Black republicans...who are they really?

Has nothing to do with some fictitious "Southern Strategy" the the Dumocrats made up. Republicans were losing the black vote long before that ridiculous newspaper article.

Also, I don't know where you are getting this 200 year bullshit. The Democrats have forced blacks into slavery as recently as Johnson's war.

Also, the Democrats introduced at least one bill in congress to bring back slavery in the 21st century.

The Democrats have always been the party of slavery.

:0) That's just silly.

How the Southern Strategy Made Donald Trump Possible
In states like South Carolina, the mogul reaps the benefits of the GOP's longstanding appeal to racism.
How the Southern Strategy Made Donald Trump Possible

Why Today’s GOP Crackup Is the Final Unraveling of Nixon’s ‘Southern Strategy’

Why Today’s GOP Crackup Is the Final Unraveling of Nixon’s ‘Southern Strategy’

African-Americans began to move away from the Republican Party under FDR .. the Southern Strategy put the nail in that coffin forever.


Those charts support exact what I said. Unlike you I am an expert in US history.

The KKK began as a Democratic party terrorist group. They would terrorize anyone though to be Republican. Of course more blacks were targeted because if someone was black the KKK could just assume they were Republicans.

However, with whites they could not discern their political leanings simply by skin color. They had to have some other evidence that they were Repulicans besides skin color. So less whites were lynched.

Blacks who vote Democrat are hhypocritical Uncle Toms.


:lol: BULLSHIT .. you don't know shit about American history .. and those charts and articles dispute the bullshit you think you know. Blacks left the Republican Party under FDR .. whom you didn't even mention .. And, you claim the Southern Strategy was just some newspaper article, when in fact it was a republican agenda.

Why in the fuck would black people vote for an all-white party that hates them?

I can agree that the Democratic party took advantage of black ignorance.

To this day the Democratic party is still striving to keep blacks ignorant. And the sad thing is that they continue to succeed.

Shit .. I'm smarter than you and most of the ignorant motherfuckers who post here.

Not one single majority of non-white Americans support the slaver party .. not Blacks, Jews, Asians, Hispanics, nor Muslims support the Republican Party .. and that includes women .. all women. THUS, republicans can no longer win national elections .. which leads to republicans like you crying about who black people vote for.

Pretty easy
As a monolithic democrat voting block, you have no sit down and shut the fuck up like democrats told you to do.....:lol:
:lol: BULLSHIT .. you don't know shit about American history .. and those charts and articles dispute the bullshit you think you know. Blacks left the Republican Party under FDR .. whom you didn't even mention .. And, you claim the Southern Strategy was just some newspaper article, when in fact it was a republican agenda.

Why in the fuck would black people vote for an all-white party that hates them?


We will free you from the democrats....again.....

:0) Best to to try free your own ass from the mindfuck that controls you.

And just who would that be? Mind you, yell loud from your spot there on the democrat plantation as I am on the other side of the fence....

I get great delight listening to you racist fucks claiming that you freed anyone .. running from your own evil shadows. :lol:

You mean the 'plantation' that elects a plethora of black legislators .. the plantation that elected America's first black president. :0) Better than than to be standing in a white-out blizzard full of racist white assclowns. :0)
Yes, yes....the racist fucking democrat shithole you are standing in....

So you can't tell me who my Devils are?

:lol: Fuck you .. I don't need to tell you, or convince you of a goddamn thing. I don't give a fuck about who your devils are.

Stop whining. :0)
:0) That's just silly.

How the Southern Strategy Made Donald Trump Possible
In states like South Carolina, the mogul reaps the benefits of the GOP's longstanding appeal to racism.
How the Southern Strategy Made Donald Trump Possible

Why Today’s GOP Crackup Is the Final Unraveling of Nixon’s ‘Southern Strategy’

Why Today’s GOP Crackup Is the Final Unraveling of Nixon’s ‘Southern Strategy’

African-Americans began to move away from the Republican Party under FDR .. the Southern Strategy put the nail in that coffin forever.


Those charts support exact what I said. Unlike you I am an expert in US history.

