Black republicans...who are they really?

Spoken like a True libtard who has never left his living room. Since you are so smaht, can you tell us what mayer nub finger there in your beloved Chicago is doing about the hoodrats killing eachother every weekend? What are we at, over 2,000 dead already this year ?

Um, no, not even close. For the record, we have had 329 homicides in Chicago as of June 30. In 2015 total was 493. So higher? Maybe if trends hold.

And you guys hate cops and try to toss them in prision if they arrest the hoodrats doing the shooting.

No, I want to throw them in prison if they use excessive force and shoot innocent people. I'm just bewildered why you want police to do that kind of thing.

America is not as dangerous as England or Japan.toss out your stats all you want, but I assure you, one can get just as dead just as fast in Joe's utopian wonderland as they can here, except for maybe Chicago where democrats are giving it the Detroit treatment. As far as answering Joe's question, it's useless, he puts the same shit in every thread. Most likely his shit is a cut and paste from other websites. It typically go's like this, "Boosh stole the election, Nazi Trump, a fetus is medical waste, gun owners are stupid, I was a general in the Army so I know everything, you spell bad so your stupid, you believe in god so your stupid, you need to take med's cause your crazy, blah, blah, blah.

Guy, I just don't know what I can say to that sterling example of your sanity...


But I will give you another chance to answer my question.

The United States locks up 2 million of it's own citizens. We have 350 MILLION guns in circulation...

So if prisons and guns make us so safe, why do we have the highest crime and murder rates in the industrialized world?

It is the handouts. Food stamps, EIC and the like, and it's not just blacks. It's whites to, he'll it's all races. I wil have to agree with Joederp on one thing, compassionate conservatism is just as evil as liberalism. Think back to all the free shit dubya tried to hand out. It was a disaster.

I agree, the huge corporate handouts he gave to Halliburton were a disaster.

so was whoever taught you how to write in the English Language... but I digress.

To the point, thought, that you missed, is you wingnuts will never call for an end to middle class entitlements like Social Security, Medicare or Unemployment Insurance...

But you'll whine all day about food stamps (actually started as a program to help farmers by increasing food demand), Section 8 housing (which benefits property owners in the inner cities) and Medicaid.
Not just jobs, but they need to kick the welfare habbit. People in those neighborhoods need to be reminded there is more to lif then an EIC check every year and a few hundred bucks in snap every month and that they are more then just a block of voters who the left controls with the welfare. The welfare is the modern day shackles and it's sad because they put them on willingly. You wand to see where the left want all Americans? Look no further then Chicago.

I'm getting the feeling you've never been to Chicago... or you wouldn't say stupid shit like this.

Chicago is one of the few cities in the Midwest that is still vibrant, compared to Detroit, Cleveland or Milwaukee, which have declined with their industries.

Equally stupid is your statement that most Democratic voters are waiting for their EIC check. In fact, the states that get the MOST back in Federal Tax dollars are the Red States...


While IL only sees 73 cents that goes to Washington come back as federal spending, MS and AL - you know, places where you fly the Confederate Flag outside the back of your Pickup Truck, Cleetus - get 1.73 and 1.71 back in federal dollars....
Na, you got it wrong. You libs wa t them to kill their kids to keep the nunbers where you need them. That's why Y'all switched the message to woman's helth instead of the right to choose. Black preachers were getting pissed because these woman were killing their kids to fast so ya'll tossed another couple hundred to them through EIC then switched the name of the message to health from choice.

I think you are a little confused here.

Like more "Pro-Life" morons, you like to pretend that there wasn't any abortion going on before 1973. IN fact, there was. Women went to their doctors, got abortions and the doctors wrote down something else on the chart.

Second, if poor communities have a higher abortion rate, it's because they don't have as easy access to other forms of family planning. This isn't complicated at all.
the only successful black men that the left wont call an uncle tom are those that punch their woman in the face and act like thugs.

....a "conclusion" clearly conjured from your ass.
and everyone pulls out their cell phones when the cops do show up.

....cell phones, I might add, that right wingers are CERTAIN that Obama gave to them as "bonuses" for voting for him...LOL
I've noticed that right wingers are very, very touchy when discussing issues of wonders if there may be a tinge of "guilty conscience" syndromes among that ilk......LOL

Standard lefty policy.

Attack someone, and when they get defensive, claim that their defensiveness is something wrong with them.

Such types of propaganda has been very effective over the years.

It is tearing this nation apart of course.

Are you doing that on purpose, or is it just a bonus?
I'll give you this. Nat is right that righties get defensive when it comes to race but so do blacks. I think black defensiveness is causing them to not look in the mirror and solve their own problem.

Hey blacks. Look at Indian Americans as a group. Look at Chinese or Italian or Mexican or Greek Americans. Look at what's different. I think it has to do with two parents being in the home but even that blacks have a theory we made them this way. We broke up their families.

That's the thing though, the only successful black men that the left wont call an uncle tom are those that punch their woman in the face and act like thugs.
. Talking about Bobby Brown, OJ Simpson, James Brown etc. ? Yep
I'll give you this. Nat is right that righties get defensive when it comes to race but so do blacks. I think black defensiveness is causing them to not look in the mirror and solve their own problem.

