Black republicans...who are they really?

Most uneducated, bigoted, misogynistic and hate filled blacks usually vote Democrat...what's your point?

Well, since blacks make up only 13% of the overall population, I'll leave it up to your other half of your brain to do the simple mathematics of how many screwed up blacks there may be versus the screwed up whites....LOL
Republicans aren't white people .. they are only SOME white people .. brainless white people.

Denigrating republicans is not denigrating white people.

Dems haven't won the White Vote since Johnson.

White's don't vote in a bloc like minorities, but if you run into a white, odds are, if he votes, he votes gop.

And as you lefties insist of discriminating against whites, who with the passage of time, are further and further away from any past racial abuses (and I'm talking multiple generations)

more and more whites are going to be getting pissed off at that.

And will speak out against being discriminated against.

ANd you lefties have only one response..

To falsely accuse them of being racist and to shout them down.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.

What kind of future do you think you are building for your children?

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: In the business, political, and social circles that I travel, if I encounter a white person .. which I do everyday .. they probably aren't republican .. and if they are, they keep it to themselves.

Most people try to be professional at work. But you are certainly disrespecting people you know. If they knew that you though this of them just because of a political disagreement, they would correctly conclude you are an asshole, and react accordingly.

If you racist motherfuckers believe you're being discriminated against .. gather together in groups, hold hands and sing "We Shall Overcome." :0)

You're the "racist motherfucker" here asshole.

And we will be doing more than singing.

Your talking about oppressing a group that will be more than 4 times the percentage of the black population ever was.

YOu really think that's going to work out well for you or your children?

Unbeknownst to dumb people, YOU Trumpies and your ilk are having an effect of this society as you expose yourselves as the clowns that you are. Even the Republican Party rejects you. Even they recognize the fallacy of their ways in making the Republican Party home for racist degenerates. Even confederate symbols are finding themselves in the trash today, not on top of buildings, not in classrooms.

You are the racist degenerates here. And the more you guys are racist assholes, the more backlash you are building up.

Do you really want to leave that to your children?

The kind of future that I'm building for my children is one of business, enterprise, and opportunity .. and one where they can thumb their noses at republicans and the Right, just like I do. :0) Thanks for asking.

I'm not asking that you and your ilk do a damn thing. Stay just as you are. :0)

NO you aren't.

You're building a nation that will be a Third World shithole where racial tensions are going to skyrocket.

ANd thumbing your nose at the largest single ethnic group is not going to lead to a happy place for anyone.

You are the asshole here.

:0) Start from here .. fuck you.

No, fuck you, you racist asshole.

You're just some powerless racist asshole who can't deal with the evolution of this nation. Just an unintelligent clown crying in his makeup because no one finds him funny anymore. Boo-hoo motherfucker. :0)

Except I'm not the racist here, you are.

Let me help your dumb ass out .. you don't speak for white Americans dummy. No the fuck you don't.

I speak for the majority.

White Americans long for the 1950s, when they didn’t face so much discrimination

"In a new poll released by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) on Tuesday, a whopping 43 percent of Americans told researchers that discrimination against whites has become as large a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minority groups. And an even bigger share of Americans — 53 percent — told pollsters American culture and "way of life" have mostly changed for the worse since 1950."

And as you assholes keep being assholes, A GROWING MAJORITY of whites.

In a new poll released by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) on Tuesday, a whopping 43 percent of Americans told researchers that discrimination against whites has become as large a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minority groups. And an even bigger share of Americans — 53 percent — told pollsters American culture and "way of life" have mostly changed for the worse since 1950.

All white people are not racist, not at all like you. You're a fucking moron, thus you have no understanding of the power of diversity.

1. Just because, I don't feel guilty about shit I didn't do, doesn't make me a racist, you moron.

2. And no, the vast majority of white people are not racist. They are getting more and more tired of your racist bullshit though.

3. I understand diversity fine. It's a huge and growing problem.

I know you can read .. but I doubt you can properly interpret what you read. .. but I'll post this anyway :0)


A Deep Dive Into Party Affiliation

I'm not sure what you think that told me that I didn't already know.

You do note that republicans have the majority of ALL WHITE SUB GROUPS?

What that any many other indicators say is that YOUR children will grow up in a far more diverse America and world.

I've been clear that I know that. I don't know what you think you just demonstrated. What is your point?

Your ignorance and fear does not prepare them for that.

I've explained my "fears" and you've done nothing to show that they are ill founded. Indeed, every racist and hate filled post of yours supports my pessimistic view of the future.

This is not YOUR country, not YOUR society

It is as much mine as yours. Or at least it should be.

