Black republicans...who are they really?

again, ever been pulled over by a cop "just because"? Nope. But that's an every day occurance for black folks in this country.

I've been pulled over just because.
. I think I have a few times also, but not sure exactly why. Each time I believe it was due to a suspicion of some sort, but don't think it was ever based on an officer thinking to him or herself- "I think I am going to just pull that vehicle over for the heck of it". I give a human being more credit than that in life, unless the forces are hiring true complete idiots on a grand scale anymore and/or have been for decades now. Not buying that narrative being pushed, because that is a ridiculous narrative. Now in some high crime, terrible or dangerous areas in the nation, I can believe that people might be pulled over, stopped when walking to be asked questions, but because of the area & area stats, reputation and such, it would still be considered stops based on suspicion, and not based on just because. If don't like what's going on in the communities for which one lives, then work hard to seperate the villains from the community, and then demand a stop to all the craziness. Until people in high crime areas of the nation stop covering for the bad that is living in and around them, then the craziness will continue. If the government isn't helping, and hasn't been helping, then it's time to change to a party in government that will help or create a new party that will help. The main thing is outing those who you know that are bad amongst you, and then demand justice be served in which creates a secure, happy and safe environment for you and your families.
There are bars near my house that when they were all white had just security guards. Blacks moved to the area, guns, car theft, fight... Now cops hang out. If the place becomes a place where you can find drugs, cops are going to start figuring out who the usual suspects are and they're going to stop and frisk people who "aren't doin Nuthin"

But you should have seen the pbs piece on Newark,NJ. The cops ran up and tackled some innocent guy who really wasn't doing anything. But when he got argumentative and defensive they tackled him. Who wouldn't back up and say wait a minute when 3 cops are running at you?

So good black people are victims of the criminals who boldly operate in plain view.

The difference between black drug dealers and white is you have to know your white drug dealer. You have to be introduced. He goes to your home or you to his. Blacks take it to the streets. Too obvious
. In your last statement, are you suggesting that whites are just more orderly and discrete when doing business ( if it is criminal), but blacks are more of the flamboyant show boat types, who want a public audience when they are doing their thing ? Otherwise do they have no shame as opposed to their white counterparts who do try and hide their immoral criminal activities in society is what your saying ?
You can't fight crime by letting the criminals do what they want and pretend you didn't see anything. This is happening around the country known as the Ferguson effect.

The Ferguson effect is a lie. Crime has actually continued to trend down nationally.

And I'm sorry, what "Crime" was Tamir Rice committing that he needed to be executed on the spot? Or Sandra Bland? Or that 15 year old girl at the Texas Pool Party?

If you have criminals (regardless of color) terrorizing your neighborhood, there is only one way to deal with it: lock up the criminals.

It's too logical for a liberal like you to understand.

We lock up 2 million people, more than any country in the world, and we STILL have the worst crime rates in the industrialized world. If guns and prisons make us safer, why is America such a dangerous place compared to England or Japan?

Spoken like a True libtard who has never left his living room. Since you are so smaht, can you tell us what mayer nub finger there in your beloved Chicago is doing about the hoodrats killing eachother every weekend? Wahe are we at,over 2,000 dead already this year ?
Why don't you answer his question?

America is not as dangerous as England or Japan.toss out your stats all you want, but I assure you, one can get just as dead just as fast in Joe's utopian wonderland as they can here, except for maybe Chicago where democrats are giving it the Detroit treatnent. As far as answering Joe's question, it's useless, he puts the same shit in every thread. Most likely his shit is a cut and paste from other websites. It typically go's like this, "Boosh stole the election, Nazi Trump, a fetus is medical waste, gun owners are stupid, I was a general in the Army so I know everything, you speel bad so your stupid, you believe in god so your stupid, you need to take med's cause your crazy, blah, blah, blah.

As to the question, look where the crime is happening and who is doing it. It's not happy americans in decent neighborhoods who work forty hours a week.
So the answer is jobs and more police?

I'll give you one thing. Blacks need to fix their own neighborhoods. They are having kids who grow up to be criminals. We all know the people I'm talking about. All the young people who have no business having kids and won't raise them right. So the only help we can provide is free iud's and affordable abortions.

Other than that I agree with joe

Not just jobs, but they need to kick the welfare habbit. People in those neighborhoods need to be reminded there is more to lif then an EIC check every year and a few hundred bucks in snap every month and that they are more then just a block of voters who the left controls with the welfare. The welfare is the modern day shackles and it's sad because they put them on willingly. You wand to see where the left want all Americans? Look no further then Chicago.
You can't fight crime by letting the criminals do what they want and pretend you didn't see anything. This is happening around the country known as the Ferguson effect.

The Ferguson effect is a lie. Crime has actually continued to trend down nationally.

