Black republicans...who are they really?

Who controls the Senate and house?

Alito is dead the GOP is not
We are working on that....what are you doing in your party to flush the career political establishment cronies like hitlery?
Then lets see the Senate go back to the democrats
It already is.....are you really this stupid in real life?
That is true we should take back the Senate. Trust me, Hillary will work for the American people AND Corporate America. That's how it should be. Not one or the other.


Michael Bennet (Colorado)
Richard Blumenthal (Connecticut)
Barbara Boxer (California) retiring in 2016
Patrick Leahy (Vermont)
Barbara Mikulski (Maryland) retiring in 2016
Patty Murray (Washington)
Harry Reid (Nevada) retiring in 2016
Brian Schatz (Hawaii)
Charles Schumer (New York)
Ron Wyden (Oregon)


Kelly Ayotte (New Hampshire)
Roy Blunt (Missouri)
John Boozman (Arkansas)
Richard Burr (North Carolina)
Dan Coats (Indiana) retiring in 2016
Mike Crapo (Idaho)
Chuck Grassley (Iowa)
John Hoeven (North Dakota)
Johnny Isakson (Georgia)
Ron Johnson (Wisconsin)
Mark Kirk (Illinois)
James Lankford (Oklahoma)
Mike Lee (Utah)
John McCain (Arizona)
Jerry Moran (Kansas)
Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)
Rand Paul (Kentucky)
Rob Portman (Ohio)
Marco Rubio (Florida) retiring in 2016
Tim Scott (South Carolina)
Richard Shelby (Alabama)
John Thune (South Dakota)
Pat Toomey (Pennsylvania)
David Vitter (Louisiana)
Well, you best put money down on whip futures then...:lol:

Lets get back on track. Black Republicans are rich blacks who don't care that America is a racist place for poor blacks. That's why black republicans are. Same with who are white republicans. They don't care either. They only care about themselves.
We are working on that....what are you doing in your party to flush the career political establishment cronies like hitlery?
Then lets see the Senate go back to the democrats
It already is.....are you really this stupid in real life?
That is true we should take back the Senate. Trust me, Hillary will work for the American people AND Corporate America. That's how it should be. Not one or the other.


Michael Bennet (Colorado)
Richard Blumenthal (Connecticut)
Barbara Boxer (California) retiring in 2016
Patrick Leahy (Vermont)
Barbara Mikulski (Maryland) retiring in 2016
Patty Murray (Washington)
Harry Reid (Nevada) retiring in 2016
Brian Schatz (Hawaii)
Charles Schumer (New York)
Ron Wyden (Oregon)


Kelly Ayotte (New Hampshire)
Roy Blunt (Missouri)
John Boozman (Arkansas)
Richard Burr (North Carolina)
Dan Coats (Indiana) retiring in 2016
Mike Crapo (Idaho)
Chuck Grassley (Iowa)
John Hoeven (North Dakota)
Johnny Isakson (Georgia)
Ron Johnson (Wisconsin)
Mark Kirk (Illinois)
James Lankford (Oklahoma)
Mike Lee (Utah)
John McCain (Arizona)
Jerry Moran (Kansas)
Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)
Rand Paul (Kentucky)
Rob Portman (Ohio)
Marco Rubio (Florida) retiring in 2016
Tim Scott (South Carolina)
Richard Shelby (Alabama)
John Thune (South Dakota)
Pat Toomey (Pennsylvania)
David Vitter (Louisiana)
Well, you best put money down on whip futures then...:lol:

Lets get back on track. Black Republicans are rich blacks who don't care that America is a racist place for poor blacks. That's why black republicans are. Same with who are white republicans. They don't care either. They only care about themselves.
You prefer to whip your blacks with the whips with knots in them? Or do you feel that too inhumane?
The Free Traders are a ideological camp inside the GOP.

They are primarily for the adoption of the Free Trade policy we have today.

HOWEVER, the dems have joined in alone the way, and now are part of that consensus.

The GOP congress did write Nafta and send it to BIll Clinton.

