Black republicans...who are they really?

You are missing the point entirely. If red states are run by conservative governments why do they preach hate against welfare but extend their hands for it to take care of their citizens, regardless of party affiliation? What are the red states doing to discourage their citizens from getting welfare? They have been taking federal dollars fore decades but their poor are no better off. Is this the message the GOP is trying to send to the rest of the nation? Are they saying there is no answer to poverty but we want to stop welfare so they can suffer more or just die?

If they have a boatload of people that are on welfare, what would you expect them to do, just cut them off?

And even if that were possible, would the federal government even allow it since it is federal dollars?

Maine has created restrictions for people on food stamps. If you want to collect and you have no children, you have to do one of three things: have a job where you work at least 20 hours per week, be enrolled in a vocational program, or do volunteer work for 20 hours a month.

Guess what? Many of those people dropped out of the food stamp program. It seems they weren't all that hungry after all.

BUt what plans have the red states generated to make people self sufficient? Aren't red state governments being part of the problem if they take and disseminate federal welfare benefits to their poor? I am waiting for the paradigm they keep preaching about to unfold. Show me the red state where they don't take federal welfare and where poverty is managed humanely through philanthropy.
I'd like to see that list of red states that don't need welfare $ for their poor.
You are missing the point entirely. If red states are run by conservative governments why do they preach hate against welfare but extend their hands for it to take care of their citizens, regardless of party affiliation? What are the red states doing to discourage their citizens from getting welfare? They have been taking federal dollars fore decades but their poor are no better off. Is this the message the GOP is trying to send to the rest of the nation? Are they saying there is no answer to poverty but we want to stop welfare so they can suffer more or just die?

If they have a boatload of people that are on welfare, what would you expect them to do, just cut them off?

And even if that were possible, would the federal government even allow it since it is federal dollars?

Maine has created restrictions for people on food stamps. If you want to collect and you have no children, you have to do one of three things: have a job where you work at least 20 hours per week, be enrolled in a vocational program, or do volunteer work for 20 hours a month.

Guess what? Many of those people dropped out of the food stamp program. It seems they weren't all that hungry after all.

BUt what plans have the red states generated to make people self sufficient? Aren't red state governments being part of the problem if they take and disseminate federal welfare benefits to their poor? I am waiting for the paradigm they keep preaching about to unfold. Show me the red state where they don't take federal welfare and where poverty is managed humanely through philanthropy.
I'd like to see that list of red states that don't need welfare $ for their poor.
You will never see red states give up their federal welfare dollars because they know that those dollars and food stamps gives their economies a shot in the arm. They know if they cut people off from welfare, they will leave. That exodus would take a huge bite out of their economy and probably inflict serious injury to their pocketbooks.
You will never see red states give up their federal welfare dollars because they know that those dollars and food stamps gives their economies a shot in the arm. They know if they cut people off from welfare, they will leave. That exodus would take a huge bite out of their economy and probably inflict serious injury to their pocketbooks.

Poor people leaving a state would do that? Seriously????

In most cases, welfare money is not the federals alone. The state kicks into these programs as well and saving the state that money would be much more advantageous than keeping welfare people in the state.

One of our largest expenditures here (and I'm sure for most states) is Medicaid. Medicaid is a government program for the poor. It's only partly funded by the federal government, and the state has to kick in a lions share of the money for it's operation. If we could somehow rid our state of all the poor, that money could be use to lower taxes which would attract more working people and businesses.
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.

That's exactly why some do it .. SEE: Stacey Dash

The good news is that even with the promise of notoriety, relatively few are willing to lower themselves that much and call themselves 'republican.'

Look no further than this thread .. republicans are vile racists and only a black fool with absolutely so self-respect or esteem would stand next to the people who hate them.

Here's a list that proves you incorrect.

List of African-American Republicans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There isn't shit you can post that proves me incorrect and you obviously don't know shit about black people or history.

Look at the dates .. see if you can hear any bells going off.

At one time in American history, nearly all blacks were republicans .. before the Republican Party became the home of racists and racism .. and befopre you deny that truth .. look at the comments in this thread.

Thanks for trying.

