Black republicans...who are they really?

Only a pseudo intellectual libtard like your self would say their is some paradox. Their is no paradox. No human gives birth to political operatives. That's the stupidest thing anyone has ever said. The issue is, you bribe them with food stamps and eic, train them to believe whitie keeps them down and if they wa t it to change they gotta vote Democrat or starve and live in a cardboard box. That, and you libs demonize any black man or woman who dare not follow the collective thoight. Yup, modern day slave masters keep Tobi on the plantation.
Our philosophy is here's a cracker and some water while you wait for Republican policies to trickle down on you

And yet, Trump is proposing to reverse those policies while HIllary is promising to continue them.
Trumps so fos

This coming from people that are going to vote for Hillary? What do you think Hillary is full of? That she is the least trusted of the two candidates is pretty funny.

Two candidates, one you can't trust and one you don't like.
Oh you trust trump?

You trust Hillary? Lol! I'm not voting for either of them. I can't believe people are stupid enough to trust a women that can't tell the truth if her life depended on it.
More of the regressive left, no argument, no logic, just insults and trying to minimize their opponents because they got nothing.

Uber-stupid. As if republicans don't engage in the same thing every fucking day about black democrats.

What absolute morons you knuckleheads are.

Except we don't.

:lol: Honesty is not in the republican playbook.

How in the Hell could you say that stupid shit when you're posting on a board that attacks black democrats every fucking day. :0) WOW.


FOr instance, I am not "minimizing" black democrats because "i've got nothing".

I've got something. A HUGE contradiction between the beliefs and the actions of Pro-life blacks.

And I'm not attacking them. I asking why.

Seely is the one that called them hypocrites, not me.
Those pro life anti gay blacks did vote for bush. That's why Obama didn't get 100% of the black vote.

I wonder how many blacks vote GOP because they are gun nuts?

Bush ran against Obama? Interesting.
I am not part of that consensus. I believe that blacks see racism that is not there due to Confirmation Bias. I have seen real life examples.
Well we have seen years of examples to the contrary.

I'm not saying what you've seen doesn't happen. I know it happens I've seen it too.

But are you claiming blacks in black communities aren't treated differently? ...e

Thank you for admitting to having seen blacks assume racism incorrectly.

I have NOT seen blacks treated differently, in a negative fashion.
I went to college with a black guy good friend until the brothers got hold of him next thing it's why, is it because I'm black? He must have said it 100 times before we had to go our separate ways.

Or my ghetto neighbor who was the worst neighbor and eventually he sued because he said it was because he was black.

There no question has been is and will be racism. So what? There will always be unsafe black neighborhoods I can't go to. Obama is proof it's not so bad for a brother who tries.

But Obama has also proved that racism still exists. It's less overt but it's in every Barry Hussain birther comment.

There are just too many examples to list them all. How about how black women on welfare got less than white women? There's no other way to see that

Sometimes it's subtle too.

And you just did it.

The right wing conspiracy theorists were just as active against Bill Clinton as they were against Obama.

I assume that you are aware of the various conspiracy theories regarding the Clintons?

But what you considered bitter partisanship when directed against a white male democrat, you assume to be racist when directed against a black male democrat.

Confirmation bias on your part.
It seemed to reeeally bother guys like Mitch McConnell when Obama won. Are you being naive to say race didn't play a part?

Not one southern Republican racist in the house?

Of course there is. Just like you would have denied Dennis hastert was a pedophile before he got caught.
. Once you understand how stupid it is that people are either supportive of someone or maybe not supportive of someone as is based upon their skin color in life, then you will continue to have a long way to go my friend. People should always base their opinions and judgements as based upon ones character in life & not upon their skin color in life. Culture clash is as old as humans have been around on this earth. These clashes involve groups or individuals from all walks of life, and it is sickening how Hillary and Bernie were doing everything they could to exploit the issues based upon skin color and gender. These people stoop to the lowest of the lows to gain power in life.
Oh yes, that gerrymandering lie again. It didn't make a difference really. Need the link, just ask, and I'll be glad to post.

You might be surprised to know that when some of our most important CCW laws were signed into law, it was done by a Democrat Governor by the name of Ted Strickland. It's not that this guy was a right-wing Democrat or anything like that. He knew how the public felt about self-defense and wanted to keep his seat.

