Black republicans...who are they really?

Question: After you've read the 'N' word and other insults on this site .. how many times have you admonished the poster using it? How many times have you told them how ignorant that was and how it makes you all look like racist buffoons?

Do you believe everyone is racist because someone uses this word? How many times have you admonished someone for using that word? You're going to support dependency policies because someone uses the N word? Hate is strong in you...

:0) Are you serious?

Someone white who isn't part of black culture using this word is most certainly racist.

.. and yes, I admonish black people for using it .. although that isn't racist anymore than you calling another white person a 'redneck.'
Worng asshole, we insult Democrats and their lemmings. Blacks are fine leftwing fucking retards whether they are white, black, Indian, chinese, ect, should be criticized and mocked repeatedly

Then go right ahead and mock them you ignorant bitch. :0) Doesn't change a goddamn thing .. other then validating why we don't vote for you assclowns.

I fully support your right to be a racist asshole and destroy all the bullshit notions about republicans not being racist.

Thanks :0)

What was racist about what I said? See you turn everything into that. Omfg I just posted we do like blacks, not liberals, but that's racist? How is mocking liberals racist. Next time read my whole post dickface

No, Hell NO .. your party does not like black people .. and you're posting on the evidence of that.

Question: After you've read the 'N' word and other insults on this site .. how many times have you admonished the poster using it? How many times have you told them how ignorant that was and how it makes you all look like racist buffoons?

How about you mocking the idiocy of your own party?

You're so full of shit. Wtf does the N word have to do about it? You think Democrats or black people don't use it? Are you that naive?

Again you are just talking out of your ass, but what makes you think repilublivans hate blacks, because they oppose stupid liberal policies?

It's as stupid as saying we oppose Obama because he's black, we oppose him because he's leftwing like every other fucking retarded democrat. Name one democrat president or candidate that was white that Republicans did not oppose.
I love how people like you are so duplicitous, by saying things in black areas are so bad we need more programs, but if a Republican points out how bad black areas are, they are stereotyping an racist. Hmmmm you guys have it both ways.

On the contrary there, right winger,........... democrats DO call for remedies to the squalor that exists in some cities, while your ilk simply points out that black areas of cities are filled with propensity for crime, low levels of education, dismal housing, etc.....AND then simply offer NOTHING to ameliorate the situation. Lip service by republicans versus some policies to make the situation a bit better is what separates these 2 major parties......and then you wonder why???
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Worng asshole, we insult Democrats and their lemmings. Blacks are fine leftwing fucking retards whether they are white, black, Indian, chinese, ect, should be criticized and mocked repeatedly

Then go right ahead and mock them you ignorant bitch. :0) Doesn't change a goddamn thing .. other then validating why we don't vote for you assclowns.

I fully support your right to be a racist asshole and destroy all the bullshit notions about republicans not being racist.

Thanks :0)

What was racist about what I said? See you turn everything into that. Omfg I just posted we do like blacks, not liberals, but that's racist? How is mocking liberals racist. Next time read my whole post dickface

No, Hell NO .. your party does not like black people .. and you're posting on the evidence of that.

Question: After you've read the 'N' word and other insults on this site .. how many times have you admonished the poster using it? How many times have you told them how ignorant that was and how it makes you all look like racist buffoons?

How about you mocking the idiocy of your own party?

You're so full of shit. Wtf does the N word have to do about it? You think Democrats or black people don't use it? Are you that naive?

Again you are just talking out of your ass, but what makes you think repilublivans hate blacks, because they oppose stupid liberal policies?

It's as stupid as saying we oppose Obama because he's black, we oppose him because he's leftwing like every other fucking retarded democrat. Name one democrat president or candidate that was white that Republicans did not oppose.

:0) If you believe that bullshit .. I have no problem with the bullshit that you believe.


This is also true of WOMEN ..


Thanks for stopping by.
For example If a well spoken black doesn't get the job it looks racist but when the black guy can't speak intelligently you give whites justification why they didn't hire the black.

Now, substitute that "black" in your example for a newly arrived to the states Korean......and judge for yourself the level of "tolerance" in the rest of your little scenario.........
What was racist about what I said? See you turn everything into that. Omfg I just posted we do like blacks, not liberals, but that's racist? How is mocking liberals racist. Next time read my whole post dickface

As flawed as your "logic" clearly is, let me offer you a simple correlation.......You HATE liberals....fine; however, since most blacks tend to be somewhat liberal in their political stances, would not then the conclusion also be made that you hate most blacks for being liberal?
Things were getting better for blacks in Detroit and flint then Republicans invented NAFTA and sent those jobs overseas.

All for corporate profits and cheap consumer goods.

Not to be too picky here.....but the first couple of letter of the acronym, NAFTA......actually imply that the jobs could NOT have gone overseas.......Try just stating that many jobs went to Mexico (and a few to Canada)
You think I should be voting with you assholes? :lol:

You should vote for what's best for our country, not what's best for a single race...

Fuck that .. and fuck people who think there is a difference.

And you're calling who a racist? Need to do a little self reflecting before you label anyone...