And I'm sorry, what "Crime" was Tamir Rice committing that he needed to be executed on the spot? Or Sandra Bland? Or that 15 year old girl at the Texas Pool Party?

If you have criminals (regardless of color) terrorizing your neighborhood, there is only one way to deal with it: lock up the criminals.

It's too logical for a liberal like you to understand.

We lock up 2 million people, more than any country in the world, and we STILL have the worst crime rates in the industrialized world. If guns and prisons make us safer, why is America such a dangerous place compared to England or Japan?

Spoken like a True libtard who has never left his living room. Since you are so smaht, can you tell us what mayer nub finger there in your beloved Chicago is doing about the hoodrats killing eachother every weekend? Wahe are we at,over 2,000 dead already this year ?
Why don't you answer his question?

America is not as dangerous as England or Japan.toss out your stats all you want, but I assure you, one can get just as dead just as fast in Joe's utopian wonderland as they can here, except for maybe Chicago where democrats are giving it the Detroit treatnent. As far as answering Joe's question, it's useless, he puts the same shit in every thread. Most likely his shit is a cut and paste from other websites. It typically go's like this, "Boosh stole the election, Nazi Trump, a fetus is medical waste, gun owners are stupid, I was a general in the Army so I know everything, you speel bad so your stupid, you believe in god so your stupid, you need to take med's cause your crazy, blah, blah, blah.

As to the question, look where the crime is happening and who is doing it. It's not happy americans in decent neighborhoods who work forty hours a week.
So the answer is jobs and more police?

I'll give you one thing. Blacks need to fix their own neighborhoods. They are having kids who grow up to be criminals. We all know the people I'm talking about. All the young people who have no business having kids and won't raise them right. So the only help we can provide is free iud's and affordable abortions.

Other than that I agree with joe
. Birth control (IUD's ?), or what ever that is I say yes (I think), but not abortions to be the answer NO, because that is murder after the fact. No more murdering children in the womb already.
Last edited:
The Ferguson effect is a lie. Crime has actually continued to trend down nationally.

And I'm sorry, what "Crime" was Tamir Rice committing that he needed to be executed on the spot? Or Sandra Bland? Or that 15 year old girl at the Texas Pool Party?

We lock up 2 million people, more than any country in the world, and we STILL have the worst crime rates in the industrialized world. If guns and prisons make us safer, why is America such a dangerous place compared to England or Japan?

Spoken like a True libtard who has never left his living room. Since you are so smaht, can you tell us what mayer nub finger there in your beloved Chicago is doing about the hoodrats killing eachother every weekend? Wahe are we at,over 2,000 dead already this year ?
Why don't you answer his question?

America is not as dangerous as England or Japan.toss out your stats all you want, but I assure you, one can get just as dead just as fast in Joe's utopian wonderland as they can here, except for maybe Chicago where democrats are giving it the Detroit treatnent. As far as answering Joe's question, it's useless, he puts the same shit in every thread. Most likely his shit is a cut and paste from other websites. It typically go's like this, "Boosh stole the election, Nazi Trump, a fetus is medical waste, gun owners are stupid, I was a general in the Army so I know everything, you speel bad so your stupid, you believe in god so your stupid, you need to take med's cause your crazy, blah, blah, blah.

As to the question, look where the crime is happening and who is doing it. It's not happy americans in decent neighborhoods who work forty hours a week.
So the answer is jobs and more police?

I'll give you one thing. Blacks need to fix their own neighborhoods. They are having kids who grow up to be criminals. We all know the people I'm talking about. All the young people who have no business having kids and won't raise them right. So the only help we can provide is free iud's and affordable abortions.

Other than that I agree with joe
. Birth control (IUD's ?), what ever that is yes I think, but not abortions to be the answer, because that is murder after the fact. No more murdering children in the womb already.

And that's another thing, it's the black babies the left are wanting to kill so badly. Blacks are the target market of planned parenthood. Why?
What this long thread tries to "prove" from right wingers, is that republicans DO have the answers to crime, prison populations, educations and jobs for minorities.......and that those poor blacks are too dumb to vote them in to solve these problems.

Now, does ANYONE really believe this moronic message spewed by right wingers??? LOL
And that's another thing, it's the black babies the left are wanting to kill so badly. Blacks are the target market of planned parenthood. Why?

Well, actually we're trying to "help" your party from having MORE people in the future voting against your sorry asses...LOL
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.