Yes, the NRA is very good at bullying politicians to pander to the 22% of the population that needs to compensate for tiny dicks. The rest of us just hope our kids come back from school alive.

And BTW, all those predictions about people getting gunned down in the street because of CCW's by the left never came true. Isn't that something? Then when we allowed CCW holders to be armed in our vehicles, and the left predicted uncontrollable road rage, that too never happened.



Um, not so much.

Circumstances: On September 8, 2013, concealed handgun permit holder Charles Kropinak, 36, shot and killed his estranged girlfriend Sylvia Maillis, 37, before turning the handgun on himself. According to police, Maillis was working the 10 PM to 7 AM shift at a Walmart in Salem, Ohio, when she took a break with co-workers at a nearby Taco Bell and Dunkin’ Donuts before returning to the employee parking lot. Kropinak then pulled into a nearby parking space and exited his vehicle. Maillis got out of the vehicle she was in and an argument ensued. Kropinak brandished his Ruger 9mm pistol and shot Maillis multiple times before taking his own life. Maillis had obtained a protection order from Mahoning County against Kropinak in the past, but it was not clear if it was still active at the time of the shooting.

Circumstances: On April 4, 2013, concealed handgun permit holder Bruce Hively, 56, allegedly shot and killed Charles T. Addis, 18, following a confrontation. According to news reports there had been an ongoing dispute between the two men. Hively reportedly drove past Addis who was with two other males at an intersection, then turned back around to where Addis was standing. Hively reportedly exited his vehicle and a confrontation ensued. Hively allegedly shot Addis four times at close range including twice when Addis was already on the ground. Hively was taken into custody at the scene and was charged with murder, aggravated murder, and tampering with evidence.

Circumstances: On January 27, 2011, concealed handgun permit holder Mark Langlois, 51, a mechanic at Forklifts of Toledo, Inc., shot and killed James Schueler, Jr., 65, the company’s vice president and general manager. Schueler was found behind his desk with a single gunshot wound to the head. At trial, ballistics experts testified that the shell casing found at the crime scene matched Langlois’ 9mm Glock pistol. Langlois told detectives that he left the office the morning of the shooting and went directly to a job site, but a GPS unit in the van that he was driving showed that he went to his home first before proceeding to the job site and surveillance video showed that he left the office about 15 minutes later than he claimed in his interview with police. News reports stated that Langlois’ computer contained a “voluminous” amount of searches on gun websites, including multiple searches for silencers and suppressors. Multiple handguns, ammunition, and gun parts—including spare gun barrels, scopes, and silencers—were taken from Langlois’ home. On November 18, 2011, Langlois was convicted of aggravated murder and murder, both with gun specifications. Later that month he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Well, you get the idea. Good guys with a gun... um, shooting good guys and gals without guns.

Good going, NRA!!!
[QU. YesOTE="sealybobo, post: 14666964, member: 11281"]
I believe that you're stating a pervasive truth.....Right wing policies have given many blacks a target to easily blame for their own woes and afflictions....As an example, right wingers' obstinance in fighting to raise the minimum wage, is one of many reasons for the vast majority of blacks to reject right wing policies.

And yet the Left's embrace of the Abortion of a disproportionate percentage and huge absolute numbers somehow does NOT translate into giving pro-life blacks an easy target to blame.

Why is that? What factor is presenting the process you describe from working in both directions?

Rhetorical question: I know that your answer will be something along the lines of " Republicans Evul".

IMO, it is the tremendous and constant propaganda by corrupt and dishonest leftists in media and pop culture.
Here's the deal on that. A lot of pro life blacks are hypocrites and/or must not have grown up in the hood.

If you/they are poor in the hood do you really want them having kids that they won't raise right or don't want? Abortion is a real option for a lot of women thankfully. Republicans will take that right away. A lot of people in the hood think that's a bad idea. I agree. It's a woman's right to decide God damn.

Pretty standard belief of liberals, to equate being christian to being an idiot.

And yet, tens of millions of black Christians, continue to vote for liberals that have nothing but contempt for them.

Does anyone else think that is odd?
I think you'll use God as a wedge issue to sucker them the same way they sucker whites with guns racism and God.

For a black you have to hope God or guns trump racism

And really the only thing that really matters is $

Sorry, money is not all that matters.