The KKK began as a Democratic party terrorist group. They would terrorize anyone though to be Republican. Of course more blacks were targeted because if someone was black the KKK could just assume they were Republicans.

However, with whites they could not discern their political leanings simply by skin color. They had to have some other evidence that they were Repulicans besides skin color. So less whites were lynched.

Blacks who vote Democrat are hhypocritical Uncle Toms.


:lol: BULLSHIT .. you don't know shit about American history .. and those charts and articles dispute the bullshit you think you know. Blacks left the Republican Party under FDR .. whom you didn't even mention .. And, you claim the Southern Strategy was just some newspaper article, when in fact it was a republican agenda.

Why in the fuck would black people vote for an all-white party that hates them?

I can agree that the Democratic party took advantage of black ignorance.

To this day the Democratic party is still striving to keep blacks ignorant. And the sad thing is that they continue to succeed.

Shit .. I'm smarter than you and most of the ignorant motherfuckers who post here.

Not one single majority of non-white Americans support the slaver party .. not Blacks, Jews, Asians, Hispanics, nor Muslims support the Republican Party .. and that includes women .. all women. THUS, republicans can no longer win national elections .. which leads to republicans like you crying about who black people vote for.

Pretty easy
As a monolithic democrat voting block, you have no sit down and shut the fuck up like democrats told you to do.....:lol:

I'm not a democrat Jethro .. but as a bloc, black voters wield tremendous power .. which of course is why your punk ass is whining to me. :lol:
Those charts support exact what I said. Unlike you I am an expert in US history.

The KKK began as a Democratic party terrorist group. They would terrorize anyone though to be Republican. Of course more blacks were targeted because if someone was black the KKK could just assume they were Republicans.

However, with whites they could not discern their political leanings simply by skin color. They had to have some other evidence that they were Repulicans besides skin color. So less whites were lynched.

Blacks who vote Democrat are hhypocritical Uncle Toms.


:lol: BULLSHIT .. you don't know shit about American history .. and those charts and articles dispute the bullshit you think you know. Blacks left the Republican Party under FDR .. whom you didn't even mention .. And, you claim the Southern Strategy was just some newspaper article, when in fact it was a republican agenda.

Why in the fuck would black people vote for an all-white party that hates them?

I can agree that the Democratic party took advantage of black ignorance.

To this day the Democratic party is still striving to keep blacks ignorant. And the sad thing is that they continue to succeed.

Shit .. I'm smarter than you and most of the ignorant motherfuckers who post here.

Not one single majority of non-white Americans support the slaver party .. not Blacks, Jews, Asians, Hispanics, nor Muslims support the Republican Party .. and that includes women .. all women. THUS, republicans can no longer win national elections .. which leads to republicans like you crying about who black people vote for.

Pretty easy
As a monolithic democrat voting block, you have no sit down and shut the fuck up like democrats told you to do.....:lol:

I'm not a democrat Jethro .. but as a bloc, black voters wield tremendous power .. which of course is why your punk ass is whining to me. :lol:

Democrats don't give a fuck what you are when you are on their plantation, you racist tool....
We will free you from the democrats....again.....

:0) Best to to try free your own ass from the mindfuck that controls you.

And just who would that be? Mind you, yell loud from your spot there on the democrat plantation as I am on the other side of the fence....

I get great delight listening to you racist fucks claiming that you freed anyone .. running from your own evil shadows. :lol:

You mean the 'plantation' that elects a plethora of black legislators .. the plantation that elected America's first black president. :0) Better than than to be standing in a white-out blizzard full of racist white assclowns. :0)
Yes, yes....the racist fucking democrat shithole you are standing in....

So you can't tell me who my Devils are?

:lol: Fuck you .. I don't need to tell you, or convince you of a goddamn thing. I don't give a fuck about who your devils are.

Stop whining. :0)
Then please stop telling me about them...thanks...
:0) Best to to try free your own ass from the mindfuck that controls you.

And just who would that be? Mind you, yell loud from your spot there on the democrat plantation as I am on the other side of the fence....

