Black republicans...who are they really?

You think the poor black community isn't having enough people?

We prefer abstinence but if not contraception and if that fails the morning after but if a woman wants to abort, what are you going to do?

I've never fully understood the "logic' employed by right wingers when it came to a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body.......

First, right wingers bitch that blacks are having too many abortions......
Second, when a black woman has children, then she's accused of just trying to vamp up her welfare check. (and birthing future democrats)

None of my right wing friends could ever fully address that little paradox in their "platform"....probably because bitching is better than thinking.

Only a pseudo intellectual libtard like your self would say their is some paradox. Their is no paradox. No human gives birth to political operatives. That's the stupidest thing anyone has ever said. The issue is, you bribe them with food stamps and eic, train them to believe whitie keeps them down and if they wa t it to change they gotta vote Democrat or starve and live in a cardboard box. That, and you libs demonize any black man or woman who dare not follow the collective thoight. Yup, modern day slave masters keep Tobi on the plantation.
Our philosophy is here's a cracker and some water while you wait for Republican policies to trickle down on you

And yet, Trump is proposing to reverse those policies while HIllary is promising to continue them.
Trumps so fos

This coming from people that are going to vote for Hillary? What do you think Hillary is full of? That she is the least trusted of the two candidates is pretty funny.

Two candidates, one you can't trust and one you don't like.
who are they؟
sissy like Ben Carson

More of the regressive left, no argument, no logic, just insults and trying to minimize their opponents because they got nothing.
I'll give you this. Nat is right that righties get defensive when it comes to race but so do blacks. I think black defensiveness is causing them to not look in the mirror and solve their own problem.

I believe that you're stating a pervasive truth.....Right wing policies have given many blacks a target to easily blame for their own woes and afflictions....As an example, right wingers' obstinance in fighting to raise the minimum wage, is one of many reasons for the vast majority of blacks to reject right wing policies.

And yet the Left's embrace of the Abortion of a disproportionate percentage and huge absolute numbers somehow does NOT translate into giving pro-life blacks an easy target to blame.

Why is that? What factor is presenting the process you describe from working in both directions?

Rhetorical question: I know that your answer will be something along the lines of " Republicans Evul".

IMO, it is the tremendous and constant propaganda by corrupt and dishonest leftists in media and pop culture.
Here's the deal on that. A lot of pro life blacks are hypocrites and/or must not have grown up in the hood.

If you/they are poor in the hood do you really want them having kids that they won't raise right or don't want? Abortion is a real option for a lot of women thankfully. Republicans will take that right away. A lot of people in the hood think that's a bad idea. I agree. It's a woman's right to decide God damn.


I've talked with plenty of pro-life blacks about this, in the past.

IN that they were pro-life but voted for pro-choice dems, yes they could be called hypocrites.

But the fact remains, something convinced them that supporting dems was more important that the lives of tens of millions of black babies.

That is absolutely incredible if you think about it.

ps And no, they were not the more successful, middle class blacks growing up in the burbs.

And that bit were you stated that it is the "women's right to choose"?

That is reasoning based on YOUR pro-choices assumptions.

The assumptions of PRO-LIFE BLACKS is, off course, the exact opposite.
I remember bush fooled a lot of pro life blacks to vote for him. They even voted to persecute or descriminate against gays the same way they were descriminate against because of their bibles. Unbelievable they would do to others as they would not like done to themselves.

I've always said if you aren't rich the only reason to vote GOP is God guns and racism. They use these issues to con broke people into voting against themselves financially.

YOur spin that he "fooled" those blacks is just that, nothing but spin.

And Bush didn't get very many of them.

He should, all pro-choice republicans should be getting far more of those pro-life blacks.

Nothing in your post addressed my point, that something more pressing than the lives of tens of millions of black babies is driving pro-life blacks to vote for "pro- black abortion" candidates.
who are they؟
sissy like Ben Carson

Pretty standard belief of liberals, to equate being christian to being an idiot.

And yet, tens of millions of black Christians, continue to vote for liberals that have nothing but contempt for them.