Bill Clinton COULD have vetoed it, but choose to sign it.

One can discuss his reasons.

Today, an ANTI-Free Trader has won the GOP nomination.

A Free Trader has won the dem nomination.

If you think Free Trade and/or Nafta is a bad idea....

Holding Trump responsible for what the GOP congress did in the 90s, makes no sense.
Im not buying anything trump says. And I believe all the politicians should be asked what they think about making trade fair.

I've never seen an election year where no ones talking about any other races besides the white house. Meanwhile the rich are funding local and state Republicans with more dark money than ever before.

No way I'm giving the GOP all three houses.

If your not going to base your support on what a Trump says, then take a look at Hillary.

Her record AND her words show are in agreement.

Which is support of the status quo, which you dislike.

Thus, from your perspective, based on the issues, Hillary is a definite no, while Trump is an unknown.

So, the only question for you is, which is more important to you, the issues and their real world effects on real people, or partisanship.
Clinton isn't status quo! Have Ryan and McConnell let her implement Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders legislation and regulations.

Remember bill put protections in NAFTA for workers. Republicans did away with those protections under bush.

Sorry, but that is another Democratic myth, spun by the leftist liars.
We're going to have to just agree to disagree. LOL

Disagree is fine, what you are stating is a flat out lie. In fact Bush imposed tariffs on steel that went against NAFTA agreement.
We are working on that....what are you doing in your party to flush the career political establishment cronies like hitlery?
Then lets see the Senate go back to the democrats
It already is.....are you really this stupid in real life?
That is true we should take back the Senate. Trust me, Hillary will work for the American people AND Corporate America. That's how it should be. Not one or the other.


Michael Bennet (Colorado)
Richard Blumenthal (Connecticut)
Barbara Boxer (California) retiring in 2016
Patrick Leahy (Vermont)
Barbara Mikulski (Maryland) retiring in 2016
Patty Murray (Washington)
Harry Reid (Nevada) retiring in 2016
Brian Schatz (Hawaii)
Charles Schumer (New York)
Ron Wyden (Oregon)


Kelly Ayotte (New Hampshire)
Roy Blunt (Missouri)
John Boozman (Arkansas)
Richard Burr (North Carolina)
Dan Coats (Indiana) retiring in 2016
Mike Crapo (Idaho)
Chuck Grassley (Iowa)
John Hoeven (North Dakota)
Johnny Isakson (Georgia)
Ron Johnson (Wisconsin)
Mark Kirk (Illinois)
James Lankford (Oklahoma)
Mike Lee (Utah)
John McCain (Arizona)
Jerry Moran (Kansas)
Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)
Rand Paul (Kentucky)
Rob Portman (Ohio)
Marco Rubio (Florida) retiring in 2016
Tim Scott (South Carolina)
Richard Shelby (Alabama)
John Thune (South Dakota)
Pat Toomey (Pennsylvania)
David Vitter (Louisiana)
Well, you best put money down on whip futures then...:lol:

Lets get back on track. Black Republicans are rich blacks who don't care that America is a racist place for poor blacks. That's why black republicans are. Same with who are white republicans. They don't care either. They only care about themselves.

Bullshit and you know it. Your generalizing is pure partisan bullshit.
And I know you really don't think Hillary is for the working class, that's why you wanted Sanders.
Im not buying anything trump says. And I believe all the politicians should be asked what they think about making trade fair.

I've never seen an election year where no ones talking about any other races besides the white house. Meanwhile the rich are funding local and state Republicans with more dark money than ever before.

No way I'm giving the GOP all three houses.

If your not going to base your support on what a Trump says, then take a look at Hillary.

Her record AND her words show are in agreement.

Which is support of the status quo, which you dislike.

Thus, from your perspective, based on the issues, Hillary is a definite no, while Trump is an unknown.

So, the only question for you is, which is more important to you, the issues and their real world effects on real people, or partisanship.
Clinton isn't status quo! Have Ryan and McConnell let her implement Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders legislation and regulations.

