Black republicans...who are they really?

Here's the really good news .. what you think doesn't mean shit. I'm serious.

More innuendo, you cannot list even one Conservative policy that harms Blacks, and you think this is not a civil discussion? Your weakness is old, grow up and have an adult conversation or say nothing...

If you can't think of any conservative policy that black people stand firmly against, then you aren't looking for serious conversation. I'm not looking to waste time talking to a knucklehead.

No I can't, are these supposed to be Blacks who are racist like you or non racist? I have a number of Black friends who can at least have a discussion, you have too much hatred, you're probably ruined for life...

I don't need you to answer the question of why no majority of non-white people support the Republican Party ..

Let's be real, you can't answer it, it's over your head...

I do have civil conversations here with people who speak with civility and not ask dumb questions.

It's only a dumb question to you because you can't list a single one, pretty shallow...

What .. you again? :lol:

You're just a really, really ignorant man making really, really ignorant argument.

Here's how it works you fucking moron .. I'll post republican policies that are decidedly racist .. and you'll deny they are. What the fuck is the point of any conversation between a moron like you and I? What's the point?

Affirmative Action
Racial profiling
Aid to cities
Grand juries
Public education
Stand your ground
Fair Housing

Just a few .. and I don't give a rats ass whether you agree or not.

Republicans aren't racist? .. SOUTHERN STRATEGY you ignorant fool. Republicans embraced racists and racism.

Not one single majority of non-white Americans embrace the Republican Party .. they are ALL democrats .. including Jews .. including a majority of women.

How about you slime your ignorant ass back under the rock you came from and stop asking me dumb ass questions.

Oh yeah :0) .. No one wants your ignorant life .. least of all me.
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They've proved they can't be trusted to keep their promises and actually obstruct in such a way as to endanger our credit rating and national security!

That's true. They keep wanting to spend money we don't have sinking us further into debt and have a nearly open border where just about anybody can walk in.

You dumbass....there wouldn't even be a debt if the Republicans hadn't kept cutting tax rates for the rich:

..............................................Total U S Debt................................................

Figures Easily Verified....Taken From the Bureau of the Debt

US: $18,775,084,981,440 - Debt as of December 2015?

09/30/2014 $17,824,071,380,733.82

09/30/2013 $16,738,183,526,697.32

09/30/2012 $16,066,241,407,385.89

09/30/2011 $14,790,340,328,557.15

09/30/2010 $13,561,623,030,891.79

09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75(80% Of All Debt Across 232 Years Borrowed By Reagan And Bushes)

09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49(Times Square Debt Clock Modified To Accommodate Tens of Trillions)

09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48

09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23

09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50

09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32

09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62(Second Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16

09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06(First Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86(Administration And Congress Arguing About How To Use Surplus)

09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43(First Surplus Generated...On Track To Pay Off Debt By 2012)

09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62

09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34

09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73

09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39

09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32 (Bill Clinton Raised Taxes On The Rich early 1993)

09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38 ( Debt Quadrupled By Reagan/Bush41)

09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66

09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03

09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25

09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32

09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16

09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00

09/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42

09/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00

09/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00

09/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00

09/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00(Total Debt Passes $1 Trillion)(Reagan Slashed Tax Rates To Pre Depression Levels)

09/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00
A black republican that actually made sense. He should have been the republican 'Obama.'

J.C. Watts on GOP minority outreach: ‘I’ll believe it when I see it’

J.C. Watts, one of the stars the convention crowd came to hear and take pictures with on Friday night, talked about his own dissatisfaction with the general GOP effort. “The key is to put teeth in it and to be real about it,” he told me. “I’ll believe it when I see it.” Watts, a former Republican U.S. Congressman from Oklahoma and now a columnist and consultant based in Washington, D.C., continues to be a symbol and ambassador for African-American GOP success.

The one-time football star used an appropriate analogy. “After you lose the Super Bowl twice, in ’08 and 2012, people start Monday morning quarterbacking. … I’ve been doing it for 20 years. Jack Kemp and I said in the early ’90s when I first got into politics that we will become irrelevant eventually if we don’t do a better job.

J.C. Watts on GOP minority outreach: ‘I’ll believe it when I see it’
If America has already rejected my party, they sure did a bad job out of showing that the last two midterms. would take some right winger smarter than you to fully comprehend this....