Over fifty years of voting as a plurality for the Democrat party. What has it done for the black community? Atlanta, LA, Chicago, Detroit--nearly every single black majority school district is in shambles, perpetuating poverty. The Democrat party hasn't kept that loyalty through thoughtful policy, but through intimidation. There are several examples of black celebrities and regular individuals come forward promoting conservative ideas. What happens? Is there an earnest attempt to have an exchange of ideas? No. White liberals call them Uncle Toms to the nodding-in-approval black political establishment. Think about that. White liberals believe they are justified using racist terms to black people that dare harbor opinions they disagree with. They aren't going to come out and support Clinton as enthusiastically as Obama, and there is a sizable (for Republicans) portion of black and Latino voters that are going to be voting Trump.
Blacks used to be Republicans. Why did they leave the party? It's not the free handouts. That reply is ignorant and insulting.

It is the handouts. Food stamps, EIC and the like, and it's not just blacks. It's whites to, he'll it's all races. I wil have to agree with Joederp on one thing, compassionate conservatism is just as evil as liberalism. Think back to all the free shit dubya tried to hand out. It was a disaster.
And that is why blacks don't vote Republicans.

Stop trying to push your unpopular ignorant ism on us
The Ferguson effect is a lie. Crime has actually continued to trend down nationally.

And I'm sorry, what "Crime" was Tamir Rice committing that he needed to be executed on the spot? Or Sandra Bland? Or that 15 year old girl at the Texas Pool Party?

We lock up 2 million people, more than any country in the world, and we STILL have the worst crime rates in the industrialized world. If guns and prisons make us safer, why is America such a dangerous place compared to England or Japan?

Spoken like a True libtard who has never left his living room. Since you are so smaht, can you tell us what mayer nub finger there in your beloved Chicago is doing about the hoodrats killing eachother every weekend? Wahe are we at,over 2,000 dead already this year ?
Why don't you answer his question?

America is not as dangerous as England or Japan.toss out your stats all you want, but I assure you, one can get just as dead just as fast in Joe's utopian wonderland as they can here, except for maybe Chicago where democrats are giving it the Detroit treatnent. As far as answering Joe's question, it's useless, he puts the same shit in every thread. Most likely his shit is a cut and paste from other websites. It typically go's like this, "Boosh stole the election, Nazi Trump, a fetus is medical waste, gun owners are stupid, I was a general in the Army so I know everything, you speel bad so your stupid, you believe in god so your stupid, you need to take med's cause your crazy, blah, blah, blah.

As to the question, look where the crime is happening and who is doing it. It's not happy americans in decent neighborhoods who work forty hours a week.
So the answer is jobs and more police?

I'll give you one thing. Blacks need to fix their own neighborhoods. They are having kids who grow up to be criminals. We all know the people I'm talking about. All the young people who have no business having kids and won't raise them right. So the only help we can provide is free iud's and affordable abortions.

Other than that I agree with joe

Not just jobs, but they need to kick the welfare habbit. People in those neighborhoods need to be reminded there is more to lif then an EIC check every year and a few hundred bucks in snap every month and that they are more then just a block of voters who the left controls with the welfare. The welfare is the modern day shackles and it's sad because they put them on willingly. You wand to see where the left want all Americans? Look no further then Chicago.
. Look no farther than Chicago yes, but also look at the rate of growth in this stuff, and this by Democrats throwing other people's hard earned money at the policies of failure in which they have resided over for decades now. I know the left will say yes, but the reason it has taken so long, is because of the blocking of the Dems by the Republicans in everything they do. Well the reason the Republicans or so called right have blocked alot of the policies or ideals of the left, is because the left has been wrecklace in what they do and how they work to do things when trying to improve things, so actually it is the left and it's policy making that has held back the poor or struggling libs in life. I don't blame the conservatives/Republicans/right-wing for blocking the things in which they saw as being absolutely ridiculous or dangerous to society, and under Obama it needed to be rampt up this blocking, because Obama and company are the most radical people this nation has experienced yet, and for whom are against the Constitution of this United States of America. When Dems decide to make policy that reflects the good character in which resides in all peaceful Americans, then the blocking will end.
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again, ever been pulled over by a cop "just because"? Nope. But that's an every day occurance for black folks in this country.

I've been pulled over just because.
. I think I have a few times also, but not sure exactly why. Each time I believe it was due to a suspicion of some sort, but don't think it was ever based on an officer thinking to him or herself- "I think I am going to just pull that vehicle over for the heck of it". I give a human being more credit than that in life, unless the forces are hiring true complete idiots on a grand scale anymore and/or have been for decades now. Not buying that narrative being pushed, because that is a ridiculous narrative. Now in some high crime, terrible or dangerous areas in the nation, I can believe that people might be pulled over, stopped when walking to be asked questions, but because of the area & area stats, reputation and such, it would still be considered stops based on suspicion, and not based on just because. If don't like what's going on in the communities for which one lives, then work hard to seperate the villains from the community, and then demand a stop to all the craziness. Until people in high crime areas of the nation stop covering for the bad that is living in and around them, then the craziness will continue. If the government isn't helping, and hasn't been helping, then it's time to change to a party in government that will help or create a new party that will help. The main thing is outing those who you know that are bad amongst you, and then demand justice be served in which creates a secure, happy and safe environment for you and your families.
There are bars near my house that when they were all white had just security guards. Blacks moved to the area, guns, car theft, fight... Now cops hang out. If the place becomes a place where you can find drugs, cops are going to start figuring out who the usual suspects are and they're going to stop and frisk people who "aren't doin Nuthin"