I believe that you're stating a pervasive truth.....Right wing policies have given many blacks a target to easily blame for their own woes and afflictions....As an example, right wingers' obstinance in fighting to raise the minimum wage, is one of many reasons for the vast majority of blacks to reject right wing policies.
. Why, because the so called right-wing doesn't want to throw stupid money at a problem like the Libs do ? When I say stupid money, I mean money that is waisted to then find out years later that it only exacerbated the problem. Money without a complete plan, and a set up to see the plan through is stupid money. The Libs have been great at using stupid money that only places a band aid on things or at least until they get re-elected, and then they could care less after that. The huge problem also, is that they are using my hard earned money in which becomes stupid money once it enters into the Democrats hands.
. Why, because the so called right-wing doesn't want to throw stupid money at a problem like the Libs do ? When I say stupid money, I mean money that is waisted to then find out years later that it only exacerbated the problem. Money without a complete plan, and a set up to see the plan through is stupid money. The Libs have been great at using stupid money that only places a band aid on things or at least until they get re-elected, and then they could care less after that. The huge problem also, is that they are using my hard earned money in which becomes stupid money once it enters into the Democrats hands.

First of all, I stated RAISING THE MINIMUM're off on some slogan you must have picked up from Rush about "stupid money".....LOL
It is the handouts. Food stamps, EIC and the like, and it's not just blacks. It's whites to, he'll it's all races. I wil have to agree with Joederp on one thing, compassionate conservatism is just as evil as liberalism. Think back to all the free shit dubya tried to hand out. It was a disaster.

I agree, the huge corporate handouts he gave to Halliburton were a disaster.

so was whoever taught you how to write in the English Language... but I digress.

To the point, thought, that you missed, is you wingnuts will never call for an end to middle class entitlements like Social Security, Medicare or Unemployment Insurance...

But you'll whine all day about food stamps (actually started as a program to help farmers by increasing food demand), Section 8 housing (which benefits property owners in the inner cities) and Medicaid.
. Won't call for an end to social security, Medicare or unemployment insurance ? Why should we - WE WORKED FOR IT. Section 8 housing, food stamps and such, have been abused severely by some who receive them, and by politicians who ignored the proper management of such programs. They have expanded to huge levels where as they (the politicians) saw it as a huge voting block that would tie the hand outs to a political party "The Democrats".
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. Why, because the so called right-wing doesn't want to throw stupid money at a problem like the Libs do ? When I say stupid money, I mean money that is waisted to then find out years later that it only exacerbated the problem. Money without a complete plan, and a set up to see the plan through is stupid money. The Libs have been great at using stupid money that only places a band aid on things or at least until they get re-elected, and then they could care less after that. The huge problem also, is that they are using my hard earned money in which becomes stupid money once it enters into the Democrats hands.

First of all, I stated RAISING THE MINIMUM're off on some slogan you must have picked up from Rush about "stupid money".....LOL
. Making the minimum wage a living wage for one and 2nd year employee's and/or beyond, umm is ludicrous, and it is an invasion of privacy into the structural pay grade systems of independent private companies. The government can help, but it need not do it by dictatorship methods. It can create incentives for companies to do better, but in that respect the government doesn't want to do that for some reason. Calling for a living wage to be paid by companies, shouldn't have anything to do with the minimum wage at all.
Making the minimum wage a living wage for one and 2nd year employee's and/or beyond, umm is ludicrous,

Writing in English is a bitch, isn't it???
. WTHeck... I can't delete these emoticons - :up::cow:
Making the minimum wage a living wage for one and 2nd year employee's and/or beyond, umm is ludicrous,

Writing in English is a bitch, isn't it???
Matters not as long as you get the point, but I see by many of your responses here to the many posters, that your spin cycle has lost it's rinse or broken it's belt.
Using an add block browser, and it is crazy. Does crazy stuff, but it's better than those adds. LOL And this automatic spell correct on this Android phone will run you crazy. Have to steady go back and re-edit words it changed on it's own. Uggh.
Matters not as long as you get the point, but I see by many of your responses here to the many posters, that your spin cycle has lost it's rinse or broken it's belt.

I started this thread a few days ago......and like lemmings, you right wingers have flocked here with indignation and kept it going for more than 1000 posts.....Somehow, the truth strikes a nerve with you nitwits and it really was YOU and your ilk who have made this thread longer than it should have been.

Mirrors must make you folks cringe at what the reflection shows.
You're missing the point. It's just fun to watch a brainless, lefty idiot like you make a fool of himself.
You're missing the point. It's just fun to watch a brainless, lefty idiot like you make a fool of himself.

As opposed to the "righties" who show themselves to be bigots, unpatriotic, and slimy trying to thwart a black President! Who's really made a fool of themselves; REALLY? :anj_stfu: :argue: :blahblah: :banana:
It's just fun to watch a brainless, lefty idiot like you make a fool of himself.

Then I promise you that I'll be on here "entertaining" you morons for a long time to come. This message board was a snake pit of right wing imbeciles, and the opposing views an anathema to your prejudices and racist attitudes....Its about time for some parity.
You're missing the point. It's just fun to watch a brainless, lefty idiot like you make a fool of himself.

As opposed to the "righties" who show themselves to be bigots, unpatriotic, and slimy trying to thwart a black President! Who's really made a fool of themselves; REALLY? :anj_stfu: :argue: :blahblah: :banana:

After almost 8 years the race card and avoidance of responsibility are all you've got?
It's just fun to watch a brainless, lefty idiot like you make a fool of himself.

Then I promise you that I'll be on here "entertaining" you morons for a long time to come. This message board was a snake pit of right wing imbeciles, and the opposing views an anathema to your prejudices and racist attitudes....Its about time for some parity.

You vastly overestimate yourself, dumbass.

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