The loyalty of Pro-life blacks to the democratic party, the party led by liberals who have nothing but contempt for Christians, is a mystery.

My explanation is generations of panic mongering propaganda.

What is yours?
. My explanation is that skin color runs deeper than religion, ethics, values, standards, pro this or pro that, the unity of all Americans to melt into one, or it trumps the issues over the various cultures or any other kind of issue that can be thought of in which skin color is found trumping it all no matter what.
You used the word trump twice

I agree.

Patrick Buchanan calls what you describe "ethno-nationalism".

It is the best explanation I have heard.

They have been convinced that they (blacks) need to stick together against their common enemy(s), ie Whites or the GOp.

That is what the very high rate of DEM support among blacks is driving by.

Fear created by the race mongering propaganda of the LEft.

THe second largest minority has been convinced, falsely that the majority is out to get them.

Very effective strategy on the part of the Dems.

VERY, VERY unhealthy for the nation of course.

Do you think that the fact that their methods are tearing the nation apart is an intentional or unintentional result?
Your premise is false. The GOP is out to get us.

Oh what now you trust politicians? And you're asking blacks to trust politicians? Now who's being gullible and naive?

And in the next breath tell me to not trust the government.

The only voting block that got it almost 100% right were blacks. Every poor white that voted GOP is the dummy, not blacks.[/QUOTE]

YOu did not address my agreement with your explanation nor my point about Patrick Buchanan defining it as Ethno-nationalism.

There was nothing said about "trusting politicians".
More of the regressive left, no argument, no logic, just insults and trying to minimize their opponents because they got nothing.

Uber-stupid. As if republicans don't engage in the same thing every fucking day about black democrats.

What absolute morons you knuckleheads are.

Except we don't.

:lol: Honesty is not in the republican playbook.

How in the Hell could you say that stupid shit when you're posting on a board that attacks black democrats every fucking day. :0) WOW.


FOr instance, I am not "minimizing" black democrats because "i've got nothing".

I've got something. A HUGE contradiction between the beliefs and the actions of Pro-life blacks.

And I'm not attacking them. I asking why.

Seely is the one that called them hypocrites, not me.
Those pro life anti gay blacks did vote for bush. That's why Obama didn't get 100% of the black vote.

I wonder how many blacks vote GOP because they are gun nuts?

Nope. The vast majority of pro-life blacks vote Democrat.

THe vast majority of pro-gun blacks vote democrat.

That was my point.
I think the consensus is blacks do experience racism but they need to get over it and stop using it as an excuse to keep acting ghetto?

I am not part of that consensus. I believe that blacks see racism that is not there due to Confirmation Bias. I have seen real life examples.
Well we have seen years of examples to the contrary.

I'm not saying what you've seen doesn't happen. I know it happens I've seen it too.

But are you claiming blacks in black communities aren't treated differently? ...e

Thank you for admitting to having seen blacks assume racism incorrectly.

I have NOT seen blacks treated differently, in a negative fashion.
I went to college with a black guy good friend until the brothers got hold of him next thing it's why, is it because I'm black? He must have said it 100 times before we had to go our separate ways.

Or my ghetto neighbor who was the worst neighbor and eventually he sued because he said it was because he was black.

There no question has been is and will be racism. So what? There will always be unsafe black neighborhoods I can't go to. Obama is proof it's not so bad for a brother who tries.

But Obama has also proved that racism still exists. It's less overt but it's in every Barry Hussain birther comment.

There are just too many examples to list them all. How about how black women on welfare got less than white women? There's no other way to see that

Sometimes it's subtle too.

Do you have a link of the government being racist against black welfare recipients (women) getting less than their white counterparts?
No but I'll try to find the story tomorrow. It was on NPR and they interviewed the 85 year old woman who found out and sued and got the laws changed. When the law changed welfare quadrupled. That means they were denying lots of blacks who qualified.

They also would raid black homes and if a man was found in the home they were cut off. Even if they found a man's razor clothes or shoes.

But this woman found out by comparing her welfare checks with white women with the same number of kids. They were getting more. Whites decided white women needed a little more and blacks could do with a little less. She sued and the supreme Court ruled the welfare discrimination against blacks was unconstitutional.

It's interesting I just heard this for the first time and you can't even believe it. Maybe that should tell you there's a lot you don't realize because you are a white who lacks empathy.