But you should have seen the pbs piece on Newark,NJ. The cops ran up and tackled some innocent guy who really wasn't doing anything. But when he got argumentative and defensive they tackled him. Who wouldn't back up and say wait a minute when 3 cops are running at you?

So good black people are victims of the criminals who boldly operate in plain view.

The difference between black drug dealers and white is you have to know your white drug dealer. You have to be introduced. He goes to your home or you to his. Blacks take it to the streets. Too obvious
. In your last statement, are you suggesting that whites are just more orderly and discrete when doing business ( if it is criminal), but blacks are more of the flamboyant show boat types, who want a public audience when they are doing their thing ? Otherwise do they have no shame as opposed to their white counterparts who do try and hide their immoral criminal activities in society is what your saying ?
If it were possible for someone to stand outside Kroger's and sell drugs in my neighborhood they would but the cops would shut that down quick. Black people must know who the criminals on their block are. In my neighborhood someone would tell and eventually you'd get busted.

Blacks need to become snitches and narks. Drive crime back deep underground where it belongs.
The Ferguson effect is a lie. Crime has actually continued to trend down nationally.

And I'm sorry, what "Crime" was Tamir Rice committing that he needed to be executed on the spot? Or Sandra Bland? Or that 15 year old girl at the Texas Pool Party?

We lock up 2 million people, more than any country in the world, and we STILL have the worst crime rates in the industrialized world. If guns and prisons make us safer, why is America such a dangerous place compared to England or Japan?

Spoken like a True libtard who has never left his living room. Since you are so smaht, can you tell us what mayer nub finger there in your beloved Chicago is doing about the hoodrats killing eachother every weekend? Wahe are we at,over 2,000 dead already this year ?
Why don't you answer his question?

America is not as dangerous as England or Japan.toss out your stats all you want, but I assure you, one can get just as dead just as fast in Joe's utopian wonderland as they can here, except for maybe Chicago where democrats are giving it the Detroit treatnent. As far as answering Joe's question, it's useless, he puts the same shit in every thread. Most likely his shit is a cut and paste from other websites. It typically go's like this, "Boosh stole the election, Nazi Trump, a fetus is medical waste, gun owners are stupid, I was a general in the Army so I know everything, you speel bad so your stupid, you believe in god so your stupid, you need to take med's cause your crazy, blah, blah, blah.

As to the question, look where the crime is happening and who is doing it. It's not happy americans in decent neighborhoods who work forty hours a week.
So the answer is jobs and more police?

I'll give you one thing. Blacks need to fix their own neighborhoods. They are having kids who grow up to be criminals. We all know the people I'm talking about. All the young people who have no business having kids and won't raise them right. So the only help we can provide is free iud's and affordable abortions.

Other than that I agree with joe

Not just jobs, but they need to kick the welfare habbit. People in those neighborhoods need to be reminded there is more to lif then an EIC check every year and a few hundred bucks in snap every month and that they are more then just a block of voters who the left controls with the welfare. The welfare is the modern day shackles and it's sad because they put them on willingly. You wand to see where the left want all Americans? Look no further then Chicago.
Bullshit. Look back to when Americans in Detroit made a good living. No welfare needed. But you free traitors sent those jobs overseas in search of higher profits.

Even trumps tariffs prove I'm right
I've been pulled over just because.
. I think I have a few times also, but not sure exactly why. Each time I believe it was due to a suspicion of some sort, but don't think it was ever based on an officer thinking to him or herself- "I think I am going to just pull that vehicle over for the heck of it". I give a human being more credit than that in life, unless the forces are hiring true complete idiots on a grand scale anymore and/or have been for decades now. Not buying that narrative being pushed, because that is a ridiculous narrative. Now in some high crime, terrible or dangerous areas in the nation, I can believe that people might be pulled over, stopped when walking to be asked questions, but because of the area & area stats, reputation and such, it would still be considered stops based on suspicion, and not based on just because. If don't like what's going on in the communities for which one lives, then work hard to seperate the villains from the community, and then demand a stop to all the craziness. Until people in high crime areas of the nation stop covering for the bad that is living in and around them, then the craziness will continue. If the government isn't helping, and hasn't been helping, then it's time to change to a party in government that will help or create a new party that will help. The main thing is outing those who you know that are bad amongst you, and then demand justice be served in which creates a secure, happy and safe environment for you and your families.
There are bars near my house that when they were all white had just security guards. Blacks moved to the area, guns, car theft, fight... Now cops hang out. If the place becomes a place where you can find drugs, cops are going to start figuring out who the usual suspects are and they're going to stop and frisk people who "aren't doin Nuthin"

But you should have seen the pbs piece on Newark,NJ. The cops ran up and tackled some innocent guy who really wasn't doing anything. But when he got argumentative and defensive they tackled him. Who wouldn't back up and say wait a minute when 3 cops are running at you?

