Black republicans...who are they really?

Uh as for men living in homes, we've talked about that for decades, thanks for joining in. Yes the welfare system encourages the break up of families and created dependence, thanks for figuring that out.

and where is the link on the racism in welfare?
But white people weren't subjected to such scrutiny. They went after black women but not white women.

I can't find the NPR story on this. Sorry.

That was 30 years ago. We are talking today.
Ok pal!!! You want more current?

John Kasich: No Food Stamps, Unless You're White

Mother Jones and the Daily KOS? Seriously? Leftwing propaganda sites. How dumb do you think people are to believe that crap?
I'm sorry but you're going to have to provide a link that proves Kasich isn't a racist scumbag. As far as we know:

While in Congress in 1996, "moderate" "blue-collar" "Christian" Kasich was the architect of welfare reform legislation that, in his preferred language, eliminated food aid for a million people per month. Even that was too extreme for the Republican-led 104th US Congress, and Kasich greased the wheels for passage by inserting a provision that would create time-limited exemptions for regions under particular duress. State governors are afforded discretion in the implementation of those exemptions, and Kasich has been particularly clever in depriving communities of color of these exemptions while directing them toward white majority constituencies more likely to vote for Republican candidates.

I told you today the GOP is more covert about their racism


Not a valid request.

Libs change the definitions as needed, or just ignore and choose to disbelieve what ever they need to to maintain their cherished Myth of GOP racism.
Due to a struggling economy and high unemployment, Ohio had qualified for and accepted this statewide waiver from the US Department of Agriculture every year since 2007, including during most of Kasich's first term as governor. But this time, Kasich rejected the waiver for the next two years in most of the state's 88 counties. His administration did accept them for 16 counties in 2014 and for 17 counties in 2015. Most of these were rural counties with small and predominantly white populations. Urban counties and cities, most of which had high minority populations, did not get waivers.

What was his stated reason? If it actually happened?
Due to a struggling economy and high unemployment, Ohio had qualified for and accepted this statewide waiver from the US Department of Agriculture every year since 2007, including during most of Kasich's first term as governor. But this time, Kasich rejected the waiver for the next two years in most of the state's 88 counties. His administration did accept them for 16 counties in 2014 and for 17 counties in 2015. Most of these were rural counties with small and predominantly white populations. Urban counties and cities, most of which had high minority populations, did not get waivers.

Propaganda from KOS and Mother Jones. Nice try bringing in lies you couldn't get through the front door, now trying to get through the back door.

Pretty dishonest.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
YOu keep insisting on judging pro-life blacks as though they share your pro-choice assumptions.

Which, of course leads you to miss the huge and unexplained conflict between their beliefs and their actions.

the fact remains, something convinced them that supporting dems was more important that the lives of tens of millions of black babies.

That is absolutely incredible if you think about it.

You're pretending to know black people better than I do. I'm well aware of their conflict on abortion .. and better aware than you seem to be on how they deal with it. Also aware that 'successful' blacks have the same conflicts and use the same reasoning.

Also more aware than you that we do not see the conflict as "tens of millions of black babies" as you do.

I'm also aware that as conservative as we may be, voting for republicans would make us REAL hypocrites. :0) .. and incredibly stupid.

Vote for an all-white political party that doesn't give a rats ass about your BORN children. :0) get real dude.
What is hypocritical is for blacks to vote for the pro-slavery party.

However I do understand why Republicans started losing the black vote. It was Hoover. He was seen as a hero after the great flood but after he became president he couldn't make good on his promises. Although he did get massive relief camps built, being in the south, of course the camps were run by southern Democrats who treated blacks much worse than slaves. The blacks erroneously blamed Hoover and Republicans in general for their plight.

After the diaspora blacks started voting against Republicans. The Republicans have been losing black voters ever since.

:0) "pro-slavery party" :lol: .. fast forward several hundred years and .. the Southern Strategy. Today, the Republican Party would re-institute slavery if it could.

That's why blacks hate the Republican Party.

You skipped right past the truth.

The southern strategy is a lie, supported by nothing but bullshit.

That's stupid .. and I've already posted the truth of just how stupid that is.

