Black republicans...who are they really?

You guys blame us for everything even your own failures.

The other day you guys were saying places like Detroit suck because they are run by liberals. Now you're claiming cities and states run by cons suck because of liberals? What an intellectually dishonest simpleton you are

For right wingers "blaming liberals" for all that may be wrong with our society, is a hell of a lot easier (and dumber) than coming to term with their own screwed up mindset.
Democrats have elected a plethora of blacks legislators .. republicans have very few and their party remains virtually all-white.

Question: Why should any black person vote for a virtually all-white party that doesn't elect black people?

.. and while you're pondering that .. ponder this ...

I think the answer is as obvious as the hand in front of your face.

How are Republicans supposed to have blacks elected in our party when there are so few blacks in our party? If the Republican party is overwhelmingly white, then of course we are going to have much more white people running for office than black.

If the majority of black people want nothing to do with the Republican party, that's not the fault of the Republican party.

The answer is indeed as obvious as the nose on your face .. republicans hate black people .. they are racist .. as evidenced by all the hate and vitriol that spills out all over this board daily.

At one time nearly all African-Americans were republicans .. WHAT HAPPENED?

Why do all non-white groups reject the Republican Party?>
How are Republicans supposed to have blacks elected in our party when there are so few blacks in our party?

This is when YOU become a nitwit because of your own rhetoric and biases......

Throughout this thread you right wingers "praise" those blacks that vote republican as ENLIGHTENED......If that were truly the case, would not these enlightened blacks be PERFECT candidates for many elected positions for your equality-driven GOP??
I reject your premise that blacks who are republican or right wing do So for notoriety. It's silly and demeaning to those blacks who are thoughtful and honest enough to understand what true conservatism means.

The bolded part above is a perfect example of a contradiction of terms.
How are Republicans supposed to have blacks elected in our party when there are so few blacks in our party?

This is when YOU become a nitwit because of your own rhetoric and biases......

Throughout this thread you right wingers "praise" those blacks that vote republican as ENLIGHTENED......If that were truly the case, would not these enlightened blacks be PERFECT candidates for many elected positions for your equality-driven GOP??

That's too rational for these people! When they have reputable Blacks backing them like Powell, they end up disappointing him or using him for means other than truth like promoting idea of WMD's in IRAQ! His reputation is tarnished for all time when he very well could have run for President himself! Proves you can't dance with the Devil without being burned! :badgrin:
This is when YOU become a nitwit because of your own rhetoric and biases......

Throughout this thread you right wingers "praise" those blacks that vote republican as ENLIGHTENED......If that were truly the case, would not these enlightened blacks be PERFECT candidates for many elected positions for your equality-driven GOP??

So what's your suggestion here, that we tie them up with a rope and drag them into office?

The last two primaries we had blacks running for the nomination. Prior to that, the Republicans almost begged Powell to run, but his wife wouldn't' let him do it.
There isn't shit you can post that proves me incorrect and you obviously don't know shit about black people or history.

Look at the dates .. see if you can hear any bells going off.

At one time in American history, nearly all blacks were republicans .. before the Republican Party became the home of racists and racism .. and befopre you deny that truth .. look at the comments in this thread.

Thanks for trying.

The explanation as to why many blacks became republicans in the late 19th century is rather simple.

Lincoln was a republican who FREED slaves (prompting southern ex-slave owners to join the former democrat party)....
Any modern day black republican, however, is mostly doing it for self-serving and NOT policy driven reasons.

It's not that black republicans are self serving as much as democrats have politically become more power driven.

Denocrats have been very good manipulators and "salesmen" in their message to draw blacks to their party. Every election they talk about the rich not paying their fair share and that they are the party that will force to make it happen. This same message that returns every election cycle leaves the view that republicans are made up of those that tend to be rich and more successful, where the blacks feel they are not.