Does anyone else think that is odd?
I think you'll use God as a wedge issue to sucker them the same way they sucker whites with guns racism and God.

For a black you have to hope God or guns trump racism

And really the only thing that really matters is $

Sorry, money is not all that matters.

The loyalty of Pro-life blacks to the democratic party, the party led by liberals who have nothing but contempt for Christians, is a mystery.

My explanation is generations of panic mongering propaganda.

What is yours?
I'll give you this. Nat is right that righties get defensive when it comes to race but so do blacks. I think black defensiveness is causing them to not look in the mirror and solve their own problem.

Hey blacks. Look at Indian Americans as a group. Look at Chinese or Italian or Mexican or Greek Americans. Look at what's different. I think it has to do with two parents being in the home but even that blacks have a theory we made them this way. We broke up their families.

Righties do not get defensive when it comes to race.

Increasingly righties are getting pissed off about false accusations of racism.

You are comparing apples and oranges.
I think the consensus is blacks do experience racism but they need to get over it and stop using it as an excuse to keep acting ghetto?

I am not part of that consensus. I believe that blacks see racism that is not there due to Confirmation Bias. I have seen real life examples.
Well we have seen years of examples to the contrary.

I'm not saying what you've seen doesn't happen. I know it happens I've seen it too.

But are you claiming blacks in black communities aren't treated differently? ...e

Thank you for admitting to having seen blacks assume racism incorrectly.

I have NOT seen blacks treated differently, in a negative fashion.
I went to college with a black guy good friend until the brothers got hold of him next thing it's why, is it because I'm black? He must have said it 100 times before we had to go our separate ways.

Or my ghetto neighbor who was the worst neighbor and eventually he sued because he said it was because he was black.

There no question has been is and will be racism. So what? There will always be unsafe black neighborhoods I can't go to. Obama is proof it's not so bad for a brother who tries.

But Obama has also proved that racism still exists. It's less overt but it's in every Barry Hussain birther comment.

There are just too many examples to list them all. How about how black women on welfare got less than white women? There's no other way to see that

Sometimes it's subtle too.
Righties do not get defensive when it comes to race.

Increasingly righties are getting pissed off about false accusations of racism.

You are comparing apples and oranges.
I think the consensus is blacks do experience racism but they need to get over it and stop using it as an excuse to keep acting ghetto?

I am not part of that consensus. I believe that blacks see racism that is not there due to Confirmation Bias. I have seen real life examples.
Well we have seen years of examples to the contrary.

I'm not saying what you've seen doesn't happen. I know it happens I've seen it too.

But are you claiming blacks in black communities aren't treated differently? ...e

Thank you for admitting to having seen blacks assume racism incorrectly.

I have NOT seen blacks treated differently, in a negative fashion.
I went to college with a black guy good friend until the brothers got hold of him next thing it's why, is it because I'm black? He must have said it 100 times before we had to go our separate ways.

Or my ghetto neighbor who was the worst neighbor and eventually he sued because he said it was because he was black.

There no question has been is and will be racism. So what? There will always be unsafe black neighborhoods I can't go to. Obama is proof it's not so bad for a brother who tries.

But Obama has also proved that racism still exists. It's less overt but it's in every Barry Hussain birther comment.

There are just too many examples to list them all. How about how black women on welfare got less than white women? There's no other way to see that

Sometimes it's subtle too.

And you just did it.

The right wing conspiracy theorists were just as active against Bill Clinton as they were against Obama.

I assume that you are aware of the various conspiracy theories regarding the Clintons?

But what you considered bitter partisanship when directed against a white male democrat, you assume to be racist when directed against a black male democrat.

Confirmation bias on your part.
I'll give you this. Nat is right that righties get defensive when it comes to race but so do blacks. I think black defensiveness is causing them to not look in the mirror and solve their own problem.

I believe that you're stating a pervasive truth.....Right wing policies have given many blacks a target to easily blame for their own woes and afflictions....As an example, right wingers' obstinance in fighting to raise the minimum wage, is one of many reasons for the vast majority of blacks to reject right wing policies.

