Black republicans...who are they really?

And this is the point where we move in different directions. I clearly understand the advantage some people exploited. Not happy about it and believe if the colors were reversed, the same thing would have happened. Move past color and focus on challenges and success.

I disagree that if the roles and colors were reversed the same thing would have happened.

Forcing the issues of racial discrimination IS the effort to move past color. You'll move nowhere and never get past anything until we deal with an evil we cannot ignore. Can't run from that responsibility.

This country is better off because many have found the courage to stand up for humanity.
Define my responsibility in 2016.

Reforming the racist justice system.

But blacks need to stop having kids they won't raise because eve ntually the only thing to do with a criminal is lock them up.

But the Justice system needs fixing. We can save a lot of money not treating people we're mad at the same way we treat people we are afraid of. Let's say you catch a drug dealer. Rather than cost the tax payers $35 to lock him up, charge him $10k and probation until its paid off.[/QUOTE]
Sigh... Seal.
And this is the point where we move in different directions. I clearly understand the advantage some people exploited. Not happy about it and believe if the colors were reversed, the same thing would have happened. Move past color and focus on challenges and success.

I disagree that if the roles and colors were reversed the same thing would have happened.

Forcing the issues of racial discrimination IS the effort to move past color. You'll move nowhere and never get past anything until we deal with an evil we cannot ignore. Can't run from that responsibility.

This country is better off because many have found the courage to stand up for humanity.
Do you believe skin tone should be considered in the hiring process or college application process? Or any process?
People forget most, if not all Blacks were Republican way back when, but unfortunately there's been this juxtaposition of North and South where "Blue Dog" Dems converted to the Republican party and things changed drastically! This didn't happen in a vacuum; took time, but it's been obvious! It should be evident that bigots, racists, misogynist, and other reprobates have taken it over! They beat down Obama with little to no respect before he even took office! They've all but called the man "the N word" to his face! Who can forget a Rep. from Alabama who screamed "you lie" at the State Of The Union! Who's done such a thing? He not only was proud of himself, he fund raised off of it! Decades ago, I could very easily vote for a Republican, but after the way they've treated Obama; undermining his family, patriotism, religious affiliation, and intellect, I wouldn't vote one to dog catcher in my city! They allowed themselves to be turned into vile, disgusting animals who have little respect for their country and themselves! The hatred of the man has overwhelmed them and they might not even realize it or care! Anyone who would support such people, I have to take issue with to say the least!

Very true. Unlike the way the Democrats treated white George Bush.

You're kidding me right? When 911 occurred where 3000 people were killed, no one went on a Jihad to make him responsible, even though evidence showed there were warnings! The man pushed the country into 2 wars using fake intel making it seem like Saddam was ready to launch WMD's on the area! Katrina was more of a disaster when Bush could only fly over it on his way to Arizona to celebrate the birthday of Sen. McCain! Don't try to pull that victim card on me! I can go down a laundry list of things that give credence and justification to HATE "W!" You should have read already how the country was in great shape and he left it in shambles so spare me! I'm the wrong person to play that game with since I lived it! You obviously are too young, stupid, or living in a vacuum! :anj_stfu: :argue: :9:

Another left wing hate lie. And Bush stole the 2000 election and Obama was born in Kenya. You nut jobs are on crazy mode.

I would feel sorry for you, but I've found Republicans like being lied to! You keep thinking all that BS is true! "W" won on his own and our Congress allowed a foreigner to run the Presidency for 2 terms! You and the rest of your ilk are just brilliant as always! :blahblah: :ahole-1: :banghead: :fu:
People forget most, if not all Blacks were Republican way back when, but unfortunately there's been this juxtaposition of North and South where "Blue Dog" Dems converted to the Republican party and things changed drastically! This didn't happen in a vacuum; took time, but it's been obvious! It should be evident that bigots, racists, misogynist, and other reprobates have taken it over! They beat down Obama with little to no respect before he even took office! They've all but called the man "the N word" to his face! Who can forget a Rep. from Alabama who screamed "you lie" at the State Of The Union! Who's done such a thing? He not only was proud of himself, he fund raised off of it! Decades ago, I could very easily vote for a Republican, but after the way they've treated Obama; undermining his family, patriotism, religious affiliation, and intellect, I wouldn't vote one to dog catcher in my city! They allowed themselves to be turned into vile, disgusting animals who have little respect for their country and themselves! The hatred of the man has overwhelmed them and they might not even realize it or care! Anyone who would support such people, I have to take issue with to say the least!