I get great delight listening to you racist fucks claiming that you freed anyone .. running from your own evil shadows. :lol:

You mean the 'plantation' that elects a plethora of black legislators .. the plantation that elected America's first black president. :0) Better than than to be standing in a white-out blizzard full of racist white assclowns. :0)
Yes, yes....the racist fucking democrat shithole you are standing in....

So you can't tell me who my Devils are?

:lol: Fuck you .. I don't need to tell you, or convince you of a goddamn thing. I don't give a fuck about who your devils are.

Stop whining. :0)
Then please stop telling me about them...thanks...

Stop posting to me crying about who we vote for and you won't have to hear it.

Pretty easy
:lol: BULLSHIT .. you don't know shit about American history .. and those charts and articles dispute the bullshit you think you know. Blacks left the Republican Party under FDR .. whom you didn't even mention .. And, you claim the Southern Strategy was just some newspaper article, when in fact it was a republican agenda.

Why in the fuck would black people vote for an all-white party that hates them?

I can agree that the Democratic party took advantage of black ignorance.

To this day the Democratic party is still striving to keep blacks ignorant. And the sad thing is that they continue to succeed.

Shit .. I'm smarter than you and most of the ignorant motherfuckers who post here.

Not one single majority of non-white Americans support the slaver party .. not Blacks, Jews, Asians, Hispanics, nor Muslims support the Republican Party .. and that includes women .. all women. THUS, republicans can no longer win national elections .. which leads to republicans like you crying about who black people vote for.

Pretty easy
As a monolithic democrat voting block, you have no sit down and shut the fuck up like democrats told you to do.....:lol:

I'm not a democrat Jethro .. but as a bloc, black voters wield tremendous power .. which of course is why your punk ass is whining to me. :lol:

Democrats don't give a fuck what you are when you are on their plantation, you racist tool....

I'm not a democrat you ignorant knucklehead. :0)
I can agree that the Democratic party took advantage of black ignorance.

To this day the Democratic party is still striving to keep blacks ignorant. And the sad thing is that they continue to succeed.

Shit .. I'm smarter than you and most of the ignorant motherfuckers who post here.

Not one single majority of non-white Americans support the slaver party .. not Blacks, Jews, Asians, Hispanics, nor Muslims support the Republican Party .. and that includes women .. all women. THUS, republicans can no longer win national elections .. which leads to republicans like you crying about who black people vote for.

Pretty easy
As a monolithic democrat voting block, you have no sit down and shut the fuck up like democrats told you to do.....:lol:

I'm not a democrat Jethro .. but as a bloc, black voters wield tremendous power .. which of course is why your punk ass is whining to me. :lol:

Democrats don't give a fuck what you are when you are on their plantation, you racist tool....

I'm not a democrat you ignorant knucklehead. :0)
Post #1524...

Democrats did teach you numbers I assume....
Went to Delphi in Saginaw Michigan a few times. There were 11 union workers packing parts made in China to be shipped to Mexico for assembly. The rest were Temps from corestaff. What you mentioned has already happened. Unions are doing nothing but looking after unions. And I will never forget Boosh's attempt to make the US another state of Mexico. Matter of fact, he succeeded in doing just that and Obama is carrying the torch in that department quite nicely. This is where I hope and pray trump is not lying.
Trump/hillary can't do it by themselves. Don't vote for a senator or a house member who would let mexican trucker in. Just because trump is into closing our borders doesn't mean Mitch McConnell or John McCain is.

And show up for the midterms. We can't take this country back when only rich people and die hard Republicans show up every 2 and moderates/independents every 4

Ding, winner. This is why we are stuck choosing between Trump and Hillery.
And heads up. The rich have figured out they can do more at a state and local level so whoever is the best funded candidate, do not vote for that person. That small time politician is funded by the kochs and can really impact your life even more so at a local level.

I will get shit for saying this, but this is why Ted Cruz beat David Douchehurst in the run for K. Bailey Hutchesuns senate seat. See, in Texas to get anywhere politically one is supposed to kiss the Bush signet ring and aske the blessing of the yankee transplants elder fucktard. Dick Perry tried to run without doing so and we saw how that went the first time. Cruz told the Bush clan to ram it. Because of that all the media outlets had him losing right up until they had to say he won the seat. Both parties suffer from shit like this. both parties need to be purged of all the money grubbing elites and fixed. They are both crooked as hell. A good start would be for the Clinton and Bush dynasties to fuck off some place and die quietly.

