Black republicans...who are they really?

Stop being a liar or fool as to what Bush did.

Mexican Trucks Allowed to Haul All Over U.S.

I've forgotten enough information to know the GOP is bad and you are wrong.

From your article: Until now, Washington has limited Mexican trucks to a 20-mile-wide commercial zone along the border. But two years ago an international trade panel ruled that the United States, citing concerns about safety and pollution, had violated the North American Free Trade Agreement by not giving trucks from Mexico full access.

The treaty Clinton signed into law allowed for trucks from Mexico to come into the US. The United States was violating the trade agreement you are all for. Don't blame Bush, he was under pressure from your trade agreement which allowed the transportation into the United States. That is on you and Clinton.
Yea, and that's why he tried sneaking them into the country on Memorial Day or Veterans Day but the trucking unions stopped them at the border.

I'm just glad to see you back siding with labor/unions.

And you aren't backing the unions, The unions were/are against NAFTA. It is such a bad plan that Hillary is distancing herself from her husband on the issue. Fortunately for people who look for the truth there is audio of her backing NAFTA. But don't worry about it because you already made up your mind and the truth be damned.

I also have never been against unions. I would never want to be in one as you don't want to be in one. I am against public employee unions having collective bargaining power, just as FDR was.
You guys are amazing. How you can believe that all of the sudden the GOP is the "bring jobs back home" party. LOL.

With the Great Recession now over for seven years, how is job growth coming along in the world's wealthiest countries? Slow.

Labor markets have been held down by a low-growth trap characterized by low investment, anemic productivity gains and weak job creation with stagnant wages.

The Paris-based forum, made up of 35 democracies with market economies, released its annual employment assessment. It found that three-quarters of OECD countries are still running high levels of unemployment. For example, in Greece, France, Italy, Portugal, the Slovak Republic and Spain, the jobless rate remains in double digits. Results have been far better in the United States, where the unemployment rate is back down to 4.7 percent. That's the same rate recorded in November 2007, just before the recession began.

On Friday, the Labor Department will release employment figures for June. The May report was extremely disappointing, showing employers added just 38,000 jobs for the month. Economists are predicting a rebound for June, with a Wall Street Journal poll showing most expect about 165,000 new jobs, a hiring pace more in line with results of the past several years.

Even if it turns out May was just a fluke, there's reason to be less than thrilled with the U.S. labor market. While job growth has been "quite strong" in the United States, "the share of working-age adults who are employed remains 3.4 percentage points below its pre-crisis level," the OECD report said.

In other words, millions of discouraged Americans have given up job searches and declared themselves disabled or retired.

And the report says that "even in countries where labor market slack has been absorbed, low quality jobs and a high level of labor market inequality are of concern."

The countries with unemployment rates below 5 percent, in addition to the United States, include: the Czech Republic, Germany, Iceland, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Norway and Switzerland.

I never said said the GOP is bringing back jobs, however the Democrats aren't either. We are now getting low paying jobs that in the near future will be gone due to automation. No jobs have comeback, the GOP and the Democrats have both failed. But you got a good job so that is all that matters. Why do you hate the labor unions and back NAFTA? Why are you voting for an anti-NAFTA candidate if it is so good?
She will fix it if that's what the people want. The question is, will the GOP go along?

I just hope if you are voting for Trump because of tariffs that you punish your senator or house members for not being on board. Do you even know who's running besides Trump?
Stop being a liar or fool as to what Bush did.

Mexican Trucks Allowed to Haul All Over U.S.

I've forgotten enough information to know the GOP is bad and you are wrong.

From your article: Until now, Washington has limited Mexican trucks to a 20-mile-wide commercial zone along the border. But two years ago an international trade panel ruled that the United States, citing concerns about safety and pollution, had violated the North American Free Trade Agreement by not giving trucks from Mexico full access.

The treaty Clinton signed into law allowed for trucks from Mexico to come into the US. The United States was violating the trade agreement you are all for. Don't blame Bush, he was under pressure from your trade agreement which allowed the transportation into the United States. That is on you and Clinton.
Yea, and that's why he tried sneaking them into the country on Memorial Day or Veterans Day but the trucking unions stopped them at the border.

I'm just glad to see you back siding with labor/unions.

And you aren't backing the unions, The unions were/are against NAFTA. It is such a bad plan that Hillary is distancing herself from her husband on the issue. Fortunately for people who look for the truth there is audio of her backing NAFTA. But don't worry about it because you already made up your mind and the truth be damned.

I also have never been against unions. I would never want to be in one as you don't want to be in one. I am against public employee unions having collective bargaining power, just as FDR was.
Lets see what us liberals were saying back in 2004 about this

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class

About unions? About NAFTA? I am not against or for unions, you by your stance are anti-Union. The Democrats and the Republicans have sold us out. Only you don't see it. Partisan politics still rule your world.
No I get it. I'm just not going to be stupid enough to vote for Trump. If you want to take back the government, vote Democratic. The rich own both parties but they REALLY own the GOP.