The explanation as to why many blacks became republicans in the late 19th century is rather simple.

Lincoln was a republican who FREED slaves (prompting southern ex-slave owners to join the former democrat party)....
Any modern day black republican, however, is mostly doing it for self-serving and NOT policy driven reasons.

It's not that black republicans are self serving as much as democrats have politically become more power driven.

Denocrats have been very good manipulators and "salesmen" in their message to draw blacks to their party. Every election they talk about the rich not paying their fair share and that they are the party that will force to make it happen. This same message that returns every election cycle leaves the view that republicans are made up of those that tend to be rich and more successful, where the blacks feel they are not.

Democrats add to this by saying affirmative action is still needed in this country. Now we have a policy that looks solely at skin color over qualifying efforts and achievement, this leaves blacks with an automatic advantage over other people of race which begins to add to more of an "entitlement" mindset over just hard working effort. Add the case in Connecticut where firemen were denied their promotion because not enough blacks were able to pass the test, and an administration that believes that a policy lowering test standards is the proper way to get more blacks promoted. This would only further drive the entitlement mentality, as again republicans are to be viewed through democrat rhetoric as being more successful, while blacks vote democrat because they feel they are being held back and need that added "edge" to make them feel more successful.

Black republicans believe that they can work hard to be successful within their own race without the need to lower standards or look for race driven policies to give them the added edge over other people of race. Black republicans try to send a message that they can achieve success, while this talk of "the evil rich" is just a ploy to take advantage and try to capitalize on those blacks who FEEL within themselves as being the least successful black "image" the Democrats given them to believe. Black republicans see the entitlement message played by liberal democrats as an excuse and a means for the individual NOT to try harder but for the government to provide for them. They see relying on government over relying on your own personal effort as a form of enslavement, because of the growing dependency that leaves them fearful every time those government policies (like affirmative action) are threatened to be removed ... leaving them to rely solely on their own individual abilities. Of course, taking away those policies like affirmative action, must mean you are a hateful racist, as Denocrats so like to use race to describe those that don't adhere to their liberal ideological political view. The Liberal Democrats are very good at labeling as they will always let you know who they feel are the more successful and rich, which party they represent, and which party it will take to provide for them with what they are "entitled" to have with their racial edge to get it.
You are missing the point entirely. If red states are run by conservative governments why do they preach hate against welfare but extend their hands for it to take care of their citizens, regardless of party affiliation? What are the red states doing to discourage their citizens from getting welfare? They have been taking federal dollars fore decades but their poor are no better off. Is this the message the GOP is trying to send to the rest of the nation? Are they saying there is no answer to poverty but we want to stop welfare so they can suffer more or just die?

If they have a boatload of people that are on welfare, what would you expect them to do, just cut them off?

And even if that were possible, would the federal government even allow it since it is federal dollars?

Maine has created restrictions for people on food stamps. If you want to collect and you have no children, you have to do one of three things: have a job where you work at least 20 hours per week, be enrolled in a vocational program, or do volunteer work for 20 hours a month.

Guess what? Many of those people dropped out of the food stamp program. It seems they weren't all that hungry after all.

BUt what plans have the red states generated to make people self sufficient? Aren't red state governments being part of the problem if they take and disseminate federal welfare benefits to their poor? I am waiting for the paradigm they keep preaching about to unfold. Show me the red state where they don't take federal welfare and where poverty is managed humanely through philanthropy.
I'd like to see that list of red states that don't need welfare $ for their poor.
You will never see red states give up their federal welfare dollars because they know that those dollars and food stamps gives their economies a shot in the arm. They know if they cut people off from welfare, they will leave. That exodus would take a huge bite out of their economy and probably inflict serious injury to their pocketbooks.
. Yep those Democrats even know how to make a red state dependent on welfare dollars, and then the Democrats have their spokespersons like yourself telling all of us the results of just how far the dependency goes or that it cuts all the way to the bone. So your laughing at red states because they have been made dependent by the Democrats also, and how dare they try to escape ? Wow who knew that the Democrat plantation extended so far. Wow.
That's exactly why some do it .. SEE: Stacey Dash

The good news is that even with the promise of notoriety, relatively few are willing to lower themselves that much and call themselves 'republican.'