First, your party will win midterm elections for the next decade of so, simply because old white men and their "dutiful" wives mahe damn sure to show up to vote since they see that the "end is near"....

Second, when it comes to national/general elections when the hype is all over the media, minorities will show up to vote and your party will continually lose.

Third, (as this long thread has amply proven) older white males are dwindling in number, (and I am one of them) while minority demographics are on a steady increase and do NOT like republican policies...TX and FL are turning a bright purple and without those 2 states, republicans will not see the inside of the WH for many, many years.

The GOP is a moribund party....and as we've seen during these primaries, a party cleaved and leaderless. You can bitch and moan all over these forums, but reality is what it is.....I've long accepted that, if I'm still alive, an older white male.... will be the "new" minority, and rather than being scared or unhappy about, I welcome the change since I well know that being in the majority does not make me more powerful and less accepting of others.
Because the "new" majority couldn't possibly oppress white people or anything....
I've noticed that right wingers are very, very touchy when discussing issues of wonders if there may be a tinge of "guilty conscience" syndromes among that ilk......LOL

Standard lefty policy.

Attack someone, and when they get defensive, claim that their defensiveness is something wrong with them.

Such types of propaganda has been very effective over the years.

It is tearing this nation apart of course.

Are you doing that on purpose, or is it just a bonus?
I'll give you this. Nat is right that righties get defensive when it comes to race but so do blacks. I think black defensiveness is causing them to not look in the mirror and solve their own problem.

Hey blacks. Look at Indian Americans as a group. Look at Chinese or Italian or Mexican or Greek Americans. Look at what's different. I think it has to do with two parents being in the home but even that blacks have a theory we made them this way. We broke up their families.

Righties do not get defensive when it comes to race.

Increasingly righties are getting pissed off about false accusations of racism.

You are comparing apples and oranges.
Standard lefty policy.

Attack someone, and when they get defensive, claim that their defensiveness is something wrong with them.

Such types of propaganda has been very effective over the years.

It is tearing this nation apart of course.

Are you doing that on purpose, or is it just a bonus?

Paraphrasing the Bard in Hamlet....... "[Right wingers] doth protest too much, methinks" .....from Hamlet

Standard lefty policy.

Attack someone, and when they get defensive, claim that their defensiveness is something wrong with them.

Such types of propaganda has been very effective over the years.

It is tearing this nation apart of course.

Are you doing that on purpose, or is it just a bonus?
I'll give you this. Nat is right that righties get defensive when it comes to race but so do blacks. I think black defensiveness is causing them to not look in the mirror and solve their own problem.

I believe that you're stating a pervasive truth.....Right wing policies have given many blacks a target to easily blame for their own woes and afflictions....As an example, right wingers' obstinance in fighting to raise the minimum wage, is one of many reasons for the vast majority of blacks to reject right wing policies.

And yet the Left's embrace of the Abortion of a disproportionate percentage and huge absolute numbers somehow does NOT translate into giving pro-life blacks an easy target to blame.

Why is that? What factor is presenting the process you describe from working in both directions?

Rhetorical question: I know that your answer will be something along the lines of " Republicans Evul".

IMO, it is the tremendous and constant propaganda by corrupt and dishonest leftists in media and pop culture.
I've noticed that right wingers are very, very touchy when discussing issues of wonders if there may be a tinge of "guilty conscience" syndromes among that ilk......LOL

Standard lefty policy.

Attack someone, and when they get defensive, claim that their defensiveness is something wrong with them.

Such types of propaganda has been very effective over the years.

It is tearing this nation apart of course.

Are you doing that on purpose, or is it just a bonus?
I'll give you this. Nat is right that righties get defensive when it comes to race but so do blacks. I think black defensiveness is causing them to not look in the mirror and solve their own problem.

Hey blacks. Look at Indian Americans as a group. Look at Chinese or Italian or Mexican or Greek Americans. Look at what's different. I think it has to do with two parents being in the home but even that blacks have a theory we made them this way. We broke up their families.

Righties do not get defensive when it comes to race.

Increasingly righties are getting pissed off about false accusations of racism.

You are comparing apples and oranges.
I think the consensus is blacks do experience racism but they need to get over it and stop using it as an excuse to keep acting ghetto?
You think the poor black community isn't having enough people?

We prefer abstinence but if not contraception and if that fails the morning after but if a woman wants to abort, what are you going to do?

I've never fully understood the "logic' employed by right wingers when it came to a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body.......

