Black republicans...who are they really?

It's time this nation stop choosing leaders based upon the radical social issues of today, because those issues are destroying the fabric of this nation. I mean there is a whole mess of new generational born useful idiots out there now, and they are flat out right ruining this nation with their idiocy. It's like the children have taken charge of the nursery somehow, and they are poised to burn it to the ground. The question people need to investigate strongly, is who allowed or pushed the child like adults to take over the nation/nursery/Washington D.C. today ? Think about it, because the nation might be poised to elect the queen hornet/culprit to take control of the nasty little hornets hive.
This nation has a long history of the people in power using race to divide poor blacks and whites

Obama seems the best at dividing
It's time this nation stop choosing leaders based upon the radical social issues of today, because those issues are destroying the fabric of this nation. I mean there is a whole mess of new generational born useful idiots out there now, and they are flat out right ruining this nation with their idiocy. It's like the children have taken charge of the nursery somehow, and they are poised to burn it to the ground. The question people need to investigate strongly, is who allowed or pushed the child like adults to take over the nation/nursery/Washington D.C. today ? Think about it, because the nation might be poised to elect the queen hornet/culprit to take control of the nasty little hornets hive.
This nation has a long history of the people in power using race to divide poor blacks and whites

Obama seems the best at dividing
Speaking of black Republicans, Stephen Colbert just talked about a black Republican who listed the bible as his favorite book. Then in the screenshot you could see the porn sites he had open. You should have heard his excuse. Lol. Hillaryous.

Say, if you liked Bernie you should listen to him and vote Hillary
I live a good life

That's good, so why are you so filled with hate? Could it be you were taught to hate? Probably, most racism is taught at a very young age...

have a great family

That's good too, did you pass on your hatred on to them?

lots of friends

Lot's of friends where? At the Black Panther meetings?


At the Black Lives Matter meeting or the Black Panther meetings? Maybe both?

and I've been here longer than you have

And that means what? Relevance? It's obvious you have a 3rd grade mentality, but I suggest you stop reinforcing it, you look rather stupid when you keep doing it...

Point is .. you don't fucking qualify to insult me

More 3rd grade banter, you should really seek physiological therapy for your anger issues...

You're just an ignorant ass racist who thinks black people can't be successful unless they think like you. :lol:

It's quite hilarious when you try to call me a racist, I have been in a inter racial marriage for almost 30 years with several children. It was you BlackAssHole who claimed that you only voted for the benefit of the Black Race and not the good of the country, it's the simple minded Blacks like yourself that hold back your culture due to your deep hatred...

Why would black people vote for an all-white party

Get the blinders off that your Liberal Masters have brain washed you with...

The 'N' word ?? :lol::lol: Your racist character revealed.

No not at all, it's used by myself when it's the appropriate label, similar to the use of Redneck or Cracker when a White person demonstrates they are filled with hate or racism, based on your drivel I'm sure it's been directed at you many times in your life...

I told you that you were a racist the moment your dumb ass started posting to me.

Look, I know you're hung up on hating Whitey that believes in a Conservative platform, but there are a significant number of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Indians and Muslims who believe the Conservative philosophy of earning their place in society through hard work and good values that are the foundation to better society as a whole (that includes all races). The Liberal agenda has no respect for these basic principals, in fact they want to control you and it's pretty apparent they have you right where they want you.

:0) This board is full of RW hate. Point to your posts that admonish RW posters for their hate. If you can't do that .. fuck you, you're just a vile piece of shit speaking to your hate.

I hate 'whitey????' :0) Again, that's just your hate talking.

I have no problem with white people, and most have no problems with me. Whites are adventurous, innovative, and exciting people. You don't speak for white people .. you're a republican. I hate republicans, not white people .. but you can spin that anyway you choose Bozo.

Bottom line .. there ain't (eb) shit you can do about me but whine. :0) That's it.

Your racism is meaningless .. doesn't mean shit. Hit me with the 'N' word again :0) ..doesn't mean shit. Toss in all the stereotypical bullshit your grandpappy drilled into your ignorant head .. doesn't mean shit.

Republicans have lost nearly every social issue they champion, and after Trump gets trounced in November, the future of the Republican Party will look as bleak as dog shit. :0)

Find some logic .. kiss my ass. :0)
Last edited:
It's time this nation stop choosing leaders based upon the radical social issues of today, because those issues are destroying the fabric of this nation. I mean there is a whole mess of new generational born useful idiots out there now, and they are flat out right ruining this nation with their idiocy. It's like the children have taken charge of the nursery somehow, and they are poised to burn it to the ground. The question people need to investigate strongly, is who allowed or pushed the child like adults to take over the nation/nursery/Washington D.C. today ? Think about it, because the nation might be poised to elect the queen hornet/culprit to take control of the nasty little hornets hive.
This nation has a long history of the people in power using race to divide poor blacks and whites

Obama seems the best at dividing
Speaking of black Republicans, Stephen Colbert just talked about a black Republican who listed the bible as his favorite book. Then in the screenshot you could see the porn sites he had open. You should have heard his excuse. Lol. Hillaryous.