So good black people are victims of the criminals who boldly operate in plain view.

The difference between black drug dealers and white is you have to know your white drug dealer. You have to be introduced. He goes to your home or you to his. Blacks take it to the streets. Too obvious
. In your last statement, are you suggesting that whites are just more orderly and discrete when doing business ( if it is criminal), but blacks are more of the flamboyant show boat types, who want a public audience when they are doing their thing ? Otherwise do they have no shame as opposed to their white counterparts who do try and hide their immoral criminal activities in society is what your saying ?
If it were possible for someone to stand outside Kroger's and sell drugs in my neighborhood they would but the cops would shut that down quick. Black people must know who the criminals on their block are. In my neighborhood someone would tell and eventually you'd get busted.

Blacks need to become snitches and narks. Drive crime back deep underground where it belongs.

Or, just gei sick of the mess their elected officials make in their communities and make their elected leaders understand they are more them an electoral demographic.
The Ferguson effect is a lie. Crime has actually continued to trend down nationally.

And I'm sorry, what "Crime" was Tamir Rice committing that he needed to be executed on the spot? Or Sandra Bland? Or that 15 year old girl at the Texas Pool Party?

We lock up 2 million people, more than any country in the world, and we STILL have the worst crime rates in the industrialized world. If guns and prisons make us safer, why is America such a dangerous place compared to England or Japan?

Spoken like a True libtard who has never left his living room. Since you are so smaht, can you tell us what mayer nub finger there in your beloved Chicago is doing about the hoodrats killing eachother every weekend? Wahe are we at,over 2,000 dead already this year ?
Why don't you answer his question?

America is not as dangerous as England or Japan.toss out your stats all you want, but I assure you, one can get just as dead just as fast in Joe's utopian wonderland as they can here, except for maybe Chicago where democrats are giving it the Detroit treatnent. As far as answering Joe's question, it's useless, he puts the same shit in every thread. Most likely his shit is a cut and paste from other websites. It typically go's like this, "Boosh stole the election, Nazi Trump, a fetus is medical waste, gun owners are stupid, I was a general in the Army so I know everything, you speel bad so your stupid, you believe in god so your stupid, you need to take med's cause your crazy, blah, blah, blah.

As to the question, look where the crime is happening and who is doing it. It's not happy americans in decent neighborhoods who work forty hours a week.
So the answer is jobs and more police?

I'll give you one thing. Blacks need to fix their own neighborhoods. They are having kids who grow up to be criminals. We all know the people I'm talking about. All the young people who have no business having kids and won't raise them right. So the only help we can provide is free iud's and affordable abortions.

Other than that I agree with joe
. Birth control (IUD's ?), or what ever that is I say yes (I think), but not abortions to be the answer NO, because that is murder after the fact. No more murdering children in the womb already.
Murder? Lol
Spoken like a True libtard who has never left his living room. Since you are so smaht, can you tell us what mayer nub finger there in your beloved Chicago is doing about the hoodrats killing eachother every weekend? Wahe are we at,over 2,000 dead already this year ?
Why don't you answer his question?

America is not as dangerous as England or Japan.toss out your stats all you want, but I assure you, one can get just as dead just as fast in Joe's utopian wonderland as they can here, except for maybe Chicago where democrats are giving it the Detroit treatnent. As far as answering Joe's question, it's useless, he puts the same shit in every thread. Most likely his shit is a cut and paste from other websites. It typically go's like this, "Boosh stole the election, Nazi Trump, a fetus is medical waste, gun owners are stupid, I was a general in the Army so I know everything, you speel bad so your stupid, you believe in god so your stupid, you need to take med's cause your crazy, blah, blah, blah.

As to the question, look where the crime is happening and who is doing it. It's not happy americans in decent neighborhoods who work forty hours a week.
So the answer is jobs and more police?

I'll give you one thing. Blacks need to fix their own neighborhoods. They are having kids who grow up to be criminals. We all know the people I'm talking about. All the young people who have no business having kids and won't raise them right. So the only help we can provide is free iud's and affordable abortions.