The Democrats already have the majority of poor and middle class people voting for them. If you want to tea bag a party, tea bag the Democratic party. But you have to show up every 2 years.

AND, you can't defend the GOP when they sabotage everything the Democrats want to do, then blame the Democrats when they can't get er done. They can't because you won't vote out the obstructionists.

Like I said, I know enough to not vote GOP. No no. The GOP is going to have to win without me and then impress me. Something GW Bush Tom Delay and Dennis Hastert DID NOT do from 2000-2006. In fact they were so bad, in case you forgot, that the Democrats won the 2006 midterms. Democrats never win midterms. But that's how bad the GOP were.

Just the fact that the GOP lied us into Iraq and to me it sounds like if they could they would love to lie us into Iran next. No thanks.
From your article: Until now, Washington has limited Mexican trucks to a 20-mile-wide commercial zone along the border. But two years ago an international trade panel ruled that the United States, citing concerns about safety and pollution, had violated the North American Free Trade Agreement by not giving trucks from Mexico full access.

The treaty Clinton signed into law allowed for trucks from Mexico to come into the US. The United States was violating the trade agreement you are all for. Don't blame Bush, he was under pressure from your trade agreement which allowed the transportation into the United States. That is on you and Clinton.
Yea, and that's why he tried sneaking them into the country on Memorial Day or Veterans Day but the trucking unions stopped them at the border.

I'm just glad to see you back siding with labor/unions.

And you aren't backing the unions, The unions were/are against NAFTA. It is such a bad plan that Hillary is distancing herself from her husband on the issue. Fortunately for people who look for the truth there is audio of her backing NAFTA. But don't worry about it because you already made up your mind and the truth be damned.

I also have never been against unions. I would never want to be in one as you don't want to be in one. I am against public employee unions having collective bargaining power, just as FDR was.
You guys are amazing. How you can believe that all of the sudden the GOP is the "bring jobs back home" party. LOL.

With the Great Recession now over for seven years, how is job growth coming along in the world's wealthiest countries? Slow.

Labor markets have been held down by a low-growth trap characterized by low investment, anemic productivity gains and weak job creation with stagnant wages.

The Paris-based forum, made up of 35 democracies with market economies, released its annual employment assessment. It found that three-quarters of OECD countries are still running high levels of unemployment. For example, in Greece, France, Italy, Portugal, the Slovak Republic and Spain, the jobless rate remains in double digits. Results have been far better in the United States, where the unemployment rate is back down to 4.7 percent. That's the same rate recorded in November 2007, just before the recession began.

On Friday, the Labor Department will release employment figures for June. The May report was extremely disappointing, showing employers added just 38,000 jobs for the month. Economists are predicting a rebound for June, with a Wall Street Journal poll showing most expect about 165,000 new jobs, a hiring pace more in line with results of the past several years.

Even if it turns out May was just a fluke, there's reason to be less than thrilled with the U.S. labor market. While job growth has been "quite strong" in the United States, "the share of working-age adults who are employed remains 3.4 percentage points below its pre-crisis level," the OECD report said.

In other words, millions of discouraged Americans have given up job searches and declared themselves disabled or retired.

And the report says that "even in countries where labor market slack has been absorbed, low quality jobs and a high level of labor market inequality are of concern."

The countries with unemployment rates below 5 percent, in addition to the United States, include: the Czech Republic, Germany, Iceland, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Norway and Switzerland.

I never said said the GOP is bringing back jobs, however the Democrats aren't either. We are now getting low paying jobs that in the near future will be gone due to automation. No jobs have comeback, the GOP and the Democrats have both failed. But you got a good job so that is all that matters. Why do you hate the labor unions and back NAFTA? Why are you voting for an anti-NAFTA candidate if it is so good?
She will fix it if that's what the people want. The question is, will the GOP go along?

I just hope if you are voting for Trump because of tariffs that you punish your senator or house members for not being on board. Do you even know who's running besides Trump?

I'm hoping for Sanders to run as a third party. He will get my vote.
Yea, and that's why he tried sneaking them into the country on Memorial Day or Veterans Day but the trucking unions stopped them at the border.

I'm just glad to see you back siding with labor/unions.

And you aren't backing the unions, The unions were/are against NAFTA. It is such a bad plan that Hillary is distancing herself from her husband on the issue. Fortunately for people who look for the truth there is audio of her backing NAFTA. But don't worry about it because you already made up your mind and the truth be damned.

I also have never been against unions. I would never want to be in one as you don't want to be in one. I am against public employee unions having collective bargaining power, just as FDR was.
You guys are amazing. How you can believe that all of the sudden the GOP is the "bring jobs back home" party. LOL.