And I don't think this obvious racist history is an excuse for continued black ignorance but I'm not going to pretend the fact that this racism exists
I am not part of that consensus. I believe that blacks see racism that is not there due to Confirmation Bias. I have seen real life examples.
Well we have seen years of examples to the contrary.

I'm not saying what you've seen doesn't happen. I know it happens I've seen it too.

But are you claiming blacks in black communities aren't treated differently? ...e

Thank you for admitting to having seen blacks assume racism incorrectly.

I have NOT seen blacks treated differently, in a negative fashion.
I went to college with a black guy good friend until the brothers got hold of him next thing it's why, is it because I'm black? He must have said it 100 times before we had to go our separate ways.

Or my ghetto neighbor who was the worst neighbor and eventually he sued because he said it was because he was black.

There no question has been is and will be racism. So what? There will always be unsafe black neighborhoods I can't go to. Obama is proof it's not so bad for a brother who tries.

But Obama has also proved that racism still exists. It's less overt but it's in every Barry Hussain birther comment.

There are just too many examples to list them all. How about how black women on welfare got less than white women? There's no other way to see that

Sometimes it's subtle too.

Do you have a link of the government being racist against black welfare recipients (women) getting less than their white counterparts?
No but I'll try to find the story tomorrow. It was on NPR and they interviewed the 85 year old woman who found out and sued and got the laws changed. When the law changed welfare quadrupled. That means they were denying lots of blacks who qualified.

They also would raid black homes and if a man was found in the home they were cut off. Even if they found a man's razor clothes or shoes.

But this woman found out by comparing her welfare checks with white women with the same number of kids. They were getting more. Whites decided white women needed a little more and blacks could do with a little less. She sued and the supreme Court ruled the welfare discrimination against blacks was unconstitutional.

It's interesting I just heard this for the first time and you can't even believe it. Maybe that should tell you there's a lot you don't realize because you are a white who lacks empathy.

And I don't think this obvious racist history is an excuse for continued black ignorance but I'm not going to pretend the fact that this racism exists

She is 85 now?

So this supposedly occurred when? 1975?
I am not part of that consensus. I believe that blacks see racism that is not there due to Confirmation Bias. I have seen real life examples.
Well we have seen years of examples to the contrary.

I'm not saying what you've seen doesn't happen. I know it happens I've seen it too.

But are you claiming blacks in black communities aren't treated differently? ...e

Thank you for admitting to having seen blacks assume racism incorrectly.

I have NOT seen blacks treated differently, in a negative fashion.
I went to college with a black guy good friend until the brothers got hold of him next thing it's why, is it because I'm black? He must have said it 100 times before we had to go our separate ways.

Or my ghetto neighbor who was the worst neighbor and eventually he sued because he said it was because he was black.

There no question has been is and will be racism. So what? There will always be unsafe black neighborhoods I can't go to. Obama is proof it's not so bad for a brother who tries.

But Obama has also proved that racism still exists. It's less overt but it's in every Barry Hussain birther comment.

There are just too many examples to list them all. How about how black women on welfare got less than white women? There's no other way to see that

Sometimes it's subtle too.

Do you have a link of the government being racist against black welfare recipients (women) getting less than their white counterparts?
No but I'll try to find the story tomorrow. It was on NPR and they interviewed the 85 year old woman who found out and sued and got the laws changed. When the law changed welfare quadrupled. That means they were denying lots of blacks who qualified.

They also would raid black homes and if a man was found in the home they were cut off. Even if they found a man's razor clothes or shoes.

But this woman found out by comparing her welfare checks with white women with the same number of kids. They were getting more. Whites decided white women needed a little more and blacks could do with a little less. She sued and the supreme Court ruled the welfare discrimination against blacks was unconstitutional.

It's interesting I just heard this for the first time and you can't even believe it. Maybe that should tell you there's a lot you don't realize because you are a white who lacks empathy.

And I don't think this obvious racist history is an excuse for continued black ignorance but I'm not going to pretend the fact that this racism exists

So it's an old story and is no longer true?
Well we have seen years of examples to the contrary.

I'm not saying what you've seen doesn't happen. I know it happens I've seen it too.

But are you claiming blacks in black communities aren't treated differently? ...e

Thank you for admitting to having seen blacks assume racism incorrectly.