Democrats add to this by saying affirmative action is still needed in this country. Now we have a policy that looks solely at skin color over qualifying efforts and achievement, this leaves blacks with an automatic advantage over other people of race which begins to add to more of an "entitlement" mindset over just hard working effort. Add the case in Connecticut where firemen were denied their promotion because not enough blacks were able to pass the test, and an administration that believes that a policy lowering test standards is the proper way to get more blacks promoted. This would only further drive the entitlement mentality, as again republicans are to be viewed through democrat rhetoric as being more successful, while blacks vote democrat because they feel they are being held back and need that added "edge" to make them feel more successful.

Black republicans believe that they can work hard to be successful within their own race without the need to lower standards or look for race driven policies to give them the added edge over other people of race. Black republicans try to send a message that they can achieve success, while this talk of "the evil rich" is just a ploy to take advantage and try to capitalize on those blacks who FEEL within themselves as being the least successful black "image" the Democrats given them to believe. Black republicans see the entitlement message played by liberal democrats as an excuse and a means for the individual NOT to try harder but for the government to provide for them. They see relying on government over relying on your own personal effort as a form of enslavement, because of the growing dependency that leaves them fearful every time those government policies (like affirmative action) are threatened to be removed ... leaving them to rely solely on their own individual abilities. Of course, taking away those policies like affirmative action, must mean you are a hateful racist, as Denocrats so like to use race to describe those that don't adhere to their liberal ideological political view. The Liberal Democrats are very good at labeling as they will always let you know who they feel are the more successful and rich, which party they represent, and which party it will take to provide for them with what they are "entitled" to have with their racial edge to get it.

There are too few black republicans to even matter. They have no power and no sway even within their own party.

The Democratic Party has a plethora of ELECTED BLACK PEOPLE .. the Republican Party does not. You failed to mention that in your biased analysis because it completely destroys your argument.

All the whining about who black people vote for from republicans won't make one iota of difference in elections. The is the bed REPUBLICANS have made .. not democrats.

That doesn't disprove at all that the Democrats are very good salesmen at using speeches that entice blacks in achieving the party's own selfish gains toward attaining more Political Power.

They DO use rhetoric that categorizes the republicans as being rich and more successful

Democrats DO support affirmative action that specifically looks to race over personal achievement to attain advancement

This administration and liberals HAVE supported lowering promotion standards as a means of more blacks attaining advancement, that further encourages this mindset that they are "entitled".

Liberal Democrats DO refer to politicians as racist if they would rather see our nation looking towards one's own abilities over using affirmative action, and thereby stand contrary to liberal ideological views.

Denocrats DO use rhetoric that places Republicans in a political view as a make up of more successful individuals, with blacks feeling not so successful to capitalize and reinforce this view of entitlement over attaining through personal achievement

If you feel each one of these views as bias and incorrect, simply prove me wrong with your knowledge of the Democrat party

if you're actually capable of doing so that's another story, we'll soon see.


If you believe that republican policies are superior to democratic policies .. I have absolutely no problem with what you believe. It's stupid and ignores mountains of truth, but you are certainly free to believe that bullshit.

You skipped the part about democrats electing black people with the agenda of black people. You ran from that truth just like every republican .. and just like every republican, you seek to blame all your problems on democrats and liberals as if republicans have nothing to do with their own dismal state. :0)

Thanks for playing.
I think the Democratic Party's propaganda has conned black people to vote Democrat

From the above simple sentence, two "conclusions can be reached.....Neither of them bode too well for your right wing cause:

First conclusion: Blacks are easily "conned".....

Second conclusion.......Right wingers are too dumb to emulate (or implement) the policies toward blacks that could win them national elections.
The answer is indeed as obvious as the nose on your face .. republicans hate black people .. they are racist .. as evidenced by all the hate and vitriol that spills out all over this board daily.

At one time nearly all African-Americans were republicans .. WHAT HAPPENED?

Why do all non-white groups reject the Republican Party?>

Quit talking like you are speaking for every black in America with this Republicans hate blacks bullshit. That's your opinion and you are entitled to it, but keep your lies to yourself.

Blacks are not coming to USMB to determine how much Republicans love them. You have yet to show an example of the RNC doing anything that displayed race or hatred.
From the above simple sentence, two "conclusions can be reached.....Neither of them bode too well for your right wing cause:

First conclusion: Blacks are easily "conned".....