Other than that I agree with joe

Not just jobs, but they need to kick the welfare habbit. People in those neighborhoods need to be reminded there is more to lif then an EIC check every year and a few hundred bucks in snap every month and that they are more then just a block of voters who the left controls with the welfare. The welfare is the modern day shackles and it's sad because they put them on willingly. You wand to see where the left want all Americans? Look no further then Chicago.
Bullshit. Look back to when Americans in Detroit made a good living. No welfare needed. But you free traitors sent those jobs overseas in search of higher profits.

Even trumps tariffs prove I'm right

Um, who killed Detroit? Who is killing California? That would be your Democrat's. Look at those communities. Welfare is the primary income and abortion clinics kill black babies like their is no tomorrow,
Spoken like a True libtard who has never left his living room. Since you are so smaht, can you tell us what mayer nub finger there in your beloved Chicago is doing about the hoodrats killing eachother every weekend? Wahe are we at,over 2,000 dead already this year ?
Why don't you answer his question?

America is not as dangerous as England or Japan.toss out your stats all you want, but I assure you, one can get just as dead just as fast in Joe's utopian wonderland as they can here, except for maybe Chicago where democrats are giving it the Detroit treatnent. As far as answering Joe's question, it's useless, he puts the same shit in every thread. Most likely his shit is a cut and paste from other websites. It typically go's like this, "Boosh stole the election, Nazi Trump, a fetus is medical waste, gun owners are stupid, I was a general in the Army so I know everything, you speel bad so your stupid, you believe in god so your stupid, you need to take med's cause your crazy, blah, blah, blah.

As to the question, look where the crime is happening and who is doing it. It's not happy americans in decent neighborhoods who work forty hours a week.
So the answer is jobs and more police?

I'll give you one thing. Blacks need to fix their own neighborhoods. They are having kids who grow up to be criminals. We all know the people I'm talking about. All the young people who have no business having kids and won't raise them right. So the only help we can provide is free iud's and affordable abortions.

Other than that I agree with joe
. Birth control (IUD's ?), what ever that is yes I think, but not abortions to be the answer, because that is murder after the fact. No more murdering children in the womb already.

And that's another thing, it's the black babies the left are wanting to kill so badly. Blacks are the target market of planned parenthood. Why?
Of course! That black woman knows better than to have a baby in the conditions she lives in. You guys complain about them if they have the kids and if they don't.
Why don't you answer his question?

America is not as dangerous as England or Japan.toss out your stats all you want, but I assure you, one can get just as dead just as fast in Joe's utopian wonderland as they can here, except for maybe Chicago where democrats are giving it the Detroit treatnent. As far as answering Joe's question, it's useless, he puts the same shit in every thread. Most likely his shit is a cut and paste from other websites. It typically go's like this, "Boosh stole the election, Nazi Trump, a fetus is medical waste, gun owners are stupid, I was a general in the Army so I know everything, you speel bad so your stupid, you believe in god so your stupid, you need to take med's cause your crazy, blah, blah, blah.

As to the question, look where the crime is happening and who is doing it. It's not happy americans in decent neighborhoods who work forty hours a week.
So the answer is jobs and more police?

I'll give you one thing. Blacks need to fix their own neighborhoods. They are having kids who grow up to be criminals. We all know the people I'm talking about. All the young people who have no business having kids and won't raise them right. So the only help we can provide is free iud's and affordable abortions.

Other than that I agree with joe
. Birth control (IUD's ?), what ever that is yes I think, but not abortions to be the answer, because that is murder after the fact. No more murdering children in the womb already.

And that's another thing, it's the black babies the left are wanting to kill so badly. Blacks are the target market of planned parenthood. Why?
Of course! That black woman knows better than to have a baby in the conditions she lives in. You guys complain about them if they have the kids and if they don't.

Na, you got it wrong. You libs wa t them to kill their kids to keep the nunbers where you need them. That's why Y'all switched the message to woman's helth instead of the right to choose. Black preachers were getting pissed because these woman were killing their kids to fast so ya'll tossed another couple hundred to them through EIC then switched the name of the message to health from choice.
Spoken like a True libtard who has never left his living room. Since you are so smaht, can you tell us what mayer nub finger there in your beloved Chicago is doing about the hoodrats killing eachother every weekend? Wahe are we at,over 2,000 dead already this year ?
Why don't you answer his question?

America is not as dangerous as England or Japan.toss out your stats all you want, but I assure you, one can get just as dead just as fast in Joe's utopian wonderland as they can here, except for maybe Chicago where democrats are giving it the Detroit treatnent. As far as answering Joe's question, it's useless, he puts the same shit in every thread. Most likely his shit is a cut and paste from other websites. It typically go's like this, "Boosh stole the election, Nazi Trump, a fetus is medical waste, gun owners are stupid, I was a general in the Army so I know everything, you speel bad so your stupid, you believe in god so your stupid, you need to take med's cause your crazy, blah, blah, blah.