And yet the Left's embrace of the Abortion of a disproportionate percentage and huge absolute numbers somehow does NOT translate into giving pro-life blacks an easy target to blame.

Why is that? What factor is presenting the process you describe from working in both directions?

Rhetorical question: I know that your answer will be something along the lines of " Republicans Evul".

IMO, it is the tremendous and constant propaganda by corrupt and dishonest leftists in media and pop culture.
Here's the deal on that. A lot of pro life blacks are hypocrites and/or must not have grown up in the hood.

If you/they are poor in the hood do you really want them having kids that they won't raise right or don't want? Abortion is a real option for a lot of women thankfully. Republicans will take that right away. A lot of people in the hood think that's a bad idea. I agree. It's a woman's right to decide God damn.


I've talked with plenty of pro-life blacks about this, in the past.

IN that they were pro-life but voted for pro-choice dems, yes they could be called hypocrites.

But the fact remains, something convinced them that supporting dems was more important that the lives of tens of millions of black babies.

That is absolutely incredible if you think about it.

ps And no, they were not the more successful, middle class blacks growing up in the burbs.

And that bit were you stated that it is the "women's right to choose"?

That is reasoning based on YOUR pro-choices assumptions.

The assumptions of PRO-LIFE BLACKS is, off course, the exact opposite.

They recognize the fallacy of being only pro-UNBORN-life .. even if you don't.

Pro-UNBORN-life is all republicans are .. which is why they keep losing the abortion war.

In fact, republicans have lost on virtually every social issue they care about .. and yes, guns are next.

They know that .. even if you don't.
who are they؟
sissy like Ben Carson

Pretty standard belief of liberals, to equate being christian to being an idiot.

And yet, tens of millions of black Christians, continue to vote for liberals that have nothing but contempt for them.

Does anyone else think that is odd?
I think you'll use God as a wedge issue to sucker them the same way they sucker whites with guns racism and God.

For a black you have to hope God or guns trump racism

And really the only thing that really matters is $

Sorry, money is not all that matters.

The loyalty of Pro-life blacks to the democratic party, the party led by liberals who have nothing but contempt for Christians, is a mystery.

My explanation is generations of panic mongering propaganda.

What is yours?
There are many Christians or "so called" Christians don't believe abortion is murder.

I agree with you then they shouldn't call themselves christians but the church doesn't want to push this too much for fear of losing members.

Look at how many Catholics that take birth control. They should all be thrown out of the church.

Then there are the Christians who get abortions and just ask Jesus for forgiveness and all's good.

Or Christians who would never get an abortion but value a woman's right to choose.

And we don't have contempt for you. The Republicans like to use social issues as a wedge. If you don't like abortions don't get one
I'll give you this. Nat is right that righties get defensive when it comes to race but so do blacks. I think black defensiveness is causing them to not look in the mirror and solve their own problem.

I believe that you're stating a pervasive truth.....Right wing policies have given many blacks a target to easily blame for their own woes and afflictions....As an example, right wingers' obstinance in fighting to raise the minimum wage, is one of many reasons for the vast majority of blacks to reject right wing policies.

And yet the Left's embrace of the Abortion of a disproportionate percentage and huge absolute numbers somehow does NOT translate into giving pro-life blacks an easy target to blame.

Why is that? What factor is presenting the process you describe from working in both directions?

Rhetorical question: I know that your answer will be something along the lines of " Republicans Evul".

IMO, it is the tremendous and constant propaganda by corrupt and dishonest leftists in media and pop culture.
Here's the deal on that. A lot of pro life blacks are hypocrites and/or must not have grown up in the hood.

If you/they are poor in the hood do you really want them having kids that they won't raise right or don't want? Abortion is a real option for a lot of women thankfully. Republicans will take that right away. A lot of people in the hood think that's a bad idea. I agree. It's a woman's right to decide God damn.


I've talked with plenty of pro-life blacks about this, in the past.