Second conclusion.......Right wingers are too dumb to emulate (or implement) the policies toward blacks that could win them national elections.

Really? Like what???
So what's your suggestion here, that we tie them up with a rope and drag them into office?

The last two primaries we had blacks running for the nomination. Prior to that, the Republicans almost begged Powell to run, but his wife wouldn't' let him do it.

Oh no.......You can't wiggle out THAT easily......

Cain and your own party wisely chose, would have made terrible presidents.....and Powell, as a great choice for an elected position, would have been quickly labeled a RINO by most of your ilk.
This is when YOU become a nitwit because of your own rhetoric and biases......

Throughout this thread you right wingers "praise" those blacks that vote republican as ENLIGHTENED......If that were truly the case, would not these enlightened blacks be PERFECT candidates for many elected positions for your equality-driven GOP??

So what's your suggestion here, that we tie them up with a rope and drag them into office?

The last two primaries we had blacks running for the nomination. Prior to that, the Republicans almost begged Powell to run, but his wife wouldn't' let him do it.

My suggestion is that if republicans want to attract black voters, they best consider what BLACK PEOPLE WANT and reject racists and racist policy.

No one says that you have to do any of that .. just live with being the Whigs .. which is where the Republican Party is headed.

Powell was appointed, not elected .. and he didn't run because he has GREAT differences with republican policy .. as evidenced by the fact that he voted for Obama more than I did. :0) I never voted for Obama, Powell did twice.
Really? Like what???

Like......raising the minimum wage....or stopping the changing of voters' ID laws to suit your needs (as openly admitted by some withing your party in moments of pure candor.)

Yet another case of you liberal slave masters using fear in place of the whip to keep your slaves in line. A minimum wage increase will only cut jobs at McDonalds, and this crap with voter ID laws is just that, crap. You have to have I'd to get food stamps moron. Getting I'd is free. You lib racist need to come up with new matreial.
No I don't answer lists of stupid questions from republicans.

You claim that Conservative policies are racist yet you can't spell out what is so wrong with them, why is that?

If you don't actually know the difference between democratic and republican policy

I know the difference, you on the other hand are unable to spell it out, you claim they are stupid questions...

Why in the Hell would any black person want to associate with racists?

Good question, that's why I can't understand why you would vote for liberals? Name just a few Liberal policies that benefit Blacks over Whites?
This is when YOU become a nitwit because of your own rhetoric and biases......

Throughout this thread you right wingers "praise" those blacks that vote republican as ENLIGHTENED......If that were truly the case, would not these enlightened blacks be PERFECT candidates for many elected positions for your equality-driven GOP??

So what's your suggestion here, that we tie them up with a rope and drag them into office?

The last two primaries we had blacks running for the nomination. Prior to that, the Republicans almost begged Powell to run, but his wife wouldn't' let him do it.

My suggestion is that if republicans want to attract black voters, they best consider what BLACK PEOPLE WANT and reject racists and racist policy.

No one says that you have to do any of that .. just live with being the Whigs .. which is where the Republican Party is headed.

Powell was appointed, not elected .. and he didn't run because he has GREAT differences with republican policy .. as evidenced by the fact that he voted for Obama more than I did. :0) I never voted for Obama, Powell did twice.

You are not black. You are a racist liberal agatator. A wigga at best. Damn the man, kill whitey blah, blah.
I think the Democratic Party's propaganda has conned black people to vote Democrat. Wedge issues, like the rich getting richer, affirmative action, wages, it has been the call for Democrats for decades and we see the Democratic Party does nothing. They are still wedge issues and Elected Democrats neglect the issues. Nothing changes, nothing gets better.

That's about as idiotic as everything else you say.

If you think Black folks are a lot better off than they were in the 1960's, you are delusional.
. There you go putting all black folks in the same barrel with one another. Now how idiotic are you ? Of course their are many blacks that are doing tremendously well as opposed to the 60's, and of course their are the sheeple who are led by the Democrats who embody the likes of Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Spike Lee, and on and on the names roll, who keep some blacks thinking that the man is their enemy in which if there are no excuses to use in order to justify their bull crap, then they will make some up. These cats want to make the low information blacks think that they will never be free from the struggle. Meanwhile these cats get filthy rich off of their bull crap in life in which they spew.