Very true. Unlike the way the Democrats treated white George Bush.

You're kidding me right? When 911 occurred where 3000 people were killed, no one went on a Jihad to make him responsible, even though evidence showed there were warnings! The man pushed the country into 2 wars using fake intel making it seem like Saddam was ready to launch WMD's on the area! Katrina was more of a disaster when Bush could only fly over it on his way to Arizona to celebrate the birthday of Sen. McCain! Don't try to pull that victim card on me! I can go down a laundry list of things that give credence and justification to HATE "W!" You should have read already how the country was in great shape and he left it in shambles so spare me! I'm the wrong person to play that game with since I lived it! You obviously are too young, stupid, or living in a vacuum! :anj_stfu: :argue: :9:

Another left wing hate lie. And Bush stole the 2000 election and Obama was born in Kenya. You nut jobs are on crazy mode.

I would feel sorry for you, but I've found Republicans like being lied to! You keep thinking all that BS is true! "W" won on his own and our Congress allowed a foreigner to run the Presidency for 2 terms! You and the rest of your ilk are just brilliant as always! :blahblah: :ahole-1: :banghead: :fu:

Yeah, believe the bs, righty and lefty nutters are all alike. I don't believe Bush stole an election, I don't believe Bush lied to get us into war, I don't believe Obama is a Muslim, I don't believe Obama is a foreigner.

You on the other hand are a partisan nut job, the Dems good, GOP bad. What a nut job.

Loved that you use the word ilk, great regressive word.
So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

The enlightened African-American who realizes that government does not exist to make their lives better. That they are not helpless children and that they can make their own lives better. That liberty is a treasure which far exceeds pitiful government table scraps like Obamacare or Social Security.

If you want to know just how radicalized the Democrat Party has become - look no further than this simple post right here. The most famous words to ever come out of the mouth of the Democrat's Golden Boy - John F. Kennedy - was "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". And yet every single pitiful position of the modern-day selfish liberal is "what can this country give me for my betterment?".
I would feel sorry for you, but I've found Republicans like being lied to! You keep thinking all that BS is true! "W" won on his own and our Congress allowed a foreigner to run the Presidency for 2 terms! You and the rest of your ilk are just brilliant as always!

If Bush didn't win on his own, who helped him? And if you tell me Diebold or the Supreme Court, I'm atmed with evidence that you're the one who bought the BS.
Blah, blah. I debate you by cutting and pasting from your own threads. Even here you calling me crazy and telling me to get meds. Extremely predictable. Like I said, "white privilege" is nothing more then an excuse for adults to be losers.

No, White Privilege is what happens when you have a country built on 400 years of racism.

Meh, I speel good enough to make all the money I want and not have to invent super parents or invisible enemies who wreck my life like you do Derp.

Right. Usually when someone tells me how rich they are on the internet, it's like someone telling me how big their dick is.

Again, please start taking your meds. The neighbors are concerned.
The enlightened African-American who realizes that government does not exist to make their lives better. That they are not helpless children and that they can make their own lives better. That liberty is a treasure which far exceeds pitiful government table scraps like Obamacare or Social Security.

Whenever you talk about "liberty" and "Freedom", it usually means the ability of the rich to abuse the rest of us.

Battered Housewife conservatism strikes again. You are more mad at the cops for arresting your abusive spouse than your abusive spouse for abusing you.
And yet, you are supporting the candidate that will continue those policies.


again, if we have the economy we had with her husband, we'd be fine.

Trump is blaming brown people for the shit rich people (like himself) do. So he complains about free trade, but he's made plenty of money off of it.

Trump has profited from foreign labor he says is killing U.S. jobs

Today, Donald J. Trump Collection shirts — as well as eyeglasses, perfume, cuff links and suits — are made in Bangladesh, China, Honduras and other low-wage countries.

Trump’s daughter Ivanka, a vice president at his company and frequent campaign surrogate, markets hundreds of additional products under her own line of jewelry and clothing. Many are made in China.
Dems haven't won the White Vote since Johnson.

