Black republicans...who are they really?

Actually, H1B visas do harm Americans.
New H-1B bill will 'help destroy' U.S. tech workforce

New Data Show How Firms Like Infosys and Tata Abuse the H-1B Program

Lower wages

The principal reason that firms use H-1Bs to replace American workers is because H-1B nonimmigrant workers are much cheaper than locally recruited and hired U.S. workers. As Table 1 shows, Infosys and Tata pay very low wages to their H-1B workers. The average wage for an H-1B employee at Infosys in FY13 was $70,882 and for Tata it was $65,565. Compare this to the average wage of a Computer Systems Analyst in Rosemead, CA (where SCE is located), which is $91,990 (according to the U.S. Department of Labor). That means Infosys and Tata save well over $20,000 per worker per year, by hiring an H-1B instead of a local U.S. worker earning the average wage. But at SCE specifically, the wage savings are much greater. SCE recently commissioned a consulting firm, Aon-Hewitt, to conduct a compensation study, which showed that SCE’s IT specialists were earning an average annual base pay of $110,446. That means Tata and Infosys are getting a 36 to 41 percent savings on labor costs—or saving about $40,000 to $45,000 per worker per year.

They aren't bringing people in that are more skilled. There is no shortage in the US. That myth was debunked several years ago.

Incidently this is why it is absolutely necessary to keep Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, and whites divided. So, we can all fight over the scraps at the bottom.

SO what does all of this have to do with Black Republicans? If you have a need for further discussion on this topic try one of these threads:
U.S. Senator blasts Microsoft's H-1B push as it lays off 18,000 workers

View attachment 79864

I don't need those threads. I have posted in many. But, yeah it has everything to do with it.
Everything. Gates Clinton Foundation.

Gates to Congress: Microsoft needs more H-1B visas
Bill Gates makes the (bogus) case for more (cheap) foreign labor

Melinda Gates

Sessions criticizes Gates's call for visas amid Microsoft layoffs

Repubs acknowledging dillema:
Republicans Could Win Votes by Opposing Guest-Worker Programs, by Fred Bauer, National Review

Hillary In Favor of More H1B Visas:

Hillary Clinton made $3.2 million from the tech sector. Now she’s hitting it up for campaign dollars.

I didn't know Bill Gates was a Black Republican. He must be for you to be referencing him here in this op!

You're embarrassed. I understand. It happens.

I am only embarrassed by being seen conversing with a silly neophyte like you.

O-1 Visa: Individuals with Extraordinary Ability or Achievement

The problem is you refuse to take the same group of people to task. That's the problem.

I'd have no problem if we replaced welfare with workfare. If we put the poor to work doing something.

You know who'd complain about it? Private companies bidding for the same work.

No, I don't blame poor people for being poor in a largely racist society.

Joe.............take the Democrats to task. :slap:
I think it was (black as coal) who said that I didn't have any right to judge anyone on welfare or food stamps. A little secret for black as coal... My mom was locked up when we were kids for food stamp fraud. She was so addicted, that it was like gambling where the stakes kept getting higher and higher for her, and she became more & more dependent in ways that were unhealthy for us as a family. Even with the cheating, she still couldn't climb out of poverty, so her lesson was learned. She married my step dad to be, and got a job finally. The rest was the past in which she would rather not remember or talk about. She got away from the government taking care of us, and it was the best thing that ever happened to us. I wouldn't think that welfare should be stopped for those who truly struggle in life, but the managers of it all needs to change. It doesn't need to be a corrupting, dependency breeding thing, but it needs to be a safety net for those who truly need it in life for that only. Free Cell phones ? How crazy is that ? How about adding debt counselors that work with clients in order to help get them free of these props in which they think they need in life ? How about random drug screenings for those who are on these programs, and if they test positive then get them help in a drug program, but don't cut there welfare off completely, because there might be children depending on the benefits as well. Like I said proper management needed, and not political gerrymandering needed. What has taken place is we have a party that has taken these poor, and now uses them for potential voters, and this is based upon the Democrat party making the poor think that they are receiving these benefits by the hands of the Democrats (the only ones who care).

Post where I said what you claim. Can you do that? .. NO, you cannot because I never said it and I rarely talk to republicans about food stamps or welfare.

Whatever happened to you, happened to you .. doesn't have shit to do with anything but you.

Your braindead commentary on democrats and the poor is just silly and indicative of why I don't talk to republicans about such things.

Stop making shit up.
Which policies? What legislation?

VOTING .. which republicans would cut off for black Americans if they could.

Health care, Social Security, Affirmative action, economic policy, guns, etc, etc

In fact, I can't think of a single thing republicans stand for that blacks should support.