:lol: sure


Hypocrisy looks like you...
This thread has gone on for a bit too long........and the salient point to these 1200 posts is actually simple......

Democrats have tried (and admittedly not always with successful results) to tackle issues to help our black communities...through job programs, education,housing, health services, etc.

Conversely, republicans have offered virtually NOTHING but the casting of derision toward these same black communities (e.g, "they're lazy"......"too many unwed mothers"...."black constantly kill each other"....etc.)......and THEN, republicans actually have the balls to both wonder and state, "what's wrong with these blacks for not voting for republicans"??????" :
Yet another case of you liberal slave masters using fear in place of the whip to keep your slaves in line. A minimum wage increase will only cut jobs at McDonalds, and this crap with voter ID laws is just that, crap. You have to have I'd to get food stamps moron. Getting I'd is free. You lib racist need to come up with new matreial.

Be proud, right wingers, of having this nitwit in your midst.......

Raising the minimum wage....according to this tantamount to "enslaving" people.
Seocndly, the implication by this idiot is clear........since you need an ID to get food stamps, you should not bitch about showing that ID when voting........AS if voter ID laws impact ONLY people on food stamps.
. Continue to be ignorant or show your ignorance, because you are trying to suggest that the minimum wage law should now be used as a living wage law instead of a introductory ground floor wage law ? The socialist communist style managers/ceo's of these companies do love your idiotic position taken on this. Why ? Because they look at it to say "OK", we will make the minimum wage a living wage across the board then, and that will be set as the labor rate for laborers. If want more one will have to move up into management.

They are loving it, because if the government starts forcing companies to set the labor rate for labor at a specific living wage, and it is to be considered a living wage not based upon a structural pay grade system that is usually run freely by any company, then they are enacting socialist policies when doing this or they are opening the gates for companies to happily go along with it all.

The labor force don't need blanketing socialist policy making, but what it needs is investigations that look into companies that do not have a structural pay grade system, and are trying to use blanket socialist policies to cheat their achieving employees out of their just rewards or a fair share in the profits that should be given under an independent structural pay grade system. The pay grade system should be a system that is unique to the specific company or corporation worked for, and not one that the government should have it's nose in, other than making sure a company is running a structural pay grade system where there is an entrance pay, and then a ladder system after that in which ends with an exit strategy if the employee remains loyal for years & years to the company. No need to dictate anything, but merely just maybe ask that companies demonstrate good practices & policies for their employees.
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That was when Democrats were more like Kennedy and not like Clinton, Carter or Obama. What did your great Democratic Party do with black unemployment in 2009? It was a lot higher than any other segment. What do the great Democratic Party do for them?

What has the great black President done in the last 8 years to stop the separating of rich and poor?

Sorry, dude, again, I'm a Republican. I'm just waiting for the rest of the party to get over the shades of Crazy it has been in since 2008 when the Scary Negro made you all sad.

But to the point, I will admit, a lot of policies, well meaning as they are, have failed and we need to try something else. It's just nothing your side suggests is really very helpful.

You are not a republican nutter, you talk about sides, so you are a lefty nutter, just like righty nutters you are part of the problem and lie to make yourself think you are justified.

Nothing you have suggested has helped either. Your racial overtones are pretty funny. Nothing about our President is scary. I don't like his policies but he is still the President. I don't let silly partisan politics get in the way of respect. I know you do, but you, like I said am not a partisan nut job.
Look at the dates .. see if you can hear any bells going off.

At one time in American history, nearly all blacks were republicans .. before the Republican Party became the home of racists and racism .. and befopre you deny that truth .. look at the comments in this thread.

Thanks for trying.

The explanation as to why many blacks became republicans in the late 19th century is rather simple.

Lincoln was a republican who FREED slaves (prompting southern ex-slave owners to join the former democrat party)....
Any modern day black republican, however, is mostly doing it for self-serving and NOT policy driven reasons.

It's not that black republicans are self serving as much as democrats have politically become more power driven.

Denocrats have been very good manipulators and "salesmen" in their message to draw blacks to their party. Every election they talk about the rich not paying their fair share and that they are the party that will force to make it happen. This same message that returns every election cycle leaves the view that republicans are made up of those that tend to be rich and more successful, where the blacks feel they are not.

Democrats add to this by saying affirmative action is still needed in this country. Now we have a policy that looks solely at skin color over qualifying efforts and achievement, this leaves blacks with an automatic advantage over other people of race which begins to add to more of an "entitlement" mindset over just hard working effort. Add the case in Connecticut where firemen were denied their promotion because not enough blacks were able to pass the test, and an administration that believes that a policy lowering test standards is the proper way to get more blacks promoted. This would only further drive the entitlement mentality, as again republicans are to be viewed through democrat rhetoric as being more successful, while blacks vote democrat because they feel they are being held back and need that added "edge" to make them feel more successful.