.. and it is YOU that is being rejected by this society, not me.

And not just me, but my whole Race, other than some white libs who grovel enough and support anti-white discrimination.

THat's what I've been saying.

Why are you so upset when I've been saying what you believe?

Is it because I've pointed out the downside of your plan to discriminate against the largest single ethnic group, and how badly that is likely to turn out?

Don't understand that .. who the fuck cares? :0)

I understand fine. You are a racist asshole. YOu plan to support racist policies. YOu think that those you discriminate against deserve it because they are racist.

You expect them to quietly take their oppression.

You believe that anti-white discrimination is the key to building a happy diverse society.

Most uneducated, bigoted, misogynistic and hate filled blacks usually vote Democrat...what's your point?

Well, since blacks make up only 13% of the overall population, I'll leave it up to your other half of your brain to do the simple mathematics of how many screwed up blacks there may be versus the screwed up whites....LOL

It's basic math, if 90%+ of black people vote Democrat then logically the majority of the "uneducated, bigoted, misogynistic and hate filled blacks" vote Democrat...that's common sense and basic mathematics.

You can say that Republicans are racist all you want (and I agree some of them certainly are), but let's not pretend that Obama got over 90% of the black vote wasn't racially motivated.

If over 90% of people voted for Romney and/or McCain-there would have been an uproar in this country and you know it.
Most uneducated, bigoted, misogynistic and hate filled blacks usually vote Democrat...what's your point?

Well, since blacks make up only 13% of the overall population, I'll leave it up to your other half of your brain to do the simple mathematics of how many screwed up blacks there may be versus the screwed up whites....LOL

Anyone with any sense can see that there are a lot more fucked up blacks than there are fucked up whites, certainly percentage wise and maybe even in absolute numbers.

One point to consider is that for generations American society has fought against white racism, while ignoring or actively encouraging black racism.

There has been plenty of proof of the success of anti-racism efforts in the white community, such as the lack of impact of a black president.

On the other hand, I can't think of any examples that support the idea that there is not a lot of racism in the black community.

Can you?
THat's a deflection.

You are supporting the candidate that will continue all those policies you are so against.

Because she's not a crazy Nazi asshole who will get us into a war and wreck the economy?

Trump will be a disaster. A complete, unmitigated disaster, as President. Even the Koch Brothers understand this.

No, he is not. He is blaming brown people for the shit they do, and rich people for the shit they do.

E-verify, H1-B enforcement/limitations, trade policy, that's all about what rich people do.

Your desire to ignore half the problem is you putting partisan politics ahead of the interests of your fellow Americans.

The problem is, Trump did all those things before he ran for office, and after he loses in November, he'll go back to doing them.

So, on one hand we have a insider who will continue the economic and trade policies that you rail against ALL THE TIME, and on the other we have an outsider who has built his whole political existence on reversing them, but hypocritically has made money on free trade in the past.

I guess the question for you is, which is more important, avoiding supporting hypocrisy, or reversing the policies that you believe are responsible for decades of stagnant wages and untold human suffering.

I think the issues of Free Trade is up for discussion now in both parties. So I don't see this election as a referendum on that issue.

Hillary can run the country. I don't agree with her on a lot of issues, but I'm sure the mail will get delivered and the roads will get repaired if she runs it.

Trump can't run the country. He doesn't have the experience or the temperament, and, oh, yeah, he a crazy fucking Nazi.
Yes. And since I wasn't doing shit nothing came of it. End of story.

If I had been drinking and a search revealed drugs and an illegal weapon, my life would have been seriously fucked up.

My point stands. THose happy little black children are going to be taught to support "remedies" for past injustices. And they will be taught that anyone who opposes that is a vile racist who is their enemy.

Right. They would have called your Mommy. If you were black they'd have shot you dead. Like Tamir Rice, Mike Brown, Sandra Bland... and so on.

That's because the anti-white discrimination that occurs has either pasted you by, or been hidden from you.

My point stands. Those happy little white children are going to grow up and find that they are gong to be discriminated against as part of "remedies" for past injustices.

AND as they are now going to be fewer than the number of people that they have to defer to, they are going to be FUCKED.

And that's what has you shitting your pants, isn't it? That when you don't have the power anymore, you'll get some of the same treatment you've inflicted on them.

Reality- being born white and male is this society is a great advantage and probalby will be for generations to come.
Again, if you offered ANY person on welfare a job that paid a living wage, they'd take it in a heartbeat.

The thing is, you let the rich screw the poor, and then you wonder why they turn around and screw you, too.

"Wahhh, my company cancelled my health insurance policy! Fucking Obama"

Who's looking at the finger again?

They would take it in a heartbeat, huh?