I have NOT seen blacks treated differently, in a negative fashion.
I went to college with a black guy good friend until the brothers got hold of him next thing it's why, is it because I'm black? He must have said it 100 times before we had to go our separate ways.

Or my ghetto neighbor who was the worst neighbor and eventually he sued because he said it was because he was black.

There no question has been is and will be racism. So what? There will always be unsafe black neighborhoods I can't go to. Obama is proof it's not so bad for a brother who tries.

But Obama has also proved that racism still exists. It's less overt but it's in every Barry Hussain birther comment.

There are just too many examples to list them all. How about how black women on welfare got less than white women? There's no other way to see that

Sometimes it's subtle too.

Do you have a link of the government being racist against black welfare recipients (women) getting less than their white counterparts?
No but I'll try to find the story tomorrow. It was on NPR and they interviewed the 85 year old woman who found out and sued and got the laws changed. When the law changed welfare quadrupled. That means they were denying lots of blacks who qualified.

They also would raid black homes and if a man was found in the home they were cut off. Even if they found a man's razor clothes or shoes.

But this woman found out by comparing her welfare checks with white women with the same number of kids. They were getting more. Whites decided white women needed a little more and blacks could do with a little less. She sued and the supreme Court ruled the welfare discrimination against blacks was unconstitutional.

It's interesting I just heard this for the first time and you can't even believe it. Maybe that should tell you there's a lot you don't realize because you are a white who lacks empathy.

And I don't think this obvious racist history is an excuse for continued black ignorance but I'm not going to pretend the fact that this racism exists

She is 85 now?

So this supposedly occurred when? 1975?
I don't recall. Fact is it all happened. Let's establish that first then we will move to showing you how shit like that still happens. Only more subtle
Thank you for admitting to having seen blacks assume racism incorrectly.

I have NOT seen blacks treated differently, in a negative fashion.
I went to college with a black guy good friend until the brothers got hold of him next thing it's why, is it because I'm black? He must have said it 100 times before we had to go our separate ways.

Or my ghetto neighbor who was the worst neighbor and eventually he sued because he said it was because he was black.

There no question has been is and will be racism. So what? There will always be unsafe black neighborhoods I can't go to. Obama is proof it's not so bad for a brother who tries.

But Obama has also proved that racism still exists. It's less overt but it's in every Barry Hussain birther comment.

There are just too many examples to list them all. How about how black women on welfare got less than white women? There's no other way to see that

Sometimes it's subtle too.

Do you have a link of the government being racist against black welfare recipients (women) getting less than their white counterparts?
No but I'll try to find the story tomorrow. It was on NPR and they interviewed the 85 year old woman who found out and sued and got the laws changed. When the law changed welfare quadrupled. That means they were denying lots of blacks who qualified.

They also would raid black homes and if a man was found in the home they were cut off. Even if they found a man's razor clothes or shoes.

But this woman found out by comparing her welfare checks with white women with the same number of kids. They were getting more. Whites decided white women needed a little more and blacks could do with a little less. She sued and the supreme Court ruled the welfare discrimination against blacks was unconstitutional.

It's interesting I just heard this for the first time and you can't even believe it. Maybe that should tell you there's a lot you don't realize because you are a white who lacks empathy.

And I don't think this obvious racist history is an excuse for continued black ignorance but I'm not going to pretend the fact that this racism exists

She is 85 now?

So this supposedly occurred when? 1975?
I don't recall. Fact is it all happened. Let's establish that first then we will move to showing you how shit like that still happens. Only more subtle

What is the point of trying to address injustice if we and then our descendants will be held responsible for the injustices we fixed forever? As though they are still happening.
I am not part of that consensus. I believe that blacks see racism that is not there due to Confirmation Bias. I have seen real life examples.
Well we have seen years of examples to the contrary.

I'm not saying what you've seen doesn't happen. I know it happens I've seen it too.

But are you claiming blacks in black communities aren't treated differently? ...e

Thank you for admitting to having seen blacks assume racism incorrectly.

I have NOT seen blacks treated differently, in a negative fashion.
I went to college with a black guy good friend until the brothers got hold of him next thing it's why, is it because I'm black? He must have said it 100 times before we had to go our separate ways.

Or my ghetto neighbor who was the worst neighbor and eventually he sued because he said it was because he was black.

There no question has been is and will be racism. So what? There will always be unsafe black neighborhoods I can't go to. Obama is proof it's not so bad for a brother who tries.