Remember bill put protections in NAFTA for workers. Republicans did away with those protections under bush.

Sorry, but that is another Democratic myth, spun by the leftist liars.
We're going to have to just agree to disagree. LOL

Disagree is fine, what you are stating is a flat out lie. In fact Bush imposed tariffs on steel that went against NAFTA agreement.

Stop being a liar or fool as to what Bush did.

Mexican Trucks Allowed to Haul All Over U.S.

I've forgotten enough information to know the GOP is bad and you are wrong.
I live a good life

That's good, so why are you so filled with hate? Could it be you were taught to hate? Probably, most racism is taught at a very young age...

have a great family

That's good too, did you pass on your hatred on to them?

lots of friends

Lot's of friends where? At the Black Panther meetings?


At the Black Lives Matter meeting or the Black Panther meetings? Maybe both?

and I've been here longer than you have

And that means what? Relevance? It's obvious you have a 3rd grade mentality, but I suggest you stop reinforcing it, you look rather stupid when you keep doing it...

Point is .. you don't fucking qualify to insult me

More 3rd grade banter, you should really seek physiological therapy for your anger issues...

You're just an ignorant ass racist who thinks black people can't be successful unless they think like you. :lol:

It's quite hilarious when you try to call me a racist, I have been in a inter racial marriage for almost 30 years with several children. It was you BlackAssHole who claimed that you only voted for the benefit of the Black Race and not the good of the country, it's the simple minded Blacks like yourself that hold back your culture due to your deep hatred...

Why would black people vote for an all-white party

Get the blinders off that your Liberal Masters have brain washed you with...

The 'N' word ?? :lol::lol: Your racist character revealed.

No not at all, it's used by myself when it's the appropriate label, similar to the use of Redneck or Cracker when a White person demonstrates they are filled with hate or racism, based on your drivel I'm sure it's been directed at you many times in your life...

I told you that you were a racist the moment your dumb ass started posting to me.

Look, I know you're hung up on hating Whitey that believes in a Conservative platform, but there are a significant number of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Indians and Muslims who believe the Conservative philosophy of earning their place in society through hard work and good values that are the foundation to better society as a whole (that includes all races). The Liberal agenda has no respect for these basic principals, in fact they want to control you and it's pretty apparent they have you right where they want you.
I live a good life

That's good, so why are you so filled with hate? Could it be you were taught to hate? Probably, most racism is taught at a very young age...

have a great family

That's good too, did you pass on your hatred on to them?

lots of friends

Lot's of friends where? At the Black Panther meetings?


At the Black Lives Matter meeting or the Black Panther meetings? Maybe both?

and I've been here longer than you have

And that means what? Relevance? It's obvious you have a 3rd grade mentality, but I suggest you stop reinforcing it, you look rather stupid when you keep doing it...

Point is .. you don't fucking qualify to insult me

More 3rd grade banter, you should really seek physiological therapy for your anger issues...

You're just an ignorant ass racist who thinks black people can't be successful unless they think like you. :lol:

It's quite hilarious when you try to call me a racist, I have been in a inter racial marriage for almost 30 years with several children. It was you BlackAssHole who claimed that you only voted for the benefit of the Black Race and not the good of the country, it's the simple minded Blacks like yourself that hold back your culture due to your deep hatred...

Why would black people vote for an all-white party

Get the blinders off that your Liberal Masters have brain washed you with...

The 'N' word ?? :lol::lol: Your racist character revealed.

No not at all, it's used by myself when it's the appropriate label, similar to the use of Redneck or Cracker when a White person demonstrates they are filled with hate or racism, based on your drivel I'm sure it's been directed at you many times in your life...

I told you that you were a racist the moment your dumb ass started posting to me.

Look, I know you're hung up on hating Whitey that believes in a Conservative platform, but there are a significant number of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Indians and Muslims who believe the Conservative philosophy of earning their place in society through hard work and good values that are the foundation to better society as a whole (that includes all races). The Liberal agenda has no respect for these basic principals, in fact they want to control you and it's pretty apparent they have you right where they want you.
It's like a KKK member asking a black guy why he's so hateful. LOL
If your not going to base your support on what a Trump says, then take a look at Hillary.