IN that they were pro-life but voted for pro-choice dems, yes they could be called hypocrites.

But the fact remains, something convinced them that supporting dems was more important that the lives of tens of millions of black babies.

That is absolutely incredible if you think about it.

ps And no, they were not the more successful, middle class blacks growing up in the burbs.

And that bit were you stated that it is the "women's right to choose"?

That is reasoning based on YOUR pro-choices assumptions.

The assumptions of PRO-LIFE BLACKS is, off course, the exact opposite.

They recognize the fallacy of being only pro-UNBORN-life .. even if you don't.

Pro-UNBORN-life is all republicans are .. which is why they keep losing the abortion war.

In fact, republicans have lost on virtually every social issue they care about .. and yes, guns are next.

They know that .. even if you don't.

YOu keep insisting on judging pro-life blacks as though they share your pro-choice assumptions.

Which, of course leads you to miss the huge and unexplained conflict between their beliefs and their actions.

the fact remains, something convinced them that supporting dems was more important that the lives of tens of millions of black babies.

That is absolutely incredible if you think about it.
I think the consensus is blacks do experience racism but they need to get over it and stop using it as an excuse to keep acting ghetto?

I am not part of that consensus. I believe that blacks see racism that is not there due to Confirmation Bias. I have seen real life examples.
Well we have seen years of examples to the contrary.

I'm not saying what you've seen doesn't happen. I know it happens I've seen it too.

But are you claiming blacks in black communities aren't treated differently? ...e

Thank you for admitting to having seen blacks assume racism incorrectly.

I have NOT seen blacks treated differently, in a negative fashion.
I went to college with a black guy good friend until the brothers got hold of him next thing it's why, is it because I'm black? He must have said it 100 times before we had to go our separate ways.

Or my ghetto neighbor who was the worst neighbor and eventually he sued because he said it was because he was black.

There no question has been is and will be racism. So what? There will always be unsafe black neighborhoods I can't go to. Obama is proof it's not so bad for a brother who tries.

But Obama has also proved that racism still exists. It's less overt but it's in every Barry Hussain birther comment.

There are just too many examples to list them all. How about how black women on welfare got less than white women? There's no other way to see that

Sometimes it's subtle too.

And you just did it.

The right wing conspiracy theorists were just as active against Bill Clinton as they were against Obama.

I assume that you are aware of the various conspiracy theories regarding the Clintons?

But what you considered bitter partisanship when directed against a white male democrat, you assume to be racist when directed against a black male democrat.

Confirmation bias on your part.
It seemed to reeeally bother guys like Mitch McConnell when Obama won. Are you being naive to say race didn't play a part?

Not one southern Republican racist in the house?

Of course there is. Just like you would have denied Dennis hastert was a pedophile before he got caught.
Black republicans...who are they really?

Answer: They are Props, useless, a joke, and they barely exist.

They don't win elections, they don't count, they don't matter, they influence no one.

Glad we solved that question ... together.

Look someone irrelevant, pretending to be relevant. Lol!

.. you're pretending that I give a fuck about what you think. :0) I don't give a shit about being 'relevant' to morons.
I'll give you this. Nat is right that righties get defensive when it comes to race but so do blacks. I think black defensiveness is causing them to not look in the mirror and solve their own problem.

I believe that you're stating a pervasive truth.....Right wing policies have given many blacks a target to easily blame for their own woes and afflictions....As an example, right wingers' obstinance in fighting to raise the minimum wage, is one of many reasons for the vast majority of blacks to reject right wing policies.

And yet the Left's embrace of the Abortion of a disproportionate percentage and huge absolute numbers somehow does NOT translate into giving pro-life blacks an easy target to blame.

Why is that? What factor is presenting the process you describe from working in both directions?

Rhetorical question: I know that your answer will be something along the lines of " Republicans Evul".

IMO, it is the tremendous and constant propaganda by corrupt and dishonest leftists in media and pop culture.
Here's the deal on that. A lot of pro life blacks are hypocrites and/or must not have grown up in the hood.

