Black republicans...who are they really?

You can't fight crime by letting the criminals do what they want and pretend you didn't see anything. This is happening around the country known as the Ferguson effect.

The Ferguson effect is a lie. Crime has actually continued to trend down nationally.

And I'm sorry, what "Crime" was Tamir Rice committing that he needed to be executed on the spot? Or Sandra Bland? Or that 15 year old girl at the Texas Pool Party?

If you have criminals (regardless of color) terrorizing your neighborhood, there is only one way to deal with it: lock up the criminals.

It's too logical for a liberal like you to understand.

We lock up 2 million people, more than any country in the world, and we STILL have the worst crime rates in the industrialized world. If guns and prisons make us safer, why is America such a dangerous place compared to England or Japan?

Homicides, violent crimes spike in U.S. cities as police grasp for answers

Police: Oak Park crime up 27 percent in first quarter of 2016

Dallas Violent Crime Rate Up to Start 2016: Police

Still no proof of a Ferguson effect.
You can't fight crime by letting the criminals do what they want and pretend you didn't see anything. This is happening around the country known as the Ferguson effect.

The Ferguson effect is a lie. Crime has actually continued to trend down nationally.

And I'm sorry, what "Crime" was Tamir Rice committing that he needed to be executed on the spot? Or Sandra Bland? Or that 15 year old girl at the Texas Pool Party?

If you have criminals (regardless of color) terrorizing your neighborhood, there is only one way to deal with it: lock up the criminals.

It's too logical for a liberal like you to understand.

We lock up 2 million people, more than any country in the world, and we STILL have the worst crime rates in the industrialized world. If guns and prisons make us safer, why is America such a dangerous place compared to England or Japan?

Homicides, violent crimes spike in U.S. cities as police grasp for answers

Police: Oak Park crime up 27 percent in first quarter of 2016

Dallas Violent Crime Rate Up to Start 2016: Police

Still no proof of a Ferguson effect.

That's why the FBI director is on the President's bad side.

'Ferguson Effect' real — and dangerous to African Americans

You said crime was trending down, you lied. Live with it Joey Boi!
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Still no proof of a Ferguson effect.

All the big cities that have blacks are experiencing the same thing: Ferguson, Baltimore, Cleveland, all over.

Heck, I live in a black suburb and I see it myself. The police don't pull anybody over unless somebody called in to complain. They are driving twice the speed limit, ignoring school zones, crashing red lights, because they know the police aren't going to do anything about it.

Evil is winning unfortunately ushered in by the liberal media and government leadership.
That's why the FBI director is on the President's bad side.

'Ferguson Effect' real — and dangerous to African Americans

You said crime was trending down, you lied. Live with it Joey Boi!

We had less homicides in 2015 than 2014...

All the big cities that have blacks are experiencing the same thing: Ferguson, Baltimore, Cleveland, all over.

Heck, I live in a black suburb and I see it myself. The police don't pull anybody over unless somebody called in to complain. They are driving twice the speed limit, ignoring school zones, crashing red lights, because they know the police aren't going to do anything about it.

Evil is winning unfortunately ushered in by the liberal media and government leadership.

Seems to me if the cops aren't pulling people over for actually commiting, you know, crimes, you have an issue.

Tamir rice wasn't committing a crime when he was shot by the cops in your wonderful city.
That's why the FBI director is on the President's bad side.

'Ferguson Effect' real — and dangerous to African Americans

You said crime was trending down, you lied. Live with it Joey Boi!

We had less homicides in 2015 than 2014...


Trying to justify your lie. You said the crime rate was down, I have several stories from this year 2016, that prove you are a liar. Nice try Joey Boi, you got nothing. Next time ray to think before you post your lies. Your chart doesn't even include 2015, lol!

Trying to justify your lie. You said the crime rate was down, I have several stories from this year 2016, that prove you are a liar. Nice try Joey Boi, you got nothing. Next time ray to think before you post your lies. Your chart doesn't even include 2015, lol!
Point is, when Bush fucked up the economy in 2001, the Welfare rolls spiked again and never, ever went back down.