Her record AND her words show are in agreement.

Which is support of the status quo, which you dislike.

Thus, from your perspective, based on the issues, Hillary is a definite no, while Trump is an unknown.

So, the only question for you is, which is more important to you, the issues and their real world effects on real people, or partisanship.
Clinton isn't status quo! Have Ryan and McConnell let her implement Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders legislation and regulations.

Remember bill put protections in NAFTA for workers. Republicans did away with those protections under bush.

Sorry, but that is another Democratic myth, spun by the leftist liars.
We're going to have to just agree to disagree. LOL

Disagree is fine, what you are stating is a flat out lie. In fact Bush imposed tariffs on steel that went against NAFTA agreement.

Stop being a liar or fool as to what Bush did.

Mexican Trucks Allowed to Haul All Over U.S.

I've forgotten enough information to know the GOP is bad and you are wrong.

From your article: Until now, Washington has limited Mexican trucks to a 20-mile-wide commercial zone along the border. But two years ago an international trade panel ruled that the United States, citing concerns about safety and pollution, had violated the North American Free Trade Agreement by not giving trucks from Mexico full access.

The treaty Clinton signed into law allowed for trucks from Mexico to come into the US. The United States was violating the trade agreement you are all for. Don't blame Bush, he was under pressure from your trade agreement which allowed the transportation into the United States. That is on you and Clinton.
I live a good life

That's good, so why are you so filled with hate? Could it be you were taught to hate? Probably, most racism is taught at a very young age...

have a great family

That's good too, did you pass on your hatred on to them?

lots of friends

Lot's of friends where? At the Black Panther meetings?


At the Black Lives Matter meeting or the Black Panther meetings? Maybe both?

and I've been here longer than you have

And that means what? Relevance? It's obvious you have a 3rd grade mentality, but I suggest you stop reinforcing it, you look rather stupid when you keep doing it...

Point is .. you don't fucking qualify to insult me

More 3rd grade banter, you should really seek physiological therapy for your anger issues...

You're just an ignorant ass racist who thinks black people can't be successful unless they think like you. :lol:

It's quite hilarious when you try to call me a racist, I have been in a inter racial marriage for almost 30 years with several children. It was you BlackAssHole who claimed that you only voted for the benefit of the Black Race and not the good of the country, it's the simple minded Blacks like yourself that hold back your culture due to your deep hatred...

Why would black people vote for an all-white party

Get the blinders off that your Liberal Masters have brain washed you with...

The 'N' word ?? :lol::lol: Your racist character revealed.

No not at all, it's used by myself when it's the appropriate label, similar to the use of Redneck or Cracker when a White person demonstrates they are filled with hate or racism, based on your drivel I'm sure it's been directed at you many times in your life...

I told you that you were a racist the moment your dumb ass started posting to me.

Look, I know you're hung up on hating Whitey that believes in a Conservative platform, but there are a significant number of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Indians and Muslims who believe the Conservative philosophy of earning their place in society through hard work and good values that are the foundation to better society as a whole (that includes all races). The Liberal agenda has no respect for these basic principals, in fact they want to control you and it's pretty apparent they have you right where they want you.
It's like a KKK member asking a black guy why he's so hateful. LOL
You mean a democrat asking a democrat.....:lol:
Clinton isn't status quo! Have Ryan and McConnell let her implement Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders legislation and regulations.

Remember bill put protections in NAFTA for workers. Republicans did away with those protections under bush.

Sorry, but that is another Democratic myth, spun by the leftist liars.
We're going to have to just agree to disagree. LOL

Disagree is fine, what you are stating is a flat out lie. In fact Bush imposed tariffs on steel that went against NAFTA agreement.

Stop being a liar or fool as to what Bush did.

Mexican Trucks Allowed to Haul All Over U.S.