Black republicans believe that they can work hard to be successful within their own race without the need to lower standards or look for race driven policies to give them the added edge over other people of race. Black republicans try to send a message that they can achieve success, while this talk of "the evil rich" is just a ploy to take advantage and try to capitalize on those blacks who FEEL within themselves as being the least successful black "image" the Democrats given them to believe. Black republicans see the entitlement message played by liberal democrats as an excuse and a means for the individual NOT to try harder but for the government to provide for them. They see relying on government over relying on your own personal effort as a form of enslavement, because of the growing dependency that leaves them fearful every time those government policies (like affirmative action) are threatened to be removed ... leaving them to rely solely on their own individual abilities. Of course, taking away those policies like affirmative action, must mean you are a hateful racist, as Denocrats so like to use race to describe those that don't adhere to their liberal ideological political view. The Liberal Democrats are very good at labeling as they will always let you know who they feel are the more successful and rich, which party they represent, and which party it will take to provide for them with what they are "entitled" to have with their racial edge to get it.

There are too few black republicans to even matter. They have no power and no sway even within their own party.

The Democratic Party has a plethora of ELECTED BLACK PEOPLE .. the Republican Party does not. You failed to mention that in your biased analysis because it completely destroys your argument.

All the whining about who black people vote for from republicans won't make one iota of difference in elections. The is the bed REPUBLICANS have made .. not democrats.

I think the Democratic Party's propaganda has conned black people to vote Democrat. Wedge issues, like the rich getting richer, affirmative action, wages, it has been the call for Democrats for decades and we see the Democratic Party does nothing. They are still wedge issues and Elected Democrats neglect the issues. Nothing changes, nothing gets better. As we saw in 2009, black employment took the hardest hit. We saw Obama and the Democrats give lip service, but with all the talk, like year after year after year, the party in power, the blacks friends, sat back and did nothing but sympathize and blame others. Same old song and dance. The color of the man in power didn't matter, the democrats in congress, did nothing but blame.

:0) That's funny. In fact it is the Republican Party that has solidly convinced black people to vote for democrats.

Let's see if you can answer something every other republican making your claim runs away from ..

Democrats have elected a plethora of blacks legislators .. republicans have very few and their party remains virtually all-white.

Question: Why should any black person vote for a virtually all-white party that doesn't elect black people?

.. and while you're pondering that .. ponder this ...


Did democrats "con" Asians too? Are they looking for 'handouts?'

In fact, NO non-white group in America votes overwhelmingly republican.


I'm betting that you could see better without your blinders on.

You can't answer my questions, yet you want me to answer yours? Pretty funny.
I think the Democratic Party's propaganda has conned black people to vote Democrat

From the above simple sentence, two "conclusions can be reached.....Neither of them bode too well for your right wing cause:

First conclusion: Blacks are easily "conned".....

Second conclusion.......Right wingers are too dumb to emulate (or implement) the policies toward blacks that could win them national elections.

First off, you are easily conned as are most liberals and I don't know your skin color, nor do I care.

Secondly, tough con game waged by the DNC, especially when libs fall for the con job.
So what's your suggestion here, that we tie them up with a rope and drag them into office?

The last two primaries we had blacks running for the nomination. Prior to that, the Republicans almost begged Powell to run, but his wife wouldn't' let him do it.

Oh no.......You can't wiggle out THAT easily......

Cain and your own party wisely chose, would have made terrible presidents.....and Powell, as a great choice for an elected position, would have been quickly labeled a RINO by most of your ilk.

Cain would have been a good President. I loved Alan Keyes, but what do I know, I like Sanders. I think it is the honesty thing.
You are not a republican nutter, you talk about sides, so you are a lefty nutter, just like righty nutters you are part of the problem and lie to make yourself think you are justified.

Nothing you have suggested has helped either. Your racial overtones are pretty funny. Nothing about our President is scary. I don't like his policies but he is still the President. I don't let silly partisan politics get in the way of respect. I know you do, but you, like I said am not a partisan nut job.

No, you are a non-partisan nutjob... and I do love the space i occupy in your head rent-free.
So what's your suggestion here, that we tie them up with a rope and drag them into office?

The last two primaries we had blacks running for the nomination. Prior to that, the Republicans almost begged Powell to run, but his wife wouldn't' let him do it.

Oh no.......You can't wiggle out THAT easily......

Cain and your own party wisely chose, would have made terrible presidents.....and Powell, as a great choice for an elected position, would have been quickly labeled a RINO by most of your ilk.

How could Cain or Carson be any worse than electing a president with no leadership experience and only two years actually serving in Congress, when he didn't have dreams of campaigning? Community Organizer does not equate to making competent leadership decisions, you could have easily found a black democrat governor with more leadership experience. Do you think you can name one from among your many blue leaning liberal states?

Was never a big Carson fan, but he is a better alternative to Clinton and Trump.
You guys blame us for everything even your own failures.

The other day you guys were saying places like Detroit suck because they are run by liberals. Now you're claiming cities and states run by cons suck because of liberals? What an intellectually dishonest simpleton you are

For right wingers "blaming liberals" for all that may be wrong with our society, is a hell of a lot easier (and dumber) than coming to term with their own screwed up mindset.

After the racist comments sealy has made, you still stick by him. That pretty interesting.

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