The establishment of both parties are funded by big business. And the more they are entrenched into Congress, the tougher it will be to root out. America is the land of the rich, for the rich and by the rich. The idea that the Democrats claim to be the party of the poor by touting minimum wage? Pretty silly but effective advertising. The are appeasing the peasants by giving them crumbs and taking away more jobs, more money, more power. Lopsided trade off.
George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting NAFTA, ceremonially signed the agreement in their respective capitals on December 17, 1992. The signed agreement then needed to be ratified by each nation's legislative or parliamentary branch.

In the U.S., Bush, who had worked to "fast track" NAFTA ran out of time and had to pass the required ratification and signing of the implementation law to incoming president Bill Clinton.

What dumb fucking Republican thinks Bill Clinton should have veto’ed NAFTA? If you take that position you aren’t being intellectually honest. NAFTA was a done deal. And as it should. Even me, a liberal, doesn’t think we shouldn’t be trading with the rest of the world. Only Republicans who were pro NAFTA yesterday are trying to blame Clinton for signing NAFTA. If he didn’t they would have blamed him for NOT signing it. It would have been their big issue for 1996.

Anyways, back to my point. Prior to sending NAFTA to the Senate, Clinton added two side agreements. The NAALC and the NAAEC to protect workers and the environment. So don’t say “Clinton signed NAFTA” and try and blame him when NAFTA was the GOP’s creation. Now they say they want to put tariffs on imports? Lying mother fuckers.
Shit .. I'm smarter than you and most of the ignorant motherfuckers who post here.

Not one single majority of non-white Americans support the slaver party .. not Blacks, Jews, Asians, Hispanics, nor Muslims support the Republican Party .. and that includes women .. all women. THUS, republicans can no longer win national elections .. which leads to republicans like you crying about who black people vote for.

Pretty easy
As a monolithic democrat voting block, you have no sit down and shut the fuck up like democrats told you to do.....:lol:

I'm not a democrat Jethro .. but as a bloc, black voters wield tremendous power .. which of course is why your punk ass is whining to me. :lol:

Democrats don't give a fuck what you are when you are on their plantation, you racist tool....

I'm not a democrat you ignorant knucklehead. :0)
Post #1524...

Democrats did teach you numbers I assume....

Here your clown ass is whining again. :lol:

You motherfuckers know your evil party of morons is in deep shit. :0)
As a monolithic democrat voting block, you have no sit down and shut the fuck up like democrats told you to do.....:lol:

I'm not a democrat Jethro .. but as a bloc, black voters wield tremendous power .. which of course is why your punk ass is whining to me. :lol:

Democrats don't give a fuck what you are when you are on their plantation, you racist tool....

I'm not a democrat you ignorant knucklehead. :0)
Post #1524...

Democrats did teach you numbers I assume....

Here your clown ass is whining again. :lol:

You motherfuckers know your evil party of morons is in deep shit. :0)
You certainly do the democrat plantation proud.....:lol:
Ol' Blue making senseless noise again...
I think he wants to try an say something....then the democrat whip him back into submission....:lol:

It must really suck to live your life voiceless, ignorant, and liberal while looking out through the holes in the plantation fence.....
Ol' Blue making senseless noise again...
I think he wants to try an say something....then the democrat whip him back into submission....:lol:

It must really suck to live your life voiceless, ignorant, and liberal while looking out through the holes in the plantation fence.....

:0) Who in the fuck would want to be you.

Some fucking clown always talking about a 'plantation' while crying about who black people vote for.

Have the Republican Party update your marching orders and talking points ..

.. oh wait, too late for that. :0)
Ol' Blue making senseless noise again...
I think he wants to try an say something....then the democrat whip him back into submission....:lol:

It must really suck to live your life voiceless, ignorant, and liberal while looking out through the holes in the plantation fence.....