Look no further than this thread .. republicans are vile racists and only a black fool with absolutely so self-respect or esteem would stand next to the people who hate them.

Here's a list that proves you incorrect.

List of African-American Republicans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There isn't shit you can post that proves me incorrect and you obviously don't know shit about black people or history.

Look at the dates .. see if you can hear any bells going off.

At one time in American history, nearly all blacks were republicans .. before the Republican Party became the home of racists and racism .. and befopre you deny that truth .. look at the comments in this thread.

Thanks for trying.

The explanation as to why many blacks became republicans in the late 19th century is rather simple.

Lincoln was a republican who FREED slaves (prompting southern ex-slave owners to join the former democrat party)....
Any modern day black republican, however, is mostly doing it for self-serving and NOT policy driven reasons.

It's not that black republicans are self serving as much as democrats have politically become more power driven.

Denocrats have been very good manipulators and "salesmen" in their message to draw blacks to their party. Every election they talk about the rich not paying their fair share and that they are the party that will force to make it happen. This same message that returns every election cycle leaves the view that republicans are made up of those that tend to be rich and more successful, where the blacks feel they are not.

Democrats add to this by saying affirmative action is still needed in this country. Now we have a policy that looks solely at skin color over qualifying efforts and achievement, this leaves blacks with an automatic advantage over other people of race which begins to add to more of an "entitlement" mindset over just hard working effort. Add the case in Connecticut where firemen were denied their promotion because not enough blacks were able to pass the test, and an administration that believes that a policy lowering test standards is the proper way to get more blacks promoted. This would only further drive the entitlement mentality, as again republicans are to be viewed through democrat rhetoric as being more successful, while blacks vote democrat because they feel they are being held back and need that added "edge" to make them feel more successful.

Black republicans believe that they can work hard to be successful within their own race without the need to lower standards or look for race driven policies to give them the added edge over other people of race. Black republicans try to send a message that they can achieve success, while this talk of "the evil rich" is just a ploy to take advantage and try to capitalize on those blacks who FEEL within themselves as being the least successful black "image" the Democrats given them to believe. Black republicans see the entitlement message played by liberal democrats as an excuse and a means for the individual NOT to try harder but for the government to provide for them. They see relying on government over relying on your own personal effort as a form of enslavement, because of the growing dependency that leaves them fearful every time those government policies (like affirmative action) are threatened to be removed ... leaving them to rely solely on their own individual abilities. Of course, taking away those policies like affirmative action, must mean you are a hateful racist, as Denocrats so like to use race to describe those that don't adhere to their liberal ideological political view. The Liberal Democrats are very good at labeling as they will always let you know who they feel are the more successful and rich, which party they represent, and which party it will take to provide for them with what they are "entitled" to have with their racial edge to get it.

There are too few black republicans to even matter. They have no power and no sway even within their own party.

The Democratic Party has a plethora of ELECTED BLACK PEOPLE .. the Republican Party does not. You failed to mention that in your biased analysis because it completely destroys your argument.

All the whining about who black people vote for from republicans won't make one iota of difference in elections. The is the bed REPUBLICANS have made .. not democrats.
You will never see red states give up their federal welfare dollars because they know that those dollars and food stamps gives their economies a shot in the arm. They know if they cut people off from welfare, they will leave. That exodus would take a huge bite out of their economy and probably inflict serious injury to their pocketbooks.

Poor people leaving a state would do that? Seriously????

In most cases, welfare money is not the federals alone. The state kicks into these programs as well and saving the state that money would be much more advantageous than keeping welfare people in the state.

One of our largest expenditures here (and I'm sure for most states) is Medicaid. Medicaid is a government program for the poor. It's only partly funded by the federal government, and the state has to kick in a lions share of the money for it's operation. If we could somehow rid our state of all the poor, that money could be use to lower taxes which would attract more working people and businesses.
How bad is the poor situation in your state ? Have the Libs or Democrats done you all in also ?
You're missing the point. It's just fun to watch a brainless, lefty idiot like you make a fool of himself.