You are a shining example of why blacks don't vote for republicans. :0) Thanks
. What blacks you talking about ? Are you trying to speak for all blacks or are you just speaking for the racist ones ?
Look at the dates .. see if you can hear any bells going off.

At one time in American history, nearly all blacks were republicans .. before the Republican Party became the home of racists and racism .. and befopre you deny that truth .. look at the comments in this thread.

Thanks for trying.

The explanation as to why many blacks became republicans in the late 19th century is rather simple.

Lincoln was a republican who FREED slaves (prompting southern ex-slave owners to join the former democrat party)....
Any modern day black republican, however, is mostly doing it for self-serving and NOT policy driven reasons.

It's not that black republicans are self serving as much as democrats have politically become more power driven.

Denocrats have been very good manipulators and "salesmen" in their message to draw blacks to their party. Every election they talk about the rich not paying their fair share and that they are the party that will force to make it happen. This same message that returns every election cycle leaves the view that republicans are made up of those that tend to be rich and more successful, where the blacks feel they are not.

Democrats add to this by saying affirmative action is still needed in this country. Now we have a policy that looks solely at skin color over qualifying efforts and achievement, this leaves blacks with an automatic advantage over other people of race which begins to add to more of an "entitlement" mindset over just hard working effort. Add the case in Connecticut where firemen were denied their promotion because not enough blacks were able to pass the test, and an administration that believes that a policy lowering test standards is the proper way to get more blacks promoted. This would only further drive the entitlement mentality, as again republicans are to be viewed through democrat rhetoric as being more successful, while blacks vote democrat because they feel they are being held back and need that added "edge" to make them feel more successful.

Black republicans believe that they can work hard to be successful within their own race without the need to lower standards or look for race driven policies to give them the added edge over other people of race. Black republicans try to send a message that they can achieve success, while this talk of "the evil rich" is just a ploy to take advantage and try to capitalize on those blacks who FEEL within themselves as being the least successful black "image" the Democrats given them to believe. Black republicans see the entitlement message played by liberal democrats as an excuse and a means for the individual NOT to try harder but for the government to provide for them. They see relying on government over relying on your own personal effort as a form of enslavement, because of the growing dependency that leaves them fearful every time those government policies (like affirmative action) are threatened to be removed ... leaving them to rely solely on their own individual abilities. Of course, taking away those policies like affirmative action, must mean you are a hateful racist, as Denocrats so like to use race to describe those that don't adhere to their liberal ideological political view. The Liberal Democrats are very good at labeling as they will always let you know who they feel are the more successful and rich, which party they represent, and which party it will take to provide for them with what they are "entitled" to have with their racial edge to get it.

There are too few black republicans to even matter. They have no power and no sway even within their own party.

The Democratic Party has a plethora of ELECTED BLACK PEOPLE .. the Republican Party does not. You failed to mention that in your biased analysis because it completely destroys your argument.

All the whining about who black people vote for from republicans won't make one iota of difference in elections. The is the bed REPUBLICANS have made .. not democrats.

That doesn't disprove at all that the Democrats are very good salesmen at using speeches that entice blacks in achieving the party's own selfish gains toward attaining more Political Power.

They DO use rhetoric that categorizes the republicans as being rich and more successful

Democrats DO support affirmative action that specifically looks to race over personal achievement to attain advancement

This administration and liberals HAVE supported lowering promotion standards as a means of more blacks attaining advancement, that further encourages this mindset that they are "entitled".

Liberal Democrats DO refer to politicians as racist if they would rather see our nation looking towards one's own abilities over using affirmative action, and thereby stand contrary to liberal ideological views.