If you/they are poor in the hood do you really want them having kids that they won't raise right or don't want? Abortion is a real option for a lot of women thankfully. Republicans will take that right away. A lot of people in the hood think that's a bad idea. I agree. It's a woman's right to decide God damn.


I've talked with plenty of pro-life blacks about this, in the past.

IN that they were pro-life but voted for pro-choice dems, yes they could be called hypocrites.

But the fact remains, something convinced them that supporting dems was more important that the lives of tens of millions of black babies.

That is absolutely incredible if you think about it.

ps And no, they were not the more successful, middle class blacks growing up in the burbs.

And that bit were you stated that it is the "women's right to choose"?

That is reasoning based on YOUR pro-choices assumptions.

The assumptions of PRO-LIFE BLACKS is, off course, the exact opposite.

They recognize the fallacy of being only pro-UNBORN-life .. even if you don't.

Pro-UNBORN-life is all republicans are .. which is why they keep losing the abortion war.

In fact, republicans have lost on virtually every social issue they care about .. and yes, guns are next.

They know that .. even if you don't.
It's true! After you are born you are on your own. And if it doesn't work out they'll just execute you.
who are they؟
sissy like Ben Carson

Pretty standard belief of liberals, to equate being christian to being an idiot.

And yet, tens of millions of black Christians, continue to vote for liberals that have nothing but contempt for them.

Does anyone else think that is odd?
I think you'll use God as a wedge issue to sucker them the same way they sucker whites with guns racism and God.

For a black you have to hope God or guns trump racism

And really the only thing that really matters is $

Sorry, money is not all that matters.

The loyalty of Pro-life blacks to the democratic party, the party led by liberals who have nothing but contempt for Christians, is a mystery.

My explanation is generations of panic mongering propaganda.

What is yours?
There are many Christians or "so called" Christians don't believe abortion is murder.

I am specifically referring to those pro-life blacks that DO believe abortion is murder.

I agree with you then they shouldn't call themselves christians but the church doesn't want to push this too much for fear of losing members.

Look at how many Catholics that take birth control. They should all be thrown out of the church.

Then there are the Christians who get abortions and just ask Jesus for forgiveness and all's good.

Or Christians who would never get an abortion but value a woman's right to choose.

And we don't have contempt for you

You may not. The majority of your political allies do.

The Republicans like to use social issues as a wedge. If you don't like abortions don't get one

YOu say "wedge", I say "voting for that group that actually represents your values and does not consider you an idiot for being a Christian.)
I've never fully understood the "logic' employed by right wingers when it came to a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body.......

First, right wingers bitch that blacks are having too many abortions......
Second, when a black woman has children, then she's accused of just trying to vamp up her welfare check. (and birthing future democrats)

None of my right wing friends could ever fully address that little paradox in their "platform"....probably because bitching is better than thinking.

Only a pseudo intellectual libtard like your self would say their is some paradox. Their is no paradox. No human gives birth to political operatives. That's the stupidest thing anyone has ever said. The issue is, you bribe them with food stamps and eic, train them to believe whitie keeps them down and if they wa t it to change they gotta vote Democrat or starve and live in a cardboard box. That, and you libs demonize any black man or woman who dare not follow the collective thoight. Yup, modern day slave masters keep Tobi on the plantation.
Our philosophy is here's a cracker and some water while you wait for Republican policies to trickle down on you

And yet, Trump is proposing to reverse those policies while HIllary is promising to continue them.
Trumps so fos

This coming from people that are going to vote for Hillary? What do you think Hillary is full of? That she is the least trusted of the two candidates is pretty funny.

Two candidates, one you can't trust and one you don't like.
Oh you trust trump?
I believe that you're stating a pervasive truth.....Right wing policies have given many blacks a target to easily blame for their own woes and afflictions....As an example, right wingers' obstinance in fighting to raise the minimum wage, is one of many reasons for the vast majority of blacks to reject right wing policies.