As opposed to the "righties" who show themselves to be bigots, unpatriotic, and slimy trying to thwart a black President! Who's really made a fool of themselves; REALLY? :anj_stfu: :argue: :blahblah: :banana:

After almost 8 years the race card and avoidance of responsibility are all you've got?

Getting your asses stomped in elections and whining about why black people won't vote for the racist party is all you've got? :0)
You're missing the point. It's just fun to watch a brainless, lefty idiot like you make a fool of himself.

As opposed to the "righties" who show themselves to be bigots, unpatriotic, and slimy trying to thwart a black President! Who's really made a fool of themselves; REALLY? :anj_stfu: :argue: :blahblah: :banana:

After almost 8 years the race card and avoidance of responsibility are all you've got?

Getting your asses stomped in elections and whining about why black people won't vote for the racist party is all you've got? :0)

"Stomped"? Republicans seize Senate, get full control of Congress -

And many black people do vote for the racist democrat party.
You will never see red states give up their federal welfare dollars because they know that those dollars and food stamps gives their economies a shot in the arm. They know if they cut people off from welfare, they will leave. That exodus would take a huge bite out of their economy and probably inflict serious injury to their pocketbooks.

Poor people leaving a state would do that? Seriously????

In most cases, welfare money is not the federals alone. The state kicks into these programs as well and saving the state that money would be much more advantageous than keeping welfare people in the state.

One of our largest expenditures here (and I'm sure for most states) is Medicaid. Medicaid is a government program for the poor. It's only partly funded by the federal government, and the state has to kick in a lions share of the money for it's operation. If we could somehow rid our state of all the poor, that money could be use to lower taxes which would attract more working people and businesses.
How bad is the poor situation in your state ? Have the Libs or Democrats done you all in also ?

It depends on where you go really. Of course cities like mine are full of poor people. I drive through those streets during the day, and it's amazing how many people are just walking around instead of getting a job and being at work.

True, you do see people in the suburbs doing the same thing, but there are much less of them and it's not likely they are on welfare given where they live.

If you give people an alternative to income instead of working, many people will take up that offer. While our social programs do help people that really need it, in most cases, they go to people who can work the system instead of working a job.

The Democrats have this all figured out: the more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters. Under DumBama, he created over 14 million more government dependents through Commie Care. Add another 20 some million by doubling the food stamp rolls. This is no accident. This is intentional.

There isn't shit you can post that proves me incorrect and you obviously don't know shit about black people or history.

Look at the dates .. see if you can hear any bells going off.

At one time in American history, nearly all blacks were republicans .. before the Republican Party became the home of racists and racism .. and befopre you deny that truth .. look at the comments in this thread.

Thanks for trying.

The explanation as to why many blacks became republicans in the late 19th century is rather simple.

Lincoln was a republican who FREED slaves (prompting southern ex-slave owners to join the former democrat party)....
Any modern day black republican, however, is mostly doing it for self-serving and NOT policy driven reasons.

It's not that black republicans are self serving as much as democrats have politically become more power driven.

Denocrats have been very good manipulators and "salesmen" in their message to draw blacks to their party. Every election they talk about the rich not paying their fair share and that they are the party that will force to make it happen. This same message that returns every election cycle leaves the view that republicans are made up of those that tend to be rich and more successful, where the blacks feel they are not.

Democrats add to this by saying affirmative action is still needed in this country. Now we have a policy that looks solely at skin color over qualifying efforts and achievement, this leaves blacks with an automatic advantage over other people of race which begins to add to more of an "entitlement" mindset over just hard working effort. Add the case in Connecticut where firemen were denied their promotion because not enough blacks were able to pass the test, and an administration that believes that a policy lowering test standards is the proper way to get more blacks promoted. This would only further drive the entitlement mentality, as again republicans are to be viewed through democrat rhetoric as being more successful, while blacks vote democrat because they feel they are being held back and need that added "edge" to make them feel more successful.