Your party is virtually all-white .. and ONLY white men support the racist party in the majority.

You make not like history, but you can't change it.
You have no room to call anyone racist. If you feel a need to indicate you race in your screen name, you are definitely a racist.

It's called projection. You are calling other people what you know you are.
You're pretending to know black people better than I do. I'm well aware of their conflict on abortion .. and better aware than you seem to be on how they deal with it. Also aware that 'successful' blacks have the same conflicts and use the same reasoning.

Also more aware than you that we do not see the conflict as "tens of millions of black babies" as you do.

I'm also aware that as conservative as we may be, voting for republicans would make us REAL hypocrites. :0) .. and incredibly stupid.

Vote for an all-white political party that doesn't give a rats ass about your BORN children. :0) get real dude.
What is hypocritical is for blacks to vote for the pro-slavery party.

However I do understand why Republicans started losing the black vote. It was Hoover. He was seen as a hero after the great flood but after he became president he couldn't make good on his promises. Although he did get massive relief camps built, being in the south, of course the camps were run by southern Democrats who treated blacks much worse than slaves. The blacks erroneously blamed Hoover and Republicans in general for their plight.

After the diaspora blacks started voting against Republicans. The Republicans have been losing black voters ever since.

:0) "pro-slavery party" :lol: .. fast forward several hundred years and .. the Southern Strategy. Today, the Republican Party would re-institute slavery if it could.

That's why blacks hate the Republican Party.

You skipped right past the truth.

The southern strategy is a lie, supported by nothing but bullshit.

That's stupid .. and I've already posted the truth of just how stupid that is.

Your party is virtually all-white .. and ONLY white men support the racist party in the majority.

You make not like history, but you can't change it.
You have no room to call anyone racist. If you feel a need to indicate you race in your screen name, you are definitely a racist.

It's called projection. You are calling other people what you know you are.

I can call you whatever I think fits you .. don't give a fuck what you call me.

I self-identify because I WANT you racist motherfuckers to attack me because I'm black. :0) It you think that's racist .. that's because you're stupid.
What is hypocritical is for blacks to vote for the pro-slavery party.

However I do understand why Republicans started losing the black vote. It was Hoover. He was seen as a hero after the great flood but after he became president he couldn't make good on his promises. Although he did get massive relief camps built, being in the south, of course the camps were run by southern Democrats who treated blacks much worse than slaves. The blacks erroneously blamed Hoover and Republicans in general for their plight.

After the diaspora blacks started voting against Republicans. The Republicans have been losing black voters ever since.

:0) "pro-slavery party" :lol: .. fast forward several hundred years and .. the Southern Strategy. Today, the Republican Party would re-institute slavery if it could.

That's why blacks hate the Republican Party.

You skipped right past the truth.

The southern strategy is a lie, supported by nothing but bullshit.

That's stupid .. and I've already posted the truth of just how stupid that is.

Your party is virtually all-white .. and ONLY white men support the racist party in the majority.

You make not like history, but you can't change it.
You have no room to call anyone racist. If you feel a need to indicate you race in your screen name, you are definitely a racist.

It's called projection. You are calling other people what you know you are.

I can call you whatever I think fits you .. don't give a fuck what you call me.

I self-identify because I WANT you racist motherfuckers to attack me because I'm black. :0) It you think that's racist .. that's because you're stupid.

When you wear out your card, does the DNC send you a new one?
:0) "pro-slavery party" :lol: .. fast forward several hundred years and .. the Southern Strategy. Today, the Republican Party would re-institute slavery if it could.

That's why blacks hate the Republican Party.

You skipped right past the truth.

The southern strategy is a lie, supported by nothing but bullshit.

That's stupid .. and I've already posted the truth of just how stupid that is.

Your party is virtually all-white .. and ONLY white men support the racist party in the majority.

You make not like history, but you can't change it.
You have no room to call anyone racist. If you feel a need to indicate you race in your screen name, you are definitely a racist.

It's called projection. You are calling other people what you know you are.

I can call you whatever I think fits you .. don't give a fuck what you call me.