As to the question, look where the crime is happening and who is doing it. It's not happy americans in decent neighborhoods who work forty hours a week.
So the answer is jobs and more police?

I'll give you one thing. Blacks need to fix their own neighborhoods. They are having kids who grow up to be criminals. We all know the people I'm talking about. All the young people who have no business having kids and won't raise them right. So the only help we can provide is free iud's and affordable abortions.

Other than that I agree with joe
. Birth control (IUD's ?), what ever that is yes I think, but not abortions to be the answer, because that is murder after the fact. No more murdering children in the womb already.

And that's another thing, it's the black babies the left are wanting to kill so badly. Blacks are the target market of planned parenthood. Why?
. Could it be that in an incentive system that the government has created with the baby making factories called free public housing or apt. complexes, that if the out of wedlock children are actually born in the numbers that are being aborted, then it would cause the entire system created for the poor to collapse? So is it that abortion is a way to regulate the situation or to control the flow of water through a pipe for example, and this in order that the pipe doesn't blow ? Is this how the Dems keep power, and protect it's pipes by controlling the water flow through those pipes ? Think about it.
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I've been pulled over just because.
. I think I have a few times also, but not sure exactly why. Each time I believe it was due to a suspicion of some sort, but don't think it was ever based on an officer thinking to him or herself- "I think I am going to just pull that vehicle over for the heck of it". I give a human being more credit than that in life, unless the forces are hiring true complete idiots on a grand scale anymore and/or have been for decades now. Not buying that narrative being pushed, because that is a ridiculous narrative. Now in some high crime, terrible or dangerous areas in the nation, I can believe that people might be pulled over, stopped when walking to be asked questions, but because of the area & area stats, reputation and such, it would still be considered stops based on suspicion, and not based on just because. If don't like what's going on in the communities for which one lives, then work hard to seperate the villains from the community, and then demand a stop to all the craziness. Until people in high crime areas of the nation stop covering for the bad that is living in and around them, then the craziness will continue. If the government isn't helping, and hasn't been helping, then it's time to change to a party in government that will help or create a new party that will help. The main thing is outing those who you know that are bad amongst you, and then demand justice be served in which creates a secure, happy and safe environment for you and your families.
There are bars near my house that when they were all white had just security guards. Blacks moved to the area, guns, car theft, fight... Now cops hang out. If the place becomes a place where you can find drugs, cops are going to start figuring out who the usual suspects are and they're going to stop and frisk people who "aren't doin Nuthin"

But you should have seen the pbs piece on Newark,NJ. The cops ran up and tackled some innocent guy who really wasn't doing anything. But when he got argumentative and defensive they tackled him. Who wouldn't back up and say wait a minute when 3 cops are running at you?

So good black people are victims of the criminals who boldly operate in plain view.

The difference between black drug dealers and white is you have to know your white drug dealer. You have to be introduced. He goes to your home or you to his. Blacks take it to the streets. Too obvious
. In your last statement, are you suggesting that whites are just more orderly and discrete when doing business ( if it is criminal), but blacks are more of the flamboyant show boat types, who want a public audience when they are doing their thing ? Otherwise do they have no shame as opposed to their white counterparts who do try and hide their immoral criminal activities in society is what your saying ?
If it were possible for someone to stand outside Kroger's and sell drugs in my neighborhood they would but the cops would shut that down quick. Black people must know who the criminals on their block are. In my neighborhood someone would tell and eventually you'd get busted.

Blacks need to become snitches and narks. Drive crime back deep underground where it belongs.

Or, just gei sick of the mess their elected officials make in their communities and make their elected leaders understand they are more them an electoral demographic.
Actually, not voting is one of black peoples biggest mistakes. If they want change they have to vote. Every two years. Politicians are only afraid of large voting blocks. Blacks get ignored because they don't vote. The thing their ancestors faught so hard for. Poor whites are not much better but racism God and guns gets some of them to turn out.

Then Democrats and Republicans will worry much more about blm.

Blacks won't show up in 2018. Want to put money on it?
America is not as dangerous as England or Japan.toss out your stats all you want, but I assure you, one can get just as dead just as fast in Joe's utopian wonderland as they can here, except for maybe Chicago where democrats are giving it the Detroit treatnent. As far as answering Joe's question, it's useless, he puts the same shit in every thread. Most likely his shit is a cut and paste from other websites. It typically go's like this, "Boosh stole the election, Nazi Trump, a fetus is medical waste, gun owners are stupid, I was a general in the Army so I know everything, you speel bad so your stupid, you believe in god so your stupid, you need to take med's cause your crazy, blah, blah, blah.