Black republicans believe that they can work hard to be successful within their own race without the need to lower standards or look for race driven policies to give them the added edge over other people of race. Black republicans try to send a message that they can achieve success, while this talk of "the evil rich" is just a ploy to take advantage and try to capitalize on those blacks who FEEL within themselves as being the least successful black "image" the Democrats given them to believe. Black republicans see the entitlement message played by liberal democrats as an excuse and a means for the individual NOT to try harder but for the government to provide for them. They see relying on government over relying on your own personal effort as a form of enslavement, because of the growing dependency that leaves them fearful every time those government policies (like affirmative action) are threatened to be removed ... leaving them to rely solely on their own individual abilities. Of course, taking away those policies like affirmative action, must mean you are a hateful racist, as Denocrats so like to use race to describe those that don't adhere to their liberal ideological political view. The Liberal Democrats are very good at labeling as they will always let you know who they feel are the more successful and rich, which party they represent, and which party it will take to provide for them with what they are "entitled" to have with their racial edge to get it.

There are too few black republicans to even matter. They have no power and no sway even within their own party.

The Democratic Party has a plethora of ELECTED BLACK PEOPLE .. the Republican Party does not. You failed to mention that in your biased analysis because it completely destroys your argument.

All the whining about who black people vote for from republicans won't make one iota of difference in elections. The is the bed REPUBLICANS have made .. not democrats.
. You brag on Democrats and blacks doing this and blacks doing that, but when someone threatens to remove the crutches, entitlements, affirmative action, or anything else you and others feel blacks need to keep themselves held up by, then who starts all the gnashing of teeth, and crying or winning then ? You do thats who. On one hand you claim blacks are so strong and powerful now, and the repubs represented by whitey are a dying breed, but then talk about stopping the hand outs, and you panic ? LOL
You're missing the point. It's just fun to watch a brainless, lefty idiot like you make a fool of himself.

As opposed to the "righties" who show themselves to be bigots, unpatriotic, and slimy trying to thwart a black President! Who's really made a fool of themselves; REALLY? :anj_stfu: :argue: :blahblah: :banana:

After almost 8 years the race card and avoidance of responsibility are all you've got?

Getting your asses stomped in elections and whining about why black people won't vote for the racist party is all you've got? :0)

"Stomped"? Republicans seize Senate, get full control of Congress -

And many black people do vote for the racist democrat party.

In the last 9 presidential elections, an average of 9% of black voters have voted for republicans. That's not 'many' .. not enough to make a difference.

8 years of Obama followed by the Trump disaster and an evolved American population .. smell the coffee. :0)
There isn't shit you can post that proves me incorrect and you obviously don't know shit about black people or history.

Look at the dates .. see if you can hear any bells going off.

At one time in American history, nearly all blacks were republicans .. before the Republican Party became the home of racists and racism .. and befopre you deny that truth .. look at the comments in this thread.

Thanks for trying.

The explanation as to why many blacks became republicans in the late 19th century is rather simple.

Lincoln was a republican who FREED slaves (prompting southern ex-slave owners to join the former democrat party)....
Any modern day black republican, however, is mostly doing it for self-serving and NOT policy driven reasons.

It's not that black republicans are self serving as much as democrats have politically become more power driven.

Denocrats have been very good manipulators and "salesmen" in their message to draw blacks to their party. Every election they talk about the rich not paying their fair share and that they are the party that will force to make it happen. This same message that returns every election cycle leaves the view that republicans are made up of those that tend to be rich and more successful, where the blacks feel they are not.

Democrats add to this by saying affirmative action is still needed in this country. Now we have a policy that looks solely at skin color over qualifying efforts and achievement, this leaves blacks with an automatic advantage over other people of race which begins to add to more of an "entitlement" mindset over just hard working effort. Add the case in Connecticut where firemen were denied their promotion because not enough blacks were able to pass the test, and an administration that believes that a policy lowering test standards is the proper way to get more blacks promoted. This would only further drive the entitlement mentality, as again republicans are to be viewed through democrat rhetoric as being more successful, while blacks vote democrat because they feel they are being held back and need that added "edge" to make them feel more successful.

