Black republicans...who are they really?

YOur argument is that everything is cool because we are beating out Chile and Russia? Seriously, that's what you are going with?

What I'm going with is that you were wrong in your statement about murders and crime. There are not only other countries that beat us in that game, but beat us by a long shot.
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.

That's exactly why some do it .. SEE: Stacey Dash

The good news is that even with the promise of notoriety, relatively few are willing to lower themselves that much and call themselves 'republican.'

Look no further than this thread .. republicans are vile racists and only a black fool with absolutely so self-respect or esteem would stand next to the people who hate them.

Here's a list that proves you incorrect.

List of African-American Republicans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There isn't shit you can post that proves me incorrect and you obviously don't know shit about black people or history.

Ahhh ... the close minded victim mentality, I've heard this similar intro before. Although here I thought overcoming obstacles and individual achievement would be more of a impressive milestone to be proud of, than looking to the government as if they still owe something.
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True enough. SO why are there more people on welfare in the Red States?

I don't know for sure, but I think research into that question would be an interesting one.

Just using where I live, while we are a swing state, it's dominated by Republican leadership right now and has been for a while. Yet we still have our cities like Cleveland, Akron, Cincinnati, Youngstown, Columbus, Toledo and like that have a generous share of poor people in each. Those are the areas likely to be sucking up that welfare money.

I'm sure all states red and blue have the same thing going on. I watch HGTV all the time where they have shows about selling homes. I took note at how expensive homes are in liberal areas and states. Some of those homes costing $850,000 there cost less than $200,000 here. So it's obvious their cost of living is sky high, and because of that, they generate a lot more tax dollars than a lot of other places.
I don't know for sure, but I think research into that question would be an interesting one.

Just using where I live, while we are a swing state, it's dominated by Republican leadership right now and has been for a while. Yet we still have our cities like Cleveland, Akron, Cincinnati, Youngstown, Columbus, Toledo and like that have a generous share of poor people in each. Those are the areas likely to be sucking up that welfare money.

I'm sure all states red and blue have the same thing going on. I watch HGTV all the time where they have shows about selling homes. I took note at how expensive homes are in liberal areas and states. Some of those homes costing $850,000 there cost less than $200,000 here. So it's obvious their cost of living is sky high, and because of that, they generate a lot more tax dollars than a lot of other places.

But that wasn't the point. The point was, your wonderful Red States full of rugged individualists are getting more money out of the Federal Government than they put in, while the liberal Blue States are putting more money in than they get out.

Ohio, incidently, just breaks even, getting 1.01 for every dollar they send.
Second, if poor communities have a higher abortion rate, it's because they don't have as easy access to other forms of family planning. This isn't complicated at all.

Neither is a poor woman keeping her legs closed.
A turgid clitoris has no conscience.
. Is that what it is, or is it a cultural thing or maybe even a religious thing ?
Perhaps you should ask the Chinese or the people of India.They are the most populous groups in the world. And here are illegitimacy rates from around the world:

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I'm getting the feeling you've never been to Chicago... or you wouldn't say stupid shit like this.

Chicago is one of the few cities in the Midwest that is still vibrant, compared to Detroit, Cleveland or Milwaukee, which have declined with their industries.

Equally stupid is your statement that most Democratic voters are waiting for their EIC check. In fact, the states that get the MOST back in Federal Tax dollars are the Red States...

Good point, because the red states have no Democrats in them at all.

States don't get welfare--people get welfare.
States do get welfare money fro the feds. States then decide how to distribute that money/food stamps. But aside from that, states get welfare when catastrophes happen like Katrina or the Texas floods.
. Is it called welfare or emergency relief assistance ?
Welfare by any other name is still welfare.
I think Joe's reply in post #1072 is as far from being farcical as yours seem to be from reality. The republican controlled states get the lion's share of welfare allotments. That is hypocrisy. Red states shouldn't take any welfare funds if republicanism is so great. why aren't they setting the example for the blue states by taking care of their poor without federal assistance? BTW the red states are taking more out of the system than they are putting in. The blue states are giving more than they are taking in.

Which is a good enough reason to dismantle the federal government programs and give all these programs to the states. That's the way it should have always been in the first place. Lower the federal taxes and that way states could afford to increase theirs if they desire.

You won't get much of an argument from me by saying we need less federal government in our lives.
The red states would be drained of all its low income workers. They would migrate to the wealthier Blue states. Further, the civil rights and well being of poor people cannot be entrusted to red states. Conservative states tend to be Draconian and insensitive to the needs of poor people. Without the big stick of the federal government behind welfare programs, it would be disastrous for poor people in red states.
The red states would be drained of all its low income workers. They would migrate to the wealthier Blue states. Further, the civil rights and well being of poor people cannot be entrusted to red states. Conservative states tend to be Draconian and insensitive to the needs of poor people. Without the big stick of the federal government behind welfare programs, it would be disastrous for poor people in red states.