But Obama has also proved that racism still exists. It's less overt but it's in every Barry Hussain birther comment.

There are just too many examples to list them all. How about how black women on welfare got less than white women? There's no other way to see that

Sometimes it's subtle too.

Do you have a link of the government being racist against black welfare recipients (women) getting less than their white counterparts?
No but I'll try to find the story tomorrow. It was on NPR and they interviewed the 85 year old woman who found out and sued and got the laws changed. When the law changed welfare quadrupled. That means they were denying lots of blacks who qualified.

They also would raid black homes and if a man was found in the home they were cut off. Even if they found a man's razor clothes or shoes.

But this woman found out by comparing her welfare checks with white women with the same number of kids. They were getting more. Whites decided white women needed a little more and blacks could do with a little less. She sued and the supreme Court ruled the welfare discrimination against blacks was unconstitutional.

It's interesting I just heard this for the first time and you can't even believe it. Maybe that should tell you there's a lot you don't realize because you are a white who lacks empathy.

And I don't think this obvious racist history is an excuse for continued black ignorance but I'm not going to pretend the fact that this racism exists

Uh as for men living in homes, we've talked about that for decades, thanks for joining in. Yes the welfare system encourages the break up of families and created dependence, thanks for figuring that out.

and where is the link on the racism in welfare?
You're just a really, really ignorant man making really, really ignorant argument.

You need to work on your grammar, it obviously isn't one of your stronger attributes..

I'll post republican policies that are decidedly racist

You really don't get it do you?

Affirmative Action-This is not a Republican Policy, LBJ signed an EO in '65, which I don't agree with...
Racial profiling-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Aid to cities-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Grand juries-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Public education-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy..
Stand your ground-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Fair Housing-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy, again LBJ signed it into law in '68, which I agree with...
Healthcare-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
You're just a really, really ignorant man making really, really ignorant argument.

You need to work on your grammar, it obviously isn't one of your stronger attributes..

I'll post republican policies that are decidedly racist

You really don't get it do you?

Affirmative Action-This is not a Republican Policy, LBJ signed an EO in '65, which I don't agree with...
Racial profiling-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Aid to cities-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Grand juries-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Public education-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy..
Stand your ground-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Fair Housing-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy, again LBJ signed it into law in '68, which I agree with...
Healthcare-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Blackascoal is just a troll. He doesn't have a clue. to him and all his left friends, if you spend more money from the government on non defense items, it makes you a saint, impervious to any criticism.
You're just a really, really ignorant man making really, really ignorant argument.

You need to work on your grammar, it obviously isn't one of your stronger attributes..

I'll post republican policies that are decidedly racist

You really don't get it do you?

Affirmative Action-This is not a Republican Policy, LBJ signed an EO in '65, which I don't agree with...
Racial profiling-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Aid to cities-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Grand juries-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Public education-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy..
Stand your ground-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Fair Housing-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy, again LBJ signed it into law in '68, which I agree with...
Healthcare-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...


So you thought I meant AA was a republican policy .. or did I mean OPPOSITION to AA is a republican policy.
Support FOR racial profiling
Against aid to the cities
Against public education
For stand your ground
Against fair housing
Against affordable healthcare for all Americans

You knew what I meant, but you didn't have the honesty to defend the republican position .. which is exactly why I don't get into such discussions with RW cowardly morons.

Suffice it to say, irrespective of whatever the fuck it is you think, neither African-Americans nor ANY non-white group of people in America will be coming to rescue republicans from their dismal fate .. and FACTS prove that to be absolutely true. :0)
You're just a really, really ignorant man making really, really ignorant argument.

You need to work on your grammar, it obviously isn't one of your stronger attributes..

I'll post republican policies that are decidedly racist

You really don't get it do you?

Affirmative Action-This is not a Republican Policy, LBJ signed an EO in '65, which I don't agree with...
Racial profiling-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Aid to cities-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Grand juries-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Public education-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy..
Stand your ground-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Fair Housing-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy, again LBJ signed it into law in '68, which I agree with...
Healthcare-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...


So you thought I meant AA was a republican policy .. or did I mean OPPOSITION to AA is a republican policy.
Support FOR racial profiling
Against aid to the cities
Against public education
For stand your ground
Against fair housing
Against affordable healthcare for all Americans

You knew what I meant, but you didn't have the honesty to defend the republican position .. which is exactly why I don't get into such discussions with RW cowardly morons.