Black republicans believe that they can work hard to be successful within their own race without the need to lower standards or look for race driven policies to give them the added edge over other people of race. Black republicans try to send a message that they can achieve success, while this talk of "the evil rich" is just a ploy to take advantage and try to capitalize on those blacks who FEEL within themselves as being the least successful black "image" the Democrats given them to believe. Black republicans see the entitlement message played by liberal democrats as an excuse and a means for the individual NOT to try harder but for the government to provide for them. They see relying on government over relying on your own personal effort as a form of enslavement, because of the growing dependency that leaves them fearful every time those government policies (like affirmative action) are threatened to be removed ... leaving them to rely solely on their own individual abilities. Of course, taking away those policies like affirmative action, must mean you are a hateful racist, as Denocrats so like to use race to describe those that don't adhere to their liberal ideological political view. The Liberal Democrats are very good at labeling as they will always let you know who they feel are the more successful and rich, which party they represent, and which party it will take to provide for them with what they are "entitled" to have with their racial edge to get it.

There are too few black republicans to even matter. They have no power and no sway even within their own party.

The Democratic Party has a plethora of ELECTED BLACK PEOPLE .. the Republican Party does not. You failed to mention that in your biased analysis because it completely destroys your argument.

All the whining about who black people vote for from republicans won't make one iota of difference in elections. The is the bed REPUBLICANS have made .. not democrats.
. You brag on Democrats and blacks doing this and blacks doing that, but when someone threatens to remove the crutches, entitlements, affirmative action, or anything else you and others feel blacks need to keep themselves held up by, then who starts all the gnashing of teeth, and crying or winning then ? You do thats who. On one hand you claim blacks are so strong and powerful now, and the repubs represented by whitey are a dying breed, but then talk about stopping the hand outs, and you panic ? LOL

POST my comment of crying about 'removing crutches.' Can you do that? :0) NO. you can't because you made that shit up.

If republicans could remove so-called 'crutches' they would have already done so. My thought .. go ahead and give it your best shot in doing just that. :0)

The only people crying in this thread are republicans .. pretending that the few black republicans count and running from their own racist nature.

The 7 Biggest Deadbeat States Who Mooch Off Taxpayers All Vote Republican
The 7 Biggest Deadbeat States Who Mooch Off Taxpayers All Vote Republican

Tell me more about "hand-outs" :lol:
You're missing the point. It's just fun to watch a brainless, lefty idiot like you make a fool of himself.

As opposed to the "righties" who show themselves to be bigots, unpatriotic, and slimy trying to thwart a black President! Who's really made a fool of themselves; REALLY? :anj_stfu: :argue: :blahblah: :banana:

After almost 8 years the race card and avoidance of responsibility are all you've got?

Getting your asses stomped in elections and whining about why black people won't vote for the racist party is all you've got? :0)

"Stomped"? Republicans seize Senate, get full control of Congress -

And many black people do vote for the racist democrat party.

In the last 9 presidential elections, an average of 9% of black voters have voted for republicans. ...)

And? I said that many black people vote for the racist democrat party.

8 years of Obama followed by the Trump disaster and an evolved American population .. smell the coffee.

It seems you need some coffee. You know the election hasn't been held yet, right? Were you smelling anything during the 8 years before the mistake of obama? Or did you only start sniffing in 2008? Selective olfactory nerves? How about the 12 years before Bubba? Ah, but you're probably not that old...

There isn't shit you can post that proves me incorrect and you obviously don't know shit about black people or history.

Look at the dates .. see if you can hear any bells going off.

At one time in American history, nearly all blacks were republicans .. before the Republican Party became the home of racists and racism .. and befopre you deny that truth .. look at the comments in this thread.

Thanks for trying.

The explanation as to why many blacks became republicans in the late 19th century is rather simple.

Lincoln was a republican who FREED slaves (prompting southern ex-slave owners to join the former democrat party)....
Any modern day black republican, however, is mostly doing it for self-serving and NOT policy driven reasons.

It's not that black republicans are self serving as much as democrats have politically become more power driven.

Denocrats have been very good manipulators and "salesmen" in their message to draw blacks to their party. Every election they talk about the rich not paying their fair share and that they are the party that will force to make it happen. This same message that returns every election cycle leaves the view that republicans are made up of those that tend to be rich and more successful, where the blacks feel they are not.