I self-identify because I WANT you racist motherfuckers to attack me because I'm black. :0) It you think that's racist .. that's because you're stupid.

When you wear out your card, does the DNC send you a new one?

:0) No motherfucker .. Johnny Depp sends me one.

Johnny Depp calls Republican frontrunner Donald Trump a 'brat'
'There’s a pretence. There’s something created about him in the sense of bullydom'
Johnny Depp calls Donald Trump a 'brat'
The southern strategy is a lie, supported by nothing but bullshit.

That's stupid .. and I've already posted the truth of just how stupid that is.

Your party is virtually all-white .. and ONLY white men support the racist party in the majority.

You make not like history, but you can't change it.
You have no room to call anyone racist. If you feel a need to indicate you race in your screen name, you are definitely a racist.

It's called projection. You are calling other people what you know you are.

I can call you whatever I think fits you .. don't give a fuck what you call me.

I self-identify because I WANT you racist motherfuckers to attack me because I'm black. :0) It you think that's racist .. that's because you're stupid.

When you wear out your card, does the DNC send you a new one?

:0) No motherfucker .. Johnny Depp sends me one.

Johnny Depp calls Republican frontrunner Donald Trump a 'brat'
'There’s a pretence. There’s something created about him in the sense of bullydom'
Johnny Depp calls Donald Trump a 'brat'
Fuck off you racist piece of shit. This from a guy who tried to say he was wondering what Republicans could do for him, yet knew full well the answer was nothing, because republicans aren't commies like his beloved democrats.
But white people weren't subjected to such scrutiny. They went after black women but not white women.

I can't find the NPR story on this. Sorry.

That was 30 years ago. We are talking today.
Ok pal!!! You want more current?

John Kasich: No Food Stamps, Unless You're White

Mother Jones and the Daily KOS? Seriously? Leftwing propaganda sites. How dumb do you think people are to believe that crap?
I'm sorry but you're going to have to provide a link that proves Kasich isn't a racist scumbag. As far as we know:

While in Congress in 1996, "moderate" "blue-collar" "Christian" Kasich was the architect of welfare reform legislation that, in his preferred language, eliminated food aid for a million people per month. Even that was too extreme for the Republican-led 104th US Congress, and Kasich greased the wheels for passage by inserting a provision that would create time-limited exemptions for regions under particular duress. State governors are afforded discretion in the implementation of those exemptions, and Kasich has been particularly clever in depriving communities of color of these exemptions while directing them toward white majority constituencies more likely to vote for Republican candidates.

I told you today the GOP is more covert about their racism


Not a valid request.

Libs change the definitions as needed, or just ignore and choose to disbelieve what ever they need to to maintain their cherished Myth of GOP racism.
. They have to keep believing, I mean it pays dividends right? Take away the gain & the incentive to keep hating for gain, and the nation begins to heal faster than one can imagine. The only way to do this though, is to sit the hustlers out for a while, and of course we all know who the hustlers are, they are the Democrat party at this place in time in our history.
You're just a really, really ignorant man making really, really ignorant argument.

You need to work on your grammar, it obviously isn't one of your stronger attributes..

I'll post republican policies that are decidedly racist

You really don't get it do you?

Affirmative Action-This is not a Republican Policy, LBJ signed an EO in '65, which I don't agree with...
Racial profiling-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Aid to cities-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Grand juries-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Public education-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy..
Stand your ground-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Fair Housing-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy, again LBJ signed it into law in '68, which I agree with...
Healthcare-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...


So you thought I meant AA was a republican policy .. or did I mean OPPOSITION to AA is a republican policy.
Support FOR racial profiling
Against aid to the cities
Against public education
For stand your ground
Against fair housing
Against affordable healthcare for all Americans

You knew what I meant, but you didn't have the honesty to defend the republican position .. which is exactly why I don't get into such discussions with RW cowardly morons.

Suffice it to say, irrespective of whatever the fuck it is you think, neither African-Americans nor ANY non-white group of people in America will be coming to rescue republicans from their dismal fate .. and FACTS prove that to be absolutely true. :0)

Oh I knew what you meant about Affirmative Action and I was clear, I don't agree with it and it's not a Republican or Conservative Policy...