Say, if you liked Bernie you should listen to him and vote Hillary
You want to bring up a comedy skit why?
I live a good life

That's good, so why are you so filled with hate? Could it be you were taught to hate? Probably, most racism is taught at a very young age...

have a great family

That's good too, did you pass on your hatred on to them?

lots of friends

Lot's of friends where? At the Black Panther meetings?


At the Black Lives Matter meeting or the Black Panther meetings? Maybe both?

and I've been here longer than you have

And that means what? Relevance? It's obvious you have a 3rd grade mentality, but I suggest you stop reinforcing it, you look rather stupid when you keep doing it...

Point is .. you don't fucking qualify to insult me

More 3rd grade banter, you should really seek physiological therapy for your anger issues...

You're just an ignorant ass racist who thinks black people can't be successful unless they think like you. :lol:

It's quite hilarious when you try to call me a racist, I have been in a inter racial marriage for almost 30 years with several children. It was you BlackAssHole who claimed that you only voted for the benefit of the Black Race and not the good of the country, it's the simple minded Blacks like yourself that hold back your culture due to your deep hatred...

Why would black people vote for an all-white party

Get the blinders off that your Liberal Masters have brain washed you with...

The 'N' word ?? :lol::lol: Your racist character revealed.

No not at all, it's used by myself when it's the appropriate label, similar to the use of Redneck or Cracker when a White person demonstrates they are filled with hate or racism, based on your drivel I'm sure it's been directed at you many times in your life...

I told you that you were a racist the moment your dumb ass started posting to me.

Look, I know you're hung up on hating Whitey that believes in a Conservative platform, but there are a significant number of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Indians and Muslims who believe the Conservative philosophy of earning their place in society through hard work and good values that are the foundation to better society as a whole (that includes all races). The Liberal agenda has no respect for these basic principals, in fact they want to control you and it's pretty apparent they have you right where they want you.

:0) This board is full of RW hate. Point to your posts that admonish RW posters for their hate. If you can't do that .. fuck you, you're just a vile piece of shit speaking to your hate.

I hate 'whitey????' :0) Again, that's just your hate talking.

I have no problem with white people, and most have no problems with me. Whites are adventurous, innovative, and exciting people. You don't speak for white people .. you're a republican. I hate republicans, not white people .. but you can spin that anyway you choose Bozo.

Bottom line .. there ain't (eb) shit you can do about me but whine. :0) That's it.

Your racism is meaningless .. doesn't mean shit. Hit me with the 'N' word again :0) ..doesn't mean shit. Toss in all the stereotypical bullshit your grandpappy drilled into your ignorant head .. doesn't mean shit.

Republicans have lost nearly every social issue they champion, and after Trump gets trounced in November, the future of the Republican Party will look as bleak as dog shit. :0)

Find some logic .. kiss my ass. :0)
You should see the left wing yours.....:lol:
It's time this nation stop choosing leaders based upon the radical social issues of today, because those issues are destroying the fabric of this nation. I mean there is a whole mess of new generational born useful idiots out there now, and they are flat out right ruining this nation with their idiocy. It's like the children have taken charge of the nursery somehow, and they are poised to burn it to the ground. The question people need to investigate strongly, is who allowed or pushed the child like adults to take over the nation/nursery/Washington D.C. today ? Think about it, because the nation might be poised to elect the queen hornet/culprit to take control of the nasty little hornets hive.
This nation has a long history of the people in power using race to divide poor blacks and whites

Obama seems the best at dividing
Speaking of black Republicans, Stephen Colbert just talked about a black Republican who listed the bible as his favorite book. Then in the screenshot you could see the porn sites he had open. You should have heard his excuse. Lol. Hillaryous.

Say, if you liked Bernie you should listen to him and vote Hillary
You want to bring up a comedy skit why?
Because the black Republican Colbert was making fun of is the perfect example of what kind of black person is typically Republican.

What's the title of this thread?
It's time this nation stop choosing leaders based upon the radical social issues of today, because those issues are destroying the fabric of this nation. I mean there is a whole mess of new generational born useful idiots out there now, and they are flat out right ruining this nation with their idiocy. It's like the children have taken charge of the nursery somehow, and they are poised to burn it to the ground. The question people need to investigate strongly, is who allowed or pushed the child like adults to take over the nation/nursery/Washington D.C. today ? Think about it, because the nation might be poised to elect the queen hornet/culprit to take control of the nasty little hornets hive.
This nation has a long history of the people in power using race to divide poor blacks and whites

Obama seems the best at dividing
Speaking of black Republicans, Stephen Colbert just talked about a black Republican who listed the bible as his favorite book. Then in the screenshot you could see the porn sites he had open. You should have heard his excuse. Lol. Hillaryous.

