

Any idea why non-white Americans shun your party like the plague? :0) Democrats fault?

You sure you want to stick with voter id laws? You sure there isn't a better example?
Voter-Id laws.

Don't tell me you're trying to imply that republicans aren't racist. :0)

Any idea why non-white Americans shun your party like the plague? :0) Democrats fault?

Wow, those Democrats have you hook, line and sinker, don't they?

Please explain to the class how having one set of regulations FOR EVERYBODY is racist.
Lack of political education for one; education in general for two.

In other words, blacks are "ignorant" according to you and your ilk,,........You see, hide it as you try....your racism and redneck ALWAYS comes through.....all that one has to do is to keep you racist morons spewing.
Your turn ..

How about you telling me why you think anyone black should support the Republican Party of their policies.

Tell me why anyone should vote for people who hate them?

Why should anyone black support a virtually all-white political party?

So, just so we are don't know?

I'll be back. Take your time.

Let's be clear .. I'm not your fucking puppet, nor your school teacher.

If you can't answer any questions .. and obviously you can't .. then don't ask any.

You're a fucking puppet. That we know. You can't identify the policy or the legislation. You must have been shitting bricks when Obama proposed that chained CPI. Eh?

You took a look at the number of Dems that wanted to fast track the TPP. Right? Or the number of Dems begging for an increase in H1B visas? Right? You were all over screwing the US Post Office around, amiright? didn't give a fuck. You still don't.

First, I'm not a democrat moron .. and I didn't vote for Obama.

Doesn't go without notice dummy that you couldn't address a single thing I said .. and I put plenty of meat on the table to draw you out. :0) Turns out there was nothing there.

You don't know shit and you aren't that bright. Just another RW clown talking in meme.

Actually, fucktwit.........I'm as close to a socialist as you're going to find on this forum. That's left.........asshat. LEFT.

You couldn't address what I said. At all. And you're trying to flip the script. suck at that. You have no meat on the table. At this don't even have a table. You told me the Democrat policies were more palatable economic, healthcare, social security. You couldn't identify them.'re desperately trying to protect those policies.

:lol: Kiss my ass bitch.

Socialist :lol::lol::lol: Sure you are.

You didn't address a goddamn thing .. because you're stupid. Maybe you don't know that. :0)

Healthcare .. what the fuck else do you need? You're not aware of the differences between democratic and republican perspectives on healthcare? Then you're stupid just as I said.

Affirmative Action .. you don't fucking know the differences in perspectives on that issue? Then you're stupid.

You weren't looking for a debate or conversation and I don't have time to waste on moron thought and childish antics.

So I put you in your place. :0) A moron.
WHites are the MOST evenly split ethnic group, politically speaking.

True.......most uneducated, bigoted, misogynistic and hate filled whites usually vote republican,

Wow. With that view of whites without college, I can't imagine why they aren't flocking to you.:haha:

Your post is nonsense. Why are you so afraid to deal with issues honestly?

Most minorities vote in blocs, to one degree or another, and yet whites, who supposedly are soooooo racist, don't.

Even when a black man was one of the candidates.

Obama won MORE of the White vote than Kerry did.

I believe more than Bill Clinton did, in his first election.

What's up with that?

It's almost like White America isn't racist at all.
So, just so we are don't know?

I'll be back. Take your time.

Let's be clear .. I'm not your fucking puppet, nor your school teacher.

If you can't answer any questions .. and obviously you can't .. then don't ask any.

You're a fucking puppet. That we know. You can't identify the policy or the legislation. You must have been shitting bricks when Obama proposed that chained CPI. Eh?

You took a look at the number of Dems that wanted to fast track the TPP. Right? Or the number of Dems begging for an increase in H1B visas? Right? You were all over screwing the US Post Office around, amiright? didn't give a fuck. You still don't.

First, I'm not a democrat moron .. and I didn't vote for Obama.

Doesn't go without notice dummy that you couldn't address a single thing I said .. and I put plenty of meat on the table to draw you out. :0) Turns out there was nothing there.

You don't know shit and you aren't that bright. Just another RW clown talking in meme.