Is the above moron for real.......Be proud, right wingers of the IQ of most of your ilk....

You are the moron here asswipe.

There is nothing racist about pointing out the voting patterns of an ethnic group.

You libs love to point out that minorities vote dem, and now you pretend that it is wrong of me to point out the whites vote republican?

WTF is wrong with you?

Us white democrats DO NOT want the "white vote" of red neck, poorly educated republicans...Don't need it and that particular "white voting bloc is dying out....and good riddance to trash.

1. Moron.

You do still need Whites without college educations.

If Trump gets enough of them to switch sides, he will win.

2. THe white vote is not dying out. It is not being feed by constant immigration like the brown vote. But even after minority majority, it will be the biggest single ethnic vote.

You are planning to ignore and discriminate against a minority that will be vastly larger as a percentage of the population than blacks EVER where.

How do you think that will work out?

Are you trying to tear this nation apart?

3. Your pretense that all the whites you don't get are uneducated or stupid, or racist, is just you being an asshole.

And one of the reasons that the white dem voter is in play. If Trump wins, it will be partially because of people like you.

Thanks for you support.
Joe.............take the Democrats to task.

Why? Frankly, if Al Gore hadn't had the election stolen from him, black folks were doing pretty well under Clinton on getting off of welfare. Welfare rolls were at their lowest point on Clinton's watch.

Didn't take Bush long to fuck all of that up.

Because they are head deep in H1B visas and outsourcing and hedge fund crap. That's why.
Hey, BTW, do you see any down side to tearing this nation apart? Just asking.

None whatsoever......The GOP is a dying party....thanks to your racism and, of course, candidates like Trump....

Except we actually AREN'T racist, and even when the whites are no longer the Majority we will still be the largest single ethnic group.

Are you really planning to keep being complete dicks to whites as a group, discriminating against them and when they complain about it, call them names and shout them down?

Is that really your plan for the future?

How do you think that is going to work out?

Are you happy with the level of civility in our public discourse today?

Because these are the Good Old Days.

Republicans aren't white people .. they are only SOME white people .. brainless white people.

Denigrating republicans is not denigrating white people.

Dems haven't won the White Vote since Johnson.

White's don't vote in a bloc like minorities, but if you run into a white, odds are, if he votes, he votes gop.

And as you lefties insist of discriminating against whites, who with the passage of time, are further and further away from any past racial abuses (and I'm talking multiple generations)

more and more whites are going to be getting pissed off at that.

And will speak out against being discriminated against.

ANd you lefties have only one response..

To falsely accuse them of being racist and to shout them down.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.

What kind of future do you think you are building for your children?

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: In the business, political, and social circles that I travel, if I encounter a white person .. which I do everyday .. they probably aren't republican .. and if they are, they keep it to themselves.

Most people try to be professional at work. But you are certainly disrespecting people you know. If they knew that you though this of them just because of a political disagreement, they would correctly conclude you are an asshole, and react accordingly.

If you racist motherfuckers believe you're being discriminated against .. gather together in groups, hold hands and sing "We Shall Overcome." :0)

You're the "racist motherfucker" here asshole.

And we will be doing more than singing.

Your talking about oppressing a group that will be more than 4 times the percentage of the black population ever was.

YOu really think that's going to work out well for you or your children?

Unbeknownst to dumb people, YOU Trumpies and your ilk are having an effect of this society as you expose yourselves as the clowns that you are. Even the Republican Party rejects you. Even they recognize the fallacy of their ways in making the Republican Party home for racist degenerates. Even confederate symbols are finding themselves in the trash today, not on top of buildings, not in classrooms.

You are the racist degenerates here. And the more you guys are racist assholes, the more backlash you are building up.

Do you really want to leave that to your children?

The kind of future that I'm building for my children is one of business, enterprise, and opportunity .. and one where they can thumb their noses at republicans and the Right, just like I do. :0) Thanks for asking.

I'm not asking that you and your ilk do a damn thing. Stay just as you are. :0)

NO you aren't.

You're building a nation that will be a Third World shithole where racial tensions are going to skyrocket.

ANd thumbing your nose at the largest single ethnic group is not going to lead to a happy place for anyone.

You are the asshole here.
Libs are the ultimate racists. They traded the whip for food stamps.

