Black republicans...who are they really?

Yet another case of you liberal slave masters using fear in place of the whip to keep your slaves in line. A minimum wage increase will only cut jobs at McDonalds, and this crap with voter ID laws is just that, crap. You have to have I'd to get food stamps moron. Getting I'd is free. You lib racist need to come up with new matreial.

Be proud, right wingers, of having this nitwit in your midst.......

Raising the minimum wage....according to this tantamount to "enslaving" people.
Seocndly, the implication by this idiot is clear........since you need an ID to get food stamps, you should not bitch about showing that ID when voting........AS if voter ID laws impact ONLY people on food stamps.
Be proud, right wingers, of having this nitwit in your midst.......

Raising the minimum wage....according to this tantamount to "enslaving" people.
Seocndly, the implication by this idiot is clear........since you need an ID to get food stamps, you should not bitch about showing that ID when voting........AS if voter ID laws impact ONLY people on food stamps.

Why not? Your people believe that Voter-ID only effects Democrats.
So what's your suggestion here, that we tie them up with a rope and drag them into office?

The last two primaries we had blacks running for the nomination. Prior to that, the Republicans almost begged Powell to run, but his wife wouldn't' let him do it.

Oh no.......You can't wiggle out THAT easily......

Cain and your own party wisely chose, would have made terrible presidents.....and Powell, as a great choice for an elected position, would have been quickly labeled a RINO by most of your ilk.

How could Cain or Carson be any worse than electing a president with no leadership experience and only two years actually serving in Congress, when he didn't have dreams of campaigning? Community Organizer does not equate to making competent leadership decisions, you could have easily found a black democrat governor with more leadership experience. Do you think you can name one from among your many blue leaning liberal states?
My suggestion is that if republicans want to attract black voters, they best consider what BLACK PEOPLE WANT and reject racists and racist policy.

No one says that you have to do any of that .. just live with being the Whigs .. which is where the Republican Party is headed.

Powell was appointed, not elected .. and he didn't run because he has GREAT differences with republican policy .. as evidenced by the fact that he voted for Obama more than I did. :0) I never voted for Obama, Powell did twice.

Yes he did, and that's when Republicans rejected him. In the process, he stabbed his so-called friend....John McCain right in the back; a fellow ex-military man. And yes, Powell was appointed BY THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, and they asked him to run for the nomination for President.

And just what do black people want, and what policies do you think are racist?

The Republican party does not believe what Democrats believe, and that is dividing people up into groups, deciding which Americans they love and which Americans they hate, and then set out to favor those loved groups. Republicans believe in treating everybody the same regardless of color, but at the same time, that means no special anything for any particular group.
Raising the minimum wage....according to this tantamount to "enslaving" people.

Why is it you don't understand what a vicious circle this creates? Spell out the benefits vs. the consequences?

Seocndly, the implication by this idiot is clear........since you need an ID to get food stamps, you should not bitch about showing that ID when voting

Common sense didn't make it into your DNA did it? You need ID to do the most minor things, yet you seem to think ID for voting is irrelevant? You can't drive without it, you can't buy alcoholic beverages without it, you can't leave or enter a country legally without it, you can't enter a public school with out it, and the list goes on and on and on...

Does your tongue get you in trouble in your real life as much as it does here?
Like......raising the minimum wage....or stopping the changing of voters' ID laws to suit your needs (as openly admitted by some withing your party in moments of pure candor.)

Oh, that's what it would take? Then please do tell, why didn't we have a substantial black vote before Voter-ID or the minimum wage came up?

You brainwashed people come up with this racist Voter-ID thing you were programmed to say, yet can't explain how this racism works exactly. We are dying to hear how having one law for ALL people is somehow racist.
Really? Like what???

Like......raising the minimum wage....or stopping the changing of voters' ID laws to suit your needs (as openly admitted by some withing your party in moments of pure candor.)

Can you quote some of these republicans by name in their pure candor to support this?

I suppose when you find democrats committing voter fraud in elections, a voter ID to verify an individual, similar to that of a driver's license or a library card, might be too much to ask for.

I also find it interesting that there is not one case of voter suppression actually found that the democrats can prove and show a link as evidence. Perhaps it's like the boy who cried wolf?
Oh no.......You can't wiggle out THAT easily......

Cain and your own party wisely chose, would have made terrible presidents.....and Powell, as a great choice for an elected position, would have been quickly labeled a RINO by most of your ilk.