Suffice it to say, irrespective of whatever the fuck it is you think, neither African-Americans nor ANY non-white group of people in America will be coming to rescue republicans from their dismal fate .. and FACTS prove that to be absolutely true. :0)

You look stupid standing there inside the democrat plantation fence with your junk in your hand....:lol:
Well we have seen years of examples to the contrary.

I'm not saying what you've seen doesn't happen. I know it happens I've seen it too.

But are you claiming blacks in black communities aren't treated differently? ...e

Thank you for admitting to having seen blacks assume racism incorrectly.

I have NOT seen blacks treated differently, in a negative fashion.
I went to college with a black guy good friend until the brothers got hold of him next thing it's why, is it because I'm black? He must have said it 100 times before we had to go our separate ways.

Or my ghetto neighbor who was the worst neighbor and eventually he sued because he said it was because he was black.

There no question has been is and will be racism. So what? There will always be unsafe black neighborhoods I can't go to. Obama is proof it's not so bad for a brother who tries.

But Obama has also proved that racism still exists. It's less overt but it's in every Barry Hussain birther comment.

There are just too many examples to list them all. How about how black women on welfare got less than white women? There's no other way to see that

Sometimes it's subtle too.

Do you have a link of the government being racist against black welfare recipients (women) getting less than their white counterparts?
No but I'll try to find the story tomorrow. It was on NPR and they interviewed the 85 year old woman who found out and sued and got the laws changed. When the law changed welfare quadrupled. That means they were denying lots of blacks who qualified.

They also would raid black homes and if a man was found in the home they were cut off. Even if they found a man's razor clothes or shoes.

But this woman found out by comparing her welfare checks with white women with the same number of kids. They were getting more. Whites decided white women needed a little more and blacks could do with a little less. She sued and the supreme Court ruled the welfare discrimination against blacks was unconstitutional.

It's interesting I just heard this for the first time and you can't even believe it. Maybe that should tell you there's a lot you don't realize because you are a white who lacks empathy.

And I don't think this obvious racist history is an excuse for continued black ignorance but I'm not going to pretend the fact that this racism exists

Uh as for men living in homes, we've talked about that for decades, thanks for joining in. Yes the welfare system encourages the break up of families and created dependence, thanks for figuring that out.

and where is the link on the racism in welfare?
But white people weren't subjected to such scrutiny. They went after black women but not white women.

I can't find the NPR story on this. Sorry.
YOu keep insisting on judging pro-life blacks as though they share your pro-choice assumptions.

Which, of course leads you to miss the huge and unexplained conflict between their beliefs and their actions.

the fact remains, something convinced them that supporting dems was more important that the lives of tens of millions of black babies.

That is absolutely incredible if you think about it.

You're pretending to know black people better than I do. I'm well aware of their conflict on abortion .. and better aware than you seem to be on how they deal with it. Also aware that 'successful' blacks have the same conflicts and use the same reasoning.

Also more aware than you that we do not see the conflict as "tens of millions of black babies" as you do.

I'm also aware that as conservative as we may be, voting for republicans would make us REAL hypocrites. :0) .. and incredibly stupid.

Vote for an all-white political party that doesn't give a rats ass about your BORN children. :0) get real dude.

Circular reasoning and unsupported assumption.

1. The GOP is so white because blacks and browns don't join (very much). If black pro-lifers joined, the gop would not be so white.

2. Your belief that republicans "don't give a rat's ass" is just you making up shit about your partisan enemy.

:0) Honesty is not in the republican playbook .. and introspective is a foreign word.

You party is virtually all-white in 2016. .. Really, just how dumb do you have to be to not know that republicans do this by choice? :0)

Do you know ANYTHING about politics? .. Southern Strategy.

End of story
Of every demographic, blacks got it the most right. Too many middle class hispanics, Jews, Muslims, whites voted GOP. They were wrong. They voted for the wrong party.

And for the record I'm a middle class middle aged white guy and I voted for Obama too. Lots of people realize the GOP is full of shit but you blacks, something like 90% of you ain't buying it. I don't blame you

So,,you state this using the authority that you voted Obama? What a fucking liberal tool....

We freed your blacks before, and mind you, we will again.....