Denocrats DO use rhetoric that places Republicans in a political view as a make up of more successful individuals, with blacks feeling not so successful to capitalize and reinforce this view of entitlement over attaining through personal achievement

If you feel each one of these views as bias and incorrect, simply prove me wrong with your knowledge of the Democrat party

if you're actually capable of doing so that's another story, we'll soon see.


If you believe that republican policies are superior to democratic policies .. I have absolutely no problem with what you believe. It's stupid and ignores mountains of truth, but you are certainly free to believe that bullshit.

You skipped the part about democrats electing black people with the agenda of black people. You ran from that truth just like every republican .. and just like every republican, you seek to blame all your problems on democrats and liberals as if republicans have nothing to do with their own dismal state. :0)

Thanks for playing.

I really don't see these mountains of truth you speak of. Are you just running your mouth with no way to back it up? Why don't you state some actual Democrat policies that prove any of my previous statements are inaccurate.

As far as racism, I have yet to see any clear cut racist slurs and comments coming from republican politicians directed at the democrat individual's ethnicity and not simply those POLICIES they don't happen to agree with. I do however recall republican Michael Steel running for senate in a blue state, being pelted with Oreos while being referred to an Uncle Tom. Hardly the example of a democrat party that is above racism. Care to try that one again? Oh and do site some clear examples in your post the next time you care to reply.

Black Democratic leaders in Maryland say that racially tinged attacks against Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele in his bid for the U.S. Senate are fair because he is a conservative Republican.

Such attacks against the first black man to win a statewide election in Maryland include pelting him with Oreo cookies during a campaign appearance, calling him an “Uncle Tom” and depicting him as a black-faced minstrel on a liberal Web log.

‘Party trumps race’ for Steele foes

Don't LIE to me and tell me Democrats are not racist.

A good friend of mine who happened to be Black continued to vote Republican for one reason.....Lincoln freed the slaves.

When republican Lincoln freed the slaves, many southern good ol' boys decided to become "faux democrats". Th reality for your good friend is that Lincoln's republican party and the party that the GOP has now become is as different as night is to day.
. Says you racist.?... The very fact that you are constantly trying to seperate yourself from Americans for whom you disagree with, and then your doing this because of skin color (the excuse), instead of because of the policies that a party keeps in which are highly inclusive to all Americans who share the same values and principles, only proves your a racist. Racist !!!!
How are Republicans supposed to have blacks elected in our party when there are so few blacks in our party?

This is when YOU become a nitwit because of your own rhetoric and biases......

Throughout this thread you right wingers "praise" those blacks that vote republican as ENLIGHTENED......If that were truly the case, would not these enlightened blacks be PERFECT candidates for many elected positions for your equality-driven GOP??

That's too rational for these people! When they have reputable Blacks backing them like Powell, they end up disappointing him or using him for means other than truth like promoting idea of WMD's in IRAQ! His reputation is tarnished for all time when he very well could have run for President himself! Proves you can't dance with the Devil without being burned! :badgrin:

You really should to be better informed on the events leading up to the removal of Saddam, and the views of your political party, ignorance doesn't suit you.

Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 - Declares that it should be the policy of the United States to seek to remove the Saddam Hussein regime from power in Iraq and to replace it with a democratic government.

H.R.4655 - 105th Congress (1997-1998): Iraq Liberation Act of 1998

William J. Clinton: Statement on Signing the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998

"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), Dec. 16, 1998.

"There is no doubt that . Saddam Hussein has reinvigorated his weapons programs. Reports indicate that biological, chemical and nuclear programs continue apace and may be back to pre-Gulf War status. In addition, Saddam continues to redefine delivery systems and is doubtless using the cover of a licit missile program to develop longer-range missiles that will threaten the United States and our allies."
Letter to President Bush, Signed by Sen. Bob Graham (D, FL,) and others, Dec, 5, 2001.

"We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country."
Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002.

"The last UN weapons inspectors left Iraq in October1998. We are confident that Saddam Hussein retains some stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, and that he has since embarked on a crash course to build up his chemical and biological warfare capabilities. Intelligence reports indicate that he is seeking nuclear weapons..."
Sen. Robert Byrd (D, WV), Oct. 3, 2002.

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002

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