Black republicans...who are they really?

I'm getting the feeling you've never been to Chicago... or you wouldn't say stupid shit like this.

Chicago is one of the few cities in the Midwest that is still vibrant, compared to Detroit, Cleveland or Milwaukee, which have declined with their industries.

Equally stupid is your statement that most Democratic voters are waiting for their EIC check. In fact, the states that get the MOST back in Federal Tax dollars are the Red States...

Good point, because the red states have no Democrats in them at all.

States don't get welfare--people get welfare.
The same could be said for rich sluts who get abortions under the cover of darkness because daddy's money talks!

Correct. It's not that hard to figure out.

And are you in the cover of darkness to witness these rich sluts when they get abortions?
So if prisons and guns make us so safe, why do we have the highest crime and murder rates in the industrialized world?

I'm getting the feeling you've never been to Chicago... or you wouldn't say stupid shit like this.

Chicago is one of the few cities in the Midwest that is still vibrant, compared to Detroit, Cleveland or Milwaukee, which have declined with their industries.

Equally stupid is your statement that most Democratic voters are waiting for their EIC check. In fact, the states that get the MOST back in Federal Tax dollars are the Red States...

Good point, because the red states have no Democrats in them at all.

States don't get welfare--people get welfare.
States do get welfare money fro the feds. States then decide how to distribute that money/food stamps. But aside from that, states get welfare when catastrophes happen like Katrina or the Texas floods.
I'll give you this. Nat is right that righties get defensive when it comes to race but so do blacks. I think black defensiveness is causing them to not look in the mirror and solve their own problem.

Hey blacks. Look at Indian Americans as a group. Look at Chinese or Italian or Mexican or Greek Americans. Look at what's different. I think it has to do with two parents being in the home but even that blacks have a theory we made them this way. We broke up their families.

Partly true. Liberals broke up their families. They've been pushing that a woman doesn't need a man around since the 70's, and now that a father can be replaced by a welfare check certainly helped along the way.
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States do get welfare money fro the feds. States then decide how to distribute that money/food stamps. But aside from that, states get welfare when catastrophes happen like Katrina or the Texas floods.

The implication Joe was after is that Republicans use more welfare than Democrats which is such a farce I can't even begin.
You think the poor black community isn't having enough people?

We prefer abstinence but if not contraception and if that fails the morning after but if a woman wants to abort, what are you going to do?

I've never fully understood the "logic' employed by right wingers when it came to a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body.......

First, right wingers bitch that blacks are having too many abortions......
Second, when a black woman has children, then she's accused of just trying to vamp up her welfare check. (and birthing future democrats)

None of my right wing friends could ever fully address that little paradox in their "platform"....probably because bitching is better than thinking.

Only a pseudo intellectual libtard like your self would say their is some paradox. Their is no paradox. No human gives birth to political operatives. That's the stupidest thing anyone has ever said. The issue is, you bribe them with food stamps and eic, train them to believe whitie keeps them down and if they wa t it to change they gotta vote Democrat or starve and live in a cardboard box. That, and you libs demonize any black man or woman who dare not follow the collective thoight. Yup, modern day slave masters keep Tobi on the plantation.
That's stupid. The people in welfare simply don't vote. If they did they wouldn't need welfare.

We give welfare or people starve and die. Is there abuse? Sure. But you thinking welfare buys votes is just stupid. Laughable
. People on welfare don't vote ? That is the most ludicrous statement I've ever heard. You think people don't get out and vote or rather they are not being helped to get out and vote for the ones whom they feel will keep them alive, and this because they don't feel they have the means to do it themselves ? You think if they are told that the mean old Trump is going to drop them like flies from the safety net, that they won't get on that bus, and make it to the voting stations ? Wow.
Let's see what voter turnout is. I hope you are right.

But let's see how many show up in 2018. Those welfare bums let us Democrats down every midterm elections

Well, it's not just the black ones.
You think the poor black community isn't having enough people?

We prefer abstinence but if not contraception and if that fails the morning after but if a woman wants to abort, what are you going to do?

I've never fully understood the "logic' employed by right wingers when it came to a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body.......

First, right wingers bitch that blacks are having too many abortions......
Second, when a black woman has children, then she's accused of just trying to vamp up her welfare check. (and birthing future democrats)

None of my right wing friends could ever fully address that little paradox in their "platform"....probably because bitching is better than thinking.