Say, if you liked Bernie you should listen to him and vote Hillary
You want to bring up a comedy skit why?
Because the black Republican Colbert was making fun of is the perfect example of what kind of black person is typically Republican.

What's the title of this thread?
You mean the comedy skit?
The Free Traders are a ideological camp inside the GOP.

They are primarily for the adoption of the Free Trade policy we have today.

HOWEVER, the dems have joined in alone the way, and now are part of that consensus.

The GOP congress did write Nafta and send it to BIll Clinton.

Bill Clinton COULD have vetoed it, but choose to sign it.

One can discuss his reasons.

Today, an ANTI-Free Trader has won the GOP nomination.

A Free Trader has won the dem nomination.

If you think Free Trade and/or Nafta is a bad idea....

Holding Trump responsible for what the GOP congress did in the 90s, makes no sense.
Im not buying anything trump says. And I believe all the politicians should be asked what they think about making trade fair.

I've never seen an election year where no ones talking about any other races besides the white house. Meanwhile the rich are funding local and state Republicans with more dark money than ever before.

No way I'm giving the GOP all three houses.

If your not going to base your support on what a Trump says, then take a look at Hillary.

Her record AND her words show are in agreement.

Which is support of the status quo, which you dislike.

Thus, from your perspective, based on the issues, Hillary is a definite no, while Trump is an unknown.

So, the only question for you is, which is more important to you, the issues and their real world effects on real people, or partisanship.
Clinton isn't status quo! Have Ryan and McConnell let her implement Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders legislation and regulations.

Remember bill put protections in NAFTA for workers. Republicans did away with those protections under bush.

SUre. She might put in place some small programs that will allow her (and you) to feel that the issue is being addressed.

But there is a reason that the 1% is supporting HIllary.

Hell, the GOP establishment AND the Dem establishment is supporting Hillary!

And you think she is going to change the status quo?!

. Some really don't care about any status quo lingo or attempt at changing the status quo, just as long as they see that the canidate they are supporting will keep the free stuff coming their way or within the midst of it all.

I don't think that is seely.

I think seely is a partisan who does care, somewhat about the issues.

And now he has a conflict between his partisan loyalty to the Dems (with it's partisan enmity to the gop) and his stance on the issues.

And his partisanship has won over his issues.

His response to the conflict is to rationalize away the fact that he is voting against his stance of the issues.
From your article: Until now, Washington has limited Mexican trucks to a 20-mile-wide commercial zone along the border. But two years ago an international trade panel ruled that the United States, citing concerns about safety and pollution, had violated the North American Free Trade Agreement by not giving trucks from Mexico full access.

The treaty Clinton signed into law allowed for trucks from Mexico to come into the US. The United States was violating the trade agreement you are all for. Don't blame Bush, he was under pressure from your trade agreement which allowed the transportation into the United States. That is on you and Clinton.
Yea, and that's why he tried sneaking them into the country on Memorial Day or Veterans Day but the trucking unions stopped them at the border.

I'm just glad to see you back siding with labor/unions.

And you aren't backing the unions, The unions were/are against NAFTA. It is such a bad plan that Hillary is distancing herself from her husband on the issue. Fortunately for people who look for the truth there is audio of her backing NAFTA. But don't worry about it because you already made up your mind and the truth be damned.

I also have never been against unions. I would never want to be in one as you don't want to be in one. I am against public employee unions having collective bargaining power, just as FDR was.
You guys are amazing. How you can believe that all of the sudden the GOP is the "bring jobs back home" party. LOL.


Because we have a new candidate with a new platform.

Change is occurring. The GOP is moving on the Free Trade issue.

Are you prepared to deal with this change, or are you going to be living in the past?
No, I'm going to mock your hope and change president as you did Obama.

Or he's going to prove me wrong. I hope he does

Except that the margin of defeat might be made up of people like you, who agree with him on the issues, but are unable to adapt to the fact that the GOP has changed (in nominating Trump) to side with you on the issues.

You are failing to adapt to change.

Which is ironic of course, because of the ancient lib meme of conservatives being unable to adapt to change.
It's time this nation stop choosing leaders based upon the radical social issues of today, because those issues are destroying the fabric of this nation. I mean there is a whole mess of new generational born useful idiots out there now, and they are flat out right ruining this nation with their idiocy. It's like the children have taken charge of the nursery somehow, and they are poised to burn it to the ground. The question people need to investigate strongly, is who allowed or pushed the child like adults to take over the nation/nursery/Washington D.C. today ? Think about it, because the nation might be poised to elect the queen hornet/culprit to take control of the nasty little hornets hive.
This nation has a long history of the people in power using race to divide poor blacks and whites

Trump is doing NOTHING to do that.