The truth is you have no idea how to spell it out...

You're a hate filled POS who may possibly be Black that acts like a little bitch on their keyboard...

If you are Black, you fit the N word to a tee...

You will drown in your hatred, its happened to millions, White, Black, Brown, Red & Yellow...

You have a difficult time earning anything in life and use excuses, in this case your supposed Blackness...

You will wallow in your pitty to your dying day based on your level of hate demonstrated here...
The southern strategy is a lie, supported by nothing but bullshit.

That's stupid .. and I've already posted the truth of just how stupid that is.

Your party is virtually all-white .. and ONLY white men support the racist party in the majority.

You make not like history, but you can't change it.
You have no room to call anyone racist. If you feel a need to indicate you race in your screen name, you are definitely a racist.

It's called projection. You are calling other people what you know you are.

I can call you whatever I think fits you .. don't give a fuck what you call me.

I self-identify because I WANT you racist motherfuckers to attack me because I'm black. :0) It you think that's racist .. that's because you're stupid.

When you wear out your card, does the DNC send you a new one?

:0) No motherfucker .. Johnny Depp sends me one.

Johnny Depp calls Republican frontrunner Donald Trump a 'brat'
'There’s a pretence. There’s something created about him in the sense of bullydom'
Johnny Depp calls Donald Trump a 'brat'
. Your gonna use "Johnny Depp", as if he is someone that adds strength to your words or arguments here ? ROTFLMBO... You can't make this stuff up folks... wow. Tooo flipping funny... LOL
Ding, winner. This is why we are stuck choosing between Trump and Hillery.
And heads up. The rich have figured out they can do more at a state and local level so whoever is the best funded candidate, do not vote for that person. That small time politician is funded by the kochs and can really impact your life even more so at a local level.

I will get shit for saying this, but this is why Ted Cruz beat David Douchehurst in the run for K. Bailey Hutchesuns senate seat. See, in Texas to get anywhere politically one is supposed to kiss the Bush signet ring and aske the blessing of the yankee transplants elder fucktard. Dick Perry tried to run without doing so and we saw how that went the first time. Cruz told the Bush clan to ram it. Because of that all the media outlets had him losing right up until they had to say he won the seat. Both parties suffer from shit like this. both parties need to be purged of all the money grubbing elites and fixed. They are both crooked as hell. A good start would be for the Clinton and Bush dynasties to fuck off some place and die quietly.

The establishment of both parties are funded by big business. And the more they are entrenched into Congress, the tougher it will be to root out. America is the land of the rich, for the rich and by the rich. The idea that the Democrats claim to be the party of the poor by touting minimum wage? Pretty silly but effective advertising. The are appeasing the peasants by giving them crumbs and taking away more jobs, more money, more power. Lopsided trade off.
George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting NAFTA, ceremonially signed the agreement in their respective capitals on December 17, 1992. The signed agreement then needed to be ratified by each nation's legislative or parliamentary branch.

In the U.S., Bush, who had worked to "fast track" NAFTA ran out of time and had to pass the required ratification and signing of the implementation law to incoming president Bill Clinton.

What dumb fucking Republican thinks Bill Clinton should have veto’ed NAFTA? If you take that position you aren’t being intellectually honest. NAFTA was a done deal. And as it should. Even me, a liberal, doesn’t think we shouldn’t be trading with the rest of the world. Only Republicans who were pro NAFTA yesterday are trying to blame Clinton for signing NAFTA. If he didn’t they would have blamed him for NOT signing it. It would have been their big issue for 1996.

Anyways, back to my point. Prior to sending NAFTA to the Senate, Clinton added two side agreements. The NAALC and the NAAEC to protect workers and the environment. So don’t say “Clinton signed NAFTA” and try and blame him when NAFTA was the GOP’s creation. Now they say they want to put tariffs on imports? Lying mother fuckers.

The Free Traders are a ideological camp inside the GOP.

They are primarily for the adoption of the Free Trade policy we have today.

HOWEVER, the dems have joined in alone the way, and now are part of that consensus.