Only a pseudo intellectual libtard like your self would say their is some paradox. Their is no paradox. No human gives birth to political operatives. That's the stupidest thing anyone has ever said. The issue is, you bribe them with food stamps and eic, train them to believe whitie keeps them down and if they wa t it to change they gotta vote Democrat or starve and live in a cardboard box. That, and you libs demonize any black man or woman who dare not follow the collective thoight. Yup, modern day slave masters keep Tobi on the plantation.
Our philosophy is here's a cracker and some water while you wait for Republican policies to trickle down on you

Or, get a damn job, pay your child support so we don't have to.
Won't call for an end to social security, Medicare or unemployment insurance ? Why should we - WE WORKED FOR IT.

except, no, you really didn't. If you live to be 72, you will get everything you paid into Social Security back. If you are unemployed for more than 5 weeks, you will get back everything your employer paid into Unemployment. As for MediCare... just have one good cancer treatment, and that will pay back everything you paid into Medicare.

Section 8 housing, food stamps and such, have been abused severely by some who receive them, and by politicians who ignored the proper management of such programs. They have expanded to huge levels where as they (the politicians) saw it as a huge voting block that would tie the hand outs to a political party "The Democrats".

I agree these programs ARE being abused- by the One Percent.

40% of people on Food Stamps have jobs. Just not jobs that pay well enough to put food on the table. But big corporations like WalMart and McDonalds are happy to tell their employees how to apply for these benefits so they don't have to pay living wages.
States do get welfare money fro the feds. States then decide how to distribute that money/food stamps. But aside from that, states get welfare when catastrophes happen like Katrina or the Texas floods.

The implication Joe was after is that Republicans use more welfare than Democrats which is such a farce I can't even begin.

I think Joe's reply in post #1072 is as far from being farcical as yours seem to be from reality. The republican controlled states get the lion's share of welfare allotments. That is hypocrisy. Red states shouldn't take any welfare funds if republicanism is so great. why aren't they setting the example for the blue states by taking care of their poor without federal assistance? BTW the red states are taking more out of the system than they are putting in. The blue states are giving more than they are taking in.
I'm getting the feeling you've never been to Chicago... or you wouldn't say stupid shit like this.

Chicago is one of the few cities in the Midwest that is still vibrant, compared to Detroit, Cleveland or Milwaukee, which have declined with their industries.

Equally stupid is your statement that most Democratic voters are waiting for their EIC check. In fact, the states that get the MOST back in Federal Tax dollars are the Red States...

Good point, because the red states have no Democrats in them at all.

States don't get welfare--people get welfare.
States do get welfare money fro the feds. States then decide how to distribute that money/food stamps. But aside from that, states get welfare when catastrophes happen like Katrina or the Texas floods.
. Is it called welfare or emergency relief assistance ?
Won't call for an end to social security, Medicare or unemployment insurance ? Why should we - WE WORKED FOR IT.

except, no, you really didn't. If you live to be 72, you will get everything you paid into Social Security back. If you are unemployed for more than 5 weeks, you will get back everything your employer paid into Unemployment. As for MediCare... just have one good cancer treatment, and that will pay back everything you paid into Medicare.

Section 8 housing, food stamps and such, have been abused severely by some who receive them, and by politicians who ignored the proper management of such programs. They have expanded to huge levels where as they (the politicians) saw it as a huge voting block that would tie the hand outs to a political party "The Democrats".

I agree these programs ARE being abused- by the One Percent.

40% of people on Food Stamps have jobs. Just not jobs that pay well enough to put food on the table. But big corporations like WalMart and McDonalds are happy to tell their employees how to apply for these benefits so they don't have to pay living wages.
. I agree with part of what you say here.
I think Joe's reply in post #1072 is as far from being farcical as yours seem to be from reality. The republican controlled states get the lion's share of welfare allotments. That is hypocrisy. Red states shouldn't take any welfare funds if republicanism is so great. why aren't they setting the example for the blue states by taking care of their poor without federal assistance? BTW the red states are taking more out of the system than they are putting in. The blue states are giving more than they are taking in.

Which is a good enough reason to dismantle the federal government programs and give all these programs to the states. That's the way it should have always been in the first place. Lower the federal taxes and that way states could afford to increase theirs if they desire.

You won't get much of an argument from me by saying we need less federal government in our lives.

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