Hillary IS.

With her race based panic mongering.
It's time this nation stop choosing leaders based upon the radical social issues of today, because those issues are destroying the fabric of this nation. I mean there is a whole mess of new generational born useful idiots out there now, and they are flat out right ruining this nation with their idiocy. It's like the children have taken charge of the nursery somehow, and they are poised to burn it to the ground. The question people need to investigate strongly, is who allowed or pushed the child like adults to take over the nation/nursery/Washington D.C. today ? Think about it, because the nation might be poised to elect the queen hornet/culprit to take control of the nasty little hornets hive.
This nation has a long history of the people in power using race to divide poor blacks and whites

Obama seems the best at dividing
Speaking of black Republicans, Stephen Colbert just talked about a black Republican who listed the bible as his favorite book. Then in the screenshot you could see the porn sites he had open. You should have heard his excuse. Lol. Hillaryous.

Say, if you liked Bernie you should listen to him and vote Hillary

Hillary is lying scum, no way.
It's time this nation stop choosing leaders based upon the radical social issues of today, because those issues are destroying the fabric of this nation. I mean there is a whole mess of new generational born useful idiots out there now, and they are flat out right ruining this nation with their idiocy. It's like the children have taken charge of the nursery somehow, and they are poised to burn it to the ground. The question people need to investigate strongly, is who allowed or pushed the child like adults to take over the nation/nursery/Washington D.C. today ? Think about it, because the nation might be poised to elect the queen hornet/culprit to take control of the nasty little hornets hive.
This nation has a long history of the people in power using race to divide poor blacks and whites

Obama seems the best at dividing
Speaking of black Republicans, Stephen Colbert just talked about a black Republican who listed the bible as his favorite book. Then in the screenshot you could see the porn sites he had open. You should have heard his excuse. Lol. Hillaryous.

Say, if you liked Bernie you should listen to him and vote Hillary
You want to bring up a comedy skit why?
Because the black Republican Colbert was making fun of is the perfect example of what kind of black person is typically Republican.

What's the title of this thread?

So one guy represents "typical" black republicans. Do black Republicans "typically" like watermelon or "typically" like chicken?

Interesting in this thread the liberals are trying to stereotype black republicans.
I live a good life

That's good, so why are you so filled with hate? Could it be you were taught to hate? Probably, most racism is taught at a very young age...

have a great family

That's good too, did you pass on your hatred on to them?

lots of friends

Lot's of friends where? At the Black Panther meetings?


At the Black Lives Matter meeting or the Black Panther meetings? Maybe both?

and I've been here longer than you have

And that means what? Relevance? It's obvious you have a 3rd grade mentality, but I suggest you stop reinforcing it, you look rather stupid when you keep doing it...

Point is .. you don't fucking qualify to insult me

More 3rd grade banter, you should really seek physiological therapy for your anger issues...

You're just an ignorant ass racist who thinks black people can't be successful unless they think like you. :lol:

It's quite hilarious when you try to call me a racist, I have been in a inter racial marriage for almost 30 years with several children. It was you BlackAssHole who claimed that you only voted for the benefit of the Black Race and not the good of the country, it's the simple minded Blacks like yourself that hold back your culture due to your deep hatred...

Why would black people vote for an all-white party

Get the blinders off that your Liberal Masters have brain washed you with...

The 'N' word ?? :lol::lol: Your racist character revealed.

No not at all, it's used by myself when it's the appropriate label, similar to the use of Redneck or Cracker when a White person demonstrates they are filled with hate or racism, based on your drivel I'm sure it's been directed at you many times in your life...

I told you that you were a racist the moment your dumb ass started posting to me.

Look, I know you're hung up on hating Whitey that believes in a Conservative platform, but there are a significant number of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Indians and Muslims who believe the Conservative philosophy of earning their place in society through hard work and good values that are the foundation to better society as a whole (that includes all races). The Liberal agenda has no respect for these basic principals, in fact they want to control you and it's pretty apparent they have you right where they want you.

:0) This board is full of RW hate. Point to your posts that admonish RW posters for their hate. If you can't do that .. fuck you, you're just a vile piece of shit speaking to your hate.

I hate 'whitey????' :0) Again, that's just your hate talking.

I have no problem with white people, and most have no problems with me. Whites are adventurous, innovative, and exciting people. You don't speak for white people .. you're a republican. I hate republicans, not white people .. but you can spin that anyway you choose Bozo.