Well then why is my industry starving? So to the point they are hiring foreigners to do the jobs Americans won't do.

It's a decent paying job. Offers a lot of benefits. You never have to be concerned about unemployment for the rest of your life. And some companies will not only train you, but pay you while you learn and guarantee you a job.

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year
. I can't buy into the thinking that Americans won't work. They are being looked over, and they are not wanted by many of these companies for their services these days. If they ( these companies) can use cheap foreign labor to get the job done, then they will. However, the brakes have been put on that trend to some extent these days, and that is Good. We have trained a good bit of American men and women lately, and some have left already, but the majority have stayed on, and they are doing great. The lies have been revealed, now I just wonder what will come of it all.
. I can't buy into the thinking that Americans won't work. They are being looked over, and they are not wanted by many of these companies for their services these days. If they ( these companies) can use cheap foreign labor to get the job done, then they will. However, the brakes have been put on that trend to some extent these days, and that is Good. We have trained a good bit of American men and women lately, and some have left already, but the majority have stayed on, and they are doing great. The lies have been revealed, now I just wonder what will come of it all.

I would disagree with you there.

My father is long retired but because he collects a pension, his union sends out their newsletter to their retired employees.

Getting people to work is so hard today that the union is asking their retirees to please find young people to get into the trade. The union does find some interested people, but none that can stay off of dope and pass a drug test. Smoking pot is much higher on the priority list than a career or a paycheck these days.

Granted, bricklaying is a tough job, but it pays very, very well and my father made a pretty good living off of it. Including benefits, it averages around $50.00 an hour today and because of our harsh winters here, you get to sit home and collect unemployment the entire season.

My job takes me to industrial areas all day long. Every industrial area is littered with HELP WANTED signs. Some for skilled labor and others for manual labor. Some of them are our customers and even these menial labor jobs don't pay too bad of a starting salary; much higher than minimum wage.
Well BooBoo, we also have this brain dead Black Racist...BUt he's NOT a Republican....

Reforming the racist justice system.

But blacks need to stop having kids they won't raise because eve ntually the only thing to do with a criminal is lock them up.

But the Justice system needs fixing. We can save a lot of money not treating people we're mad at the same way we treat people we are afraid of. Let's say you catch a drug dealer. Rather than cost the tax payers $35 to lock him up, charge him $10k and probation until its paid off.

Drug dealers? The drug trade fuels a huge portion of violent crime and theft!
Sometimes. But if a guy in suburbia is selling pot that he grows in his home, he's not the type of criminal that needs to go to jail with

I agree with affluenza. The only problem is, they only give it to little or rich white boys. They need to give it to everyone who's not a violent dangerous criminal. In other words, try our best to not put a scumbag in prison where all he's going to become is a better criminal and have even less options because now he's got a record.

Ok here is another example. Detroit Public School teachers were caught taking kickbacks from a vendor. All of them will spend time in jail, as they should. But how about instead of jail they have to find another job and pay all that money back? Sort of like how OJ Simpson had to pay that money to the Goldmans. And I say until the debt is paid in full, you are on probation. And if you have ever been on probation, you know that probation sucks. And your PO will make sure you are working and not being a criminal.

1. In theory alternate punishments, and/or prison reform is something I support.

2. On the other hand, your above answer seems like the type of thing that could slide into defacto slavery. IMO, we already are in danger of that due to debt.

3. And none of this would be considered a racial issue, if it was not for the staggering rate of illegitimacy in minority communities.

Which we need to address, as we have discussed before.
It makes me mad when blacks on USMB claim whites are worse or just as bad but can't point to what white slum city is comparable to places like Detroit. I watch too many documentaries on inner city black communities to believe that. This one was good.

How do you change a troubled police department? FRONTLINE goes inside the Newark Police Department — one of many forces in America ordered to reform. As the country’s debate over race, policing and civil rights continues to unfold, the New Yorker's Jelani Cobb examines allegations of police abuses in Newark, N.J. and the challenge of fixing a broken relationship with the community.

Policing the Police | Watch Frontline PBS Full Episodes Online

If you watched this show you would see there are no easy answers. It's unbelievable how the cops treat young black men in Newark NJ but fact is the place is a war zone and those aren't innocent young black men. Not most of them anyways. No one in Newark wants these young gang members being free to run around with guns and drugs and have the cops unable to do anything about it. But make no mistake, you and I would sue if the cops if they just walked up to us and gave as a full body search or tackled us for no good reason. But that's what happens every day/night in Newark, NJ. Interviewer said, "how do you know who's acting "suspecious" and they go off hunch. In other words they can stop anyone for anything anytime they want.