With the Great Recession now over for seven years, how is job growth coming along in the world's wealthiest countries? Slow.

Labor markets have been held down by a low-growth trap characterized by low investment, anemic productivity gains and weak job creation with stagnant wages.

The Paris-based forum, made up of 35 democracies with market economies, released its annual employment assessment. It found that three-quarters of OECD countries are still running high levels of unemployment. For example, in Greece, France, Italy, Portugal, the Slovak Republic and Spain, the jobless rate remains in double digits. Results have been far better in the United States, where the unemployment rate is back down to 4.7 percent. That's the same rate recorded in November 2007, just before the recession began.

On Friday, the Labor Department will release employment figures for June. The May report was extremely disappointing, showing employers added just 38,000 jobs for the month. Economists are predicting a rebound for June, with a Wall Street Journal poll showing most expect about 165,000 new jobs, a hiring pace more in line with results of the past several years.

Even if it turns out May was just a fluke, there's reason to be less than thrilled with the U.S. labor market. While job growth has been "quite strong" in the United States, "the share of working-age adults who are employed remains 3.4 percentage points below its pre-crisis level," the OECD report said.

In other words, millions of discouraged Americans have given up job searches and declared themselves disabled or retired.

And the report says that "even in countries where labor market slack has been absorbed, low quality jobs and a high level of labor market inequality are of concern."

The countries with unemployment rates below 5 percent, in addition to the United States, include: the Czech Republic, Germany, Iceland, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Norway and Switzerland.

I never said said the GOP is bringing back jobs, however the Democrats aren't either. We are now getting low paying jobs that in the near future will be gone due to automation. No jobs have comeback, the GOP and the Democrats have both failed. But you got a good job so that is all that matters. Why do you hate the labor unions and back NAFTA? Why are you voting for an anti-NAFTA candidate if it is so good?
She will fix it if that's what the people want. The question is, will the GOP go along?

I just hope if you are voting for Trump because of tariffs that you punish your senator or house members for not being on board. Do you even know who's running besides Trump?

I'm hoping for Sanders to run as a third party. He will get my vote.
Really? I love it! I would have never guessed. I knew you weren't a typical right winger.
From your article: Until now, Washington has limited Mexican trucks to a 20-mile-wide commercial zone along the border. But two years ago an international trade panel ruled that the United States, citing concerns about safety and pollution, had violated the North American Free Trade Agreement by not giving trucks from Mexico full access.

The treaty Clinton signed into law allowed for trucks from Mexico to come into the US. The United States was violating the trade agreement you are all for. Don't blame Bush, he was under pressure from your trade agreement which allowed the transportation into the United States. That is on you and Clinton.
Yea, and that's why he tried sneaking them into the country on Memorial Day or Veterans Day but the trucking unions stopped them at the border.

I'm just glad to see you back siding with labor/unions.

And you aren't backing the unions, The unions were/are against NAFTA. It is such a bad plan that Hillary is distancing herself from her husband on the issue. Fortunately for people who look for the truth there is audio of her backing NAFTA. But don't worry about it because you already made up your mind and the truth be damned.

I also have never been against unions. I would never want to be in one as you don't want to be in one. I am against public employee unions having collective bargaining power, just as FDR was.
Lets see what us liberals were saying back in 2004 about this

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class

About unions? About NAFTA? I am not against or for unions, you by your stance are anti-Union. The Democrats and the Republicans have sold us out. Only you don't see it. Partisan politics still rule your world.
No I get it. I'm just not going to be stupid enough to vote for Trump. If you want to take back the government, vote Democratic. The rich own both parties but they REALLY own the GOP.

The Democrats already have the majority of poor and middle class people voting for them. If you want to tea bag a party, tea bag the Democratic party. But you have to show up every 2 years.

AND, you can't defend the GOP when they sabotage everything the Democrats want to do, then blame the Democrats when they can't get er done. They can't because you won't vote out the obstructionists.

Like I said, I know enough to not vote GOP. No no. The GOP is going to have to win without me and then impress me. Something GW Bush Tom Delay and Dennis Hastert DID NOT do from 2000-2006. In fact they were so bad, in case you forgot, that the Democrats won the 2006 midterms. Democrats never win midterms. But that's how bad the GOP were.

Just the fact that the GOP lied us into Iraq and to me it sounds like if they could they would love to lie us into Iran next. No thanks.

If the GOP lied about Iraq, Kerry, Gore, Bill and Hillary Clinton were complicit in the lie. About mid term elections, they are usually won by the party that does not hold the presidency. It happened to Reagan and Bush.

Then you spew the falsehood that the rich owns really owns the GOP. That is wrong, they really own both parties. Who did Obama go after after the 2008? Answer...NO ONE. That's all you need to know.
We are working on that....what are you doing in your party to flush the career political establishment cronies like hitlery?
Then lets see the Senate go back to the democrats
It already is.....are you really this stupid in real life?
That is true we should take back the Senate. Trust me, Hillary will work for the American people AND Corporate America. That's how it should be. Not one or the other.