The GOP congress did write Nafta and send it to BIll Clinton.

Bill Clinton COULD have vetoed it, but choose to sign it.

One can discuss his reasons.

Today, an ANTI-Free Trader has won the GOP nomination.

A Free Trader has won the dem nomination.

If you think Free Trade and/or Nafta is a bad idea....

Holding Trump responsible for what the GOP congress did in the 90s, makes no sense.
Im not buying anything trump says. And I believe all the politicians should be asked what they think about making trade fair.

I've never seen an election year where no ones talking about any other races besides the white house. Meanwhile the rich are funding local and state Republicans with more dark money than ever before.

No way I'm giving the GOP all three houses.
And heads up. The rich have figured out they can do more at a state and local level so whoever is the best funded candidate, do not vote for that person. That small time politician is funded by the kochs and can really impact your life even more so at a local level.

I will get shit for saying this, but this is why Ted Cruz beat David Douchehurst in the run for K. Bailey Hutchesuns senate seat. See, in Texas to get anywhere politically one is supposed to kiss the Bush signet ring and aske the blessing of the yankee transplants elder fucktard. Dick Perry tried to run without doing so and we saw how that went the first time. Cruz told the Bush clan to ram it. Because of that all the media outlets had him losing right up until they had to say he won the seat. Both parties suffer from shit like this. both parties need to be purged of all the money grubbing elites and fixed. They are both crooked as hell. A good start would be for the Clinton and Bush dynasties to fuck off some place and die quietly.

The establishment of both parties are funded by big business. And the more they are entrenched into Congress, the tougher it will be to root out. America is the land of the rich, for the rich and by the rich. The idea that the Democrats claim to be the party of the poor by touting minimum wage? Pretty silly but effective advertising. The are appeasing the peasants by giving them crumbs and taking away more jobs, more money, more power. Lopsided trade off.
George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting NAFTA, ceremonially signed the agreement in their respective capitals on December 17, 1992. The signed agreement then needed to be ratified by each nation's legislative or parliamentary branch.

In the U.S., Bush, who had worked to "fast track" NAFTA ran out of time and had to pass the required ratification and signing of the implementation law to incoming president Bill Clinton.

What dumb fucking Republican thinks Bill Clinton should have veto’ed NAFTA? If you take that position you aren’t being intellectually honest. NAFTA was a done deal. And as it should. Even me, a liberal, doesn’t think we shouldn’t be trading with the rest of the world. Only Republicans who were pro NAFTA yesterday are trying to blame Clinton for signing NAFTA. If he didn’t they would have blamed him for NOT signing it. It would have been their big issue for 1996.

Anyways, back to my point. Prior to sending NAFTA to the Senate, Clinton added two side agreements. The NAALC and the NAAEC to protect workers and the environment. So don’t say “Clinton signed NAFTA” and try and blame him when NAFTA was the GOP’s creation. Now they say they want to put tariffs on imports? Lying mother fuckers.

The Free Traders are a ideological camp inside the GOP.

They are primarily for the adoption of the Free Trade policy we have today.

HOWEVER, the dems have joined in alone the way, and now are part of that consensus.

The GOP congress did write Nafta and send it to BIll Clinton.

Bill Clinton COULD have vetoed it, but choose to sign it.

One can discuss his reasons.

Today, an ANTI-Free Trader has won the GOP nomination.

A Free Trader has won the dem nomination.

If you think Free Trade and/or Nafta is a bad idea....

Holding Trump responsible for what the GOP congress did in the 90s, makes no sense.
Im not buying anything trump says. And I believe all the politicians should be asked what they think about making trade fair.

I've never seen an election year where no ones talking about any other races besides the white house. Meanwhile the rich are funding local and state Republicans with more dark money than ever before.

No way I'm giving the GOP all three houses.

You seriously don't think dark money is funding Democrats as well? You are naive.
That was 30 years ago. We are talking today.
Ok pal!!! You want more current?