First, right wingers bitch that blacks are having too many abortions......
Second, when a black woman has children, then she's accused of just trying to vamp up her welfare check. (and birthing future democrats)

None of my right wing friends could ever fully address that little paradox in their "platform"....probably because bitching is better than thinking.

Only a pseudo intellectual libtard like your self would say their is some paradox. Their is no paradox. No human gives birth to political operatives. That's the stupidest thing anyone has ever said. The issue is, you bribe them with food stamps and eic, train them to believe whitie keeps them down and if they wa t it to change they gotta vote Democrat or starve and live in a cardboard box. That, and you libs demonize any black man or woman who dare not follow the collective thoight. Yup, modern day slave masters keep Tobi on the plantation.
Our philosophy is here's a cracker and some water while you wait for Republican policies to trickle down on you

And yet, Trump is proposing to reverse those policies while HIllary is promising to continue them.
I've noticed that right wingers are very, very touchy when discussing issues of wonders if there may be a tinge of "guilty conscience" syndromes among that ilk......LOL

Standard lefty policy.

Attack someone, and when they get defensive, claim that their defensiveness is something wrong with them.

Such types of propaganda has been very effective over the years.

It is tearing this nation apart of course.

Are you doing that on purpose, or is it just a bonus?
I'll give you this. Nat is right that righties get defensive when it comes to race but so do blacks. I think black defensiveness is causing them to not look in the mirror and solve their own problem.

Hey blacks. Look at Indian Americans as a group. Look at Chinese or Italian or Mexican or Greek Americans. Look at what's different. I think it has to do with two parents being in the home but even that blacks have a theory we made them this way. We broke up their families.

Righties do not get defensive when it comes to race.

Increasingly righties are getting pissed off about false accusations of racism.

You are comparing apples and oranges.
I think the consensus is blacks do experience racism but they need to get over it and stop using it as an excuse to keep acting ghetto?

I am not part of that consensus. I believe that blacks see racism that is not there due to Confirmation Bias. I have seen real life examples.
I'll give you this. Nat is right that righties get defensive when it comes to race but so do blacks. I think black defensiveness is causing them to not look in the mirror and solve their own problem.

I believe that you're stating a pervasive truth.....Right wing policies have given many blacks a target to easily blame for their own woes and afflictions....As an example, right wingers' obstinance in fighting to raise the minimum wage, is one of many reasons for the vast majority of blacks to reject right wing policies.

And yet the Left's embrace of the Abortion of a disproportionate percentage and huge absolute numbers somehow does NOT translate into giving pro-life blacks an easy target to blame.

Why is that? What factor is presenting the process you describe from working in both directions?

Rhetorical question: I know that your answer will be something along the lines of " Republicans Evul".

IMO, it is the tremendous and constant propaganda by corrupt and dishonest leftists in media and pop culture.
Here's the deal on that. A lot of pro life blacks are hypocrites and/or must not have grown up in the hood.

If you/they are poor in the hood do you really want them having kids that they won't raise right or don't want? Abortion is a real option for a lot of women thankfully. Republicans will take that right away. A lot of people in the hood think that's a bad idea. I agree. It's a woman's right to decide God damn.

You think the poor black community isn't having enough people?

We prefer abstinence but if not contraception and if that fails the morning after but if a woman wants to abort, what are you going to do?

I've never fully understood the "logic' employed by right wingers when it came to a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body.......

First, right wingers bitch that blacks are having too many abortions......
Second, when a black woman has children, then she's accused of just trying to vamp up her welfare check. (and birthing future democrats)

None of my right wing friends could ever fully address that little paradox in their "platform"....probably because bitching is better than thinking.

Only a pseudo intellectual libtard like your self would say their is some paradox. Their is no paradox. No human gives birth to political operatives. That's the stupidest thing anyone has ever said. The issue is, you bribe them with food stamps and eic, train them to believe whitie keeps them down and if they wa t it to change they gotta vote Democrat or starve and live in a cardboard box. That, and you libs demonize any black man or woman who dare not follow the collective thoight. Yup, modern day slave masters keep Tobi on the plantation.
Our philosophy is here's a cracker and some water while you wait for Republican policies to trickle down on you

And yet, Trump is proposing to reverse those policies while HIllary is promising to continue them.
Trumps so fos
who are they؟
sissy like Ben Carson
I'll give you this. Nat is right that righties get defensive when it comes to race but so do blacks. I think black defensiveness is causing them to not look in the mirror and solve their own problem.