Michael Bennet (Colorado)
Richard Blumenthal (Connecticut)
Barbara Boxer (California) retiring in 2016
Patrick Leahy (Vermont)
Barbara Mikulski (Maryland) retiring in 2016
Patty Murray (Washington)
Harry Reid (Nevada) retiring in 2016
Brian Schatz (Hawaii)
Charles Schumer (New York)
Ron Wyden (Oregon)


Kelly Ayotte (New Hampshire)
Roy Blunt (Missouri)
John Boozman (Arkansas)
Richard Burr (North Carolina)
Dan Coats (Indiana) retiring in 2016
Mike Crapo (Idaho)
Chuck Grassley (Iowa)
John Hoeven (North Dakota)
Johnny Isakson (Georgia)
Ron Johnson (Wisconsin)
Mark Kirk (Illinois)
James Lankford (Oklahoma)
Mike Lee (Utah)
John McCain (Arizona)
Jerry Moran (Kansas)
Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)
Rand Paul (Kentucky)
Rob Portman (Ohio)
Marco Rubio (Florida) retiring in 2016
Tim Scott (South Carolina)
Richard Shelby (Alabama)
John Thune (South Dakota)
Pat Toomey (Pennsylvania)
David Vitter (Louisiana)
Well, you best put money down on whip futures then...:lol:

Lets get back on track. Black Republicans are rich blacks who don't care that America is a racist place for poor blacks. That's why black republicans are. Same with who are white republicans. They don't care either. They only care about themselves.

That is your assumption that you have done NOTHING to support.

INdeed, your assumption includes the premise that no one can disagree with you on the issues or your views on the parties.

Thus the ONLY REASON that someone could choose differently than you think they should is because they don't care about their fellow man.

That is insanely narrow minded of you.
Disagree is fine, what you are stating is a flat out lie. In fact Bush imposed tariffs on steel that went against NAFTA agreement.

Stop being a liar or fool as to what Bush did.

Mexican Trucks Allowed to Haul All Over U.S.

I've forgotten enough information to know the GOP is bad and you are wrong.

From your article: Until now, Washington has limited Mexican trucks to a 20-mile-wide commercial zone along the border. But two years ago an international trade panel ruled that the United States, citing concerns about safety and pollution, had violated the North American Free Trade Agreement by not giving trucks from Mexico full access.

The treaty Clinton signed into law allowed for trucks from Mexico to come into the US. The United States was violating the trade agreement you are all for. Don't blame Bush, he was under pressure from your trade agreement which allowed the transportation into the United States. That is on you and Clinton.
Yea, and that's why he tried sneaking them into the country on Memorial Day or Veterans Day but the trucking unions stopped them at the border.

I'm just glad to see you back siding with labor/unions.

And you aren't backing the unions, The unions were/are against NAFTA. It is such a bad plan that Hillary is distancing herself from her husband on the issue. Fortunately for people who look for the truth there is audio of her backing NAFTA. But don't worry about it because you already made up your mind and the truth be damned.

I also have never been against unions. I would never want to be in one as you don't want to be in one. I am against public employee unions having collective bargaining power, just as FDR was.
You guys are amazing. How you can believe that all of the sudden the GOP is the "bring jobs back home" party. LOL.


Because we have a new candidate with a new platform.

Change is occurring. The GOP is moving on the Free Trade issue.

Are you prepared to deal with this change, or are you going to be living in the past?
Most of the Founders advocated - and all ultimately passed - tariffs to protect domestic industries and workers. Seventy years later, Abraham Lincoln actively stood up for the right for labor to organize, intervening in several strikes to stop corporations and local governments from using hired goon squads to beat and murder strikers.

But conservative economics - the return of ancient feudalism - rose up after Lincoln's death and reigned through the Gilded Age, creating both great wealth and a huge population of what today we call the "working poor." American reaction to these disparities gave birth to the Populist, Progressive, and modern Labor movements. Two generations later, Franklin Roosevelt brought us out of Herbert Hoover's conservative-economics-produced Great Depression and bequeathed us with more than a half-century of prosperity.

But now the conservatives are back in the driver's seat, and heading us back toward feudalism and serfdom (and possibly another Great Depression).

You are looking at history trying to force everything to fit into today's paradigms.
From your article: Until now, Washington has limited Mexican trucks to a 20-mile-wide commercial zone along the border. But two years ago an international trade panel ruled that the United States, citing concerns about safety and pollution, had violated the North American Free Trade Agreement by not giving trucks from Mexico full access.

The treaty Clinton signed into law allowed for trucks from Mexico to come into the US. The United States was violating the trade agreement you are all for. Don't blame Bush, he was under pressure from your trade agreement which allowed the transportation into the United States. That is on you and Clinton.
Yea, and that's why he tried sneaking them into the country on Memorial Day or Veterans Day but the trucking unions stopped them at the border.