John Kasich: No Food Stamps, Unless You're White

Mother Jones and the Daily KOS? Seriously? Leftwing propaganda sites. How dumb do you think people are to believe that crap?
I'm sorry but you're going to have to provide a link that proves Kasich isn't a racist scumbag. As far as we know:

While in Congress in 1996, "moderate" "blue-collar" "Christian" Kasich was the architect of welfare reform legislation that, in his preferred language, eliminated food aid for a million people per month. Even that was too extreme for the Republican-led 104th US Congress, and Kasich greased the wheels for passage by inserting a provision that would create time-limited exemptions for regions under particular duress. State governors are afforded discretion in the implementation of those exemptions, and Kasich has been particularly clever in depriving communities of color of these exemptions while directing them toward white majority constituencies more likely to vote for Republican candidates.

I told you today the GOP is more covert about their racism


Not a valid request.

Libs change the definitions as needed, or just ignore and choose to disbelieve what ever they need to to maintain their cherished Myth of GOP racism.
. They have to keep believing, I mean it pays dividends right? Take away the gain & the incentive to keep hating for gain, and the nation begins to heal faster than one can imagine. The only way to do this though, is to sit the hustlers out for a while, and of course we all know who the hustlers are, they are the Democrat party at this place in time in our history.
Hey Republicans, or more importantly the corporations that control those politicians. Do you want to do your part in solving welfare? When trump convinces Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell to impose tariffs on their bosses, and jobs come back home, hire black people. Put those plants in Chicago and Detroit.

Mother Jones and the Daily KOS? Seriously? Leftwing propaganda sites. How dumb do you think people are to believe that crap?
I'm sorry but you're going to have to provide a link that proves Kasich isn't a racist scumbag. As far as we know:

While in Congress in 1996, "moderate" "blue-collar" "Christian" Kasich was the architect of welfare reform legislation that, in his preferred language, eliminated food aid for a million people per month. Even that was too extreme for the Republican-led 104th US Congress, and Kasich greased the wheels for passage by inserting a provision that would create time-limited exemptions for regions under particular duress. State governors are afforded discretion in the implementation of those exemptions, and Kasich has been particularly clever in depriving communities of color of these exemptions while directing them toward white majority constituencies more likely to vote for Republican candidates.

I told you today the GOP is more covert about their racism


Not a valid request.

Libs change the definitions as needed, or just ignore and choose to disbelieve what ever they need to to maintain their cherished Myth of GOP racism.
. They have to keep believing, I mean it pays dividends right? Take away the gain & the incentive to keep hating for gain, and the nation begins to heal faster than one can imagine. The only way to do this though, is to sit the hustlers out for a while, and of course we all know who the hustlers are, they are the Democrat party at this place in time in our history.
Hey Republicans, or more importantly the corporations that control those politicians. Do you want to do your part in solving welfare? When trump convinces Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell to impose tariffs on their bosses, and jobs come back home, hire black people. Put those plants in Chicago and Detroit.

Hillary is controlled by big corporations! Oh my you are making me laugh so hard!!!!
I will get shit for saying this, but this is why Ted Cruz beat David Douchehurst in the run for K. Bailey Hutchesuns senate seat. See, in Texas to get anywhere politically one is supposed to kiss the Bush signet ring and aske the blessing of the yankee transplants elder fucktard. Dick Perry tried to run without doing so and we saw how that went the first time. Cruz told the Bush clan to ram it. Because of that all the media outlets had him losing right up until they had to say he won the seat. Both parties suffer from shit like this. both parties need to be purged of all the money grubbing elites and fixed. They are both crooked as hell. A good start would be for the Clinton and Bush dynasties to fuck off some place and die quietly.

The establishment of both parties are funded by big business. And the more they are entrenched into Congress, the tougher it will be to root out. America is the land of the rich, for the rich and by the rich. The idea that the Democrats claim to be the party of the poor by touting minimum wage? Pretty silly but effective advertising. The are appeasing the peasants by giving them crumbs and taking away more jobs, more money, more power. Lopsided trade off.
George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting NAFTA, ceremonially signed the agreement in their respective capitals on December 17, 1992. The signed agreement then needed to be ratified by each nation's legislative or parliamentary branch.