And yet the Left's embrace of the Abortion of a disproportionate percentage and huge absolute numbers somehow does NOT translate into giving pro-life blacks an easy target to blame.

Why is that? What factor is presenting the process you describe from working in both directions?

Rhetorical question: I know that your answer will be something along the lines of " Republicans Evul".

IMO, it is the tremendous and constant propaganda by corrupt and dishonest leftists in media and pop culture.
Here's the deal on that. A lot of pro life blacks are hypocrites and/or must not have grown up in the hood.

If you/they are poor in the hood do you really want them having kids that they won't raise right or don't want? Abortion is a real option for a lot of women thankfully. Republicans will take that right away. A lot of people in the hood think that's a bad idea. I agree. It's a woman's right to decide God damn.


I've talked with plenty of pro-life blacks about this, in the past.

IN that they were pro-life but voted for pro-choice dems, yes they could be called hypocrites.

But the fact remains, something convinced them that supporting dems was more important that the lives of tens of millions of black babies.

That is absolutely incredible if you think about it.

ps And no, they were not the more successful, middle class blacks growing up in the burbs.

And that bit were you stated that it is the "women's right to choose"?

That is reasoning based on YOUR pro-choices assumptions.

The assumptions of PRO-LIFE BLACKS is, off course, the exact opposite.

They recognize the fallacy of being only pro-UNBORN-life .. even if you don't.

Pro-UNBORN-life is all republicans are .. which is why they keep losing the abortion war.

In fact, republicans have lost on virtually every social issue they care about .. and yes, guns are next.

They know that .. even if you don't.

YOu keep insisting on judging pro-life blacks as though they share your pro-choice assumptions.

Which, of course leads you to miss the huge and unexplained conflict between their beliefs and their actions.

the fact remains, something convinced them that supporting dems was more important that the lives of tens of millions of black babies.

That is absolutely incredible if you think about it.

You're pretending to know black people better than I do. I'm well aware of their conflict on abortion .. and better aware than you seem to be on how they deal with it. Also aware that 'successful' blacks have the same conflicts and use the same reasoning.

Also more aware than you that we do not see the conflict as "tens of millions of black babies" as you do.

I'm also aware that as conservative as we may be, voting for republicans would make us REAL hypocrites. :0) .. and incredibly stupid.

Vote for an all-white political party that doesn't give a rats ass about your BORN children. :0) get real dude.
who are they؟
sissy like Ben Carson

Pretty standard belief of liberals, to equate being christian to being an idiot.

And yet, tens of millions of black Christians, continue to vote for liberals that have nothing but contempt for them.

Does anyone else think that is odd?
I think you'll use God as a wedge issue to sucker them the same way they sucker whites with guns racism and God.

For a black you have to hope God or guns trump racism

And really the only thing that really matters is $

Sorry, money is not all that matters.

The loyalty of Pro-life blacks to the democratic party, the party led by liberals who have nothing but contempt for Christians, is a mystery.

My explanation is generations of panic mongering propaganda.

What is yours?
There are many Christians or "so called" Christians don't believe abortion is murder.

I am specifically referring to those pro-life blacks that DO believe abortion is murder.

I agree with you then they shouldn't call themselves christians but the church doesn't want to push this too much for fear of losing members.

Look at how many Catholics that take birth control. They should all be thrown out of the church.

Then there are the Christians who get abortions and just ask Jesus for forgiveness and all's good.

Or Christians who would never get an abortion but value a woman's right to choose.

And we don't have contempt for you

You may not. The majority of your political allies do.

The Republicans like to use social issues as a wedge. If you don't like abortions don't get one

YOu say "wedge", I say "voting for that group that actually represents your values and does not consider you an idiot for being a Christian.)
The GOP can have the people who take the bible stories literally.

If 51% are pro choice that means the Christian churches who clearly dont take the bible literally, right? I wish people were forced to choose between science and secularism & religion.

I think secularism will win.

You wish every religious Hispanic would vote over abortion too.

Let's face it. Most people don't give a shit about an aborted fetus. Better those women don't have those kids. We're already overpopulated

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