Bottom line .. there ain't (eb) shit you can do about me but whine. :0) That's it.

Your racism is meaningless .. doesn't mean shit. Hit me with the 'N' word again :0) ..doesn't mean shit. Toss in all the stereotypical bullshit your grandpappy drilled into your ignorant head .. doesn't mean shit.

Republicans have lost nearly every social issue they champion, and after Trump gets trounced in November, the future of the Republican Party will look as bleak as dog shit. :0)

Find some logic .. kiss my ass. :0)
You should see the left wing yours.....:lol:

:0) What you believe doesn't mean shit. Trump will lose, the Republican Party and all you hold dear will go down the toilet. :lol:
I live a good life

That's good, so why are you so filled with hate? Could it be you were taught to hate? Probably, most racism is taught at a very young age...

have a great family

That's good too, did you pass on your hatred on to them?

lots of friends

Lot's of friends where? At the Black Panther meetings?


At the Black Lives Matter meeting or the Black Panther meetings? Maybe both?

and I've been here longer than you have

And that means what? Relevance? It's obvious you have a 3rd grade mentality, but I suggest you stop reinforcing it, you look rather stupid when you keep doing it...

Point is .. you don't fucking qualify to insult me

More 3rd grade banter, you should really seek physiological therapy for your anger issues...

You're just an ignorant ass racist who thinks black people can't be successful unless they think like you. :lol:

It's quite hilarious when you try to call me a racist, I have been in a inter racial marriage for almost 30 years with several children. It was you BlackAssHole who claimed that you only voted for the benefit of the Black Race and not the good of the country, it's the simple minded Blacks like yourself that hold back your culture due to your deep hatred...

Why would black people vote for an all-white party

Get the blinders off that your Liberal Masters have brain washed you with...

The 'N' word ?? :lol::lol: Your racist character revealed.

No not at all, it's used by myself when it's the appropriate label, similar to the use of Redneck or Cracker when a White person demonstrates they are filled with hate or racism, based on your drivel I'm sure it's been directed at you many times in your life...

I told you that you were a racist the moment your dumb ass started posting to me.

Look, I know you're hung up on hating Whitey that believes in a Conservative platform, but there are a significant number of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Indians and Muslims who believe the Conservative philosophy of earning their place in society through hard work and good values that are the foundation to better society as a whole (that includes all races). The Liberal agenda has no respect for these basic principals, in fact they want to control you and it's pretty apparent they have you right where they want you.

:0) This board is full of RW hate. Point to your posts that admonish RW posters for their hate. If you can't do that .. fuck you, you're just a vile piece of shit speaking to your hate.

I hate 'whitey????' :0) Again, that's just your hate talking.

I have no problem with white people, and most have no problems with me. Whites are adventurous, innovative, and exciting people. You don't speak for white people .. you're a republican. I hate republicans, not white people .. but you can spin that anyway you choose Bozo.

Bottom line .. there ain't (eb) shit you can do about me but whine. :0) That's it.

Your racism is meaningless .. doesn't mean shit. Hit me with the 'N' word again :0) ..doesn't mean shit. Toss in all the stereotypical bullshit your grandpappy drilled into your ignorant head .. doesn't mean shit.

Republicans have lost nearly every social issue they champion, and after Trump gets trounced in November, the future of the Republican Party will look as bleak as dog shit. :0)

Find some logic .. kiss my ass. :0)
You should see the left wing yours.....:lol:

:0) What you believe doesn't mean shit. Trump will lose, the Republican Party and all you hold dear will go down the toilet. :lol:
We freed you democrat slaves before, we will do it again....:lol:
I live a good life

That's good, so why are you so filled with hate? Could it be you were taught to hate? Probably, most racism is taught at a very young age...

have a great family

That's good too, did you pass on your hatred on to them?

lots of friends

Lot's of friends where? At the Black Panther meetings?


At the Black Lives Matter meeting or the Black Panther meetings? Maybe both?

and I've been here longer than you have

And that means what? Relevance? It's obvious you have a 3rd grade mentality, but I suggest you stop reinforcing it, you look rather stupid when you keep doing it...

Point is .. you don't fucking qualify to insult me

More 3rd grade banter, you should really seek physiological therapy for your anger issues...

You're just an ignorant ass racist who thinks black people can't be successful unless they think like you. :lol:

It's quite hilarious when you try to call me a racist, I have been in a inter racial marriage for almost 30 years with several children. It was you BlackAssHole who claimed that you only voted for the benefit of the Black Race and not the good of the country, it's the simple minded Blacks like yourself that hold back your culture due to your deep hatred...

Why would black people vote for an all-white party

Get the blinders off that your Liberal Masters have brain washed you with...

The 'N' word ?? :lol::lol: Your racist character revealed.