I'm just glad to see you back siding with labor/unions.

And you aren't backing the unions, The unions were/are against NAFTA. It is such a bad plan that Hillary is distancing herself from her husband on the issue. Fortunately for people who look for the truth there is audio of her backing NAFTA. But don't worry about it because you already made up your mind and the truth be damned.

I also have never been against unions. I would never want to be in one as you don't want to be in one. I am against public employee unions having collective bargaining power, just as FDR was.
You guys are amazing. How you can believe that all of the sudden the GOP is the "bring jobs back home" party. LOL.

With the Great Recession now over for seven years, how is job growth coming along in the world's wealthiest countries? Slow.

Labor markets have been held down by a low-growth trap characterized by low investment, anemic productivity gains and weak job creation with stagnant wages.

The Paris-based forum, made up of 35 democracies with market economies, released its annual employment assessment. It found that three-quarters of OECD countries are still running high levels of unemployment. For example, in Greece, France, Italy, Portugal, the Slovak Republic and Spain, the jobless rate remains in double digits. Results have been far better in the United States, where the unemployment rate is back down to 4.7 percent. That's the same rate recorded in November 2007, just before the recession began.

On Friday, the Labor Department will release employment figures for June. The May report was extremely disappointing, showing employers added just 38,000 jobs for the month. Economists are predicting a rebound for June, with a Wall Street Journal poll showing most expect about 165,000 new jobs, a hiring pace more in line with results of the past several years.

Even if it turns out May was just a fluke, there's reason to be less than thrilled with the U.S. labor market. While job growth has been "quite strong" in the United States, "the share of working-age adults who are employed remains 3.4 percentage points below its pre-crisis level," the OECD report said.

In other words, millions of discouraged Americans have given up job searches and declared themselves disabled or retired.

And the report says that "even in countries where labor market slack has been absorbed, low quality jobs and a high level of labor market inequality are of concern."

The countries with unemployment rates below 5 percent, in addition to the United States, include: the Czech Republic, Germany, Iceland, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Norway and Switzerland.

I never said said the GOP is bringing back jobs, however the Democrats aren't either. We are now getting low paying jobs that in the near future will be gone due to automation. No jobs have comeback, the GOP and the Democrats have both failed. But you got a good job so that is all that matters. Why do you hate the labor unions and back NAFTA? Why are you voting for an anti-NAFTA candidate if it is so good?
She will fix it if that's what the people want. The question is, will the GOP go along?

I just hope if you are voting for Trump because of tariffs that you punish your senator or house members for not being on board. Do you even know who's running besides Trump?

She will not fix it, no matter what the people want.

THat's been the defining factor of the Political Class over the last couple of decades.

They advance their agenda, not that of the American people.
George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting NAFTA, ceremonially signed the agreement in their respective capitals on December 17, 1992. The signed agreement then needed to be ratified by each nation's legislative or parliamentary branch.

In the U.S., Bush, who had worked to "fast track" NAFTA ran out of time and had to pass the required ratification and signing of the implementation law to incoming president Bill Clinton.

What dumb fucking Republican thinks Bill Clinton should have veto’ed NAFTA? If you take that position you aren’t being intellectually honest. NAFTA was a done deal. And as it should. Even me, a liberal, doesn’t think we shouldn’t be trading with the rest of the world. Only Republicans who were pro NAFTA yesterday are trying to blame Clinton for signing NAFTA. If he didn’t they would have blamed him for NOT signing it. It would have been their big issue for 1996.

Anyways, back to my point. Prior to sending NAFTA to the Senate, Clinton added two side agreements. The NAALC and the NAAEC to protect workers and the environment. So don’t say “Clinton signed NAFTA” and try and blame him when NAFTA was the GOP’s creation. Now they say they want to put tariffs on imports? Lying mother fuckers.

The Free Traders are a ideological camp inside the GOP.

They are primarily for the adoption of the Free Trade policy we have today.

HOWEVER, the dems have joined in alone the way, and now are part of that consensus.

The GOP congress did write Nafta and send it to BIll Clinton.

Bill Clinton COULD have vetoed it, but choose to sign it.

One can discuss his reasons.

Today, an ANTI-Free Trader has won the GOP nomination.

A Free Trader has won the dem nomination.

If you think Free Trade and/or Nafta is a bad idea....

Holding Trump responsible for what the GOP congress did in the 90s, makes no sense.
Im not buying anything trump says. And I believe all the politicians should be asked what they think about making trade fair.

I've never seen an election year where no ones talking about any other races besides the white house. Meanwhile the rich are funding local and state Republicans with more dark money than ever before.

No way I'm giving the GOP all three houses.

If your not going to base your support on what a Trump says, then take a look at Hillary.