I believe that you're stating a pervasive truth.....Right wing policies have given many blacks a target to easily blame for their own woes and afflictions....As an example, right wingers' obstinance in fighting to raise the minimum wage, is one of many reasons for the vast majority of blacks to reject right wing policies.

And yet the Left's embrace of the Abortion of a disproportionate percentage and huge absolute numbers somehow does NOT translate into giving pro-life blacks an easy target to blame.

Why is that? What factor is presenting the process you describe from working in both directions?

Rhetorical question: I know that your answer will be something along the lines of " Republicans Evul".

IMO, it is the tremendous and constant propaganda by corrupt and dishonest leftists in media and pop culture.
Here's the deal on that. A lot of pro life blacks are hypocrites and/or must not have grown up in the hood.

If you/they are poor in the hood do you really want them having kids that they won't raise right or don't want? Abortion is a real option for a lot of women thankfully. Republicans will take that right away. A lot of people in the hood think that's a bad idea. I agree. It's a woman's right to decide God damn.


I've talked with plenty of pro-life blacks about this, in the past.

IN that they were pro-life but voted for pro-choice dems, yes they could be called hypocrites.

But the fact remains, something convinced them that supporting dems was more important that the lives of tens of millions of black babies.

That is absolutely incredible if you think about it.

ps And no, they were not the more successful, middle class blacks growing up in the burbs.

And that bit were you stated that it is the "women's right to choose"?

That is reasoning based on YOUR pro-choices assumptions.

The assumptions of PRO-LIFE BLACKS is, off course, the exact opposite.
You think the poor black community isn't having enough people?

We prefer abstinence but if not contraception and if that fails the morning after but if a woman wants to abort, what are you going to do?

I've never fully understood the "logic' employed by right wingers when it came to a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body.......

First, right wingers bitch that blacks are having too many abortions......
Second, when a black woman has children, then she's accused of just trying to vamp up her welfare check. (and birthing future democrats)

None of my right wing friends could ever fully address that little paradox in their "platform"....probably because bitching is better than thinking.

Only a pseudo intellectual libtard like your self would say their is some paradox. Their is no paradox. No human gives birth to political operatives. That's the stupidest thing anyone has ever said. The issue is, you bribe them with food stamps and eic, train them to believe whitie keeps them down and if they wa t it to change they gotta vote Democrat or starve and live in a cardboard box. That, and you libs demonize any black man or woman who dare not follow the collective thoight. Yup, modern day slave masters keep Tobi on the plantation.
Our philosophy is here's a cracker and some water while you wait for Republican policies to trickle down on you

And yet, Trump is proposing to reverse those policies while HIllary is promising to continue them.
Trumps so fos

You assume that to give yourself a reason to not face the fact that his policies are closer to yours, than Hillary's.
I've noticed that right wingers are very, very touchy when discussing issues of wonders if there may be a tinge of "guilty conscience" syndromes among that ilk......LOL

Standard lefty policy.

Attack someone, and when they get defensive, claim that their defensiveness is something wrong with them.

Such types of propaganda has been very effective over the years.

It is tearing this nation apart of course.

Are you doing that on purpose, or is it just a bonus?
I'll give you this. Nat is right that righties get defensive when it comes to race but so do blacks. I think black defensiveness is causing them to not look in the mirror and solve their own problem.

Hey blacks. Look at Indian Americans as a group. Look at Chinese or Italian or Mexican or Greek Americans. Look at what's different. I think it has to do with two parents being in the home but even that blacks have a theory we made them this way. We broke up their families.

Righties do not get defensive when it comes to race.

Increasingly righties are getting pissed off about false accusations of racism.

You are comparing apples and oranges.
I think the consensus is blacks do experience racism but they need to get over it and stop using it as an excuse to keep acting ghetto?

I am not part of that consensus. I believe that blacks see racism that is not there due to Confirmation Bias. I have seen real life examples.
Well we have seen years of examples to the contrary.

I'm not saying what you've seen doesn't happen. I know it happens I've seen it too.

But are you claiming blacks in black communities aren't treated differently? Or that professional tennis player who experienced it when he wasn't doing anything.