I've forgotten enough information to know the GOP is bad and you are wrong.

From your article: Until now, Washington has limited Mexican trucks to a 20-mile-wide commercial zone along the border. But two years ago an international trade panel ruled that the United States, citing concerns about safety and pollution, had violated the North American Free Trade Agreement by not giving trucks from Mexico full access.

The treaty Clinton signed into law allowed for trucks from Mexico to come into the US. The United States was violating the trade agreement you are all for. Don't blame Bush, he was under pressure from your trade agreement which allowed the transportation into the United States. That is on you and Clinton.
Yea, and that's why he tried sneaking them into the country on Memorial Day or Veterans Day but the trucking unions stopped them at the border.

I'm just glad to see you back siding with labor/unions.
Sorry, but that is another Democratic myth, spun by the leftist liars.
We're going to have to just agree to disagree. LOL

Disagree is fine, what you are stating is a flat out lie. In fact Bush imposed tariffs on steel that went against NAFTA agreement.

Stop being a liar or fool as to what Bush did.

Mexican Trucks Allowed to Haul All Over U.S.

I've forgotten enough information to know the GOP is bad and you are wrong.

From your article: Until now, Washington has limited Mexican trucks to a 20-mile-wide commercial zone along the border. But two years ago an international trade panel ruled that the United States, citing concerns about safety and pollution, had violated the North American Free Trade Agreement by not giving trucks from Mexico full access.

The treaty Clinton signed into law allowed for trucks from Mexico to come into the US. The United States was violating the trade agreement you are all for. Don't blame Bush, he was under pressure from your trade agreement which allowed the transportation into the United States. That is on you and Clinton.
Yea, and that's why he tried sneaking them into the country on Memorial Day or Veterans Day but the trucking unions stopped them at the border.

I'm just glad to see you back siding with labor/unions.

And you aren't backing the unions, The unions were/are against NAFTA. It is such a bad plan that Hillary is distancing herself from her husband on the issue. Fortunately for people who look for the truth there is audio of her backing NAFTA. But don't worry about it because you already made up your mind and the truth be damned.

I also have never been against unions. I would never want to be in one as you don't want to be in one. I am against public employee unions having collective bargaining power, just as FDR was.
I live a good life

That's good, so why are you so filled with hate? Could it be you were taught to hate? Probably, most racism is taught at a very young age...

have a great family

That's good too, did you pass on your hatred on to them?

lots of friends

Lot's of friends where? At the Black Panther meetings?


At the Black Lives Matter meeting or the Black Panther meetings? Maybe both?

and I've been here longer than you have

And that means what? Relevance? It's obvious you have a 3rd grade mentality, but I suggest you stop reinforcing it, you look rather stupid when you keep doing it...

Point is .. you don't fucking qualify to insult me

More 3rd grade banter, you should really seek physiological therapy for your anger issues...

You're just an ignorant ass racist who thinks black people can't be successful unless they think like you. :lol:

It's quite hilarious when you try to call me a racist, I have been in a inter racial marriage for almost 30 years with several children. It was you BlackAssHole who claimed that you only voted for the benefit of the Black Race and not the good of the country, it's the simple minded Blacks like yourself that hold back your culture due to your deep hatred...

Why would black people vote for an all-white party

Get the blinders off that your Liberal Masters have brain washed you with...

The 'N' word ?? :lol::lol: Your racist character revealed.

No not at all, it's used by myself when it's the appropriate label, similar to the use of Redneck or Cracker when a White person demonstrates they are filled with hate or racism, based on your drivel I'm sure it's been directed at you many times in your life...

I told you that you were a racist the moment your dumb ass started posting to me.

Look, I know you're hung up on hating Whitey that believes in a Conservative platform, but there are a significant number of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Indians and Muslims who believe the Conservative philosophy of earning their place in society through hard work and good values that are the foundation to better society as a whole (that includes all races). The Liberal agenda has no respect for these basic principals, in fact they want to control you and it's pretty apparent they have you right where they want you.
It's like a KKK member asking a black guy why he's so hateful. LOL

It's more like a Liberal believing their entitled to someone else's money...
We're going to have to just agree to disagree. LOL

Disagree is fine, what you are stating is a flat out lie. In fact Bush imposed tariffs on steel that went against NAFTA agreement.