As to the question, look where the crime is happening and who is doing it. It's not happy americans in decent neighborhoods who work forty hours a week.
So the answer is jobs and more police?

I'll give you one thing. Blacks need to fix their own neighborhoods. They are having kids who grow up to be criminals. We all know the people I'm talking about. All the young people who have no business having kids and won't raise them right. So the only help we can provide is free iud's and affordable abortions.

Other than that I agree with joe
. Birth control (IUD's ?), what ever that is yes I think, but not abortions to be the answer, because that is murder after the fact. No more murdering children in the womb already.

And that's another thing, it's the black babies the left are wanting to kill so badly. Blacks are the target market of planned parenthood. Why?
Of course! That black woman knows better than to have a baby in the conditions she lives in. You guys complain about them if they have the kids and if they don't.

Na, you got it wrong. You libs wa t them to kill their kids to keep the nunbers where you need them. That's why Y'all switched the message to woman's helth instead of the right to choose. Black preachers were getting pissed because these woman were killing their kids to fast so ya'll tossed another couple hundred to them through EIC then switched the name of the message to health from choice.
You think the poor black community isn't having enough people?

We prefer abstinence but if not contraception and if that fails the morning after but if a woman wants to abort, what are you going to do?
Spoken like a True libtard who has never left his living room. Since you are so smaht, can you tell us what mayer nub finger there in your beloved Chicago is doing about the hoodrats killing eachother every weekend? Wahe are we at,over 2,000 dead already this year ?
Why don't you answer his question?

America is not as dangerous as England or Japan.toss out your stats all you want, but I assure you, one can get just as dead just as fast in Joe's utopian wonderland as they can here, except for maybe Chicago where democrats are giving it the Detroit treatnent. As far as answering Joe's question, it's useless, he puts the same shit in every thread. Most likely his shit is a cut and paste from other websites. It typically go's like this, "Boosh stole the election, Nazi Trump, a fetus is medical waste, gun owners are stupid, I was a general in the Army so I know everything, you speel bad so your stupid, you believe in god so your stupid, you need to take med's cause your crazy, blah, blah, blah.

As to the question, look where the crime is happening and who is doing it. It's not happy americans in decent neighborhoods who work forty hours a week.
So the answer is jobs and more police?

I'll give you one thing. Blacks need to fix their own neighborhoods. They are having kids who grow up to be criminals. We all know the people I'm talking about. All the young people who have no business having kids and won't raise them right. So the only help we can provide is free iud's and affordable abortions.

Other than that I agree with joe
. Birth control (IUD's ?), or what ever that is I say yes (I think), but not abortions to be the answer NO, because that is murder after the fact. No more murdering children in the womb already.
Murder? Lol
. That's right "Murder" or a better word for it after all the numbers aborted is "GENOCIDE".
Why don't you answer his question?

America is not as dangerous as England or Japan.toss out your stats all you want, but I assure you, one can get just as dead just as fast in Joe's utopian wonderland as they can here, except for maybe Chicago where democrats are giving it the Detroit treatnent. As far as answering Joe's question, it's useless, he puts the same shit in every thread. Most likely his shit is a cut and paste from other websites. It typically go's like this, "Boosh stole the election, Nazi Trump, a fetus is medical waste, gun owners are stupid, I was a general in the Army so I know everything, you speel bad so your stupid, you believe in god so your stupid, you need to take med's cause your crazy, blah, blah, blah.

As to the question, look where the crime is happening and who is doing it. It's not happy americans in decent neighborhoods who work forty hours a week.
So the answer is jobs and more police?

I'll give you one thing. Blacks need to fix their own neighborhoods. They are having kids who grow up to be criminals. We all know the people I'm talking about. All the young people who have no business having kids and won't raise them right. So the only help we can provide is free iud's and affordable abortions.

Other than that I agree with joe
. Birth control (IUD's ?), what ever that is yes I think, but not abortions to be the answer, because that is murder after the fact. No more murdering children in the womb already.

And that's another thing, it's the black babies the left are wanting to kill so badly. Blacks are the target market of planned parenthood. Why?
. Could it be that in an incentive system that the government has created with the baby making factories called free public housing or apt. complexes, that if the out of wedlock children are actually born in the numbers that are being aborted, then it would cause the entire system created for the poor to collapse? So is it that abortion is a way to regulate the situation or to control the flow of water through a pipe for example, and this in order that the pipe doesn't blow ? Is this how the Dems keep power, and protect it's pipes by controlling the water flow through those pipes ? Think about it.

Pretty much yeah. When Anus Porker was in charge in Houston a black minister got other black ministers together and pointed out the disparity. Anus Porker was not a happy gay lib, no sir. But she shut her yap and delta with it because they were such a huge voting block. She paied for it when her hero ordanance got tossed.

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