Her record AND her words show are in agreement.

Which is support of the status quo, which you dislike.

Thus, from your perspective, based on the issues, Hillary is a definite no, while Trump is an unknown.

So, the only question for you is, which is more important to you, the issues and their real world effects on real people, or partisanship.
Clinton isn't status quo! Have Ryan and McConnell let her implement Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders legislation and regulations.

Remember bill put protections in NAFTA for workers. Republicans did away with those protections under bush.

SUre. She might put in place some small programs that will allow her (and you) to feel that the issue is being addressed.

But there is a reason that the 1% is supporting HIllary.

Hell, the GOP establishment AND the Dem establishment is supporting Hillary!

And you think she is going to change the status quo?!

. Some really don't care about any status quo lingo or attempt at changing the status quo, just as long as they see that the canidate they are supporting will keep the free stuff coming their way or within the midst of it all.
I will get shit for saying this, but this is why Ted Cruz beat David Douchehurst in the run for K. Bailey Hutchesuns senate seat. See, in Texas to get anywhere politically one is supposed to kiss the Bush signet ring and aske the blessing of the yankee transplants elder fucktard. Dick Perry tried to run without doing so and we saw how that went the first time. Cruz told the Bush clan to ram it. Because of that all the media outlets had him losing right up until they had to say he won the seat. Both parties suffer from shit like this. both parties need to be purged of all the money grubbing elites and fixed. They are both crooked as hell. A good start would be for the Clinton and Bush dynasties to fuck off some place and die quietly.

The establishment of both parties are funded by big business. And the more they are entrenched into Congress, the tougher it will be to root out. America is the land of the rich, for the rich and by the rich. The idea that the Democrats claim to be the party of the poor by touting minimum wage? Pretty silly but effective advertising. The are appeasing the peasants by giving them crumbs and taking away more jobs, more money, more power. Lopsided trade off.
George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting NAFTA, ceremonially signed the agreement in their respective capitals on December 17, 1992. The signed agreement then needed to be ratified by each nation's legislative or parliamentary branch.

In the U.S., Bush, who had worked to "fast track" NAFTA ran out of time and had to pass the required ratification and signing of the implementation law to incoming president Bill Clinton.

What dumb fucking Republican thinks Bill Clinton should have veto’ed NAFTA? If you take that position you aren’t being intellectually honest. NAFTA was a done deal. And as it should. Even me, a liberal, doesn’t think we shouldn’t be trading with the rest of the world. Only Republicans who were pro NAFTA yesterday are trying to blame Clinton for signing NAFTA. If he didn’t they would have blamed him for NOT signing it. It would have been their big issue for 1996.

Anyways, back to my point. Prior to sending NAFTA to the Senate, Clinton added two side agreements. The NAALC and the NAAEC to protect workers and the environment. So don’t say “Clinton signed NAFTA” and try and blame him when NAFTA was the GOP’s creation. Now they say they want to put tariffs on imports? Lying mother fuckers.

The Free Traders are a ideological camp inside the GOP.

They are primarily for the adoption of the Free Trade policy we have today.

HOWEVER, the dems have joined in alone the way, and now are part of that consensus.

The GOP congress did write Nafta and send it to BIll Clinton.

Bill Clinton COULD have vetoed it, but choose to sign it.

One can discuss his reasons.

Today, an ANTI-Free Trader has won the GOP nomination.

A Free Trader has won the dem nomination.

If you think Free Trade and/or Nafta is a bad idea....

Holding Trump responsible for what the GOP congress did in the 90s, makes no sense.
Im not buying anything trump says. And I believe all the politicians should be asked what they think about making trade fair.

I've never seen an election year where no ones talking about any other races besides the white house. Meanwhile the rich are funding local and state Republicans with more dark money than ever before.

No way I'm giving the GOP all three houses.

You seriously don't think dark money is funding Democrats as well? You are naive.

Dark money funds them all. Washington stinks from it.
The establishment of both parties are funded by big business. And the more they are entrenched into Congress, the tougher it will be to root out. America is the land of the rich, for the rich and by the rich. The idea that the Democrats claim to be the party of the poor by touting minimum wage? Pretty silly but effective advertising. The are appeasing the peasants by giving them crumbs and taking away more jobs, more money, more power. Lopsided trade off.
George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting NAFTA, ceremonially signed the agreement in their respective capitals on December 17, 1992. The signed agreement then needed to be ratified by each nation's legislative or parliamentary branch.

In the U.S., Bush, who had worked to "fast track" NAFTA ran out of time and had to pass the required ratification and signing of the implementation law to incoming president Bill Clinton.

What dumb fucking Republican thinks Bill Clinton should have veto’ed NAFTA? If you take that position you aren’t being intellectually honest. NAFTA was a done deal. And as it should. Even me, a liberal, doesn’t think we shouldn’t be trading with the rest of the world. Only Republicans who were pro NAFTA yesterday are trying to blame Clinton for signing NAFTA. If he didn’t they would have blamed him for NOT signing it. It would have been their big issue for 1996.