Stop being a liar or fool as to what Bush did.

Mexican Trucks Allowed to Haul All Over U.S.

I've forgotten enough information to know the GOP is bad and you are wrong.

From your article: Until now, Washington has limited Mexican trucks to a 20-mile-wide commercial zone along the border. But two years ago an international trade panel ruled that the United States, citing concerns about safety and pollution, had violated the North American Free Trade Agreement by not giving trucks from Mexico full access.

The treaty Clinton signed into law allowed for trucks from Mexico to come into the US. The United States was violating the trade agreement you are all for. Don't blame Bush, he was under pressure from your trade agreement which allowed the transportation into the United States. That is on you and Clinton.
Yea, and that's why he tried sneaking them into the country on Memorial Day or Veterans Day but the trucking unions stopped them at the border.

I'm just glad to see you back siding with labor/unions.

And you aren't backing the unions, The unions were/are against NAFTA. It is such a bad plan that Hillary is distancing herself from her husband on the issue. Fortunately for people who look for the truth there is audio of her backing NAFTA. But don't worry about it because you already made up your mind and the truth be damned.

I also have never been against unions. I would never want to be in one as you don't want to be in one. I am against public employee unions having collective bargaining power, just as FDR was.
You guys are amazing. How you can believe that all of the sudden the GOP is the "bring jobs back home" party. LOL.

With the Great Recession now over for seven years, how is job growth coming along in the world's wealthiest countries? Slow.

Labor markets have been held down by a low-growth trap characterized by low investment, anemic productivity gains and weak job creation with stagnant wages.

The Paris-based forum, made up of 35 democracies with market economies, released its annual employment assessment. It found that three-quarters of OECD countries are still running high levels of unemployment. For example, in Greece, France, Italy, Portugal, the Slovak Republic and Spain, the jobless rate remains in double digits. Results have been far better in the United States, where the unemployment rate is back down to 4.7 percent. That's the same rate recorded in November 2007, just before the recession began.

On Friday, the Labor Department will release employment figures for June. The May report was extremely disappointing, showing employers added just 38,000 jobs for the month. Economists are predicting a rebound for June, with a Wall Street Journal poll showing most expect about 165,000 new jobs, a hiring pace more in line with results of the past several years.

Even if it turns out May was just a fluke, there's reason to be less than thrilled with the U.S. labor market. While job growth has been "quite strong" in the United States, "the share of working-age adults who are employed remains 3.4 percentage points below its pre-crisis level," the OECD report said.

In other words, millions of discouraged Americans have given up job searches and declared themselves disabled or retired.

And the report says that "even in countries where labor market slack has been absorbed, low quality jobs and a high level of labor market inequality are of concern."

The countries with unemployment rates below 5 percent, in addition to the United States, include: the Czech Republic, Germany, Iceland, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Norway and Switzerland.
We're going to have to just agree to disagree. LOL

Disagree is fine, what you are stating is a flat out lie. In fact Bush imposed tariffs on steel that went against NAFTA agreement.

Stop being a liar or fool as to what Bush did.

Mexican Trucks Allowed to Haul All Over U.S.

I've forgotten enough information to know the GOP is bad and you are wrong.

From your article: Until now, Washington has limited Mexican trucks to a 20-mile-wide commercial zone along the border. But two years ago an international trade panel ruled that the United States, citing concerns about safety and pollution, had violated the North American Free Trade Agreement by not giving trucks from Mexico full access.

The treaty Clinton signed into law allowed for trucks from Mexico to come into the US. The United States was violating the trade agreement you are all for. Don't blame Bush, he was under pressure from your trade agreement which allowed the transportation into the United States. That is on you and Clinton.
Yea, and that's why he tried sneaking them into the country on Memorial Day or Veterans Day but the trucking unions stopped them at the border.