Actually, fucktwit.........I'm as close to a socialist as you're going to find on this forum. That's left.........asshat. LEFT.

You couldn't address what I said. At all. And you're trying to flip the script. suck at that. You have no meat on the table. At this don't even have a table. You told me the Democrat policies were more palatable economic, healthcare, social security. You couldn't identify them.'re desperately trying to protect those policies.

:lol: Kiss my ass bitch. Socialist :lol::lol::lol:

You didn't address a goddamn thing .. because you're stupid. Maybe you don't know that. :0)

Healthcare .. what the fuck else do you need? You're not aware of the differences between democratic and republican perspectives on healthcare? Then you're stupid just as I said.

Affirmative Action .. you don't fucking know the differences in perspectives on that issue? Then you're stupid.

You weren't looking for a debate or conversation and I don't have time to waste on moron thought and childish antics.

So I put you in your place. :0) A moron.

No. You're not black but you're a puppet. And if that is all you can come up're dumb as fuck. Adios.
"Black republicans...who are they really?"

They're black republicans. Ask them separately and look to the separate groups they belong to if you want to know who they are and what they stand for. Yeah, just like with every other person.

It's only the liberals who need to box every separation they can make. It's just their way of dividing in order to conquer.

Since you mentioned black Republicans, I'll mention LGBT Democrats who are starting to realize that they're not going to be bashed as easy if they're carrying... and the pendulum shifts.

Or if Trump bans Muslims.

Who's policies would have prevented the Orlando shooting/

Hint: NOt hillary's.
Your turn ..

How about you telling me why you think anyone black should support the Republican Party of their policies.

Tell me why anyone should vote for people who hate them?

Why should anyone black support a virtually all-white political party?

It's a nearly all white political party because the Democrats have blacks so brainwashed.

The Republican party welcomes anybody that wishes to join. If blacks don't want to join, don't blame the party for that. Blame yourself and your brothers.

:0) You're a prime example why conversations with republicans are useless. There isn't an ounce of truth in what you've said.

Start here .. look at this board .. full of republicans just like you. The 'N' word flows freely here. Childish insults about black people are in virtually every thread .. including this one .. including in the stupid shit you write. Both you and the Republican Party are racist .. but neither of you have the balls to admit what planet earth already knows. The Republican Party is virtually all white because the Republican Party is racist. You won't find your racist ignorance on democratic sites unless a republican chimes in to stink it up.

Here's the good news .. nobody cares about you nor the Republican Party being racist. :0) You have no power.

Personally, I've gotten quite comfortable with republicans just the way they are. I'm not asking republicans to support anything. Not asking them to suddenly grow a brain and support humanity. I don't care who you vote for .. I don't give a fuck. Not asking republicans to be friends or friendly .. not even human.

On the other hand, I get great joy from reading you dumb motherfuckers whining about who black people vote for every fucking day. :0) Sorry ass racist clowns whining about your own lack of intelligence. :0) Black republicans .. don't fucking count .. and the only time republicans trot these morons out is during the Minstrel show. There aren't enough of them to even matter.

You and your party are racist .. stand up and be counted .. be proud of that stupid shit .. grow some balls. :0)

The Southern Strategy .. a one way ticket to the bottom. :0)

What racist policy did Nixon supposedly use to attract white racists from the dem party?
After this Nov. when the seante has a Dem majority,,,,will you apologize?

.....and if you need some salt to your upcoming wounds.........Take a good look at the Supreme Court once Hillary finishes her first 100 days.

Yes, it may be the liberal dream....on the road to Communism. It's what I am warning voters about now.

Every election you libs proclaim premature victory, and in most cases, it never happens.

But we all have a dream I guess, so keep your dreams if it gives you comfort.

DumBama was a guy like Bill Clinton. He spoke well, looked good, dressed nice, had a nice family........

You don't have all that with Hillary, in fact, quite the opposite. While Trump is selling out stadiums, Hillary can barely fill high school basketball courts.
You are a race baiter

ONLY to racists........Are you one?

By pretending not to know what race baiting is, all you did was reveal yourself to be a dishonest ass.