No not at all, it's used by myself when it's the appropriate label, similar to the use of Redneck or Cracker when a White person demonstrates they are filled with hate or racism, based on your drivel I'm sure it's been directed at you many times in your life...

I told you that you were a racist the moment your dumb ass started posting to me.

Look, I know you're hung up on hating Whitey that believes in a Conservative platform, but there are a significant number of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Indians and Muslims who believe the Conservative philosophy of earning their place in society through hard work and good values that are the foundation to better society as a whole (that includes all races). The Liberal agenda has no respect for these basic principals, in fact they want to control you and it's pretty apparent they have you right where they want you.

:0) This board is full of RW hate. Point to your posts that admonish RW posters for their hate. If you can't do that .. fuck you, you're just a vile piece of shit speaking to your hate.

I hate 'whitey????' :0) Again, that's just your hate talking.

I have no problem with white people, and most have no problems with me. Whites are adventurous, innovative, and exciting people. You don't speak for white people .. you're a republican. I hate republicans, not white people .. but you can spin that anyway you choose Bozo.

Bottom line .. there ain't (eb) shit you can do about me but whine. :0) That's it.

Your racism is meaningless .. doesn't mean shit. Hit me with the 'N' word again :0) ..doesn't mean shit. Toss in all the stereotypical bullshit your grandpappy drilled into your ignorant head .. doesn't mean shit.

Republicans have lost nearly every social issue they champion, and after Trump gets trounced in November, the future of the Republican Party will look as bleak as dog shit. :0)

Find some logic .. kiss my ass. :0)
You should see the left wing yours.....:lol:

:0) What you believe doesn't mean shit. Trump will lose, the Republican Party and all you hold dear will go down the toilet. :lol:
We freed you democrat slaves before, we will do it again....:lol:

You haven't freed anyone ..:0) you should try freeing your own dumb ass from a party and ideology that's going down the toilet.
Im not buying anything trump says. And I believe all the politicians should be asked what they think about making trade fair.

I've never seen an election year where no ones talking about any other races besides the white house. Meanwhile the rich are funding local and state Republicans with more dark money than ever before.

No way I'm giving the GOP all three houses.

If your not going to base your support on what a Trump says, then take a look at Hillary.

Her record AND her words show are in agreement.

Which is support of the status quo, which you dislike.

Thus, from your perspective, based on the issues, Hillary is a definite no, while Trump is an unknown.

So, the only question for you is, which is more important to you, the issues and their real world effects on real people, or partisanship.
Clinton isn't status quo! Have Ryan and McConnell let her implement Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders legislation and regulations.

Remember bill put protections in NAFTA for workers. Republicans did away with those protections under bush.

SUre. She might put in place some small programs that will allow her (and you) to feel that the issue is being addressed.

But there is a reason that the 1% is supporting HIllary.

Hell, the GOP establishment AND the Dem establishment is supporting Hillary!

And you think she is going to change the status quo?!

. Some really don't care about any status quo lingo or attempt at changing the status quo, just as long as they see that the canidate they are supporting will keep the free stuff coming their way or within the midst of it all.

I don't think that is seely.

I think seely is a partisan who does care, somewhat about the issues.

And now he has a conflict between his partisan loyalty to the Dems (with it's partisan enmity to the gop) and his stance on the issues.

And his partisanship has won over his issues.

His response to the conflict is to rationalize away the fact that he is voting against his stance of the issues.
I heard a Republican say it best yesterday regarding Donald Trump being their quarterback.

If you are a lineman on a football team, do you stop blocking just because you don't like who the team chose to be Quarterback?

Sorry, this is a 2 party system and I hate Republicans. Can't give them the supreme court appointment or a President who would sign McConnell/Ryan legislation.

And I don't trust Trump. But if he were the Democratic nominee I'd be defending Trump too and you'd be defending Cruz.
That's good, so why are you so filled with hate? Could it be you were taught to hate? Probably, most racism is taught at a very young age...

That's good too, did you pass on your hatred on to them?

Lot's of friends where? At the Black Panther meetings?

At the Black Lives Matter meeting or the Black Panther meetings? Maybe both?

And that means what? Relevance? It's obvious you have a 3rd grade mentality, but I suggest you stop reinforcing it, you look rather stupid when you keep doing it...

More 3rd grade banter, you should really seek physiological therapy for your anger issues...

It's quite hilarious when you try to call me a racist, I have been in a inter racial marriage for almost 30 years with several children. It was you BlackAssHole who claimed that you only voted for the benefit of the Black Race and not the good of the country, it's the simple minded Blacks like yourself that hold back your culture due to your deep hatred...

Get the blinders off that your Liberal Masters have brain washed you with...