I'm just glad to see you back siding with labor/unions.

And you aren't backing the unions, The unions were/are against NAFTA. It is such a bad plan that Hillary is distancing herself from her husband on the issue. Fortunately for people who look for the truth there is audio of her backing NAFTA. But don't worry about it because you already made up your mind and the truth be damned.

I also have never been against unions. I would never want to be in one as you don't want to be in one. I am against public employee unions having collective bargaining power, just as FDR was.
Lets see what us liberals were saying back in 2004 about this

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class
If you want to play the game of business, we've said in the US since 1784 (when Tench Coxe got the first tariffs passed "to protect domestic industries") then you have to play in a way that both makes you money AND serves the public interest.

The middle class is a new invention of liberal democracies, the direct result of governments defining the rules of the game of business. It is, quite simply, an artifact of government regulation of markets and tax laws.

When conservatives rail in the media of the dangers of "returning to Smoot Hawley, which created the Great Depression," all they do is reveal their ignorance of economics and history. The Smoot-Hawley tariff legislation, which increased taxes on some imported goods by a third to two-thirds to protect American industries, was signed into law on June 17, 1930, well into the Great Depression. In the following two years, international trade dropped from 6 percent of GNP to roughly 2 percent of GNP (between 1930 and 1932), but most of that was the result of the depression going worldwide, not Smoot-Hawley. The main result of Smoot-Hawley was that American businesses now had strong financial incentives to do business with other American companies, rather than bring in products made with cheaper foreign labor: Americans started trading with other Americans.

Smoot-Hawley "protectionist" legislation did not cause the Great Depression, and while it may have had a slight short-term negative effect on the economy ("1.4 percent at most" according to many historians) its long-term effect was to bring American jobs back to America.
Most of the Founders advocated - and all ultimately passed - tariffs to protect domestic industries and workers. Seventy years later, Abraham Lincoln actively stood up for the right for labor to organize, intervening in several strikes to stop corporations and local governments from using hired goon squads to beat and murder strikers.

But conservative economics - the return of ancient feudalism - rose up after Lincoln's death and reigned through the Gilded Age, creating both great wealth and a huge population of what today we call the "working poor." American reaction to these disparities gave birth to the Populist, Progressive, and modern Labor movements. Two generations later, Franklin Roosevelt brought us out of Herbert Hoover's conservative-economics-produced Great Depression and bequeathed us with more than a half-century of prosperity.

But now the conservatives are back in the driver's seat, and heading us back toward feudalism and serfdom (and possibly another Great Depression).
We've done it before, with tariffs, anti-trust legislation, and worker protections ranging from enforcing the rights of organized labor to restricting American companies' access to cheap foreign labor through visas and tariffs. The result was the production of something never before seen in history: a strong and vibrant middle class.

If the remnants of that modern middle class are to survive - and grow - we must learn the lessons of the past and return to the policies that in the 1780s and the late 1930s brought this nation back from the brink of economic disaster.
Disagree is fine, what you are stating is a flat out lie. In fact Bush imposed tariffs on steel that went against NAFTA agreement.

Stop being a liar or fool as to what Bush did.

Mexican Trucks Allowed to Haul All Over U.S.

I've forgotten enough information to know the GOP is bad and you are wrong.

From your article: Until now, Washington has limited Mexican trucks to a 20-mile-wide commercial zone along the border. But two years ago an international trade panel ruled that the United States, citing concerns about safety and pollution, had violated the North American Free Trade Agreement by not giving trucks from Mexico full access.

The treaty Clinton signed into law allowed for trucks from Mexico to come into the US. The United States was violating the trade agreement you are all for. Don't blame Bush, he was under pressure from your trade agreement which allowed the transportation into the United States. That is on you and Clinton.
Yea, and that's why he tried sneaking them into the country on Memorial Day or Veterans Day but the trucking unions stopped them at the border.

I'm just glad to see you back siding with labor/unions.