Anyways, back to my point. Prior to sending NAFTA to the Senate, Clinton added two side agreements. The NAALC and the NAAEC to protect workers and the environment. So don’t say “Clinton signed NAFTA” and try and blame him when NAFTA was the GOP’s creation. Now they say they want to put tariffs on imports? Lying mother fuckers.

The Free Traders are a ideological camp inside the GOP.

They are primarily for the adoption of the Free Trade policy we have today.

HOWEVER, the dems have joined in alone the way, and now are part of that consensus.

The GOP congress did write Nafta and send it to BIll Clinton.

Bill Clinton COULD have vetoed it, but choose to sign it.

One can discuss his reasons.

Today, an ANTI-Free Trader has won the GOP nomination.

A Free Trader has won the dem nomination.

If you think Free Trade and/or Nafta is a bad idea....

Holding Trump responsible for what the GOP congress did in the 90s, makes no sense.
Im not buying anything trump says. And I believe all the politicians should be asked what they think about making trade fair.

I've never seen an election year where no ones talking about any other races besides the white house. Meanwhile the rich are funding local and state Republicans with more dark money than ever before.

No way I'm giving the GOP all three houses.

You seriously don't think dark money is funding Democrats as well? You are naive.

Dark money funds them all. Washington stinks from it.
. Trump keeps trying to drive that message home, but the freebie dependent crowd is so afraid of losing their umbrella, that they won't come in out of the rain.
It's time this nation stop choosing leaders based upon the radical social issues of today, because those issues are destroying the fabric of this nation. I mean there is a whole mess of new generational born useful idiots out there now, and they are flat out right ruining this nation with their idiocy. It's like the children have taken charge of the nursery somehow, and they are poised to burn it to the ground. The question people need to investigate strongly, is who allowed or pushed the child like adults to take over the nation/nursery/Washington D.C. today ? Think about it, because the nation might be poised to elect the queen hornet/culprit to take control of the nasty little hornets hive.
The establishment of both parties are funded by big business. And the more they are entrenched into Congress, the tougher it will be to root out. America is the land of the rich, for the rich and by the rich. The idea that the Democrats claim to be the party of the poor by touting minimum wage? Pretty silly but effective advertising. The are appeasing the peasants by giving them crumbs and taking away more jobs, more money, more power. Lopsided trade off.
George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting NAFTA, ceremonially signed the agreement in their respective capitals on December 17, 1992. The signed agreement then needed to be ratified by each nation's legislative or parliamentary branch.

In the U.S., Bush, who had worked to "fast track" NAFTA ran out of time and had to pass the required ratification and signing of the implementation law to incoming president Bill Clinton.

What dumb fucking Republican thinks Bill Clinton should have veto’ed NAFTA? If you take that position you aren’t being intellectually honest. NAFTA was a done deal. And as it should. Even me, a liberal, doesn’t think we shouldn’t be trading with the rest of the world. Only Republicans who were pro NAFTA yesterday are trying to blame Clinton for signing NAFTA. If he didn’t they would have blamed him for NOT signing it. It would have been their big issue for 1996.

Anyways, back to my point. Prior to sending NAFTA to the Senate, Clinton added two side agreements. The NAALC and the NAAEC to protect workers and the environment. So don’t say “Clinton signed NAFTA” and try and blame him when NAFTA was the GOP’s creation. Now they say they want to put tariffs on imports? Lying mother fuckers.

The Free Traders are a ideological camp inside the GOP.

They are primarily for the adoption of the Free Trade policy we have today.

HOWEVER, the dems have joined in alone the way, and now are part of that consensus.

The GOP congress did write Nafta and send it to BIll Clinton.

Bill Clinton COULD have vetoed it, but choose to sign it.

One can discuss his reasons.

Today, an ANTI-Free Trader has won the GOP nomination.

A Free Trader has won the dem nomination.

If you think Free Trade and/or Nafta is a bad idea....

Holding Trump responsible for what the GOP congress did in the 90s, makes no sense.
Im not buying anything trump says. And I believe all the politicians should be asked what they think about making trade fair.

I've never seen an election year where no ones talking about any other races besides the white house. Meanwhile the rich are funding local and state Republicans with more dark money than ever before.

No way I'm giving the GOP all three houses.

You seriously don't think dark money is funding Democrats as well? You are naive.