In the U.S., Bush, who had worked to "fast track" NAFTA ran out of time and had to pass the required ratification and signing of the implementation law to incoming president Bill Clinton.

What dumb fucking Republican thinks Bill Clinton should have veto’ed NAFTA? If you take that position you aren’t being intellectually honest. NAFTA was a done deal. And as it should. Even me, a liberal, doesn’t think we shouldn’t be trading with the rest of the world. Only Republicans who were pro NAFTA yesterday are trying to blame Clinton for signing NAFTA. If he didn’t they would have blamed him for NOT signing it. It would have been their big issue for 1996.

Anyways, back to my point. Prior to sending NAFTA to the Senate, Clinton added two side agreements. The NAALC and the NAAEC to protect workers and the environment. So don’t say “Clinton signed NAFTA” and try and blame him when NAFTA was the GOP’s creation. Now they say they want to put tariffs on imports? Lying mother fuckers.

The Free Traders are a ideological camp inside the GOP.

They are primarily for the adoption of the Free Trade policy we have today.

HOWEVER, the dems have joined in alone the way, and now are part of that consensus.

The GOP congress did write Nafta and send it to BIll Clinton.

Bill Clinton COULD have vetoed it, but choose to sign it.

One can discuss his reasons.

Today, an ANTI-Free Trader has won the GOP nomination.

A Free Trader has won the dem nomination.

If you think Free Trade and/or Nafta is a bad idea....

Holding Trump responsible for what the GOP congress did in the 90s, makes no sense.
Im not buying anything trump says. And I believe all the politicians should be asked what they think about making trade fair.

I've never seen an election year where no ones talking about any other races besides the white house. Meanwhile the rich are funding local and state Republicans with more dark money than ever before.

No way I'm giving the GOP all three houses.

You seriously don't think dark money is funding Democrats as well? You are naive.
It isn't even close. I give the rich credit they are very clever. Look how you don't even know what's actually going on.

Republicans have figured out they can get more done on a state level and Michigan is a perfect example of a state with two democratic senators and we voted for Obama twice, but we have a Republican state house Senate and governor? Get the fuck out of here it's so God damn obvious.

If flint mi doesn't have 100% voter turnout this November they deserve to be poisoned with lead
Mother Jones and the Daily KOS? Seriously? Leftwing propaganda sites. How dumb do you think people are to believe that crap?
I'm sorry but you're going to have to provide a link that proves Kasich isn't a racist scumbag. As far as we know:

While in Congress in 1996, "moderate" "blue-collar" "Christian" Kasich was the architect of welfare reform legislation that, in his preferred language, eliminated food aid for a million people per month. Even that was too extreme for the Republican-led 104th US Congress, and Kasich greased the wheels for passage by inserting a provision that would create time-limited exemptions for regions under particular duress. State governors are afforded discretion in the implementation of those exemptions, and Kasich has been particularly clever in depriving communities of color of these exemptions while directing them toward white majority constituencies more likely to vote for Republican candidates.

I told you today the GOP is more covert about their racism


Not a valid request.

Libs change the definitions as needed, or just ignore and choose to disbelieve what ever they need to to maintain their cherished Myth of GOP racism.
. They have to keep believing, I mean it pays dividends right? Take away the gain & the incentive to keep hating for gain, and the nation begins to heal faster than one can imagine. The only way to do this though, is to sit the hustlers out for a while, and of course we all know who the hustlers are, they are the Democrat party at this place in time in our history.
Hey Republicans, or more importantly the corporations that control those politicians. Do you want to do your part in solving welfare? When trump convinces Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell to impose tariffs on their bosses, and jobs come back home, hire black people. Put those plants in Chicago and Detroit.

Hillary is controlled by big corporations! Oh my you are making me laugh so hard!!!!
Is that any reason to vote Republican? Laugh some more
Mother Jones and the Daily KOS? Seriously? Leftwing propaganda sites. How dumb do you think people are to believe that crap?
I'm sorry but you're going to have to provide a link that proves Kasich isn't a racist scumbag. As far as we know:

While in Congress in 1996, "moderate" "blue-collar" "Christian" Kasich was the architect of welfare reform legislation that, in his preferred language, eliminated food aid for a million people per month. Even that was too extreme for the Republican-led 104th US Congress, and Kasich greased the wheels for passage by inserting a provision that would create time-limited exemptions for regions under particular duress. State governors are afforded discretion in the implementation of those exemptions, and Kasich has been particularly clever in depriving communities of color of these exemptions while directing them toward white majority constituencies more likely to vote for Republican candidates.