That's the point you all don't seem to get. Welfare Reform was sort of mean-spirited, but it didn't have an immediate effect because there were plenty of jobs to be had with 3% unemployment.

No, welfare reform was part of the Republicans Contract With America. The warning signs were out there once they took leadership. They passed welfare reform and Clinton vetoed it twice. After he was forced to sign it, it took over a year (if I remember correctly) for the effects to start taking place. That's because they didn't want to pull everybody off of welfare all of a sudden. They gave recipients time to find a job, get training, and government assisting in those goals. But many stayed on welfare until they could no longer collect before they went out and got a job.

Welfare rolls did not spike in 2001. Bush created such a good economy that it spread worldwide. It wasn't until the housing crash when things hit the fan, and we all know who played a big part in that.
Seems to me if the cops aren't pulling people over for actually commiting, you know, crimes, you have an issue.

Tamir rice wasn't committing a crime when he was shot by the cops in your wonderful city.

It's not a crime to pull out a gun on a police officer? See, this is what I mean by liberals spreading evil.
JoeB1317 said:
Given your shitty superior attitudes towards poor people, maybe you'd be happier doing something else for a living?

Again what are YOU doing to help the poor? Since you didn't answer that, I'm going to assume it's less than what I do. If you're to talk the talk-at least have the balls to walk the walk.

For the record, I love my job, and I don't have a "shitty" attitude, I have a realistic attitude (that has been gained from experience). The problem is when I have students in my classroom who tell me that they'll never have a fair shake at life so why should they bother trying-they hear this from their culture and from the media where the liberals/democrats tell them such-so they sit there and do nothing. I can tell them until I'm blue in the fact that getting an education is not a waste will help them out of poverty-they don't buy into it (many of them).

What I posted is 100% true based on my own experience. Of course I've taught poor students who have managed to get themselves out of poverty, but let's be real: the majority (yes majority) of my students are respectful enough-but they stare at the wall the entire class period and perform no work. They have no motivation or ambition to perform their work. They're just another spoke in their family's wheel of poverty.

JoeB1317 said:
Has it occurred to you that you just suck as a teacher? My mom was a teacher, and I had people come up to me decades later and tell me they became professional artists because of what she taught them in art class. (Ironically, I can't draw a straight line.)

Professional artists?! My students don't even have food on the table when they go home at night, and wouldn't be able to afford the canvas to paint on, give me a break. I get students coming up to me all of the time saying one of three things:

1) Thanking me for helping them make a better life for themselves
2) Telling me they regret not taking me seriously, but thanking me nonetheless
3) Laughing at me when they see me/try to say hi

PS: In a title 1 school, with a large population of ESOL/former ESOL students (I teach English mind you), I continually beat my district exam scores by a full letter grade. I teach at one of the worst schools, and beat most of the teachers from better schools...and you want to know why? Because I don't bullshit my students-and the ones that buy into it (which is more than many of my peers), know that I'll do ANYTHING for them to succeed.

JoeB1317 said:
Well, you have a point. This is the 21st century, where good honest labor is being done by machines and third world people now. Unlike the 20th century, where you could get a good union job with just a HS Diploma and still be able to feed a family.

I agree that's a problem (jobs being lost overseas and from new technologies), however the solution isn't expecting society to conform to the individual-the individual has to conform to society. The jobs that have been replaced by technology are NOT coming back. People have two options: whine and bitch about it, or to do something about it. It's why I continually tell my students: "what are you going to do about it?".

JoeB1317 said:
But quite honestly, if you go into the classroom every day thinking they are all going to fail and deserve to, you are probably not helping the process.

I had a male student this year hug me last day of school and cry uncontrollably because he's the first student in his family to go to college-on a full ride scholarship-and thanked me for helping him with the application process, helping him to write letters, helping him 2-3 times a week (unpaid) after school to become a stronger writer.