Well it's a free country. If poor people don't like the way a state is set up for the poor, they are more than welcome to leave and go to a blue state where they have it much better. In fact, that would probably be the trend after a while.

I was watching Bill O' several weeks ago. They had a segment that covered the problems in San Francisco. Homeless people all over the place; bothering pedestrians; begging for money from businesses; litter and ungodly odor all over the community. But it was buyers remorse because they welcomed those people into their city in the first place.
But that wasn't the point. The point was, your wonderful Red States full of rugged individualists are getting more money out of the Federal Government than they put in, while the liberal Blue States are putting more money in than they get out.

Ohio, incidently, just breaks even, getting 1.01 for every dollar they send.

I understand the point, but my point is that just because a red state is red doesn't mean it's a majority of Republicans that are in need of federal help. There are plenty of Democrats in red states as there are plenty of Republicans in blue states.
The red states would be drained of all its low income workers. They would migrate to the wealthier Blue states. Further, the civil rights and well being of poor people cannot be entrusted to red states. Conservative states tend to be Draconian and insensitive to the needs of poor people. Without the big stick of the federal government behind welfare programs, it would be disastrous for poor people in red states.

Well it's a free country. If poor people don't like the way a state is set up for the poor, they are more than welcome to leave and go to a blue state where they have it much better. In fact, that would probably be the trend after a while.

I was watching Bill O' several weeks ago. They had a segment that covered the problems in San Francisco. Homeless people all over the place; bothering pedestrians; begging for money from businesses; litter and ungodly odor all over the community. But it was buyers remorse because they welcomed those people into their city in the first place.
I wonder did the segment zoom in on the rebel flags and confederate license plates that usually decorate such miserable scenes. Most are usually migrants from red states.
But that wasn't the point. The point was, your wonderful Red States full of rugged individualists are getting more money out of the Federal Government than they put in, while the liberal Blue States are putting more money in than they get out.

Ohio, incidently, just breaks even, getting 1.01 for every dollar they send.

I understand the point, but my point is that just because a red state is red doesn't mean it's a majority of Republicans that are in need of federal help. There are plenty of Democrats in red states as there are plenty of Republicans in blue states.
You are missing the point entirely. If red states are run by conservative governments why do they preach hate against welfare but extend their hands for it to take care of their citizens, regardless of party affiliation? What are the red states doing to discourage their citizens from getting welfare? They have been taking federal dollars fore decades but their poor are no better off. Is this the message the GOP is trying to send to the rest of the nation? Are they saying there is no answer to poverty but we want to stop welfare so they can suffer more or just die?
You are missing the point entirely. If red states are run by conservative governments why do they preach hate against welfare but extend their hands for it to take care of their citizens, regardless of party affiliation? What are the red states doing to discourage their citizens from getting welfare? They have been taking federal dollars fore decades but their poor are no better off. Is this the message the GOP is trying to send to the rest of the nation? Are they saying there is no answer to poverty but we want to stop welfare so they can suffer more or just die?

If they have a boatload of people that are on welfare, what would you expect them to do, just cut them off?

And even if that were possible, would the federal government even allow it since it is federal dollars?

Maine has created restrictions for people on food stamps. If you want to collect and you have no children, you have to do one of three things: have a job where you work at least 20 hours per week, be enrolled in a vocational program, or do volunteer work for 20 hours a month.

Guess what? Many of those people dropped out of the food stamp program. It seems they weren't all that hungry after all.
I wonder did the segment zoom in on the rebel flags and confederate license plates that usually decorate such miserable scenes. Most are usually migrants from red states.

Oh, of course, that must be it. It certainly can't be from failed liberal policy. Those rednecks are just flooding those liberal cities all the time.
I'll give you this. Nat is right that righties get defensive when it comes to race but so do blacks. I think black defensiveness is causing them to not look in the mirror and solve their own problem.

I believe that you're stating a pervasive truth.....Right wing policies have given many blacks a target to easily blame for their own woes and afflictions....As an example, right wingers' obstinance in fighting to raise the minimum wage, is one of many reasons for the vast majority of blacks to reject right wing policies.
. Why, because the so called right-wing doesn't want to throw stupid money at a problem like the Libs do ? When I say stupid money, I mean money that is waisted to then find out years later that it only exacerbated the problem. Money without a complete plan, and a set up to see the plan through is stupid money. The Libs have been great at using stupid money that only places a band aid on things or at least until they get re-elected, and then they could care less after that. The huge problem also, is that they are using my hard earned money in which becomes stupid money once it enters into the Democrats hands.
Maybe you should have complained when corporate America sent jobs from Detroit and flint to china. Now trumps talking tariffs? Sounds liberal to me
I'm getting the feeling you've never been to Chicago... or you wouldn't say stupid shit like this.