Tell me about the economic policies, the Social Security policies and the health care policies.

Your turn ..

How about you telling me why you think anyone black should support the Republican Party of their policies.

Tell me why anyone should vote for people who hate them?

Why should anyone black support a virtually all-white political party?

Can't think of any reasons why anyone black should vote republican, eh?

Don't worry .. I can't either.

I'm as close to a socialist as your gonna find on this forum.

Doubt that seriously.
VOTING .. which republicans would cut off for black Americans if they could.

Health care, Social Security, Affirmative action, economic policy, guns, etc, etc

In fact, I can't think of a single thing republicans stand for that blacks should support.

Tell me about the economic policies, the Social Security policies and the health care policies.

Your turn ..

How about you telling me why you think anyone black should support the Republican Party of their policies.

Tell me why anyone should vote for people who hate them?

Why should anyone black support a virtually all-white political party?

Can't think of any reasons why anyone black should vote republican, eh?

Don't worry .. I can't either.

I'm as close to a socialist as your gonna find on this forum.

Doubt that seriously.

I don't give a damn.
VOTING .. which republicans would cut off for black Americans if they could.

Health care, Social Security, Affirmative action, economic policy, guns, etc, etc

In fact, I can't think of a single thing republicans stand for that blacks should support.

Tell me about the economic policies, the Social Security policies and the health care policies.

Your turn ..

How about you telling me why you think anyone black should support the Republican Party of their policies.

Tell me why anyone should vote for people who hate them?

Why should anyone black support a virtually all-white political party?

So, just so we are don't know?

I'll be back. Take your time.

Let's be clear .. I'm not your fucking puppet, nor your school teacher.

If you can't answer any questions .. and obviously you can't .. then don't ask any.

You're a fucking puppet. That we know. You can't identify the policy or the legislation. You must have been shitting bricks when Obama proposed that chained CPI. Eh?

You took a look at the number of Dems that wanted to fast track the TPP. Right? Or the number of Dems begging for an increase in H1B visas? Right? You were all over screwing the US Post Office around, amiright? didn't give a fuck. You still don't.

First, I'm not a democrat moron .. and I didn't vote for Obama.

Doesn't go without notice dummy that you couldn't address a single thing I said .. and I put plenty of meat on the table to draw you out. :0) Turns out there was nothing there.

You don't know shit and you aren't that bright. Just another RW clown talking in meme.
Tell me about the economic policies, the Social Security policies and the health care policies.

Your turn ..

How about you telling me why you think anyone black should support the Republican Party of their policies.

Tell me why anyone should vote for people who hate them?

Why should anyone black support a virtually all-white political party?

Can't think of any reasons why anyone black should vote republican, eh?

Don't worry .. I can't either.

I'm as close to a socialist as your gonna find on this forum.

Doubt that seriously.

I don't give a damn.

Who the fuck cares dummy? :0)
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Libs are the ultimate racists. They traded the whip for food stamps.

......and yet, you nitwits STILL can't get minorities to ever vote for your ilk......Why do you think that is???? LOL
In the last 9 presidential elections, republicans have averaged a whopping 8.2% of the black vote. :lol::lol::lol:

There are your 'black republicans' .. all 8% of them. :lol:

No one is denying that the Dems have lock on the vast majority of the black vote.

The op was stating that those few who rebel are doing so for, basically vile reasons.

The debate has been between those who agree that no black person could reasonable be a republican,

and those who see no problem with it.

Your pointing out that the vast majority of blacks are dems is completely irrelevant.
Libs are the ultimate racists. They traded the whip for food stamps.

......and yet, you nitwits STILL can't get minorities to ever vote for your ilk......Why do you think that is???? LOL

Your side is excellent at race baiting and lying.

Good job.

Hey, BTW, do you see any down side to tearing this nation apart? Just asking.
In the last 9 presidential elections, republicans have averaged a whopping 8.2% of the black vote. :lol::lol::lol:

There are your 'black republicans' .. all 8% of them. :lol:

And that's ok. I don't give a damn who people vote for. But what can't happen is to continue to pretend the Democrats are not engaged in most of the same policies that are detrimental.

Democrats aren't as racist or as stupid as republicans .. and both are why republicans find themselves in the dire and desperate shape they're in today.

Care to name the last racist Republican policy?
In the last 9 presidential elections, republicans have averaged a whopping 8.2% of the black vote. :lol::lol::lol:

There are your 'black republicans' .. all 8% of them. :lol:

And that's ok. I don't give a damn who people vote for. But what can't happen is to continue to pretend the Democrats are not engaged in most of the same policies that are detrimental.