This DOES exist...the sad thing is that he's in the minority-most of my students (certainly not all) would rather do/sell drugs, gang-bang on the weekends, buy/sell guns, and try to be rappers (at least the last one is a legal means of making money-but unfortunately it's what they tend to be the worst at it lol)-they're not the cute cuddly "kids" the media would have you believe.

The reality is that it takes students like the gentleman above, and students who WANT to do better-most of his peers don't, and in 10 years when they're sweeping the floors at 7/11 for minimum wage (if they're lucky or even get a job), they'll be bitching about how much money he makes, and why society was so unfair to them.

Finally, and let me be crystal clear: I never stated that they all deserve to fail-I stated that the students who stare at the wall and-literally-put no effort into their work whatsoever deserve to fail. The ones that want to succeed-even if they're D/F students-I WILL get them to where they need to go, even if it means putting in extra hours, or working much harder than I need to (because I want to).

Go back to what you're good at (being a keyboard warrior), and I'll go back to what I'm good at: helping some people in the next generation get out of poverty.
. Outstanding, and thank you for your services... Could it be said by many, that there have been government policies (Democrat policies mostly) that want to have this idea implanted in societies brains that all young folks regardless of their efforts these days- should somehow pass no matter what-and so is it that they are pushing this agenda because they want the numbers to rise either for votes at a later date or for a supposed equaling out of society through attrition ?

Problem with the concept though or in my opinion-is that it is pushing bad characters into societies earned, created, and/or educated sectors in which include communities, workplaces, highways, and areas in which it is expected that people use a minimal education that is truly earned by them to make it work for the betterment of society. They need to use some good common sense, good character, and a positive attitude in ways that don't disrupt these areas of life in which people spend so much of their time in... If people don't add to these sectors in a positive way or have a positive affect on them (say) somewhere in at least the 60% range when participating, then society as a whole will be dragged down by those who are being placed into mainstream society not by their earning it, but by an agenda run quota system that is blaming the society for holding people out or down in life for nefarious reasons.

The agenda is being based upon or it is using the criteria's in which it (a biased government, along with those who push the weak government), is then constantly cherry picking and choosing to make it's point on one side of the isle...... People have a tendency to reject bad character be it that of the unearned give me, give me, give me types, and they reject radicalized individuals or groups who are infiltrating the spaces in which they have secured for their ideas of what they want their society to represent or be like.......People reject people who have been pushed on them in ways that disrupt, destroy, make unsafe the spaces in which they occupy or live. They reject those who threaten them, harass them, mock their education or religion, kill them and/or their children, lay waist to their infrastructure, their communities, make unsafe the roadways in which they as good citizens ride or drive upon, destabilize the workplace or disrupt small business operations in the communities in which they live, work and drive around in....

People purdy much reject the changes of the very fabric of an educated American society in which they live in, and it has NOTHING to DO with a PERSONS SKIN COLOR in LIFE, otherwise something in which the Libs would have everyone believe that it does for corrupt nefarious reasons in which is bogus. BLACK REPUBLICANs, and many educated blacks that remain open minded have learned this in America, and they embrace this understanding that ones character is thee most important part of a human being now.

People are breaking the chains that bind with their earned achievements, and that gives greater hope than what the Dems give in respect to the issue, and especially with their I'll handling of the issue. Democrats are so transparent anymore, and they reside over the dumbest of things, but when it comes to important issues, then they try and hide their agenda because it will be rejected by the masses and they know it. I didn't realize that Obama's fundamental transformation was to try and turn the male soldiers into fighting women in America, and then have we the tax payers pay for it ? Wow.
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Point is, when Bush fucked up the economy in 2001, the Welfare rolls spiked again and never, ever went back down.

That's the point you all don't seem to get. Welfare Reform was sort of mean-spirited, but it didn't have an immediate effect because there were plenty of jobs to be had with 3% unemployment.

No, welfare reform was part of the Republicans Contract With America. The warning signs were out there once they took leadership. They passed welfare reform and Clinton vetoed it twice. After he was forced to sign it, it took over a year (if I remember correctly) for the effects to start taking place. That's because they didn't want to pull everybody off of welfare all of a sudden. They gave recipients time to find a job, get training, and government assisting in those goals. But many stayed on welfare until they could no longer collect before they went out and got a job.