And you aren't backing the unions, The unions were/are against NAFTA. It is such a bad plan that Hillary is distancing herself from her husband on the issue. Fortunately for people who look for the truth there is audio of her backing NAFTA. But don't worry about it because you already made up your mind and the truth be damned.

I also have never been against unions. I would never want to be in one as you don't want to be in one. I am against public employee unions having collective bargaining power, just as FDR was.
You guys are amazing. How you can believe that all of the sudden the GOP is the "bring jobs back home" party. LOL.

With the Great Recession now over for seven years, how is job growth coming along in the world's wealthiest countries? Slow.

Labor markets have been held down by a low-growth trap characterized by low investment, anemic productivity gains and weak job creation with stagnant wages.

The Paris-based forum, made up of 35 democracies with market economies, released its annual employment assessment. It found that three-quarters of OECD countries are still running high levels of unemployment. For example, in Greece, France, Italy, Portugal, the Slovak Republic and Spain, the jobless rate remains in double digits. Results have been far better in the United States, where the unemployment rate is back down to 4.7 percent. That's the same rate recorded in November 2007, just before the recession began.

On Friday, the Labor Department will release employment figures for June. The May report was extremely disappointing, showing employers added just 38,000 jobs for the month. Economists are predicting a rebound for June, with a Wall Street Journal poll showing most expect about 165,000 new jobs, a hiring pace more in line with results of the past several years.

Even if it turns out May was just a fluke, there's reason to be less than thrilled with the U.S. labor market. While job growth has been "quite strong" in the United States, "the share of working-age adults who are employed remains 3.4 percentage points below its pre-crisis level," the OECD report said.

In other words, millions of discouraged Americans have given up job searches and declared themselves disabled or retired.

And the report says that "even in countries where labor market slack has been absorbed, low quality jobs and a high level of labor market inequality are of concern."

The countries with unemployment rates below 5 percent, in addition to the United States, include: the Czech Republic, Germany, Iceland, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Norway and Switzerland.

I never said said the GOP is bringing back jobs, however the Democrats aren't either. We are now getting low paying jobs that in the near future will be gone due to automation. No jobs have comeback, the GOP and the Democrats have both failed. But you got a good job so that is all that matters. Why do you hate the labor unions and back NAFTA? Why are you voting for an anti-NAFTA candidate if it is so good?
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.
You enjoy being pussy whipped??
Disagree is fine, what you are stating is a flat out lie. In fact Bush imposed tariffs on steel that went against NAFTA agreement.

Stop being a liar or fool as to what Bush did.

Mexican Trucks Allowed to Haul All Over U.S.

I've forgotten enough information to know the GOP is bad and you are wrong.

From your article: Until now, Washington has limited Mexican trucks to a 20-mile-wide commercial zone along the border. But two years ago an international trade panel ruled that the United States, citing concerns about safety and pollution, had violated the North American Free Trade Agreement by not giving trucks from Mexico full access.

The treaty Clinton signed into law allowed for trucks from Mexico to come into the US. The United States was violating the trade agreement you are all for. Don't blame Bush, he was under pressure from your trade agreement which allowed the transportation into the United States. That is on you and Clinton.
Yea, and that's why he tried sneaking them into the country on Memorial Day or Veterans Day but the trucking unions stopped them at the border.

I'm just glad to see you back siding with labor/unions.

And you aren't backing the unions, The unions were/are against NAFTA. It is such a bad plan that Hillary is distancing herself from her husband on the issue. Fortunately for people who look for the truth there is audio of her backing NAFTA. But don't worry about it because you already made up your mind and the truth be damned.

I also have never been against unions. I would never want to be in one as you don't want to be in one. I am against public employee unions having collective bargaining power, just as FDR was.
Lets see what us liberals were saying back in 2004 about this

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class

About unions? About NAFTA? I am not against or for unions, you by your stance are anti-Union. The Democrats and the Republicans have sold us out. Only you don't see it. Partisan politics still rule your world.

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