No not at all, it's used by myself when it's the appropriate label, similar to the use of Redneck or Cracker when a White person demonstrates they are filled with hate or racism, based on your drivel I'm sure it's been directed at you many times in your life...

Look, I know you're hung up on hating Whitey that believes in a Conservative platform, but there are a significant number of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Indians and Muslims who believe the Conservative philosophy of earning their place in society through hard work and good values that are the foundation to better society as a whole (that includes all races). The Liberal agenda has no respect for these basic principals, in fact they want to control you and it's pretty apparent they have you right where they want you.

:0) This board is full of RW hate. Point to your posts that admonish RW posters for their hate. If you can't do that .. fuck you, you're just a vile piece of shit speaking to your hate.

I hate 'whitey????' :0) Again, that's just your hate talking.

I have no problem with white people, and most have no problems with me. Whites are adventurous, innovative, and exciting people. You don't speak for white people .. you're a republican. I hate republicans, not white people .. but you can spin that anyway you choose Bozo.

Bottom line .. there ain't (eb) shit you can do about me but whine. :0) That's it.

Your racism is meaningless .. doesn't mean shit. Hit me with the 'N' word again :0) ..doesn't mean shit. Toss in all the stereotypical bullshit your grandpappy drilled into your ignorant head .. doesn't mean shit.

Republicans have lost nearly every social issue they champion, and after Trump gets trounced in November, the future of the Republican Party will look as bleak as dog shit. :0)

Find some logic .. kiss my ass. :0)
You should see the left wing yours.....:lol:

:0) What you believe doesn't mean shit. Trump will lose, the Republican Party and all you hold dear will go down the toilet. :lol:
We freed you democrat slaves before, we will do it again....:lol:

You haven't freed anyone ..:0) you should try freeing your own dumb ass from a party and ideology that's going down the toilet.
Public school?
This board is full of RW hate.

Your not biased much :disbelief: :disbelief: :disbelief:

Point to your posts that admonish RW posters for their hate.

Do you own search :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo:

I have no problem with white people,

You must have a short memory :haha: :haha: :haha:

There's that word again you just can't recognize you use it :shock: :shock: :shock:

Bottom line .. there ain't (eb) shit you can do about me but whine.

Oh I get you to react like the little :suck: ass you are
I live a good life

That's good, so why are you so filled with hate? Could it be you were taught to hate? Probably, most racism is taught at a very young age...

have a great family

That's good too, did you pass on your hatred on to them?

lots of friends

Lot's of friends where? At the Black Panther meetings?


At the Black Lives Matter meeting or the Black Panther meetings? Maybe both?

and I've been here longer than you have

And that means what? Relevance? It's obvious you have a 3rd grade mentality, but I suggest you stop reinforcing it, you look rather stupid when you keep doing it...

Point is .. you don't fucking qualify to insult me

More 3rd grade banter, you should really seek physiological therapy for your anger issues...

You're just an ignorant ass racist who thinks black people can't be successful unless they think like you. :lol:

It's quite hilarious when you try to call me a racist, I have been in a inter racial marriage for almost 30 years with several children. It was you BlackAssHole who claimed that you only voted for the benefit of the Black Race and not the good of the country, it's the simple minded Blacks like yourself that hold back your culture due to your deep hatred...

Why would black people vote for an all-white party

Get the blinders off that your Liberal Masters have brain washed you with...

The 'N' word ?? :lol::lol: Your racist character revealed.

No not at all, it's used by myself when it's the appropriate label, similar to the use of Redneck or Cracker when a White person demonstrates they are filled with hate or racism, based on your drivel I'm sure it's been directed at you many times in your life...

I told you that you were a racist the moment your dumb ass started posting to me.

Look, I know you're hung up on hating Whitey that believes in a Conservative platform, but there are a significant number of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Indians and Muslims who believe the Conservative philosophy of earning their place in society through hard work and good values that are the foundation to better society as a whole (that includes all races). The Liberal agenda has no respect for these basic principals, in fact they want to control you and it's pretty apparent they have you right where they want you.

:0) This board is full of RW hate. Point to your posts that admonish RW posters for their hate. If you can't do that .. fuck you, you're just a vile piece of shit speaking to your hate.

I hate 'whitey????' :0) Again, that's just your hate talking.

I have no problem with white people, and most have no problems with me. Whites are adventurous, innovative, and exciting people. You don't speak for white people .. you're a republican. I hate republicans, not white people .. but you can spin that anyway you choose Bozo.

Bottom line .. there ain't (eb) shit you can do about me but whine. :0) That's it.

Your racism is meaningless .. doesn't mean shit. Hit me with the 'N' word again :0) ..doesn't mean shit. Toss in all the stereotypical bullshit your grandpappy drilled into your ignorant head .. doesn't mean shit.