Welfare rolls did not spike in 2001. Bush created such a good economy that it spread worldwide. It wasn't until the housing crash when things hit the fan, and we all know who played a big part in that.

More leftwing propaganda. The economy started its down turn in 2000, it wasn't formally called a recession until March 2001, only a month and a half after Bush took office, in September we suffered 911 and by November, against all odds the recession ended.
Like dumb moths to a flame, GOP right winger conservatives STILL access this thread to voice their "indignities" to being [rightfully] called the party where most racist call home.....LOL
Trying to justify your lie. You said the crime rate was down, I have several stories from this year 2016, that prove you are a liar. Nice try Joey Boi, you got nothing. Next time ray to think before you post your lies. Your chart doesn't even include 2015, lol!

2016 isn't over yet and we don't have figures for 2016 in toto... all you presented were anecdotal stories.


There is no Ferguson effect: New data confirm the war on police is a right-wing myth

According to the FBI, 2015 was one of the safest years on record to be a police officer in America. Agency data shows 41 officers were killed in the line of duty last year, a drop of 20 percent from one year prior. Only in 2013, when felonious police fatalities hit an historic all-time low, were fewer officers killed while doing their jobs. The year 2015 tied with 2008 for the second lowest death rate for police on record.

No, There is Not a New 'Crime Wave' Overtaking U.S. Cities

Myth of the Ferguson Effect Is Hard to Kill

“It’s really a local problem, not a broad trend,” Ames Grawert, an attorney with the Brennan Center for Justice, told The Intercept, pointing to the group’s research on 2015 crime rates. “There is no evidence that crime has gone up overall.”

There are year-to-year variations, and differences between cities, but no nationwide crime epidemic and most importantly no easy explanation for the violence, he added. And while some cities are undoubtedly facing unacceptable levels of violence, the nationwide trend in violent crime continues to point downward, as it has for the last 25 years.
More leftwing propaganda. The economy started its down turn in 2000, it wasn't formally called a recession until March 2001, only a month and a half after Bush took office, in September we suffered 911 and by November, against all odds the recession ended.

If you guys really thought Bush was a good President, you'd have nominated his brother instead of NaziTrump.
Like dumb moths to a flame, GOP right winger conservatives STILL access this thread to voice their "indignities" to being [rightfully] called the party where most racist call home.....LOL

Poor nat, nothing to add but hate, lies and name calling, especially when confronted by facts. A regressive liberal.
Trying to justify your lie. You said the crime rate was down, I have several stories from this year 2016, that prove you are a liar. Nice try Joey Boi, you got nothing. Next time ray to think before you post your lies. Your chart doesn't even include 2015, lol!

2016 isn't over yet and we don't have figures for 2016 in toto... all you presented were anecdotal stories.


There is no Ferguson effect: New data confirm the war on police is a right-wing myth

According to the FBI, 2015 was one of the safest years on record to be a police officer in America. Agency data shows 41 officers were killed in the line of duty last year, a drop of 20 percent from one year prior. Only in 2013, when felonious police fatalities hit an historic all-time low, were fewer officers killed while doing their jobs. The year 2015 tied with 2008 for the second lowest death rate for police on record.

No, There is Not a New 'Crime Wave' Overtaking U.S. Cities

Myth of the Ferguson Effect Is Hard to Kill

“It’s really a local problem, not a broad trend,” Ames Grawert, an attorney with the Brennan Center for Justice, told The Intercept, pointing to the group’s research on 2015 crime rates. “There is no evidence that crime has gone up overall.”

There are year-to-year variations, and differences between cities, but no nationwide crime epidemic and most importantly no easy explanation for the violence, he added. And while some cities are undoubtedly facing unacceptable levels of violence, the nationwide trend in violent crime continues to point downward, as it has for the last 25 years.