Democrats add to this by saying affirmative action is still needed in this country. Now we have a policy that looks solely at skin color over qualifying efforts and achievement, this leaves blacks with an automatic advantage over other people of race which begins to add to more of an "entitlement" mindset over just hard working effort. Add the case in Connecticut where firemen were denied their promotion because not enough blacks were able to pass the test, and an administration that believes that a policy lowering test standards is the proper way to get more blacks promoted. This would only further drive the entitlement mentality, as again republicans are to be viewed through democrat rhetoric as being more successful, while blacks vote democrat because they feel they are being held back and need that added "edge" to make them feel more successful.

Black republicans believe that they can work hard to be successful within their own race without the need to lower standards or look for race driven policies to give them the added edge over other people of race. Black republicans try to send a message that they can achieve success, while this talk of "the evil rich" is just a ploy to take advantage and try to capitalize on those blacks who FEEL within themselves as being the least successful black "image" the Democrats given them to believe. Black republicans see the entitlement message played by liberal democrats as an excuse and a means for the individual NOT to try harder but for the government to provide for them. They see relying on government over relying on your own personal effort as a form of enslavement, because of the growing dependency that leaves them fearful every time those government policies (like affirmative action) are threatened to be removed ... leaving them to rely solely on their own individual abilities. Of course, taking away those policies like affirmative action, must mean you are a hateful racist, as Denocrats so like to use race to describe those that don't adhere to their liberal ideological political view. The Liberal Democrats are very good at labeling as they will always let you know who they feel are the more successful and rich, which party they represent, and which party it will take to provide for them with what they are "entitled" to have with their racial edge to get it.

There are too few black republicans to even matter. They have no power and no sway even within their own party.

The Democratic Party has a plethora of ELECTED BLACK PEOPLE .. the Republican Party does not. You failed to mention that in your biased analysis because it completely destroys your argument.

All the whining about who black people vote for from republicans won't make one iota of difference in elections. The is the bed REPUBLICANS have made .. not democrats.

That doesn't disprove at all that the Democrats are very good salesmen at using speeches that entice blacks in achieving the party's own selfish gains toward attaining more Political Power.

They DO use rhetoric that categorizes the republicans as being rich and more successful

Democrats DO support affirmative action that specifically looks to race over personal achievement to attain advancement

This administration and liberals HAVE supported lowering promotion standards as a means of more blacks attaining advancement, that further encourages this mindset that they are "entitled".

Liberal Democrats DO refer to politicians as racist if they would rather see our nation looking towards one's own abilities over using affirmative action, and thereby stand contrary to liberal ideological views.

Denocrats DO use rhetoric that places Republicans in a political view as a make up of more successful individuals, with blacks feeling not so successful to capitalize and reinforce this view of entitlement over attaining through personal achievement

If you feel each one of these views as bias and incorrect, simply prove me wrong with your knowledge of the Democrat party

if you're actually capable of doing so that's another story, we'll soon see.
You're missing the point. It's just fun to watch a brainless, lefty idiot like you make a fool of himself.

As opposed to the "righties" who show themselves to be bigots, unpatriotic, and slimy trying to thwart a black President! Who's really made a fool of themselves; REALLY? :anj_stfu: :argue: :blahblah: :banana:

After almost 8 years the race card and avoidance of responsibility are all you've got?

Getting your asses stomped in elections and whining about why black people won't vote for the racist party is all you've got? :0)

"Stomped"? Republicans seize Senate, get full control of Congress -

And many black people do vote for the racist democrat party.

In the last 9 presidential elections, an average of 9% of black voters have voted for republicans. That's not 'many' .. not enough to make a difference.

8 years of Obama followed by the Trump disaster and an evolved American population .. smell the coffee. :0)

That only further strengthens my response that republicans are viewed as being more successful through their speeches of "those rich needing to do their fair share" and blacks not viewing themselves as successful. So Denocrats entice them through affirmative action and a mentality that they are simply ENTITLED to attain advancement and it's not about your abilities. This is proven through their belief that advancement placement test standards need to be lowered to allow more blacks to attain their rightful position to advance over personal ability to do so ( encouraging this "entitlement" view ).