......and yet, you nitwits STILL can't get minorities to ever vote for your ilk......Why do you think that is???? LOL

Yet you nitwits STILL look at these people as "minorities", or as a voting block only to be mentioned every 4 or 6 years. See? Exactly like an old time plantation owner I the deep south. At some point the assistance will run out. It has to. Then I'm thinking you lib racist will go back to to the whip.
You stupid motherfuckers can only speak from the Book of Meme. How many times do I have to tell you nutsacks that I'm not a democrat? The problem for you idiuots is that you can only speak from the ignorance of the Book of Meme .. don't fucking know what to do or say when your meme doesn't fit, doesn't work.

If you don't think voter-id laws are racist .. why would I care? If you think Affirmative Action is racist .. why would I give a fuck? :0)

I have no interest in explaining a damn thing to you nor any of your idiot horde. You wouldn't get it anyway and I don't care what you think.

Time has long past for all that. Time now to give republicans the finger and move on issues without them.

Your fucking party is shrinking and republicans have shrinking power. :0) Yes the fuck they do.

You've lost on almost every social issue republicans hold dear .. and yes, guns are next.

Republican ignorance has turned the Supreme Court over to the democrats alone. :0)

Wow, that's a lot of typing just to say you can't answer my question. You don't need to vote Democrat for them to brainwash you such as not being able to explain why Voter-ID is racist even though it applies to everybody, black, white, Christian, Muslim, women, men. You were trained to just say it's racist, and not to think why.

And if you want to look half-way intelligent when posting, learn another big word other than "meme."

I have no doubt that "meme" is a big word to you. :lol: It isn't to me.

Let me repeat .. I don't give a rats ass about what you think about voter-id laws or anything else.

But take this with you as you slime away :0)


One Chart Shows the Depressingly Racist Truth About Voter ID Laws You Tried to Ignore

Voter-id laws aren't about fraud, they're about African-Americans kicking republican ass in elections.

Sorry it's so hard for you to figure out how to get an id. Perhaps one of your white business associates could help you.
Since starting this thread, I've been repeatedly "accused" of race baiting.......and, I must admit, I'm amazed how one can cast such a "bait" on this forum, and can catch lots and lots of white racist "fish"....LOL

Your pretense that you don't know what "Race Baiting" is is just another way you are responding to a serious political point, with being an asshole.

Are you purposefully trying to tear this nation apart?

Oh, and I almost forgot.

None whatsoever......The GOP is a dying party....thanks to your racism and, of course, candidates like Trump....

Except we actually AREN'T racist, and even when the whites are no longer the Majority we will still be the largest single ethnic group.

Are you really planning to keep being complete dicks to whites as a group, discriminating against them and when they complain about it, call them names and shout them down?

Is that really your plan for the future?

How do you think that is going to work out?

Are you happy with the level of civility in our public discourse today?

Because these are the Good Old Days.

Republicans aren't white people .. they are only SOME white people .. brainless white people.

Denigrating republicans is not denigrating white people.

Dems haven't won the White Vote since Johnson.

White's don't vote in a bloc like minorities, but if you run into a white, odds are, if he votes, he votes gop.

And as you lefties insist of discriminating against whites, who with the passage of time, are further and further away from any past racial abuses (and I'm talking multiple generations)

more and more whites are going to be getting pissed off at that.

And will speak out against being discriminated against.

ANd you lefties have only one response..

To falsely accuse them of being racist and to shout them down.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.

What kind of future do you think you are building for your children?

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: In the business, political, and social circles that I travel, if I encounter a white person .. which I do everyday .. they probably aren't republican .. and if they are, they keep it to themselves.

If you racist motherfuckers believe you're being discriminated against .. gather together in groups, hold hands and sing "We Shall Overcome." :0)

Unbeknownst to dumb people, YOU Trumpies and your ilk are having an effect of this society as you expose yourselves as the clowns that you are. Even the Republican Party rejects you. Even they recognize the fallacy of their ways in making the Republican Party home for racist degenerates. Even confederate symbols are finding themselves in the trash today, not on top of buildings, not in classrooms.

The kind of future that I'm building for my children is one of business, enterprise, and opportunity .. and one where they can thumb their noses at republicans and the Right, just like I do. :0) Thanks for asking.