The stats show crime is up and you call the stories. Interesting take. Nice try, but violent crimes are up. Nothing you can do to change it, no matter how hard you are trying.
Trying to justify your lie. You said the crime rate was down, I have several stories from this year 2016, that prove you are a liar. Nice try Joey Boi, you got nothing. Next time ray to think before you post your lies. Your chart doesn't even include 2015, lol!

2016 isn't over yet and we don't have figures for 2016 in toto... all you presented were anecdotal stories.


There is no Ferguson effect: New data confirm the war on police is a right-wing myth

According to the FBI, 2015 was one of the safest years on record to be a police officer in America. Agency data shows 41 officers were killed in the line of duty last year, a drop of 20 percent from one year prior. Only in 2013, when felonious police fatalities hit an historic all-time low, were fewer officers killed while doing their jobs. The year 2015 tied with 2008 for the second lowest death rate for police on record.

No, There is Not a New 'Crime Wave' Overtaking U.S. Cities

Myth of the Ferguson Effect Is Hard to Kill

“It’s really a local problem, not a broad trend,” Ames Grawert, an attorney with the Brennan Center for Justice, told The Intercept, pointing to the group’s research on 2015 crime rates. “There is no evidence that crime has gone up overall.”

There are year-to-year variations, and differences between cities, but no nationwide crime epidemic and most importantly no easy explanation for the violence, he added. And while some cities are undoubtedly facing unacceptable levels of violence, the nationwide trend in violent crime continues to point downward, as it has for the last 25 years.

Correct, overall. But as I said, big cities are experiencing quite the opposite:

More leftwing propaganda. The economy started its down turn in 2000, it wasn't formally called a recession until March 2001, only a month and a half after Bush took office, in September we suffered 911 and by November, against all odds the recession ended.

If you guys really thought Bush was a good President, you'd have nominated his brother instead of NaziTrump.

Can't refute the facts. Nice spin. I didn't care for Bush in his second term, he wasn't as effective. I'm not a Republican, I am wanting Sanders, he is the best of the three.

And more fear mongering by the regressive left, "Nazi" Trump. Fascinating .
Trying to justify your lie. You said the crime rate was down, I have several stories from this year 2016, that prove you are a liar. Nice try Joey Boi, you got nothing. Next time ray to think before you post your lies. Your chart doesn't even include 2015, lol!

2016 isn't over yet and we don't have figures for 2016 in toto... all you presented were anecdotal stories.


There is no Ferguson effect: New data confirm the war on police is a right-wing myth

According to the FBI, 2015 was one of the safest years on record to be a police officer in America. Agency data shows 41 officers were killed in the line of duty last year, a drop of 20 percent from one year prior. Only in 2013, when felonious police fatalities hit an historic all-time low, were fewer officers killed while doing their jobs. The year 2015 tied with 2008 for the second lowest death rate for police on record.

No, There is Not a New 'Crime Wave' Overtaking U.S. Cities

Myth of the Ferguson Effect Is Hard to Kill

“It’s really a local problem, not a broad trend,” Ames Grawert, an attorney with the Brennan Center for Justice, told The Intercept, pointing to the group’s research on 2015 crime rates. “There is no evidence that crime has gone up overall.”

There are year-to-year variations, and differences between cities, but no nationwide crime epidemic and most importantly no easy explanation for the violence, he added. And while some cities are undoubtedly facing unacceptable levels of violence, the nationwide trend in violent crime continues to point downward, as it has for the last 25 years.

Correct, overall. But as I said, big cities are experiencing quite the opposite:

View attachment 80132

.......and the RACIST innuendos from R-Wers goes on.
Can't refute the facts. Nice spin. I didn't care for Bush in his second term, he wasn't as effective. I'm not a Republican, I am wanting Sanders, he is the best of the three.

And more fear mongering by the regressive left, "Nazi" Trump. Fascinating

Sanders is done. I'm sure you'll vote for the Nazi, Trump.

Oh, that's my new thing. I won't say "Trump" without the word Nazi in front of it.

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