Oh, and

People forget most, if not all Blacks were Republican way back when, but unfortunately there's been this juxtaposition of North and South where "Blue Dog" Dems converted to the Republican party and things changed drastically! This didn't happen in a vacuum; took time, but it's been obvious! It should be evident that bigots, racists, misogynist, and other reprobates have taken it over! They beat down Obama with little to no respect before he even took office! They've all but called the man "the N word" to his face! Who can forget a Rep. from Alabama who screamed "you lie" at the State Of The Union! Who's done such a thing? He not only was proud of himself, he fund raised off of it! Decades ago, I could very easily vote for a Republican, but after the way they've treated Obama; undermining his family, patriotism, religious affiliation, and intellect, I wouldn't vote one to dog catcher in my city! They allowed themselves to be turned into vile, disgusting animals who have little respect for their country and themselves! The hatred of the man has overwhelmed them and they might not even realize it or care! Anyone who would support such people, I have to take issue with to say the least!

Very true. Unlike the way the Democrats treated white George Bush.

You're kidding me right? When 911 occurred where 3000 people were killed, no one went on a Jihad to make him responsible, even though evidence showed there were warnings! The man pushed the country into 2 wars using fake intel making it seem like Saddam was ready to launch WMD's on the area! Katrina was more of a disaster when Bush could only fly over it on his way to Arizona to celebrate the birthday of Sen. McCain! Don't try to pull that victim card on me! I can go down a laundry list of things that give credence and justification to HATE "W!" You should have read already how the country was in great shape and he left it in shambles so spare me! I'm the wrong person to play that game with since I lived it! You obviously are too young, stupid, or living in a vacuum! :anj_stfu: :argue: :9:

Another left wing hate lie. And Bush stole the 2000 election and Obama was born in Kenya. You nut jobs are on crazy mode.
Hey, BTW, do you see any down side to tearing this nation apart? Just asking.

None whatsoever......The GOP is a dying party....thanks to your racism and, of course, candidates like Trump....

Except we actually AREN'T racist, and even when the whites are no longer the Majority we will still be the largest single ethnic group.

Are you really planning to keep being complete dicks to whites as a group, discriminating against them and when they complain about it, call them names and shout them down?

Is that really your plan for the future?

How do you think that is going to work out?

Are you happy with the level of civility in our public discourse today?

Because these are the Good Old Days.
Voter-Id laws.

Don't tell me you're trying to imply that republicans aren't racist. :0)

Any idea why non-white Americans shun your party like the plague? :0) Democrats fault?

Wow, those Democrats have you hook, line and sinker, don't they?

Please explain to the class how having one set of regulations FOR EVERYBODY is racist.

You stupid motherfuckers can only speak from the Book of Meme. How many times do I have to tell you nutsacks that I'm not a democrat? The problem for you idiots is that you can only speak from the ignorance of the Book of Meme .. don't fucking know what to do or say when your meme doesn't fit, doesn't work.

If you don't think voter-id laws are racist .. why would I care? If you think Affirmative Action is racist .. why would I give a fuck? :0)

I have no interest in explaining a damn thing to you nor any of your idiot horde. You wouldn't get it anyway and I don't care what you think.

Time has long past for all that. Time now to give republicans the finger and move on issues without them.

Your fucking party is shrinking and republicans have shrinking power. :0) Yes the fuck they do.

You've lost on almost every social issue republicans hold dear .. and yes, guns are next.

Republican ignorance has turned the Supreme Court over to the democrats alone. :0)
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Hey, BTW, do you see any down side to tearing this nation apart? Just asking.

None whatsoever......The GOP is a dying party....thanks to your racism and, of course, candidates like Trump....

Except we actually AREN'T racist, and even when the whites are no longer the Majority we will still be the largest single ethnic group.

Are you really planning to keep being complete dicks to whites as a group, discriminating against them and when they complain about it, call them names and shout them down?

Is that really your plan for the future?

How do you think that is going to work out?

Are you happy with the level of civility in our public discourse today?

Because these are the Good Old Days.