Sure beats labeling him an Uncle Tom by your ilk. After all, that's what you people called Carson and Cain.
My suggestion is that if republicans want to attract black voters, they best consider what BLACK PEOPLE WANT and reject racists and racist policy.

No one says that you have to do any of that .. just live with being the Whigs .. which is where the Republican Party is headed.

Powell was appointed, not elected .. and he didn't run because he has GREAT differences with republican policy .. as evidenced by the fact that he voted for Obama more than I did. :0) I never voted for Obama, Powell did twice.

Yes he did, and that's when Republicans rejected him. In the process, he stabbed his so-called friend....John McCain right in the back; a fellow ex-military man. And yes, Powell was appointed BY THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, and they asked him to run for the nomination for President.

And just what do black people want, and what policies do you think are racist?

The Republican party does not believe what Democrats believe, and that is dividing people up into groups, deciding which Americans they love and which Americans they hate, and then set out to favor those loved groups. Republicans believe in treating everybody the same regardless of color, but at the same time, that means no special anything for any particular group.

I thought it was one of the most responsible things Powell did after leaving Bush Admin.! Supporting McCain and putting Palin "1/2 a heartbeat" from the Presidency would have been tantamount to being irresponsible at the least and treacherous at the most! ;-/
Really? Like what???

Like......raising the minimum wage....or stopping the changing of voters' ID laws to suit your needs (as openly admitted by some withing your party in moments of pure candor.)

Can you quote some of these republicans by name in their pure candor to support this?

I suppose when you find democrats committing voter fraud in elections, a voter ID to verify an individual, similar to that of a driver's license or a library card, might be too much to ask for.

I also find it interesting that there is not one case of voter suppression actually found that the democrats can prove and show a link as evidence. Perhaps it's like the boy who cried wolf?

Just like you can't find a ton of Voter Fraud; it's all BS! :anj_stfu: :argue: :asshole:
I think the Democratic Party's propaganda has conned black people to vote Democrat. Wedge issues, like the rich getting richer, affirmative action, wages, it has been the call for Democrats for decades and we see the Democratic Party does nothing. They are still wedge issues and Elected Democrats neglect the issues. Nothing changes, nothing gets better.

That's about as idiotic as everything else you say.

If you think Black folks are a lot better off than they were in the 1960's, you are delusional.

That was when Democrats were more like Kennedy and not like Clinton, Carter or Obama. What did your great Democratic Party do with black unemployment in 2009? It was a lot higher than any other segment. What do the great Democratic Party do for them?

What has the great black President done in the last 8 years to stop the separating of rich and poor?
. Shouldn't have been the president's agenda to stop the seperation of the rich and the poor, but only to find ways to help all the poor be it black and white. He was supposed to work for the whole of this nation, but he blew it badly. There are many ways to help without making the rich your sworn enemy in life. I mean how stupid was that ?

Amazing that he has been elected twice. 'Course Hell Fire......any bunch of humans capable of re electing George W. Bush are capable of anything.
Really? Like what???

Like......raising the minimum wage....or stopping the changing of voters' ID laws to suit your needs (as openly admitted by some withing your party in moments of pure candor.)

Can you quote some of these republicans by name in their pure candor to support this?

I suppose when you find democrats committing voter fraud in elections, a voter ID to verify an individual, similar to that of a driver's license or a library card, might be too much to ask for.

I also find it interesting that there is not one case of voter suppression actually found that the democrats can prove and show a link as evidence. Perhaps it's like the boy who cried wolf?

Just like you can't find a ton of Voter Fraud; it's all BS! :anj_stfu: :argue: :asshole:

I'll make a deal with you. I will list one case of voter fraud for every one of your voter suppression cases. I am willing to bet I can actually PRODUCE some evidence. Who is the bullshitter now?
I thought it was one of the most responsible things Powell did after leaving Bush Admin.! Supporting McCain and putting Palin "1/2 a heartbeat" from the Presidency would have been tantamount to being irresponsible at the least and treacherous at the most! ;-/

Oh yes, that liberal crystal ball again.

While I'm no McCain fan, he would have done a hell of a lot better than what we have in the White House today, and we wouldn't be near 20 trillion in debt either. I and millions of others would still have our employer health insurance today, our cell phone bills would either be lower or have more features for the money, and those of us that have credit card debt wouldn't be charged a fee for balance transfers either.

McCain would have saved us all a lot of money.
Really? Like what???

Like......raising the minimum wage....or stopping the changing of voters' ID laws to suit your needs (as openly admitted by some withing your party in moments of pure candor.)

Can you quote some of these republicans by name in their pure candor to support this?