:lol: He was right, and you haven't freed a goddamn thing.
You're just a really, really ignorant man making really, really ignorant argument.

You need to work on your grammar, it obviously isn't one of your stronger attributes..

I'll post republican policies that are decidedly racist

You really don't get it do you?

Affirmative Action-This is not a Republican Policy, LBJ signed an EO in '65, which I don't agree with...
Racial profiling-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Aid to cities-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Grand juries-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Public education-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy..
Stand your ground-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Fair Housing-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy, again LBJ signed it into law in '68, which I agree with...
Healthcare-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...


So you thought I meant AA was a republican policy .. or did I mean OPPOSITION to AA is a republican policy.
Support FOR racial profiling
Against aid to the cities
Against public education
For stand your ground
Against fair housing
Against affordable healthcare for all Americans

You knew what I meant, but you didn't have the honesty to defend the republican position .. which is exactly why I don't get into such discussions with RW cowardly morons.

Suffice it to say, irrespective of whatever the fuck it is you think, neither African-Americans nor ANY non-white group of people in America will be coming to rescue republicans from their dismal fate .. and FACTS prove that to be absolutely true. :0)

You look stupid standing there inside the democrat plantation fence with your junk in your hand....:lol:

Keep your homosexual fantasies to yourself Twinky boy.
Well we have seen years of examples to the contrary.

I'm not saying what you've seen doesn't happen. I know it happens I've seen it too.

But are you claiming blacks in black communities aren't treated differently? ...e

Thank you for admitting to having seen blacks assume racism incorrectly.

I have NOT seen blacks treated differently, in a negative fashion.
I went to college with a black guy good friend until the brothers got hold of him next thing it's why, is it because I'm black? He must have said it 100 times before we had to go our separate ways.

Or my ghetto neighbor who was the worst neighbor and eventually he sued because he said it was because he was black.

There no question has been is and will be racism. So what? There will always be unsafe black neighborhoods I can't go to. Obama is proof it's not so bad for a brother who tries.

But Obama has also proved that racism still exists. It's less overt but it's in every Barry Hussain birther comment.

There are just too many examples to list them all. How about how black women on welfare got less than white women? There's no other way to see that

Sometimes it's subtle too.

Do you have a link of the government being racist against black welfare recipients (women) getting less than their white counterparts?
No but I'll try to find the story tomorrow. It was on NPR and they interviewed the 85 year old woman who found out and sued and got the laws changed. When the law changed welfare quadrupled. That means they were denying lots of blacks who qualified.

They also would raid black homes and if a man was found in the home they were cut off. Even if they found a man's razor clothes or shoes.

But this woman found out by comparing her welfare checks with white women with the same number of kids. They were getting more. Whites decided white women needed a little more and blacks could do with a little less. She sued and the supreme Court ruled the welfare discrimination against blacks was unconstitutional.

It's interesting I just heard this for the first time and you can't even believe it. Maybe that should tell you there's a lot you don't realize because you are a white who lacks empathy.

And I don't think this obvious racist history is an excuse for continued black ignorance but I'm not going to pretend the fact that this racism exists

Uh as for men living in homes, we've talked about that for decades, thanks for joining in. Yes the welfare system encourages the break up of families and created dependence, thanks for figuring that out.

and where is the link on the racism in welfare?
It might be this one. Unfit For Work: The Startling Rise Of Disability In America

In Hale County, Alabama, 1 in 4 working-age adults is on disability.

So much for the south and conservative red states being better than us liberal lefty states up north.
Black republicans...who are they really?

Answer: They are Props, useless, a joke, and they barely exist.

They don't win elections, they don't count, they don't matter, they influence no one.

Glad we solved that question ... together.

Look someone irrelevant, pretending to be relevant. Lol!

.. you're pretending that I give a fuck about what you think. :0) I don't give a shit about being 'relevant' to morons.

I know you regressives don't care about what others think, you think your narrow minded intolerant opinions are the only ones that count. That is what makes you irrelevant.

:0) You just keep getting dumber. It is the Republican Party and idiots like you who are on the fast track to irrelevancy .. and you know it.

.. and no, HELL NO, I don't give a damn about what idiot racists think. Why the fuck would I?

I don't need your company, your friendship, nor your support.

I like the divide just the way it is .. hope it gets worse. :0)
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