Dark money funds them all. Washington stinks from it.
. Not only Washington, but near or about every stinking hole or dive in this nation is corrupted anymore, and so I hope you are proud of yourself America, because I'm not proud of you much these days, and to top it off you elect a man who tries to cover for those who have shot you dead right upon your own soil. Now how idiotic can you be America, and now there is a chance that a perp can lawfully access the restroom that your little child is occupying, and do it under the guise of being a transgender ? Really America ? The soldiers of world war two would have stood down if they knew America was going to turn out like it has today. It's sad that the few that are left are having to experience it first hand, and even were denide access to the monuments in Washington for political reasons in which were used against them because of budget issues ???? Really America ? Disgusting, and the beat goes onnnnnnn, and the beat goes on.
Stop being a liar or fool as to what Bush did.

Mexican Trucks Allowed to Haul All Over U.S.

I've forgotten enough information to know the GOP is bad and you are wrong.

From your article: Until now, Washington has limited Mexican trucks to a 20-mile-wide commercial zone along the border. But two years ago an international trade panel ruled that the United States, citing concerns about safety and pollution, had violated the North American Free Trade Agreement by not giving trucks from Mexico full access.

The treaty Clinton signed into law allowed for trucks from Mexico to come into the US. The United States was violating the trade agreement you are all for. Don't blame Bush, he was under pressure from your trade agreement which allowed the transportation into the United States. That is on you and Clinton.
Yea, and that's why he tried sneaking them into the country on Memorial Day or Veterans Day but the trucking unions stopped them at the border.

I'm just glad to see you back siding with labor/unions.

And you aren't backing the unions, The unions were/are against NAFTA. It is such a bad plan that Hillary is distancing herself from her husband on the issue. Fortunately for people who look for the truth there is audio of her backing NAFTA. But don't worry about it because you already made up your mind and the truth be damned.

I also have never been against unions. I would never want to be in one as you don't want to be in one. I am against public employee unions having collective bargaining power, just as FDR was.
You guys are amazing. How you can believe that all of the sudden the GOP is the "bring jobs back home" party. LOL.


Because we have a new candidate with a new platform.

Change is occurring. The GOP is moving on the Free Trade issue.

Are you prepared to deal with this change, or are you going to be living in the past?
No, I'm going to mock your hope and change president as you did Obama.

Or he's going to prove me wrong. I hope he does
It's time this nation stop choosing leaders based upon the radical social issues of today, because those issues are destroying the fabric of this nation. I mean there is a whole mess of new generational born useful idiots out there now, and they are flat out right ruining this nation with their idiocy. It's like the children have taken charge of the nursery somehow, and they are poised to burn it to the ground. The question people need to investigate strongly, is who allowed or pushed the child like adults to take over the nation/nursery/Washington D.C. today ? Think about it, because the nation might be poised to elect the queen hornet/culprit to take control of the nasty little hornets hive.
This nation has a long history of the people in power using race to divide poor blacks and whites
It's time this nation stop choosing leaders based upon the radical social issues of today, because those issues are destroying the fabric of this nation. I mean there is a whole mess of new generational born useful idiots out there now, and they are flat out right ruining this nation with their idiocy. It's like the children have taken charge of the nursery somehow, and they are poised to burn it to the ground. The question people need to investigate strongly, is who allowed or pushed the child like adults to take over the nation/nursery/Washington D.C. today ? Think about it, because the nation might be poised to elect the queen hornet/culprit to take control of the nasty little hornets hive.
This nation has a long history of the people in power using race to divide poor blacks and whites
It's time this nation stop choosing leaders based upon the radical social issues of today, because those issues are destroying the fabric of this nation. I mean there is a whole mess of new generational born useful idiots out there now, and they are flat out right ruining this nation with their idiocy. It's like the children have taken charge of the nursery somehow, and they are poised to burn it to the ground. The question people need to investigate strongly, is who allowed or pushed the child like adults to take over the nation/nursery/Washington D.C. today ? Think about it, because the nation might be poised to elect the queen hornet/culprit to take control of the nasty little hornets hive.
This nation has a long history of the people in power using race to divide poor blacks and whites
The people in power are the corporations. They control both parties remember?

It's also them who lobbied to send jobs overseas.

And black people don't have a problem voting for a white but we notice Republicans never vote for blacks. You're so fos
It's time this nation stop choosing leaders based upon the radical social issues of today, because those issues are destroying the fabric of this nation. I mean there is a whole mess of new generational born useful idiots out there now, and they are flat out right ruining this nation with their idiocy. It's like the children have taken charge of the nursery somehow, and they are poised to burn it to the ground. The question people need to investigate strongly, is who allowed or pushed the child like adults to take over the nation/nursery/Washington D.C. today ? Think about it, because the nation might be poised to elect the queen hornet/culprit to take control of the nasty little hornets hive.
This nation has a long history of the people in power using race to divide poor blacks and whites
The people in power are the corporations. They control both parties remember?

It's also them who lobbied to send jobs overseas.

And black people don't have a problem voting for a white but we notice Republicans never vote for blacks. You're so fos
Black people haven't had much of a choice until recently. The fact that are even as many black candidates and representatives in the GOP as there are proves how stupid you are though.

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