Chicago is one of the few cities in the Midwest that is still vibrant, compared to Detroit, Cleveland or Milwaukee, which have declined with their industries.

Equally stupid is your statement that most Democratic voters are waiting for their EIC check. In fact, the states that get the MOST back in Federal Tax dollars are the Red States...

Good point, because the red states have no Democrats in them at all.

States don't get welfare--people get welfare.
States do get welfare money fro the feds. States then decide how to distribute that money/food stamps. But aside from that, states get welfare when catastrophes happen like Katrina or the Texas floods.
. Is it called welfare or emergency relief assistance ?
Welfare by any other name is still welfare.
Nuhh uhhhh... LOL
You are missing the point entirely. If red states are run by conservative governments why do they preach hate against welfare but extend their hands for it to take care of their citizens, regardless of party affiliation? What are the red states doing to discourage their citizens from getting welfare? They have been taking federal dollars fore decades but their poor are no better off. Is this the message the GOP is trying to send to the rest of the nation? Are they saying there is no answer to poverty but we want to stop welfare so they can suffer more or just die?

If they have a boatload of people that are on welfare, what would you expect them to do, just cut them off?

And even if that were possible, would the federal government even allow it since it is federal dollars?

Maine has created restrictions for people on food stamps. If you want to collect and you have no children, you have to do one of three things: have a job where you work at least 20 hours per week, be enrolled in a vocational program, or do volunteer work for 20 hours a month.

Guess what? Many of those people dropped out of the food stamp program. It seems they weren't all that hungry after all.

BUt what plans have the red states generated to make people self sufficient? Aren't red state governments being part of the problem if they take and disseminate federal welfare benefits to their poor? I am waiting for the paradigm they keep preaching about to unfold. Show me the red state where they don't take federal welfare and where poverty is managed humanely through philanthropy.
I'll give you this. Nat is right that righties get defensive when it comes to race but so do blacks. I think black defensiveness is causing them to not look in the mirror and solve their own problem.

I believe that you're stating a pervasive truth.....Right wing policies have given many blacks a target to easily blame for their own woes and afflictions....As an example, right wingers' obstinance in fighting to raise the minimum wage, is one of many reasons for the vast majority of blacks to reject right wing policies.
. Why, because the so called right-wing doesn't want to throw stupid money at a problem like the Libs do ? When I say stupid money, I mean money that is waisted to then find out years later that it only exacerbated the problem. Money without a complete plan, and a set up to see the plan through is stupid money. The Libs have been great at using stupid money that only places a band aid on things or at least until they get re-elected, and then they could care less after that. The huge problem also, is that they are using my hard earned money in which becomes stupid money once it enters into the Democrats hands.
Maybe you should have complained when corporate America sent jobs from Detroit and flint to china. Now trumps talking tariffs? Sounds liberal to me
. Shouldn't be no such thing as corporate America... Yes there should be large and small companies working to empower, and also strengthen the nation, but the corporate crime syndicate should be dismantled in America. Just sayin.
You think the poor black community isn't having enough people?

We prefer abstinence but if not contraception and if that fails the morning after but if a woman wants to abort, what are you going to do?

I've never fully understood the "logic' employed by right wingers when it came to a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body.......

First, right wingers bitch that blacks are having too many abortions......
Second, when a black woman has children, then she's accused of just trying to vamp up her welfare check. (and birthing future democrats)

None of my right wing friends could ever fully address that little paradox in their "platform"....probably because bitching is better than thinking.

Only a pseudo intellectual libtard like your self would say their is some paradox. Their is no paradox. No human gives birth to political operatives. That's the stupidest thing anyone has ever said. The issue is, you bribe them with food stamps and eic, train them to believe whitie keeps them down and if they wa t it to change they gotta vote Democrat or starve and live in a cardboard box. That, and you libs demonize any black man or woman who dare not follow the collective thoight. Yup, modern day slave masters keep Tobi on the plantation.
Our philosophy is here's a cracker and some water while you wait for Republican policies to trickle down on you

Or, get a damn job, pay your child support so we don't have to.
Back when our parents were young a high school grad could find a job that will pay the bills. Walmart workers qualify for foodstamps

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