Republicans aren't white people .. they are only SOME white people .. brainless white people.

Denigrating republicans is not denigrating white people.
Again, if you offered ANY person on welfare a job that paid a living wage, they'd take it in a heartbeat.

The thing is, you let the rich screw the poor, and then you wonder why they turn around and screw you, too.

"Wahhh, my company cancelled my health insurance policy! Fucking Obama"

Who's looking at the finger again?

They would take it in a heartbeat, huh?

Well then why is my industry starving? So to the point they are hiring foreigners to do the jobs Americans won't do.

It's a decent paying job. Offers a lot of benefits. You never have to be concerned about unemployment for the rest of your life. And some companies will not only train you, but pay you while you learn and guarantee you a job.

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year
Hey, BTW, do you see any down side to tearing this nation apart? Just asking.

None whatsoever......The GOP is a dying party....thanks to your racism and, of course, candidates like Trump....

Except we actually AREN'T racist, and even when the whites are no longer the Majority we will still be the largest single ethnic group.

Are you really planning to keep being complete dicks to whites as a group, discriminating against them and when they complain about it, call them names and shout them down?

Is that really your plan for the future?

How do you think that is going to work out?

Are you happy with the level of civility in our public discourse today?

Because these are the Good Old Days.

Republicans aren't white people .. they are only SOME white people .. brainless white people.

Denigrating republicans is not denigrating white people.

Dems haven't won the White Vote since Johnson.

White's don't vote in a bloc like minorities, but if you run into a white, odds are, if he votes, he votes gop.

And as you lefties insist of discriminating against whites, who with the passage of time, are further and further away from any past racial abuses (and I'm talking multiple generations)

more and more whites are going to be getting pissed off at that.

And will speak out against being discriminated against.

ANd you lefties have only one response..

To falsely accuse them of being racist and to shout them down.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.

What kind of future do you think you are building for your children?
Democrats aren't as racist or as stupid as republicans .. and both are why republicans find themselves in the dire and desperate shape they're in today.

And the policies?

Democratic policies are FAR more palatable for African-Americans then republican policies .. OBVIOUSLY.

AND, democrats elect African-Americans .. republicans do not.

Noy sure why anyone would expect blacks to vote for people who hate us .. and who we hate.

That hate-hate relationship is working just fine .. for us.

Which policies? What legislation?

VOTING .. which republicans would cut off for black Americans if they could.

Health care, Social Security, Affirmative action, economic policy, guns, etc, etc

In fact, I can't think of a single thing republicans stand for that blacks should support.

Tell me about the economic policies, the Social Security policies and the health care policies.

The guy can't give you answer, so he is going to play games and turn it on you.

They Guy's gun isn't firing blanks, it is unloaded.
You stupid motherfuckers can only speak from the Book of Meme. How many times do I have to tell you nutsacks that I'm not a democrat? The problem for you idiuots is that you can only speak from the ignorance of the Book of Meme .. don't fucking know what to do or say when your meme doesn't fit, doesn't work.

If you don't think voter-id laws are racist .. why would I care? If you think Affirmative Action is racist .. why would I give a fuck? :0)

I have no interest in explaining a damn thing to you nor any of your idiot horde. You wouldn't get it anyway and I don't care what you think.

Time has long past for all that. Time now to give republicans the finger and move on issues without them.

Your fucking party is shrinking and republicans have shrinking power. :0) Yes the fuck they do.

You've lost on almost every social issue republicans hold dear .. and yes, guns are next.

Republican ignorance has turned the Supreme Court over to the democrats alone. :0)

Wow, that's a lot of typing just to say you can't answer my question. You don't need to vote Democrat for them to brainwash you such as not being able to explain why Voter-ID is racist even though it applies to everybody, black, white, Christian, Muslim, women, men. You were trained to just say it's racist, and not to think why.

And if you want to look half-way intelligent when posting, learn another big word other than "meme."
Bill Clinton. He spoke well, looked good, dressed nice, had a nice family........You don't have all that with Hillary,

Here's a little puzzle for you moron.......Re=read what you wrote above and tells us why even you would agree that you're an idiot.

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