I suppose when you find democrats committing voter fraud in elections, a voter ID to verify an individual, similar to that of a driver's license or a library card, might be too much to ask for.

I also find it interesting that there is not one case of voter suppression actually found that the democrats can prove and show a link as evidence. Perhaps it's like the boy who cried wolf?

Just like you can't find a ton of Voter Fraud; it's all BS! :anj_stfu: :argue: :asshole:

I have an entire folder of voter fraud stories. How many would you like me to post?
Really? Like what???

Like......raising the minimum wage....or stopping the changing of voters' ID laws to suit your needs (as openly admitted by some withing your party in moments of pure candor.)

Can you quote some of these republicans by name in their pure candor to support this?

I suppose when you find democrats committing voter fraud in elections, a voter ID to verify an individual, similar to that of a driver's license or a library card, might be too much to ask for.

I also find it interesting that there is not one case of voter suppression actually found that the democrats can prove and show a link as evidence. Perhaps it's like the boy who cried wolf?

Just like you can't find a ton of Voter Fraud; it's all BS! :anj_stfu: :argue: :asshole:

I have an entire folder of voter fraud stories. How many would you like me to post?

Wait ... give Fiero a chance to at least catch up, he hasn't even started yet. I think I just found myself a deer in headlights, uncertsin if he can take me up on this.
No I don't answer lists of stupid questions from republicans.

You claim that Conservative policies are racist yet you can't spell out what is so wrong with them, why is that?

If you don't actually know the difference between democratic and republican policy

I know the difference, you on the other hand are unable to spell it out, you claim they are stupid questions...

Why in the Hell would any black person want to associate with racists?

Good question, that's why I can't understand why you would vote for liberals? Name just a few Liberal policies that benefit Blacks over Whites?

Again all you can articulate is hate, wake up and realize your a victim of your own doing...
putting Palin "1/2 a heartbeat" from the Presidency would have been tantamount to being irresponsible at the least and treacherous at the most! ;-/

Yeah Bidden makes me fell at peace...

Well he should in comparison to that Alaskan redneck with her crazy arse husband leading a movement for their state to secede from the United States! Yeah, that's Presidential material there! :anj_stfu: :argue: :ahole-1:
Yet another case of you liberal slave masters using fear in place of the whip to keep your slaves in line. A minimum wage increase will only cut jobs at McDonalds, and this crap with voter ID laws is just that, crap. You have to have I'd to get food stamps moron. Getting I'd is free. You lib racist need to come up with new matreial.

Be proud, right wingers, of having this nitwit in your midst.......

Raising the minimum wage....according to this tantamount to "enslaving" people.
Seocndly, the implication by this idiot is clear........since you need an ID to get food stamps, you should not bitch about showing that ID when voting........AS if voter ID laws impact ONLY people on food stamps.

It's only you racist libs who want to keep your minority slaves trapped in these jobs moron. You keep your slaves in these crappy jobs so they have to stay on food stamps, and have to vote libtards into office. And yes, voter ID laws do impact those who,want food stamps, a library card, to buy utilities, drive a car, get on a bus or airplane, use a credit card, rent a house or apertment. So stop with the bleeding heart bull shit. Even the minorities you take such a dim view of are not that stupid you racist moron. Now, with it being the fourth don't you clan folk have crosses to burn and coloreds to beat up?
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putting Palin "1/2 a heartbeat" from the Presidency would have been tantamount to being irresponsible at the least and treacherous at the most! ;-/

Yeah Bidden makes me fell at peace...

Well he should in comparison to that Alaskan redneck with her crazy arse husband leading a movement for their state to secede from the United States! Yeah, that's Presidential material there! :anj_stfu: :argue: :ahole-1:

Thank God Obama survived...

3. "Look, John's last-minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the number-one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S, jobs." --Joe Biden, Athens, Ohio, Oct. 15, 2008

2. "Stand up, Chuck, let 'em see ya." –-Joe Biden, to Missouri state Sen. Chuck Graham, who is in a wheelchair, Columbia, Missouri, Sept. 12, 2008 (Watch video clip)

1. "This is a big fucking deal!" --Joe Biden, caught on an open mic congratulating President Barack Obama during the health care signing ceremony, Washington, D.C., March 23, 2010 (Watch video clip)

Joe's an idiot of the first order, but you have nothing to worry about you still have him beat...

I know Joe's smarter than you...:banghead::banghead::banghead: :bsflag::thewave: :spinner::spinner::spinner: :lame2::lame2::lame2: :dig::dig::dig: :asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole:

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