:0) Who in the fuck would want to be you.

Some fucking clown always talking about a 'plantation' while crying about who black people vote for.
You vote democrat...the plantation is where you live...

What is there really to discuss with us civilized people outside the fence?
Ol' Blue making senseless noise again...
I think he wants to try an say something....then the democrat whip him back into submission....:lol:

It must really suck to live your life voiceless, ignorant, and liberal while looking out through the holes in the plantation fence.....

:0) Who in the fuck would want to be you.

Some fucking clown always talking about a 'plantation' while crying about who black people vote for.
You vote democrat...the plantation is where you live...

What is there really to discuss with us civilized people outside the fence?

:lol: There is nothing to discuss you ignorant bitch .. :0) told you that when you first started crying to me.
I went to college with a black guy good friend until the brothers got hold of him next thing it's why, is it because I'm black? He must have said it 100 times before we had to go our separate ways.

Or my ghetto neighbor who was the worst neighbor and eventually he sued because he said it was because he was black.

There no question has been is and will be racism. So what? There will always be unsafe black neighborhoods I can't go to. Obama is proof it's not so bad for a brother who tries.

But Obama has also proved that racism still exists. It's less overt but it's in every Barry Hussain birther comment.

There are just too many examples to list them all. How about how black women on welfare got less than white women? There's no other way to see that

Sometimes it's subtle too.

Do you have a link of the government being racist against black welfare recipients (women) getting less than their white counterparts?
No but I'll try to find the story tomorrow. It was on NPR and they interviewed the 85 year old woman who found out and sued and got the laws changed. When the law changed welfare quadrupled. That means they were denying lots of blacks who qualified.

They also would raid black homes and if a man was found in the home they were cut off. Even if they found a man's razor clothes or shoes.

But this woman found out by comparing her welfare checks with white women with the same number of kids. They were getting more. Whites decided white women needed a little more and blacks could do with a little less. She sued and the supreme Court ruled the welfare discrimination against blacks was unconstitutional.

It's interesting I just heard this for the first time and you can't even believe it. Maybe that should tell you there's a lot you don't realize because you are a white who lacks empathy.

And I don't think this obvious racist history is an excuse for continued black ignorance but I'm not going to pretend the fact that this racism exists

Uh as for men living in homes, we've talked about that for decades, thanks for joining in. Yes the welfare system encourages the break up of families and created dependence, thanks for figuring that out.

and where is the link on the racism in welfare?
But white people weren't subjected to such scrutiny. They went after black women but not white women.

I can't find the NPR story on this. Sorry.

That was 30 years ago. We are talking today.
Ok pal!!! You want more current?

John Kasich: No Food Stamps, Unless You're White
Ol' Blue making senseless noise again...
I think he wants to try an say something....then the democrat whip him back into submission....:lol:

It must really suck to live your life voiceless, ignorant, and liberal while looking out through the holes in the plantation fence.....

:0) Who in the fuck would want to be you.

Some fucking clown always talking about a 'plantation' while crying about who black people vote for.
You vote democrat...the plantation is where you live...

What is there really to discuss with us civilized people outside the fence?

:lol: There is nothing to discuss you ignorant bitch .. :0) told you that when you first started crying to me.
Well, at least take your dick out of your hand while your standing there....try to look dignified as a piece of property....

Have a democrat plantation wonderful day brother....
Ol' Blue making senseless noise again...
I think he wants to try an say something....then the democrat whip him back into submission....:lol:

It must really suck to live your life voiceless, ignorant, and liberal while looking out through the holes in the plantation fence.....

:0) Who in the fuck would want to be you.

Some fucking clown always talking about a 'plantation' while crying about who black people vote for.
You vote democrat...the plantation is where you live...

What is there really to discuss with us civilized people outside the fence?

:lol: There is nothing to discuss you ignorant bitch .. :0) told you that when you first started crying to me.
Well, at least take your dick out of your hand while your standing there....try to look dignified as a piece of property....

Have a democrat plantation wonderful day brother....

Keep your homosexual fantasies to yourself twinky boy.

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