Simply because more blacks vote Democrat only shows that more blacks feel this way and agree that they can't attain success without the government's help.... and their vote.

PROVE me wrong with your knowledge of the Demicrat party
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.

A good friend of mine who happened to be Black continued to vote Republican for one reason.....Lincoln freed the slaves.
You are missing the point entirely. If red states are run by conservative governments why do they preach hate against welfare but extend their hands for it to take care of their citizens, regardless of party affiliation? What are the red states doing to discourage their citizens from getting welfare? They have been taking federal dollars fore decades but their poor are no better off. Is this the message the GOP is trying to send to the rest of the nation? Are they saying there is no answer to poverty but we want to stop welfare so they can suffer more or just die?

If they have a boatload of people that are on welfare, what would you expect them to do, just cut them off?

And even if that were possible, would the federal government even allow it since it is federal dollars?

Maine has created restrictions for people on food stamps. If you want to collect and you have no children, you have to do one of three things: have a job where you work at least 20 hours per week, be enrolled in a vocational program, or do volunteer work for 20 hours a month.

Guess what? Many of those people dropped out of the food stamp program. It seems they weren't all that hungry after all.

BUt what plans have the red states generated to make people self sufficient? Aren't red state governments being part of the problem if they take and disseminate federal welfare benefits to their poor? I am waiting for the paradigm they keep preaching about to unfold. Show me the red state where they don't take federal welfare and where poverty is managed humanely through philanthropy.
I'd like to see that list of red states that don't need welfare $ for their poor.
You will never see red states give up their federal welfare dollars because they know that those dollars and food stamps gives their economies a shot in the arm. They know if they cut people off from welfare, they will leave. That exodus would take a huge bite out of their economy and probably inflict serious injury to their pocketbooks.
. Yep those Democrats even know how to make a red state dependent on welfare dollars, and then the Democrats have their spokespersons like yourself telling all of us the results of just how far the dependency goes or that it cuts all the way to the bone. So your laughing at red states because they have been made dependent by the Democrats also, and how dare they try to escape ? Wow who knew that the Democrat plantation extended so far. Wow.
You guys blame us for everything even your own failures.

The other day you guys were saying places like Detroit suck because they are run by liberals. Now you're claiming cities and states run by cons suck because of liberals? What an intellectually dishonest simpleton you are
POST my comment of crying about 'removing crutches.' Can you do that? :0) NO. you can't because you made that shit up.

If republicans could remove so-called 'crutches' they would have already done so. My thought .. go ahead and give it your best shot in doing just that. :0)

The only people crying in this thread are republicans .. pretending that the few black republicans count and running from their own racist nature.

The 7 Biggest Deadbeat States Who Mooch Off Taxpayers All Vote Republican
The 7 Biggest Deadbeat States Who Mooch Off Taxpayers All Vote Republican

Tell me more about "hand-outs" :lol:

Be glad to.

What they consider a blue or red state is how the states voted for the presidential election only--not how a state is actually controlled.

For instance, they colored my state of Ohio blue, and I can assure you, we are hardly blue at all. Our Governor, former presidential candidate John Kasich is a Republican. So is our legislature. We passed one of the most stringent abortion bills in the country, and have some of the most lenient gun laws in the country as well. But we did vote for DumBama last presidential election, so your site (among others) considers Ohio to be a blue state.

Without going into detail, I looked into left-leaning politafact for some answers, and although a bit dated, the article stated this:

So the graphic is solidly grounded in reality. But we see two reasons for caution when using this chart.

How do you define red and blue states?

The graphic defines Republican states as those "that have voted Republican in a previous presidential election." Because the data is from 2005, that means states that voted for George W. Bush in 2004, which is a larger number than voted Republican in 2008.

But the definition of states as Republican or Democratic isn't immutable. Just four years later, in the 2008 election, six states in the right-hand chart and three states in the left-hand chart switched from Republican to Democratic, making both charts more heavily blue.

We should also note that some of the margins of victory were quite narrow. In fact, a dozen or more states can be characterized in most elections as swing states, which might be more appropriately shaded in purple.


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