Democrats aren't as racist or as stupid as republicans .. and both are why republicans find themselves in the dire and desperate shape they're in today.

And the policies?

Democratic policies are FAR more palatable for African-Americans then republican policies .. OBVIOUSLY.

AND, democrats elect African-Americans .. republicans do not.

Noy sure why anyone would expect blacks to vote for people who hate us .. and who we hate.

That hate-hate relationship is working just fine .. for us.

WHo told you republicans hate blacks?

Though, thanks for the tip on you hating us. That explains a lot.

DO you hate just republicans, or, as republicans are the majority of the white population, whites?
And that's ok. I don't give a damn who people vote for. But what can't happen is to continue to pretend the Democrats are not engaged in most of the same policies that are detrimental.

Democrats aren't as racist or as stupid as republicans .. and both are why republicans find themselves in the dire and desperate shape they're in today.

And the policies?

Democratic policies are FAR more palatable for African-Americans then republican policies .. OBVIOUSLY.

AND, democrats elect African-Americans .. republicans do not.

Noy sure why anyone would expect blacks to vote for people who hate us .. and who we hate.

That hate-hate relationship is working just fine .. for us.

Which policies? What legislation?

VOTING .. which republicans would cut off for black Americans if they could.

Health care, Social Security, Affirmative action, economic policy, guns, etc, etc

In fact, I can't think of a single thing republicans stand for that blacks should support.

Tell me about the economic policies, the Social Security policies and the health care policies.

Your turn ..

How about you telling me why you think anyone black should support the Republican Party of their policies.

Tell me why anyone should vote for people who hate them?

Why should anyone black support a virtually all-white political party?

So, just so we are don't know?

I'll be back. Take your time.

Let's be clear .. I'm not your fucking puppet, nor your school teacher.

If you can't answer any questions .. and obviously you can't .. then don't ask any.

You're a fucking puppet. That we know. You can't identify the policy or the legislation. You must have been shitting bricks when Obama proposed that chained CPI. Eh?

You took a look at the number of Dems that wanted to fast track the TPP. Right? Or the number of Dems begging for an increase in H1B visas? Right? You were all over screwing the US Post Office around, amiright? didn't give a fuck. You still don't.

First, I'm not a democrat moron .. and I didn't vote for Obama.

Doesn't go without notice dummy that you couldn't address a single thing I said .. and I put plenty of meat on the table to draw you out. :0) Turns out there was nothing there.

You don't know shit and you aren't that bright. Just another RW clown talking in meme.

Actually, fucktwit.........I'm as close to a socialist as you're going to find on this forum. That's left.........asshat. LEFT.

You couldn't address what I said. At all. And you're trying to flip the script. suck at that. You have no meat on the table. At this don't even have a table. You told me the Democrat policies were more palatable economic, healthcare, social security. You couldn't identify them.'re desperately trying to protect those policies.

Your rational has been the Republicans are stupid and racist. Well, some of them are. Some Democrats are stupid and racist. But those "palatable policies" .......are shit.
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Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.

I agree with you, but it also works both ways.

Is it not fair to say that there weren't people who voted for Obama just because he was black? 93% of black people voted for Obama in 2012.

What would happen if 93% of white people voted from Romney (I was not one of them mind you)?

I think both sides are equally naive when it comes to race.

Except that 93% of white people did NOT vote for Romney.

WHites are the MOST evenly split ethnic group, politically speaking.
In the last 9 presidential elections, republicans have averaged a whopping 8.2% of the black vote. :lol::lol::lol:

There are your 'black republicans' .. all 8% of them. :lol:

And that's ok. I don't give a damn who people vote for. But what can't happen is to continue to pretend the Democrats are not engaged in most of the same policies that are detrimental.

Democrats aren't as racist or as stupid as republicans .. and both are why republicans find themselves in the dire and desperate shape they're in today.

Care to name the last racist Republican policy?

Voter-Id laws.

Don't tell me you're trying to imply that republicans aren't racist. :0)

Any idea why non-white Americans shun your party like the plague? :0) Democrats fault?
Those might be true...but the truth is their still excuses at the end of the day, and any student in America has the opportunity to live successful lives.

Uh, guy, let's fucking get real here... today, mos americans regardless of race are just lucky to get by. This is what 40 years of Republican war on the middle class has given you.

And yet, you are supporting the candidate that will continue those policies.

Hey, BTW, do you see any down side to tearing this nation apart? Just asking.

None whatsoever......The GOP is a dying party....thanks to your racism and, of course, candidates like Trump....

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