Republicans have lost nearly every social issue they champion, and after Trump gets trounced in November, the future of the Republican Party will look as bleak as dog shit. :0)

Find some logic .. kiss my ass. :0)
You should see the left wing yours.....:lol:

:0) What you believe doesn't mean shit. Trump will lose, the Republican Party and all you hold dear will go down the toilet. :lol:
Who are black republicans? They are black people who don't mind that the GOP is racist towards poor and middle class blacks.

Why would a black person in Texas vote for a party like the GOP?

A federal appeals court has ruled that a Texas voter ID law has a discriminatory effect on minority voters. A district court had found not only that the law discriminated, but that it was intentionally designed to do so.

Part of that has to do with the type of photo IDs the Legislature designated as legitimate. For example, military IDs and concealed handgun carry permits — they're lawful to vote. But state employee photo IDs and university photo IDs are not. So the Legislature approved ID cards that were more likely to be held by white Republican voters and excluded IDs that were more likely to be held by minority Democrats.
I live a good life

That's good, so why are you so filled with hate? Could it be you were taught to hate? Probably, most racism is taught at a very young age...

have a great family

That's good too, did you pass on your hatred on to them?

lots of friends

Lot's of friends where? At the Black Panther meetings?


At the Black Lives Matter meeting or the Black Panther meetings? Maybe both?

and I've been here longer than you have

And that means what? Relevance? It's obvious you have a 3rd grade mentality, but I suggest you stop reinforcing it, you look rather stupid when you keep doing it...

Point is .. you don't fucking qualify to insult me

More 3rd grade banter, you should really seek physiological therapy for your anger issues...

You're just an ignorant ass racist who thinks black people can't be successful unless they think like you. :lol:

It's quite hilarious when you try to call me a racist, I have been in a inter racial marriage for almost 30 years with several children. It was you BlackAssHole who claimed that you only voted for the benefit of the Black Race and not the good of the country, it's the simple minded Blacks like yourself that hold back your culture due to your deep hatred...

Why would black people vote for an all-white party

Get the blinders off that your Liberal Masters have brain washed you with...

The 'N' word ?? :lol::lol: Your racist character revealed.

No not at all, it's used by myself when it's the appropriate label, similar to the use of Redneck or Cracker when a White person demonstrates they are filled with hate or racism, based on your drivel I'm sure it's been directed at you many times in your life...

I told you that you were a racist the moment your dumb ass started posting to me.

Look, I know you're hung up on hating Whitey that believes in a Conservative platform, but there are a significant number of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Indians and Muslims who believe the Conservative philosophy of earning their place in society through hard work and good values that are the foundation to better society as a whole (that includes all races). The Liberal agenda has no respect for these basic principals, in fact they want to control you and it's pretty apparent they have you right where they want you.

:0) This board is full of RW hate. Point to your posts that admonish RW posters for their hate. If you can't do that .. fuck you, you're just a vile piece of shit speaking to your hate.

I hate 'whitey????' :0) Again, that's just your hate talking.

I have no problem with white people, and most have no problems with me. Whites are adventurous, innovative, and exciting people. You don't speak for white people .. you're a republican. I hate republicans, not white people .. but you can spin that anyway you choose Bozo.

Bottom line .. there ain't (eb) shit you can do about me but whine. :0) That's it.

Your racism is meaningless .. doesn't mean shit. Hit me with the 'N' word again :0) ..doesn't mean shit. Toss in all the stereotypical bullshit your grandpappy drilled into your ignorant head .. doesn't mean shit.

Republicans have lost nearly every social issue they champion, and after Trump gets trounced in November, the future of the Republican Party will look as bleak as dog shit. :0)

Find some logic .. kiss my ass. :0)
You should see the left wing yours.....:lol:

:0) What you believe doesn't mean shit. Trump will lose, the Republican Party and all you hold dear will go down the toilet. :lol:
Who are black republicans? They are black people who don't mind that the GOP is racist towards poor and middle class blacks.

Why would a black person in Texas vote for a party like the GOP?

A federal appeals court has ruled that a Texas voter ID law has a discriminatory effect on minority voters. A district court had found not only that the law discriminated, but that it was intentionally designed to do so.

Part of that has to do with the type of photo IDs the Legislature designated as legitimate. For example, military IDs and concealed handgun carry permits — they're lawful to vote. But state employee photo IDs and university photo IDs are not. So the Legislature approved ID cards that were more likely to be held by white Republican voters and excluded IDs that were more likely to be held by minority Democrats.

If they vote for Democrats, they are voting for the 1% whose goal is to separate the elite from the commoner and the poor, which most of America is. The goal is to give enough free things and the surfs will give up their freedom.

Pretty scary what the Dems have in store.

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