But who would tell the cops to stop harassing these gang members? Who would say, "leave those boys alone"? On this documentary the sergeant said, "if the community wants the cops to look the other way and just let the criminals pass, they can do that too". Who wants that? Maybe some USMB black will say they want that but then they don't have to live in that criminals neighborhood

It's a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation these blacks put people in.

I grew up in a small suburb. Our suburb was predominately white with a small black section on the other side of a main road.

One day I was reading our local paper with an article about how those blacks in that tiny section of our town were complaining about no police protection in the area. The Mayor would have none of that so he had more police patrol that section of town.

About a year went by and I read another article about the blacks complaining once again. This time they were complaining how when they went to court, half of the people in the court room were black, yet they only represented less than 5% of our population.

So if you leave them be with their crime, they complain. If you do something about the crime, they complain. NYC is experiencing some of that right now. Stop and Frisk was a very successful program that saved countless black lives. Blacks cried about the program so they had to put it to a stop, and now more black people are getting killed there. But they're happy............I guess.......
Why? Frankly, if Al Gore hadn't had the election stolen from him, black folks were doing pretty well under Clinton on getting off of welfare. Welfare rolls were at their lowest point on Clinton's watch.

Didn't take Bush long to fuck all of that up.

You must be talking about Newt Gingrich's Welfare Reform. You know, the bill that Clinton vetoed twice before Republicans put it back on his desk just before reelection? He had no choice but to sign it then.
You stupid motherfuckers can only speak from the Book of Meme. How many times do I have to tell you nutsacks that I'm not a democrat? The problem for you idiuots is that you can only speak from the ignorance of the Book of Meme .. don't fucking know what to do or say when your meme doesn't fit, doesn't work.

If you don't think voter-id laws are racist .. why would I care? If you think Affirmative Action is racist .. why would I give a fuck? :0)

I have no interest in explaining a damn thing to you nor any of your idiot horde. You wouldn't get it anyway and I don't care what you think.

Time has long past for all that. Time now to give republicans the finger and move on issues without them.

Your fucking party is shrinking and republicans have shrinking power. :0) Yes the fuck they do.

You've lost on almost every social issue republicans hold dear .. and yes, guns are next.

Republican ignorance has turned the Supreme Court over to the democrats alone. :0)

Wow, that's a lot of typing just to say you can't answer my question. You don't need to vote Democrat for them to brainwash you such as not being able to explain why Voter-ID is racist even though it applies to everybody, black, white, Christian, Muslim, women, men. You were trained to just say it's racist, and not to think why.

And if you want to look half-way intelligent when posting, learn another big word other than "meme."

I have no doubt that "meme" is a big word to you. :lol: It isn't to me.

Let me repeat .. I don't give a rats ass about what you think about voter-id laws or anything else.

But take this with you as you slime away :0)


One Chart Shows the Depressingly Racist Truth About Voter ID Laws You Tried to Ignore

Voter-id laws aren't about fraud, they're about African-Americans kicking republican ass in elections.

This is a joke.......right? I mean....... you can't be serious here.

The question was how is Voter-ID racist when one law applies to all? Simple question I would think.

Now if you can show me one state where there are two voter ID laws: one for blacks, and another for everybody else, then maybe your point has some merit. And some whack site that claims there are more racist people in Voter ID states than those without doesn't support any point you think you have. And it certainly doesn't answer my question.
You stupid motherfuckers can only speak from the Book of Meme. How many times do I have to tell you nutsacks that I'm not a democrat? The problem for you idiuots is that you can only speak from the ignorance of the Book of Meme .. don't fucking know what to do or say when your meme doesn't fit, doesn't work.

If you don't think voter-id laws are racist .. why would I care? If you think Affirmative Action is racist .. why would I give a fuck? :0)

I have no interest in explaining a damn thing to you nor any of your idiot horde. You wouldn't get it anyway and I don't care what you think.

Time has long past for all that. Time now to give republicans the finger and move on issues without them.

Your fucking party is shrinking and republicans have shrinking power. :0) Yes the fuck they do.

You've lost on almost every social issue republicans hold dear .. and yes, guns are next.

Republican ignorance has turned the Supreme Court over to the democrats alone. :0)

Wow, that's a lot of typing just to say you can't answer my question. You don't need to vote Democrat for them to brainwash you such as not being able to explain why Voter-ID is racist even though it applies to everybody, black, white, Christian, Muslim, women, men. You were trained to just say it's racist, and not to think why.

And if you want to look half-way intelligent when posting, learn another big word other than "meme."

I have no doubt that "meme" is a big word to you. :lol: It isn't to me.