I don't want to go into every example. My point is that racism does exist. But how much of it is justified? Cops act like they're in a war zone in Detroit because they are. They aren't militarized in my neighborhood because crime is under control. We don't have gangs in our neighborhoods

It's not racist that no Walmart or any other major grocery stores or supermarkets are in the city of Detroit. They're saying no thanks to all that money/food stamps.

Why doesn't a black entrepreneur start a grocery store chain in Detroit? Blacks say they want to start their own business'. Detroit needs food stores. Instead Arabs own all the food Mart's and they sell blacks garbage
who are they؟
sissy like Ben Carson

Pretty standard belief of liberals, to equate being christian to being an idiot.

And yet, tens of millions of black Christians, continue to vote for liberals that have nothing but contempt for them.

Does anyone else think that is odd?
Standard lefty policy.

Attack someone, and when they get defensive, claim that their defensiveness is something wrong with them.

Such types of propaganda has been very effective over the years.

It is tearing this nation apart of course.

Are you doing that on purpose, or is it just a bonus?
I'll give you this. Nat is right that righties get defensive when it comes to race but so do blacks. I think black defensiveness is causing them to not look in the mirror and solve their own problem.

Hey blacks. Look at Indian Americans as a group. Look at Chinese or Italian or Mexican or Greek Americans. Look at what's different. I think it has to do with two parents being in the home but even that blacks have a theory we made them this way. We broke up their families.

Righties do not get defensive when it comes to race.

Increasingly righties are getting pissed off about false accusations of racism.

You are comparing apples and oranges.
I think the consensus is blacks do experience racism but they need to get over it and stop using it as an excuse to keep acting ghetto?

I am not part of that consensus. I believe that blacks see racism that is not there due to Confirmation Bias. I have seen real life examples.
Well we have seen years of examples to the contrary.

I'm not saying what you've seen doesn't happen. I know it happens I've seen it too.

But are you claiming blacks in black communities aren't treated differently? ...e

Thank you for admitting to having seen blacks assume racism incorrectly.

I have NOT seen blacks treated differently, in a negative fashion.
I'll give you this. Nat is right that righties get defensive when it comes to race but so do blacks. I think black defensiveness is causing them to not look in the mirror and solve their own problem.

I believe that you're stating a pervasive truth.....Right wing policies have given many blacks a target to easily blame for their own woes and afflictions....As an example, right wingers' obstinance in fighting to raise the minimum wage, is one of many reasons for the vast majority of blacks to reject right wing policies.

And yet the Left's embrace of the Abortion of a disproportionate percentage and huge absolute numbers somehow does NOT translate into giving pro-life blacks an easy target to blame.

Why is that? What factor is presenting the process you describe from working in both directions?

Rhetorical question: I know that your answer will be something along the lines of " Republicans Evul".

IMO, it is the tremendous and constant propaganda by corrupt and dishonest leftists in media and pop culture.
Here's the deal on that. A lot of pro life blacks are hypocrites and/or must not have grown up in the hood.

If you/they are poor in the hood do you really want them having kids that they won't raise right or don't want? Abortion is a real option for a lot of women thankfully. Republicans will take that right away. A lot of people in the hood think that's a bad idea. I agree. It's a woman's right to decide God damn.


I've talked with plenty of pro-life blacks about this, in the past.

IN that they were pro-life but voted for pro-choice dems, yes they could be called hypocrites.

But the fact remains, something convinced them that supporting dems was more important that the lives of tens of millions of black babies.

That is absolutely incredible if you think about it.

ps And no, they were not the more successful, middle class blacks growing up in the burbs.

And that bit were you stated that it is the "women's right to choose"?

That is reasoning based on YOUR pro-choices assumptions.

The assumptions of PRO-LIFE BLACKS is, off course, the exact opposite.
I remember bush fooled a lot of pro life blacks to vote for him. They even voted to persecute or descriminate against gays the same way they were descriminate against because of their bibles. Unbelievable they would do to others as they would not like done to themselves.

I've always said if you aren't rich the only reason to vote GOP is God guns and racism. They use these issues to con broke people into voting against themselves financially.
who are they؟
sissy like Ben Carson

Pretty standard belief of liberals, to equate being christian to being an idiot.

And yet, tens of millions of black Christians, continue to vote for liberals that have nothing but contempt for them.

Does anyone else think that is odd?
I think you'll use God as a wedge issue to sucker them the same way they sucker whites with guns racism and God.

For a black you have to hope God or guns trump racism

And really the only thing that really matters is $

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