I told you today the GOP is more covert about their racism


Not a valid request.

Libs change the definitions as needed, or just ignore and choose to disbelieve what ever they need to to maintain their cherished Myth of GOP racism.
. They have to keep believing, I mean it pays dividends right? Take away the gain & the incentive to keep hating for gain, and the nation begins to heal faster than one can imagine. The only way to do this though, is to sit the hustlers out for a while, and of course we all know who the hustlers are, they are the Democrat party at this place in time in our history.
Hey Republicans, or more importantly the corporations that control those politicians. Do you want to do your part in solving welfare? When trump convinces Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell to impose tariffs on their bosses, and jobs come back home, hire black people. Put those plants in Chicago and Detroit.

Hillary is controlled by big corporations! Oh my you are making me laugh so hard!!!!
For every $1 they give to Hillary they give $100 to Republicans. I hope you realize your Republican senator or governor is controlled by corporations.

Hillary makes you admit your party is controlled by corporations too. At least you now admit corporations are corrupting our government. Welcome to my side. We agree
You're just a really, really ignorant man making really, really ignorant argument.

You need to work on your grammar, it obviously isn't one of your stronger attributes..

I'll post republican policies that are decidedly racist

You really don't get it do you?

Affirmative Action-This is not a Republican Policy, LBJ signed an EO in '65, which I don't agree with...
Racial profiling-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Aid to cities-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Grand juries-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Public education-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy..
Stand your ground-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...
Fair Housing-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy, again LBJ signed it into law in '68, which I agree with...
Healthcare-This is not a Republican or Democrat Policy...


So you thought I meant AA was a republican policy .. or did I mean OPPOSITION to AA is a republican policy.
Support FOR racial profiling
Against aid to the cities
Against public education
For stand your ground
Against fair housing
Against affordable healthcare for all Americans

You knew what I meant, but you didn't have the honesty to defend the republican position .. which is exactly why I don't get into such discussions with RW cowardly morons.

Suffice it to say, irrespective of whatever the fuck it is you think, neither African-Americans nor ANY non-white group of people in America will be coming to rescue republicans from their dismal fate .. and FACTS prove that to be absolutely true. :0)

Oh I knew what you meant about Affirmative Action and I was clear, I don't agree with it and it's not a Republican or Conservative Policy...

The truth is you have no idea how to spell it out...

You're a hate filled POS who may possibly be Black that acts like a little bitch on their keyboard...

If you are Black, you fit the N word to a tee...

You will drown in your hatred, its happened to millions, White, Black, Brown, Red & Yellow...

You have a difficult time earning anything in life and use excuses, in this case your supposed Blackness...

You will wallow in your pitty to your dying day based on your level of hate demonstrated here...

:lol: Laughable

I live a good life, have a great family, proud of my children and what they've done in life, degree in IT, good and exciting career, lots of friends, part-owner of a DBA business, well-known, always active in the community. :0) Most of the time that I'm on this site .. I'm working .. like right now. That's been true since I started posting here .. and I've been here longer than you have.

Point is .. you don't fucking qualify to insult me. :0)

You're just an ignorant ass racist who thinks black people can't be successful unless they think like you. :lol:

Why would black people vote for an all-white party .. you can't answer that.

How is your party essentially all-white in 2016 .. you can't answer that.

How is it that NO majority of non-white people in America support the Republican Party .. you can't answer that.

You morons fare much better on sites exclusive to RWers like you. Then you can post and say all manner of really ignorant shit unencumbered by truth, logic, honesty, and common sense.

The 'N' word ?? :lol::lol: Your racist character revealed. :0) I told you that you were a racist the moment your dumb ass started posting to me.

All up in your little pea-brain. :0)

Don't be a stranger dummy.

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