Let me repeat .. I don't give a rats ass about what you think about voter-id laws or anything else.

But take this with you as you slime away :0)


One Chart Shows the Depressingly Racist Truth About Voter ID Laws You Tried to Ignore

Voter-id laws aren't about fraud, they're about African-Americans kicking republican ass in elections.

This is a joke.......right? I mean....... you can't be serious here.

The question was how is Voter-ID racist when one law applies to all? Simple question I would think.

Now if you can show me one state where there are two voter ID laws: one for blacks, and another for everybody else, then maybe your point has some merit. And some whack site that claims there are more racist people in Voter ID states than those without doesn't support any point you think you have. And it certainly doesn't answer my question.

Show me the plethora documented cases of voter fraud that can be stopped with voter-id laws .. given that when fraud does happen, it's the absentee ballots, not at the polls.

If you can't do that .. fuck off asswipe.

Voter-id laws are about black people kicking republican ass in elections .. especially presidential elections.

Why Voter ID Laws Aren’t Really about Fraud
Why Voter ID Laws Aren’t Really about Fraud
Show me the plethora documented cases of voter fraud that can be stopped with voter-id laws .. given that when fraud does happen, it's the absentee ballots, not at the polls.

If you can't do that .. fuck off asswipe.

Voter-id laws are about black people kicking republican ass in elections .. especially presidential elections.

Why Voter ID Laws Aren’t Really about Fraud
Why Voter ID Laws Aren’t Really about Fraud

PRECISELY !!!!! Voter I.D. laws by republicans are tantamount to a 'solution" in search of a "problem"....(and we all know what the "problem" is for right wingers)......When speaking with some conservative friends, I label them "rebels without a clue". LOL:
So if you leave them be with their crime, they complain. If you do something about the crime, they complain. NYC is experiencing some of that right now. Stop and Frisk was a very successful program that saved countless black lives. Blacks cried about the program so they had to put it to a stop, and now more black people are getting killed there. But they're happy............I guess.......

So it's a binary choice then. Black folks either have to put up with cops who shoot their children with no provocation or they should be left to fend for themselves.

You know, instead of having a professional courteous police force like white people get to deal with.

Silly Darkie! Rights are for white people!
You stupid motherfuckers can only speak from the Book of Meme. How many times do I have to tell you nutsacks that I'm not a democrat? The problem for you idiuots is that you can only speak from the ignorance of the Book of Meme .. don't fucking know what to do or say when your meme doesn't fit, doesn't work.

If you don't think voter-id laws are racist .. why would I care? If you think Affirmative Action is racist .. why would I give a fuck? :0)

I have no interest in explaining a damn thing to you nor any of your idiot horde. You wouldn't get it anyway and I don't care what you think.

Time has long past for all that. Time now to give republicans the finger and move on issues without them.

Your fucking party is shrinking and republicans have shrinking power. :0) Yes the fuck they do.

You've lost on almost every social issue republicans hold dear .. and yes, guns are next.

Republican ignorance has turned the Supreme Court over to the democrats alone. :0)

Wow, that's a lot of typing just to say you can't answer my question. You don't need to vote Democrat for them to brainwash you such as not being able to explain why Voter-ID is racist even though it applies to everybody, black, white, Christian, Muslim, women, men. You were trained to just say it's racist, and not to think why.

And if you want to look half-way intelligent when posting, learn another big word other than "meme."

I have no doubt that "meme" is a big word to you. :lol: It isn't to me.

Let me repeat .. I don't give a rats ass about what you think about voter-id laws or anything else.

But take this with you as you slime away :0)


One Chart Shows the Depressingly Racist Truth About Voter ID Laws You Tried to Ignore

Voter-id laws aren't about fraud, they're about African-Americans kicking republican ass in elections.

This is a joke.......right? I mean....... you can't be serious here.

The question was how is Voter-ID racist when one law applies to all? Simple question I would think.

Now if you can show me one state where there are two voter ID laws: one for blacks, and another for everybody else, then maybe your point has some merit. And some whack site that claims there are more racist people in Voter ID states than those without doesn't support any point you think you have. And it certainly doesn't answer my question.

Show me the plethora documented cases of voter fraud that can be stopped with voter-id laws .. given that when fraud does happen, it's the absentee ballots, not at the polls.

If you can't do that .. fuck off asswipe.

Voter-id laws are about black people kicking republican ass in elections .. especially presidential elections.

Why Voter ID Laws Aren’t Really about Fraud
Why Voter ID Laws Aren’t Really about Fraud

Articles: Voter Photo ID: North Carolina Proves it works Very Well, Indeed

North Carolina's is working just fine. Try again.

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