I'm not asking that you and your ilk do a damn thing. Stay just as you are. :0)
I have repeatedly encouraged the racists to return to the mother ship. We don't want them. A hand up, such as a free education, is great. The multitude of other programs based on skin pigmentation are not. Would you feel the same if the roles were reversed? I'm not tying to start a fight, I want to talk with others and expand my knowledge base.

How do you define who is racist?

Cause the libs in this thread seem to think it is anyone what doesn't agree with them on everything.
But take this with you as you slime away :0)


One Chart Shows the Depressingly Racist Truth About Voter ID Laws You Tried to Ignore

Voter-id laws aren't about fraud, they're about African-Americans kicking republican ass in elections.

Why do you believe people with a particular skin color are retarded? You believe they are so incompetent they can't use Google at the tax payer provided library. Sigh...

It's not hard to get an ID. In Kansas we pay the fees for those that claim they can't handle the minimum expenses. Then we provide tax payer subsidised transportation to do so.

Republicans aren't white people .. they are only SOME white people .. brainless white people.

Denigrating republicans is not denigrating white people.

Dems haven't won the White Vote since Johnson.

White's don't vote in a bloc like minorities, but if you run into a white, odds are, if he votes, he votes gop.

And as you lefties insist of discriminating against whites, who with the passage of time, are further and further away from any past racial abuses (and I'm talking multiple generations)

more and more whites are going to be getting pissed off at that.

And will speak out against being discriminated against.

ANd you lefties have only one response..

To falsely accuse them of being racist and to shout them down.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.

What kind of future do you think you are building for your children?

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: In the business, political, and social circles that I travel, if I encounter a white person .. which I do everyday .. they probably aren't republican .. and if they are, they keep it to themselves.

If you racist motherfuckers believe you're being discriminated against .. gather together in groups, hold hands and sing "We Shall Overcome." :0)

Unbeknownst to dumb people, YOU Trumpies and your ilk are having an effect of this society as you expose yourselves as the clowns that you are. Even the Republican Party rejects you. Even they recognize the fallacy of their ways in making the Republican Party home for racist degenerates. Even confederate symbols are finding themselves in the trash today, not on top of buildings, not in classrooms.

The kind of future that I'm building for my children is one of business, enterprise, and opportunity .. and one where they can thumb their noses at republicans and the Right, just like I do. :0) Thanks for asking.

I'm not asking that you and your ilk do a damn thing. Stay just as you are. :0)
I have repeatedly encouraged the racists to return to the mother ship. We don't want them. A hand up, such as a free education, is great. The multitude of other programs based on skin pigmentation are not. Would you feel the same if the roles were reversed? I'm not tying to start a fight, I want to talk with others and expand my knowledge base.

I appreciate the civility brother .. not trying to start a fight either.

The programs based on skin pigmentation are remedies for proven discrimination. With all due respect, what would you do to address PROVEN discrimination and oppression?
I would endorse what has already been done. I hate to say this, and it may make you mad, but the biggest issue in any society, regardless of the color, is the failure of men to behave as men. I lived in Topeka KS for a little while. Lots of white trash.

Men have a hard time being men, if there are no jobs for them to provide for the families with.

We've shipped to many of them overseas, we haven't protected them from unfair competition from overseas, and we've allowed tens of millions of third world workers to come here and take jobs and lower wages.

Trump is the only candidate with policies to reverse those trends that have made it so hard for men.

And the women and children that would like to be able to depend on them.
Since starting this thread, I've been repeatedly "accused" of race baiting.......and, I must admit, I'm amazed how one can cast such a "bait" on this forum, and can catch lots and lots of white racist "fish"....LOL
Nothing more than race mongering. I'd rather chat with Coal and have an honest discussion.

All she has is to call us names, and she puts on airs of being smarter than us.

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.
Well it certainly isn't this low 2 digit IQ Nubian princess....

I know a Persian guy he's a bit crazy I could see him going on a rampage if he ever lost it over something like going to prison a woman or dying of cancer. And I could see him yelling Allah Akbar just to fuck with everyone.

We may never know why. My guess is he was a psycho self loathing homosexual. I would guess anyone tormented by their own sexuality and being raised to believe your feelings are evil


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